Quahog’s Not So Silent Night – Characters & Buildings That Drop Stuff

Hey there Christmas Sprites!!!

Quahog’s Not So Silent Night is now live in our games and many characters and buildings have tasks to help us earn even more stuff! So keep reading to learn what’s dropping down the chimney this week.

    green-ball dream-point

With the arrival of a new event, characters and buildings in Quahog have tasks to help you earn essential materials and stuff to help you unlock the Christmas Morning Peter character costume and Q*Bert, and of course you want to know which ones earn what & how often. So…without further ado let’s cover the who, what, where, when and how of Quahog’s Not So Silent Night’s tasks to see exactly who and what earns you stuff!


Task Time Drop
Quagmire Order Christmas Toys 2h Always
Quagmire Be On The Naughty List 3h Always
Bruce Buy Santa Suit 6h Always
Herbert Call On Chris 2h Always
Lois Exchange Unwanted Gifts 3h Always
Bonnie Have A Nightcap 8h Always
Mort Celebrate Hanukkah 8h Always
Joe Buy Snow Tires 3h Always
Jerome Host A Holiday Party 3h Always
Christmas Morning Peter All Tasks All Always
Q*Bert All Tasks All Always
Italian Plumber Chris (Premium) All Tasks All Always
Scrapped Levels Scrapyard N/A 2h Always
Ice Climbing Wall N/A 4h Always
Killer Green Plant Nursery N/A 6h Always
Polar Pinball Pack N/A 8h Always
Q*Bert Arcade Machine (Premium) N/A 8h Always
Stocking Stuffer Stop (Premium) N/A 4h Always
Stocking Stuffer Station (Premium) N/A 8h Always
Princesses Against Kidnapping Club N/A 4h Always
Retro Arcade Christmas Tree (Premium) N/A 24h Always


Task Time Drop
Quagmire Order Christmas Toys 2h Always
Quagmire Be On The Naughty List 3h Always
Bruce Buy Santa Suit 3h Always
Herbert Call On Chris 2h Always
Lois Exchange Unwanted Gifts 3h Always
Bonnie Have A Nightcap 8h Always
Mort Celebrate Hanukkah 8h Always
Joe Buy Snow Tires 3h Always
Jerome Host A Holiday Party 3h Always
Christmas Morning Peter All Tasks All Always
Q*Bert All Tasks All Always
Italian Plumber Chris (Premium) All Tasks All Always
Scrapped Levels Scrapyard N/A 2h Always
Ice Climbing Wall N/A 4h Always
Killer Green Plant Nursery N/A 6h Always
Polar Pinball Pack N/A 8h Always
Q*Bert Arcade Machine (Premium) N/A 8h Always
Stocking Stuffer Stop (Premium) delete N/A 4h Always
Stocking Stuffer Station (Premium) N/A 8h Always
Princesses Against Kidnapping Club N/A 4h Always
Retro Arcade Christmas Tree (Premium) N/A 24h Always

Q*Bert’S Pyramid pack

Task Time Drop
Quagmire Be On The Naughty List 3h Rare
Lois Exchange Unwanted Gifts 3h Rare
Jerome Host A Holiday Party 3h Rare
Joe Buy Snow Tires 3h Rare
Christmas Morning Peter Wake Up Eary 3h Rare
Italian Plumber Chris (Premium) Get Smashed 8h Always

SLIPPERS (Christmas morning peter)

Task Time Drop
Quagmire Order ChristmasToys 2h Uncommon
Herbert Call On Chris 2h Uncommon
Scrapped Levels Scrapyard N/A 2h Uncommon

NIghtcap (christmas morning Peter)

Task Time Drop
Bonnie Have A Nightcap 8h Rare
Polar Pinball Park N/A 8h Rare

EXTRA LIVES (CHristmas morning PETER)

Task Time Drop
Bruce Buy Santa Suit 6h Uncommon
Killer Greens Plant Nursery N/A 6h Uncommon
Retro Arcade (Premium) N/A 6h Always

***The premium ite, Retro Arcade has been pulled from the event due to an issue with it***

Cubes (Q*BERT)

Task Time Drop
Ice Climbing Wall N/A 4h Rare


Task Time Drop
Bonnie Put On Christmas Pageant 8h Extra Rare
Mort Celebrate Hanukkah 8h Extra Rare
Christmas Morning Peter Scope Presents 8h Extra Rare

GReen balls

Task Time Drop
Q*Bert Arcade Machine (Premium) N/A 8h Always


Task Time Drop
Retro Arcade Christmas Tree (Premium) N/A 24h Always

As well as the character and building drops above their are other ways to earn some items, these are as follows:

blankieBlankie (Rare) – Christmas Morning Peter 
Q*Bert Pyramid Pack
Q*Bert Glowing Gift (Premium)

joystick Joystick (Rare) – Q*Bert
Clear Sams

stocking-stuffer Stocking Stuffers
Q*Bert Pyramid Pack (Chance)
Q*Bert Glowing Gift (Premium) (Chance)
Clear Sams (Chance)
Temporary Questline Task Payouts (Always)
Completing Questline Parts (Always)

dream-point Dream Points
Clearing Sams (Chance)
Temporary Questline Task Payouts (Always)
Completing Questline Parts (Always)

green-ball Green Balls
Q*Bert Pyramid Pack (Chance)
Q*Bert Glowing Gift (Premium) (Chance)
Clearing Sams (Chance)

Clam Icon Clams
Q*Bert Pyramid Pack (Chance)
Q*Bert Glowing Gift (Premium) (Chance)

What do YOU think of Quahog’s Not So Silent Night so far? Do you have all the characters that can earn stuff? Any tasks available that you didn’t realize were there? How’s your collecting going? Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

~ Russian Tigger

65 responses to “Quahog’s Not So Silent Night – Characters & Buildings That Drop Stuff

  1. Little late here as I just try to play casually and the Brian outfit has yet to drop grrrrr, but Snake and Kevin Swanson both drop Stalking Stuffers for me since a bit into the first week.


  2. Did anyone else lose Herbert’s 2 hour task that was earning event currency? I had it for the past week, got to the end of week 1 quest and now it’s gone.


  3. Ever since I placed the ice wall the game crashes when I get near it while moving around my town. Has anyone else had this problem?


  4. Hi all, just to check, I placed q-bert relatively quick. So it’s been a week and now I even have Peter. I haven’t gotten one single tissue box. Is that normal?


  5. I’m frustrated that the characters who once dropped candy canes when grinding for a drop to unlock Peter/Q no longer drop any event items once you collect the item quota. It’s going to take another week just to get the 2000 candy canes for Q, even though I have all the buildings (non-premium) and nearly all the items. Not sure why tiny co didn’t let the characters keep the task but just for canes


    • Maybe they are going to have new tasks in Phase 2. That’s my thinking but won’t know until it hits. Q*Bert will be a slow unlock for most of us. I’m still working on Christmas Morning Peter – eek.


  6. Why did Tiny Co have to change a characters task time on the Extra Rare drop from 2hrs (from most of this years events) to 8hrs? I’ve only had one drop since the event began, which dropped two days ago, I’ve had Mort on this task every 8hrs without fail. I just hope that Q*Bert isn’t needed for next weeks main questline unless they give us more actions/buildings that have a chance of dropping them.


    • I’m jealous, I e not even got 1, lol. But it is a long task for extra rare but I’m hoping they will have dropped by time I get the 2000 stocking stuffers, that will take me wee while.


  7. The weekly challenge popped up, now I am at a crossroad. Do I get the ice wall for qbert or do I get the princess building for the challenge or do I keep collecting stocking stuffers for Christmas Peter? I dunno what to do!!


  8. SAM doesn’t seem to be dropping any green balls. Only ones ive gotten are from the presents.


    • They are rare drops and scarce in my game also


      • rare you said, usually for me i can 2 per day, and if i’m not very lucky will get nothing within a day, and we need them badly to get the prizes for the 1st week


        • Rare usually drops bit better than this for me also, I’ve cleared 11 Sams today for the challenge and got 4 green balls from that lot.


    • I’m convinced that TinyCo is just bad at math. Assuming that a rare drop chance is 1 in 4 (probably generous) then the actual chance for getting a green ball drop is 1 in 16 (25% for the box x 25% for the ball)
      Send all 4 characters on box tasks, collect 4 times a day and *maybe* you get 2 balls a day


  9. Tissue boxes NEVER drop. I’ve had Mort hit this easily 20+ times and nothing! Herbert stops dropping Stocking Stuffers as soon as Christmas Peter is achieved. Thanks, cause I only 2000 of these to get Qbert. Makes sense to take a charachter away that drops them. Seriously??


    • They are extra rare and I’ve not had one drop yet either. Hopefully today. What you lose from ?Herbert’s task you will up with having Christmas Morning Peter’s unlocked as all his tasks drop Stocking Stuffers.


  10. Are the cubes such a difficult drop? Placed the building for it the day before yesterday and have not gotten a single one


  11. I only get the blue qberts!
    Seriously…grrrr this is so frustrating and I am getting nowhere! When does the new content drop?


    • If you clock on the animated clock in the event area you will see a timer counting down to Phase 2, at the moment it looks like Wednesday @ 3pm Pacific


  12. Is anyone getting good luck with the green balls?? I’ve ‘killed’ six or so of the Sams in a row with no luck.


  13. Good morning fellow addicts of the stuff that is Family Guy…..

    You know what really grinds my gears:

    How is this a Christmas theme event when the main character Chris; the opening narrators Brian and Stewie; Peter–our lovable leading man; Cleveland, poor guy spends most the days at tan lines…all have zero even grinds. I noticed you have Bruce picking mushrooms….uh, on what platform are you? Because Bruce is being a good listener ovah heer….Tiny.co missed huge oppurtunities to add some New England Holiday Shenigans to our game and not make it so we have to spend the rent on clams (..I spent my allowance on an expansion release…so) Picture Billionare Peter and Carter messing with Salvation Army Collection Santa; Stewie and Brian having the all famous snowfort wars….goodness sake,atleast have the main person actually dreaming and not ‘rocking out’ a mosh-dance!

    The only thing that is positive is for the Tiny.co guys, they’re listening to the bank alerts as each purchase is made by players chasing this event….

    I was psyched when the graveyard unlocked I thought “oooh Elf hat zombies”….nope, greedy dev guys dropped the ball on this and left us fans spending the Christmas feast savings so we can unlock Q’bert…so sad, was a really good event idea. Maybe they can still change it to Scrooge starring Tiny.co’s CDO…I’m going to go hang with Claude and Zombies…and cry


    • …..hey, could there be an edit feature on our posts? I’m like nit picking it and Gaaaah, its soo baaaahhd. Thanks.


    • Some tasks are temporary from Questlines, I have Bruce permanently on his 6hr task for Q*Bert drop, and he won’t Pick mushrooms unless yo bought the Italian Plumber Chris premium costume. And I think basically Chris isn’t used as he has a premium costume for the event so is kept free for that. And Peter has an unlockable costume so he is left free for that. That’s way I see it. Please don’t cry, it’s Chrustmas!!!


  14. the box drop rates are horrible for me … average is 1-2 boxes every 6hrs …
    also Pyjama Peter and Q*bert’s items drops are beyond horrible … I still haven’t collected any night caps … tissue boxes or Joysticks …


  15. Chris used to have a 4 hour task that dropped stocking stuffers – but now it’s gone. Any idea what’s up?


    • Some tasks are ONLY for specific parts of a Questline. Then go away.


    • It was a task for Pt 7 of the main Questline only. Once you completed Pt. 7 the task went away.


      • I’m thinking this is a glitch…or maybe the lead dev guy was sick and missed a few days and didn’t delegate properly so the things that are missing were suppose to be there, but aren’t because he was like barfing and icky…..oooor maybe they are greedy scrooges and care nothing about how much this game makes us smile and that it’s Christmas; they should be getting a Hanukkah Mort twist together, but I bet they’re creating a “buy clams get coins” deal…..
        I always hope for the good, but expect the evil in fleshy-ones.
        All I want is my zombies to have elf hats…..


  16. I apologize if this information is elsewhere, but I’m wondering what’s going on with Bruce – it’s saying I need the thrift shop before he will drop the heart.
    Where is the thrift shop? Probably right in front of my eyes….


    • It was a building released in the store as part of District 3, Shopping Centre. If you go to the task in Bruce’s task list you should see the building next to the task, and little GO, tap that and it will take you to the building in your inventory or the store.


      • Could I be the “little poor girl” the big bad gaming developer is picking on? Bruce ain’t doing squat but fitting Vinny for a suit for Pawtucket brew stuffs. My Bruce is maxed, I have all staple buildings, including thrift….Why do I net have the grind task for him?

        That’s it….I’m going to call Tiny.co and tell them they ruined Christmas!!!


  17. Thank you for taking the time you make that extrensive list. I hope it was a team effort, I’d pull my hair out if I hd to do something like that on my own😨😨😨 I do have all the charactets to get what I need.

    Like everyone else I am hoping to see some of the older Christmas building skins and drcorations come into play as we progress. Thank you ladies for the hard work you put into heping us. Its nice to know there is a single interactive and attentive place we can go to find everything we need.


    • Everything we do here is a team effort now, I don’t know how Bunny carried it alone before Lotty, and then I joined her. Thanks for the great feedback and kind words.

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Bunny/Russian Tigger,
    Is it obligatory to purchase the ‘glowing gift’ to gain further access to other items in the prize/present store or is optional? Great site, BTW!


  19. aha! no, haven’t reached that point yet. thanks for the info 😁


  20. Everytime game loads since update mine crashes


  21. Jessica Whittle

    Does anyone know if the 8-bit Griffin House drops anything? I’m on Dream House Lt. 5 and it requires it, but I’m thinking of placing one of the other buildings that drop things for Q*Bert or Christmas Morning Peter first.

    Also, any suggestions for what order to place the buildings in?


    • No it doesn’t drop anything. I placed Q*Bert and The Griffin 8 bit house, followed by the 2 items (Scrap Levels Scrapyard & Polar Pinball) to help unlock Christmas Morning Peter as he is needed to complete the main Questline. Next I will get the Ice Climbing Wall then finally Killer Plants Nursery. But that’s just me, hopefully others will share their strategy.


  22. No Christmas lois, elf Peter, Santa or Jesus? No Bueno


  23. I’d like Santa character to have some actions to at least earn candy cane.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. love it when you guys do this! but why don’t I have the tasks for Bruce and Mort? 😕


  25. Seriously, how long are they going to handcuff their game by only using the earliest attainable characters for events? Stewie is practically nonexistent other than when occasional premium costumes for him are added.


    • It’s only way ensure all players, new and old, can play the events. Stewie wasn’t unlocked until quite late on in the game, so many new players won’t have him hence rarely used. He’s my favourite character so I’d love see more of him, but not at the expense of new players.


    • They’re not the only app that does this. I also addressed this with another reader… those Characters IF used usually don’t come into play til further in Event. This allows ALL levels of gamers to at least get a start at it and be able to play each Event.:)

      Liked by 1 person

    • I get why they do it, I just don’t like the approach as it really lessens the feeling of advancement. The game has become pretty much just event after event so we’re always just playing with the same characters. There’s no benefit in having played a long time and gathered most of the characters & costumes. I guess they just don’t have the ability to do tiered events or veteran events, etc.

      Liked by 1 person

      • This is a long standing complaint that TinyCo has no desire to fix. Premium characters are completely useless past the events you buy them in which is so short sighted ridiculous it blows my mind. If TinyCo established that premium characters had uses for multiple events, more people would spend more clams to buy them every event.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I put all my characters in Tanlines in hopes of one day getting that darn evil monkey!! So in that way I don’t feel they have become completely irrelevant. But I rarely buy premium characters, only when they are early in the event and are extremely helpful. (ex. Toto Brian: adorable and super helpful!) But I strongly agree a nod to vetted players would be a nice touch.


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