Peter’s Prohibition Party Is Live!

Woo Hoo there’s Whiskey Galore in this here game!!!

Yes, it looks like our time travelling is continuing, as instead of TinyCo dropping us back in modern-day Quahog after our excellent adventure we’ve instead landed in the roaring 20’s. I’m guessing with us all being prohibition rebels, their wont be a dry glass in the house, lol. !!

So raise your glasses to the latest Event Peter’s Prohibition Party!!

PETER’S PROHIBITION PARTY EVENT ENDS JUNE 28Th @3PM PACIFIC. (More info on the Chapters within the event below)

Before I start, firstly big apologies that this is late going up but I was locked out my game until a few hours ago, so couldn’t get any event information. Usually Bunny covers these posts as she has a test game where she can quickly verify things, but you’ve probably noticed I’ve been covering them lately as she’s not been able, unfortunately this at times leaves me relying on my own game for information and as I’m just a player like you all are, I can’t pull info as quick as Bunny. Hopefully she’ll be back soon, until then please believe me when I say I’m doing best I can, as quick as I can.

And on better news, it looks like Clam TV is returning to our games, it has appeared for me again today, however although it’s appearing the option to watch ads op is still greyed out. Hope other impacted players see it back in their games and it’s fully functional again soon, as every clam helps. Let us know in the comments!

Anyway that’s it, let’s get back to the whiskey and grind!!!

First up, the Basics

  • Players will need to be on the App Market Version 1.49.0 or higher in order to see the event.
  • Players will need to have at LEAST District 3 Unlocked and Al’s complete.
  • Players will only see this on the Mobile App Version (iOS, Google, Amazon, Facebook). NOT Windows Stand Alone
  • PLAY THE GAME! Items unlock in stages and as you progress, so if you do not see an item it is most likely you have not progressed far enough in the Main Questline to unlock it. Check details below for more specifics on unlock points
  • Don’t have a TON of Tasks open in your Task Menu. If you have too many open, no new ones can arrive. (Keep it under 10). If you do not see new Tasks popping up, clear out some incomplete Tasks already on your List to make room for more


Okay it would appear this is a 2 week event, but it will be split into 2 weekly parts, Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. I highlight this because these Chapters are timed. When the event launched we were straight into Chapter 1 and the 7 day timer started to countdown,so be aware all the Chapter 1 unlockable content is only available for this period. When Chapter 1 ends on the 21st June at 3pm PDT, anything you’ve not unlocked will leave with it. Try to look at it this way, for this Chapter everything is on a 7 day timer not just one character.

To remind us of this fact TinyCo have put a countdown icon on the bottom right of our screens. This will remind you that time is of the essence in this event.

So, as it’s a 2 week event, we will have 2 Chapters., each lasting just 7 days.

Chapter 1 started when the event launched and will run until 21st June at 3PM PDT.

Chapter 2 will launch as soon as Chapter 2 ends and will run until 28th June at 3PM PDT.


The main Questline to guide you through Chapter 1 is Sobering Times.


Clam Icon

Whiskey Still: 290 Clam IconClams. Always Drops 6 Whiskey

Vaudeville Theatre: $750 – Comes with Johnny to unlock.

(Please see Party Mansion section below for other event items)


5 Axes: 55 Clam IconClams
11 Axes: 109 Clam IconClams


This will be the Mini-Event “Currency” you will be collecting to get additional items from the Shop.

Whiskey: Clear Whiskey Barrel (Chance) OR Whiskey Still (Always)


This is where you will go to purchase Event Items, please note the Mansion didn’t appear in the event area in my game until I triggered Part 3 of the Main Questline, Sobering Times.

Clicking it will bring you up a screen showing all the items you can purchase this Chapter. You can purchase these in any order, I obviously advise concentrating on the drop buildings first then the additional decorations needed to complete Johnny’s Wish List.

These items are what you can get with Whiskey you collect, they are listed below from left to right, top to bottom:

Ronny’s Records: $30 & 20xp every 4hrs, Chance Drops X2 Funky Horns every 4hrs.
Cost~ 5 Whiskey

Ritz Fountain:
Cost~ 5 Whiskey

Occultist Mort Goldman Sign:
Cost~ 10 Whiskey

Old Timey Automobile:
Cost~ 10 Whiskey

Jazz Cigarette Dispensary: $40 & 25xp every 6hrs, Chance Drops X2 Jazz Cigarettes every 6hrs.
Cost~ 13 Whiskey

Fit To A Tee Haberdashery: $45 & 30xp every 8hrs, Chance Drops X2 Red Heels every 8hrs.
Cost~ 18 Whiskey

Retro Records Towers:
Cost~ 25 Whiskey

Breaking Wind Instruments: $30 & 30xp every 4hrs, Chance Drops X2 Funky Horns every 4hrs.
Cost~ 26 Whiskey


Clam Icon

Roaring 20’s Brian: 250 Clam IconClams, Comes with Questline, Fully Tasked, Always Drops 1X Axe (4hrs)


Burlesque Peter: Triggers during Sobering Times Pt. 2. You will go to Al’s to complete his Costume. Task With A Chance Drop 1X Axe (4hrs)
36 Funny Horns (Common): Ronny’s Records OR Breaking Wind Musical Instruments
15 Jazz Cigarettes (Uncommon): Lois Use A Cigarette Holder OR Jazz Cigarette Dispensary
18 Red Heels (Uncommon): Herbert Shop For Sensible Shoes OR Peter Raid Lois Closet OR Fit To A Tee Haberdashery
26 Baby Oil (Rare): Clear Whiskey Barrel


Johnny: Requires completion of Chapter 1 Wishlist. You will FIRST have to place the Vaudeville Theatre for $750 to unlock the chance to collect things for him. More info BELOW.


In order to bring Johnny into your game, you will need to collect and unlock items during the Event. To see these items needed, you will first need to place the Vaudeville Theatre for $750 and bring Johnny into the game in front it.

Once you place the Vaudeville Theatre and see Johnny, you can tap on him to see his “CHAPTER 1 WISHLIST“. Tap on “GO” on the Wishlist to see the list of items you will need to collect to Unlock Johnny as a Character in your game. Be sure to scroll down to see all the items you need to buy and tasks you must complete.


  1. Build The Jazz Cigarette Dispensary
  2. Building Breaking Wind Instruments
  3. Complete Quest “Axes To a Grind” – this is a side Questline that requires clearing 74 Whiskey Barrels to complete 
  4. Build Fit Into A Tee Haberdashery
  5. Build Ronny’s Records
  6. Place The Occultist Mort Goldman Sign
  7. Have Burlesque Peter Perform Burlesque
  8. Build The Retro Radio Tower 

Once everything is checked off, you will finish his Questline, get the Rental Agreement, Tap on him to clear the Rental Agreement, Tap on his Unlock Icon bouncing above his head, then you will have him in your game.

Johnny: Comes Fully Tasked, Questline, Currently unsure if voiced.


You will notice there are Whiskey Barrels on the Buildings. These will be part of the game that you will use to gain Materials for other things. If you see a Whiskey Barrel on a Building, it will not be useable until the sign is cleared off. Tap on the sign to pull up the details for the Axe.

Whiskey Barrels: Requires 1 Axe to clear

  • Tap on a Whiskey Barrel on Building to Launch Axe Screen
  • If you have an Axe, Tap on LOAD to get one ready, please note you are given 1 free every 4 hours
  • Tap on SMASH to demolish the Whiskey Barrel

Axes: Bruce OR Joe OR Roaring 20’s Brian OR Burlesque Peter OR Clam purchase option from Shopping Cart

Chance Payout:
+2 Whiskey (Chance)
 +1 Baby Oil (Chance)
Family Guy XP 50xp

Reload Timer: Will reload 1 FREE Axe every FOUR Hours. In short, you will automatically get at least one of them every 4hrs.

Buildings With Whiskey Barrels: There is NO list available for this. I just know so far it seems at least the Basic District ones are being overtaken.

How Many, How Often?: Again, nothing available to compare to. I can only go off what I see. So far… I started with three, now I have six.

There you have it, the Basics of the first chapter of Peter’s Prohibition Party.

What do you think so far? Any favorite items you see you really want? What do you hope will come along next? Let us know.

Russian Tigger








94 responses to “Peter’s Prohibition Party Is Live!

  1. I’m done struggling with the timed characters and the poor drops and high item counts to get anything for the Prohibition event. I packed away all the buildings for this event I could and will be back on June 28th to see the next event. Happy Summer 😎!


  2. this game has robbed me, again!
    Had two different timers, for Johnny, with an EIGHT hour difference. According to the information, I have until 4PM PDT to complete the Wish List. I only had three barrels to complete the list, I moved onto Have Johnny Tickle The Ivories, and Peter is “We gotta do this, then do that”!!
    So disadvantaged, playing in England, I always eight hours, or more, behind with a new theme!
    what happened, I’ve done nothing wrong and in time??
    ticket sent!


  3. A recent survey suggested that most of us want at least a few days rest between events given tbat they are all ao hectic. They havent listened yet, so like others i have chosen to use week as a just see what i can do week with no pressure. If i sont unlock anything, which seems likely, week w can be a week off completely.


  4. The last few events had given me hope that TinyCo had turned the corner with the difficulty… this event proved me completely wrong!
    The only positive it is an event with not really anything I am interested in but the difficulty is amped up to a crazy level. There is not even a premium full character to ease the burden, I find character skins way too overpriced and refuse to buy them, 100-150 clams would be my limit for a skin.
    I have provided feedback in game and can only hope they review it but not liking my chances at all, waving this one goodbye like the 20’s


  5. If I can’t finish chapter 1 within the timeframe, I’m not going to waste my time on chapter 2. Maybe a mini-break from the game will do me some good.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. i am so sick and tired of messaging in game and TinyCo sayings things are dropping as they should. read the comments on this message board!!! not they are NOT and everyone is pissed!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Well so far not a very exciting event. It’ll be a miracle if I earn anyone. Terrible drops for a very timer event.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hilariously bad drop rates, the worst i have ever known for alleged “uncommon”


  9. if i could buy 20’s Brian (even though it’s just a skin) i would in a blink .. he’s GATSBY from the Great Gatsby .. and the Episode “Highschool English”


  10. Grant Cameron

    Playing via Facebook browser (Google Chrome) and with update and launch of this current story line all i’m getting is an error message Web Page unresponsive press OK to reload and nothing happens. Everything on the page loads behind the error message but nothing happens. It’s like the game is there but just won’t open. To say this is frustrating is putting it mildly.


  11. I spent two days thinking that I would just try my hardest and hope for the best.

    Then I realized that I don’t care enough about the new items to jump through flaming hoops of razor-wire trying to earn them.

    So I decided that I would be better off playing something else for the next 12 days…


  12. I’m playing this one totally freemium (typically low-to-mid premium depending upon the event) to see if I can actually earn a character or costume as this event doesn’t really mean much to me…I like gathering characters, but since I’ve filled above both floors in Tan Lines required for blue Stewie bucks (collecting for Evil Monkey), I’m not in a spending mood…

    A little less than two days in, and I’ve only been able to check of three tasks from Johnny’s list, and given the poor drops (REALLY, TINYCO?!?), I’m not sure the algorithms would allow a typical freemium player the ability to earn Johnny, but we shall see…Peter’s costume is the duration, so that’s possible, IMHO…


  13. Gave up already can’t get into the game and tiny co never reply’s.


  14. I really want Burlesque Peter bad. Don’t think I have a real shot at the ghost. Drops are not great though and I even try to play if I wake up in the middle of the night. Kinda bad when we have to wait 6 hours for an item and it doesn’t drop.


  15. Quick question for anybody…. Is Roaring 20’s Brian a skin or a character?


  16. Well this is fun. Not.
    I’ve got 5 days and 14 hours left on my timer and smashed 8 out of 74 barrels, so clearly I’m not going to do it playing freemium. I COULD buy roaring 20’s Brian to help but even then I would still need to clear roughly 12 barrels a day, and the axe drops are not always guaranteed. Then I would still have to unlock Peters costume, and complete the entire list of tasks required to unlock the new character. Next to impossible I’d say.
    Probably just going to concentrate on unlocking Peters new costume.
    Least achievable event so far.


  17. Well, once again the “common” “uncommon” “rare” drops are all over the place. I’m getting uncommon cigs and heels about every drop but after 3 clears of the record shop I’m yet to see a common horn – doesn’t bode well.
    Think I’ll save up to break wind with next spend to try get horns moving. What order are others getting buildings in?


    • RussianTigger

      I’ve only managed to place Ronny’s Records and Jazz Cigarette Dispensory – like you looking at my drops and trying working out which to place next.


  18. Locked out of Peter’s prohibition any suggestions, i play on facebook ?


    • RussianTigger

      Contact TinyCo, other Facebook users have the same issue!


    • None it is a known issue (wish they would acknowledge this on their facebook or support page) and they are working on a fix.


    • Do you have access to an IOS or Android device? Failing that, a Mac or PC to install an Android emulator on? You can login with your Facebook account to continue progress.


    • I have the same issue both in Chrome and Firefox. I had to install MixedOS player so I could at least play the Android version. I contacted them for this, but all I got was “It is a known issue we are working on. Sorry for the inconvenience.” or something similar.


  19. the first event in a LONG time where I actually wanted the characters but these axe drops are BRUTAL. I have gotten 1 since this event started. i messaged in game too. Everything should be always drops. epic fail TinyCo


    • Same feeling here, I’d really like to have these guy’s but this event is impossible. 2 days in and I can see I will get nowhere near what’s required. Disappointing & Frustrating to say the least.


  20. Hmm can this event be turned off? I don’t care much for these events and I’m trying to progress through the main bits. I need to send characters to certain buildings, but I can’t because it’s got a barrel on top and I don’t have any axes. I also don’t want to waste my clams or wait 4 hours. Very inconvenient.


  21. Wth?LoosingPatience

    I’ve had the game fully updated several times since the new event started and I STILL haven’t seen a whiskey barrel! I nuke after each event but put all the spooner street buildings back – yet nothing! Almost an entire day with regular checking and literally zero progress. I’m playing on android btw. Any help would be much appreciated.


    • RussianTigger

      The residential properties don’t seem to get “possessed” by Whiskey Barrels, instead it’s things like the Police Station. I can’t give a full list as it varies in players games, but here’s what is affected in my town just now: Police Station, McBurgertown, Quahog Mini-Mart, Typical Office Building, Standard Office Building, Quahog 5 and PF Chinese. Hope this helps.


      • Wth?LoosingPatience

        Thank you for the tips and everything you (and Bunny) do here. Long time player (since the start – 99% freemium), first time poster here! Honestly think this event is a write off already – giving the next event a go and if it contains any of our (multiple) usual complaints and bugbears I’m resigned to regrettably giving it up. But thanks again for the help.


      • There is a list of the buildings in the FAQ


      • Here is the list from the FAQ:
        Common Office
        Standard Office
        Madeleine’s Boutique
        Thrift Shop
        Typical Office
        Average Office
        Quahog Mini-Mart
        Quahog Day Spa
        Tiny Tots Preschool
        Quahog Oceanland
        Yacht Club
        Furniture Store
        Quahog Wharf
        Quahog Fire Station No. 5
        See-Through Office
        Sleek Office
        Police Department
        Quahog Public Library
        Le Croissant Degoutant
        Quahog Hospital
        Classy Office
        Awful Person Hattery
        Dansu Dansu
        We Heal You Long Time
        PF Chinese
        Video Arcade
        Quahog Cinema
        Quahog Zoo
        BunchaJunk Gift Shop
        Quahog Playhouse
        Bob’s Funland
        Quahog Malt Shoppe
        Barrington Hotel
        Yuppy Puppy
        Quahog Dog Park
        Magic Clam’s Saltwater Taffy
        Pet Store
        Cute Li’l Orange Stand
        The Abandoned Warehouse
        Taste of Sicily
        Jim’s Tattoo Parlor
        Boopity Pastaria
        Quahog Dog Pound
        Mayor’s Mansion
        Quahog 5 News
        City Hall
        News Truck
        Tom Tucker’s Dressing Trailer
        Le Moustache Boutique
        Pawtucket Mansion
        Pawtucket Brewery
        Quahog Funeral Home
        Modern Mausoleum
        Head First Mausoleum Makers
        Marble Mausoleum
        Better Off Dead Flowers
        The Cozy Coffin Shop


      • This is the list TinyCo left me (as usual, they phrase their response as if the missing barrels are the players fault and not their’s)

        Common Office
        Standard Office
        Madeleine’s Boutique
        Thrift Shop
        Typical Office
        Average Office
        Quahog Mini-Mart
        Quahog Day Spa
        Tiny Tots Preschool
        Quahog Oceanland
        Yacht Club
        Furniture Store
        Quahog Wharf
        Quahog Fire Station No. 5
        See-Through Office
        Sleek Office
        Police Department
        Quahog Public Library
        Le Croissant Degoutant
        Quahog Hospital
        Classy Office
        Awful Person Hattery
        Dansu Dansu
        We Heal You Long Time
        PF Chinese
        Video Arcade
        Quahog Cinema
        Quahog Zoo
        BunchaJunk Gift Shop
        Quahog Playhouse
        Bob’s Funland
        Quahog Malt Shoppe
        Barrington Hotel
        Yuppy Puppy
        Quahog Dog Park
        Magic Clam’s Saltwater Taffy
        Pet Store
        Cute Li’l Orange Stand
        The Abandoned Warehouse
        Taste of Sicily
        Jim’s Tattoo Parlor
        Boopity Pastaria
        Quahog Dog Pound
        Mayor’s Mansion
        Quahog 5 News
        City Hall
        News Truck
        Tom Tucker’s Dressing Trailer
        Le Moustache Boutique
        Pawtucket Mansion
        Pawtucket Brewery
        Quahog Funeral Home
        Modern Mausoleum
        Head First Mausoleum Makers
        Marble Mausoleum
        Better Off Dead Flowers
        The Cozy Coffin Shop


        • RussianTigger

          Yeah there’s a list in the FAQ but I can’t go through them all to verify them all, but only 8 get “possessed” at a time – so any 8 off the list should do.


    • There is an extensive list of the buildings that can have the barrels in the Faq section in the game. It’s a long list. No homes that I can see. It’s the businesses. Hope this helps.


    • I have a lot of barrels…..mostly all on office buildings if that’s any help to you.


    • JUst noticed at the bottom of the FAQs there is a Why no barrells one and it lists all of the buildings that are affected by barrells. Just spent half an hour finding them all in the inventory!


  22. This seems impossible to me? Unless I’m missing something…
    You need to crash 74 barrels. But you can only do 1 every 4 hours. That’s 296 hours to complete. But it lasts only a week, or 178 hours.

    Seems odd.


    • RussianTigger

      You get 1 free Axe to use every 4 hours, but as well as that Joe, Bruce, Burlesque Peter & Roarimg 20’s Brian all have a 4hr task to drop Axes, only the premium Roaring 20’s Brian drop is always, the rest are a chance drop. You can also buy them in the Store. So you can clear more than 1 Whiskey Barrel every 4 hours.


      • It still looks like a lot of sleep interrupted​ nights ahead for freemium players.


        • Yeah we should be able to get 2-3 every 4 hours (1 free + 1 or 2 from Joe & Bruce). So allowing 8 hours for sleep that’s still 16 hours or 4 collections per day. So clearing 8-12 per day over 7 days gives 56-84. That will increase slightly once Burlesque Peter is added to the mix


  23. Btw feel sorry for the people who can’t even get into the event. Possibly too late for them now unless Tinyco help😔


  24. This is going to be a frustrating event. 18 hrs in and still not got the first building. Had one 1 axe drop after 4 tries. I feel that unless you buy Brians costume you have no chance. Not having the barrels drop every time slows down the event even more. 4 barrels after 4 uses of axe. I hope they increase the drop rates otherwise it’s going to be a waste of time. Please help Tinyco.


  25. Cluttered Mind

    So far have had Bruce and Joe try to collect axes 3 times each…not a single one has dropped. If this is the sort of drop rate I should expect, there’s no point in continuing. How are we supposed to get 74 barrels in just over 6 days when you can’t get even one in 20 hours?


    • RussianTigger

      Please message TinyCo with your drop rates, also don’t forget to use the free axe you get every 4 hours.


    • Same here. 3 rounds of joe and Bruce doing their tasks….. And zero ax drops.


      • Had FOUR rounds of Joe and Bruce and still not ax drops yesterday. But on the 5th round, I started to get them. Been getting 1 or 2 every 4 hours from them. Maybe tiny co loosened the screws or something because I agree with previous comments about the math of it…..doesn’t seem like it would work if you only get 1 ax (not counting the free one) every 12 hours!


    • This is the kind of thing that doesn’t need to be happening on these timed events. I’ve had the same kind of luck with Bruce and Joe. I’m not about to spend clams on this event, so not looking good so far.


  26. Anyone else having issues with getting axes? I’m at 0 for 4 attempts?


    • RussianTigger

      I’m getting them every other attempt, going to be tough if doesn’t improve.


    • I am getting at least one axe every 4 hours from character drops on average. Both Joe and Bruce. Drops are uncommon so looks normal but was hoping it will drop more often given thus is main currency. Trying to unlock Jazz Building now. Will see how it goes.
      Strategy seems to be grinding every 4 hours.


  27. I can’t get the new quest to load on Facebook – just a message saying the page is not responding & telling me to reload. It took 10 days to get into the last quest – if this is going to happen with every new quest I might as well give up playing.


    • I’m playing on IOS and couldn’t get the event going until few hours ago. I’m unable to get any info on Facebook etc issues as the moment as Bunny isn’t around and she has the contact at TinyCo! But you can certain message their support


    • Having the same problem, the game loaded at first when it was first released but would freeze and you couldn’t do anything, now it won’t get past the loading screen on one browser and on the other it loads and freezes again, luckily have android to fall back on.


    • Lots of facebook issues..for most it brings up the offer to buy Brian and freezes on it….


  28. I’m locked out of the game. Is anyone else experiencing this problem? I updated the software to the latest version and the game is doing a similar death freeze like in times past. Can’t get past login screen and my iphone starts making a clicking noise very frantically.


  29. Am I the onlyone whos game keeps crashing when building the vaudeville building?


  30. hate being locked out at the start of new events as you are always trying to play catch up,only managed to open 3 of the excellent adventures.


    • Yeah, I’m especially conscious of losing that time when there’s a timer counting down in the event before I’m even in it.


  31. I’m experiencing an issue with this update: The Whiskey Barrels are blocking collection from buildings and characters. I first noticed the problem with Tricia Takanawa – I couldn’t release her from PF Chinese where she was doing her task to create Bronze Keys. I was unable to release her until I used an Axe to break the Barrel on the building. I am also unable to collect from buildings that have Barrels on them – even with the vacuum cleaner.
    I’m on Android Moto G4 unlocked phone with no sim card.
    As a temporary workaround for those having this problem I suggest using only visible tasks for characters until some fix is applied.


    • Hi I replied on your other comment regarding this issues, this is what I said:

      Hi, this usually happens with these kind of building takeovers, I’ve warned of it in the live post. The main thing is TinyCo seem to have ensured it doesn’t impact buildings where event essemtial tasks are being completed. That happened in an earlier event and caused gridlock.


    • That’s the feature/point, isn’t it? You’re not supposed to be able to collect from them. So long as the the two freemium characters are not prevented from collecting axes then no fix is required.


  32. Sometimes the barrels drop nothing…………. fyi


  33. based on everything I have read(and the timer), I’m guessing this is a “premium players” event and that “most” players don’t have a chance…


  34. i started it last night .. the timer was already at 6d21hrs .. i lost 3hrs ..
    its gonna be an intense and nerve wrecking week as usual


    • It is, and on my last collection no axes, with this sort timed chapter that hurts – but hey I’ll live. Burlesque Peter drops going be tough, so I’m not envisioning having him to help much with axes this week


  35. Sorry should have said 14 day – Peter not timed but the event is


    • You were right with 7 days for Burlesque Peter, Chapter 1 ends on the 21 June, and if you’ve not unlocked him he’s gone.


      • Might as well give up now then – definitely a mini game for premium players only, no point if freemium as on the last few games I did not get any timed characters despite having everything unlocked (thanks to the wonderful guides on here) before starting the timers


  36. Great another 26 rare items needed on a 7 day timer – thank you TinyCo (NOT!)


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