Monthly Archives: July 2017

Motorized Mystery Box

Hey there Risk Takers!

As we continue to dabble in a bit of Dixie on our latest event journey, TinyCo has popped another Mystery Box into our lil Quahogs – the Motorized Mystery Box!

Now I know many of you are curious about the items inside and just what you are taking a risk to get by spending those precious 150 Clams, so let’s jump on in and take a closer look.


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Southern Fried Griffins – Characters & Buildings That Drop Stuff

Howdy Addicts!  If y’all want to get the drop on this event read on.

Southern Fried Griffins is now live in our games and many characters and buildings have new tasks to help us earn even more stuff! So keep reading to learn what’s dropping this event.

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Southern Fried Griffins Is LIVE!! Updated & Complete

Let’s go South you say? Well ok than y’all!!

So grab your banjo, pop a stalk of corn in your mouth as we’re heading  for Dixieland, it’s like Disneyland only it’s not!!!

So what does this latest event have in store for us? Well let’s scroll south and take a look below as we bring you all the info on Southern Fried Griffins!!


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Southern Fried Griffins Event FAQ

Hey there Clammers!

While I still try to get back into my game… here’s the TinyCo FAQ for you to get some direction on the new mini event until we’re able to go through and verify Event info as we play it live.

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Wet Hot Quahog Summer – Review & How Did You Do Poll

Hey there readers, well wasn’t that event a lot of fun and games, not!!! Yes, Wet Hot Quahog Summer saw us spend 4 weeks lost in glitches and in a camp overrun with bugs. In fact this event was a hybrid of a hot mess and a damp squib, and part of me thinks the less said the better, but hey that’s not what these posts are about, so let’s just get our feelings out there.  

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Wet Hot Quahog Summer Character Profile: Wild Brian

It’s time to go over to the wild side!!

Yes with the new Wet Hot Quahog Summer event, we’re getting some new Characters Costumes and one of them just happens to be Wild Brian.

Let’s throw you some information on what Wild Brian can do in our silly lil games.

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Wet Hot Quahog Summer Character Profile: Troop Leader Lois

It’s time to follow the leader, the leader, the leader!!!

Yes with the new Wet Hot Quahog Summer event, we’re getting some new Characters Costumes and one of them just happens to be Troop Leader Lois.

Let’s throw you some information on what Troop Leader Lois can do in our silly lil games.

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Current Known Issues – Version 1.50.5 Update

Hey there Clammers!

With the current hiccups going on in the Event and now the game itself, I wanted to do a quick post to warn you updating to the latest version of the game, 1.50.5 is causing some players to be locked out of their games completely. So if you’ve not updated yet, you may want to hold off doing so.

Consuela Technical Support Bunny Glitch

If you have updated and are locked out please leave details of the device, operating system you play on and the exact issue you’re having in the comments, in order TinyCo can see this information.

~ Russian Tigger

Wet Hot Quahog Summer Main Questline: Pitched Battle

Hello Campers!!! Rise and shine cause it’s Questline time.

Yes it’s time for us to gather round the campfire to take a look at all you will encounter in the Final Phase Main Questline, Pitched Battle.  Remember Phase 4 will trigger as long as you completed part 3 of the first phases Main Questline, Welcome To Camp Griffin. There is no reward for completing the Questline, so progressing this is optional.  Continue reading

Wet Hot Quahog Summer Character Profile: Sasquatch

TinyCo really put their BigFoot in it with this event!!!

By that I guess I mean Sasquatch has joined us in Quahog as part of the Wet Hot Quahog Summer event, or do I?

Let’s throw you some information on what Sasquatch can do in our silly lil games.

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