Chris, His Friend & the Flower Bush

Hello There Clammers!

One of the most common questions we get asked here at Family Guy Addicts is…”Where the Heck is the Flower Bush?!  I can’t find it in the store!”

The Flower Bush is one of the few decorations in your Quahog when you first start your game.  It’s also required to complete Chris’s 1m task of Finding a New Friend, which earns you “Oregano”.

This decoration cannot be found in your QFS Store, no no it’s a special item, limited to 1 per town.  And that one we get for free.  The good news is it can’t be sold or deleted, the bad news is if you don’t realize what you’re looking for it can go missing pretty quickly.  Especially during redesigns.

So, if you find yourself suddenly with out a Flower Bush (and the inability to send Chris on his 1m task), and realize you can’t purchase it…RELAX and read on.


Because you don’t buy your Flower Bush from the start, may people don’t even know what it looks like.  It’s just in our little Quahogs, apparently one of the few things that actually survived the fire!  So, here’s what the bush looks like:

Family Guy Quest for Stuff Flower BushThat’s it.  A little bush of Yellow Flowers.  Hard to miss if you don’t know what you’re looking for.

Now, what happens from time to time when we’re redesigning our Quahogs is we’ll often store this bush not realizing that we did, or that it’s required for Chris’s 1m action.
2014-05-12 02.07.50

One you hit that store button (the middle of the three), it’ll go into your inventory until you remove it.  As a result, Chris’s task will become locked:
2014-05-12 02.08.28Now I know this might be cause for alarm for some of you.  A task you could do all the time is suddenly locked.  But the good news is the solution is VERY simple.

As I mentioned, you won’t be able to find the Flower Bush in the Store.  So don’t even attempt to look there, you’ll just make yourself crazy.  Instead head to your inventory.  (You can check out Bunny’s Post on how to access your inventory if you don’t already know how)  And there you should see your Yellow Flower Bush just hanging out waiting for you to come back:
2014-05-12 02.08.02

Simply select it, and place it back in your Quahog and Chris will once again be able to generate that sweet “Oregano”!
2014-05-12 02.08.56 2014-05-12 02.09.10

Now…if you DON’T find it in your inventory. Then we suggest you Contact TinyCo to let them know it’s missing from your game.  BUT ONLY contact them after you’ve checked your inventory.  Because I guarantee you they’ll make you check it with them, and if it’s there you’re going to feel like…well Chris.  And have essentially a “Duh” moment.  So, if this bush is missing in your town don’t panic, just have a quick look at your inventory to see if you stored it recently (on purpose or by mistake).

Have YOU had issues finding the Flower Bush recently?  Were you able to recover it from your inventory?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!




9 responses to “Chris, His Friend & the Flower Bush

  1. Thanx a lot!!!!


  2. I am so glad I looked this up! Wow I have way too much inventory……


  3. I have search my inventory as suggested and still can’t find the flower bush… please help..


    • If it’s not in your inventory (and first..I know silly question…but are you sure you checked your inventory and not your store? Often times people say it’s not in their inventory and that’s because they were looking in their store) then it’s time to contact Tinyco.


  4. Yes! I like most looked in the stores multiple times. Thanks guys!


  5. Drag (Dragwhite1234

    Thanks for the info i play tapped out 2 🙂


  6. Where the Heck is the Flower Bush?! I have looked in my inventory.


  7. This post was extermely helpful!

    Liked by 1 person

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