Wet Hot Summer Quahog – How Did You Do? Poll Results

Hi there fellow addicts.

Yes, finally they’re in, the poll results from the Wet Hot Summer Quahog Event that many of you will be keen to see.

Firstly I’d like to take a minute to thank everyone who voted, seriously big thanks to all my fellow addicts who take the time to respond to these polls, without your interaction it just wouldn’t be possible to have posts like this, or to show TinyCo what we are thinking and would like to see in our games going forward. So thanks for taking that minute out of your day to be part of this community.

Now in recent polls I’ve added a few questions that will appear in all polls going forward, they are just to give a quick insight into our thoughts about events. They cover the fun factor in the event, how you describe the event and you’re favourite character or costume from the event.

So I’ll start with these, then get on with all the usual facts and figures. So I asked you to rate how much fun the event was, where 1 is no fun and 5 is lots of fun, I also asked you to choose from a list of words the one you felt described the event best and finally your favourite new character or costume released during the event, so here’s what you said.

Wet Hot Quahog Summer Event Fun Factor Rating:

I think the rating reflects more on the issues and glitches that rocked the event, it really killed the event stone dead for many.

The three words used most to describe the Wet Hot Quahog Summer event: 
Failure. Annoying. Unfair.

These tie in with the what we saw in the comments, this event was expected to be fun but again progress was hampered by glitches that just grew as the event went on.

Most popular new character or costume released during the Wet Hot Quahog Summer Event:
Gene The Cook

This was a close one, with Sasquatch only a few votes behind.

And now here’s the ins and outs of what we spent, who we unlocked and everything in between.

Which of the following freemium characters/character costumes did you unlock? (Please note the timed character DIRECTOR SUSIE IS not included here, I will ask about HER separately later in the poll)


Character/Costume Percentage
Scoutmaster Peter 99%
Kid Quagmire 98%
Gene The Cook 95%
Producer Ben 80%
Wild Brian 43%
Great Outdoor Joe 64%
Troop Leader Lois 31%

Which of the following premium characters/character costumes did you purchase?


Character/Costume Percentage
Counselor Andy 10%
R. Lee Ermey 03%
Fat Camp Chris 06%
Playwright Stewie 06%
Sasquatch 08%
None 84%

Did you manage to unlock director susie before hEr timer ran out?


Character/Costume Percentage
Yes I unlocked her totally freemium 09%
Yes I unlocked her but I had to spend clams 12%
No I didn’t unlock her 79%

Did you purchase THE panty fort?

Answer Percentage
Yes 39%
No 61%

Did you try any of the clam mystery boxes?

Answer Percentage
Yes, I tried the Wet Hot Mystery Box 04%
Yes, I tried the Summer Fun Mystery Box 07%
Yes, I went clam crazy and tried all 2 boxes 04%
No, I didn’t try either Mystery Box 85%

Did you complete enough Achievement Tasks to unlock Great Outdoors Joe?

Answer                                              Percentage
Yes                                               63%
No                                               37%

Did you complete enough Achievement Tasks to unlock Wild brian?

Answer Percentage
Yes 43%
No 57%

Did you purchase any clam packs during the event?

Answer Percentage
Yes 16%
No 84%

Was your enjoyment of the new Camp Wars gameplay ruined by glitches?

Answer Percentage
Yes 62%
Yes 28%
No 10%

Whicy of the Weekly Challenges did you complete?

Answer Percentage
Week 1 57%
Week 2 53%
Week 3 36%
Week 4 07%
None 30%

Were you unable to complete the event due to being locked out after updating to version 1.50.5?

Answer Percentage
Yes 15%
No 85%

Did you find the Addict Site’s post helpful during this event?


Character/Costume Percentage
Yes 87%
No 04%
Don’t Know 09%

Did you have to raise a support issue with TinyCo during the event?

Answer Percentage
Yes 30%
No 70%

If you RAISED A SUPPORT TICKET WITH TinyCo during the event, did you find them helpful?

Answer Percentage
Yes 17%
No 83%

There you have it fellow addicts, please feel free to share your thoughts on any or all the results in the comments. And if you still feeling the need to vent, there’s a What the Deuce post waiting for you HERE.

~ Russian Tigger

12 responses to “Wet Hot Summer Quahog – How Did You Do? Poll Results

  1. I actually did quite well in the event and got every freemium character except Joe – simply because the drops were so awful. Even after 2-3 weeks I still didn’t get enough and I refused to pay the 58 clams or whatever it was. Camp Wars was just an awful, confusing mess. Making us instantly lose because of some hidden requirements was ridiculously stupid and unfair. I liked the challenge aspect to unlocking characters (even though Joe was essentially bugged) as opposed to the hateful timed characters we currently have.


  2. I was surprised by the fact that only 39% of folks bought Panty Fort. Perhaps most did not have enough clams. For me, I only became aware of the huge payoff just few events ago,and started to buy instantly whenever such items become available. My gain was about 100 clams, so it was worth it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • These figures are similar to past events, I think it’s either a shortage of clams or some players still don’t realise how good the payback is.


      • Definitely shortage of Clams over here, and an inability to decide if it’s worth spending RealWorld $$$ for enough Clams to purchase the Clam-generating item.


      • Ah ok, I did not recall nor pay attention to the responses for clam-generating items in past Polls. At least, you did your best to remind players the good payoff when you usually have posts on ‘whether you should buy clam-generating xxx’, which also showed a table to compute the payoffs. Earlier you buy, the more clams you get!


    • I’ve only bought the last two clam generators as I never had clams before. I only received clams through the TV ads, so getting over 150+ was a big deal to me… especially as each event typically chewed through 20-100 clams. The generators helped me to get over 700 clams, although I bought Zed so now I’m down to 540.

      The only sad thing is there’s nothing to buy with my clams – in the store there’s only James Bottomtooth III, the ridiculously overpriced Kool-Aid Man (750!!), Brain Damaged Horse, and Human Rupert. I don’t really want any of them, and I also don’t want to buy any premium buildings or decorations as I don’t have any room left (and haven’t for the past few events).


      • I’d say save your clams for something that you really want, one day. You never know when it comes in handy. For me, I am saving my clams for Roger the Alien from American Dad, when and if it comes around. But recently, I gave in to temptations by buying Evil Stewie, which was on offer at 125 clams (cheap for a new full character). Just make sure you don’t regret what you buy (quoting Bunny’s and RT’s advice).

        By the way, I just realized Evil Stewie is my 100th character! The Worms is my 101th character. Hooray!!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Tiny Co added two chunks of land in my game, in the upper right corner. I haven’t seen much talk about it, so maybe they just gave it to me for taking away clam tv. I haven’t had it for a month, and all I get is frustrating automated replies to my complaints.


    • It may be that people can’t collect it in time every 24 h (that’s the timer, right?) Fore example, I have a different collecting time for the resort nearly every day because I never check the game at the same time. So every time I collect the bucks it’s a little or a lot later than the day before depending on whether I was at work or somewhere else where I coulnd’t check the game. If this happens everyday, by the end of a certain period you have missed a few collects. It’s nothing with the bucks, but with the clam colllector it may mean that you only got what you paid for the building or even less; which is not convenient at all.


  3. It really had the potential to be a good event, but the drops, the glitches, and for those of us that attempted to interact with the TinyCo ‘Customer Support’, it was a failure…

    Liked by 1 person

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