Big Trouble in Little Quahog: Anime Peter Walkthrough

Hello there Clammers!

One of the cool features of the Quest for Stuff is the ability to unlock additional costumes for some characters.  These costumes are not only hilarious to look at but they provide an entirely different set of tasks for the character, as well as unlocking their own questlines…filled with hilarious dialogue!

With Asiantown opening up in our Quahog’s two new costumes have been introduced to TQFS! We’ve already covered the first costume walkthrough, Midlife Crisis Lois, so now it’s time to breakdown the second costume, Anime Peter.

You’re required to unlock Anime Peter in order to unlock Tricia at PF Chinese, but this fun costume also comes with a funny 5 part questline.  While I know some of the STUFF required to unlock Anime Peter (Eyeballs and Headbands) can be frustratingly hard to unlock I promise you the tasks are worth the wait!

So with out further ado let’s see just how Anime Peter can take first place in that Arcade Competition….that squirt gun will be mine!

Big Trouble in Little Quahog Pt. 1
Peter starts

Clear the Block– Clear any block in Asiantown
Completed Task Earns $500, 350xp

Big Trouble in Little Quahog Pt. 2
Peter starts

Build the Video Arcade– $10,000, 16hrs
Completed Task Earns $500, 350xp

Big Trouble in Little Quahog Pt. 3
Peter starts

Create Anime Peter– 6s (Requires 8 Hey Cat Keychains, 3 Eyeballs, 8 Sparkles & 3 Headbands)

2014-05-19 11.28.03
Completed Task Earns $500, 350xp

Big Trouble in Little Quahog Pt. 4
Anime Peter starts

Peter wants to Super Dancy Dance Max– 8hrs, Earns $80, 50xp
Completed Task Earns $500, 350xp

Big Trouble in Little Quahog Pt. 5
Anime Peter starts

Peter Can Release the Super Ultra Mega Fire– 4hrs, Earns $50, 30xp
Completed Task Earns $500, 350xp

And there you have it my friends!  The complete 5 part quick walkthrough for Anime Peter!  What do YOU think of Peter’s new outfit?  How close are you to unlocking it?  If you have what are your thoughts on the dialogue for this quest?   Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

65 responses to “Big Trouble in Little Quahog: Anime Peter Walkthrough

  1. i hope so


  2. do you get an actual squirt gun for doing the contest at the arcade task?


  3. Something weird happen Ruth me. I decide to send an e-mail to support about the eyeball, just saying that despite knowing that it was difficult to get the eyeball, I did not know if everything was OK because it was nearly six weeks and only managed one, and made a suggestion to improve the chances of the player it was very annoying wait so long for something and be disappointed again and again. I sent the e-mail on Wednesday and today, Thursday got the 2 eyeballs were missing !! Probably coincidences …. But it was really weird, 2 in one day? awesome!! Finaly i got Tricia and will be able to go on the district 8.


  4. ****…its hard to keep playing without expectations and hopes about those eyeballs, 2 weeks of tries and nothing, and i just got 1head band…so its 2 weeks with Lois, Peter, Dr. Hartman and the vídeo arcade working for: 0 eyeballs and 1 head band!! Cool isnt??? Is it a epic drop or a “sorry, i dont really exist” drop?


    • We’ve all been there. Trust me. Search the sight for eyeballs or headbands. Lol


      • I trust you….good news, my first eyeball!! The problem is the new event…but i will keep trying…thx Bunny!


      • Baaahhhh…****, Anime Peter is by far the hardest custome to get i have seen. Horrible week, 0 headbands, 0 eyeballs (i think they are just a deram…)

        The worst about it is that i need anime peter to unlock Tricia, and for the geeks walkthrough…so im kind of stuck here waiting for the miracle eyeball!


  5. Wow epic drop. Apperently I’m not the only one. But needed 1 eye for over a week..


  6. I’be been trying for 4+ months to get an eyeball, NOTHING! I can’t get any, this is pissing me off! Any suggestions?

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I really think therrs a glitch with the eyeballs. I’m getting pissed.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Nope they just suck. It’s something just about everyone went through when that level hit. They’re insanely annoying to get and take forever. For some of us it took over a month.


  8. The headbands are nearly nonexistent drops. It took forever for me to get the 6 (I think?) to create Rambo Lois, now I’m 2/3 headbands til Anime Peter is unlocked…miserable.

    To the Negative Nancy in the earlier comments…Why you sad, bro? Can’t get any type of enjoyment out of life, so you say life is pointless? I have some good news for you: everything is going to be okay.


  9. I GOT MY FIRST EYEBALL!!! It’s SO beautiful…. so beautiful…

    P.S. Love the website. Bunny for president!


  10. Over a month still can’t get the last eyeball. Tried sending Peter and the doctor on different jobs but still nothing.


  11. Is there a particular wAy to get eyeballs and headbands I’ve been trying for two weeks straight?


    • Just keep Lois, Peter and Hartman on task (I sometimes put them on a quick 1 hour task to break the pattern). It has taken some players a month+ to find them all. We have all been there. Hang in there. 😉


  12. I have done all tasks but still can’t get the last eyeball been trying for moNHS but still can’t get it y won’t the doctor pop it out or the other guy this is mad waiting to long now every day I do the six hour task but nothing please help me as getting bored now thanks:


  13. The cartoon constantly makes fun of human stupidity. Including how people spend money and buy what they don’t really need and how the corporate world exploits that.
    Well, now, the makers of the cartoon decided to teach you that lesson in person by creating this game. Buying clams to speed up pointless tasks (most of which are performed indoors and thus, have no animation) and get “eyeballs”? Well, then, you are the same slave of the corporate greed that the cartoon makes fun of.
    If producers of Family Guy weren’t rich enough. This game, if played smoothly, would make Crysis 3 ($79.99 originally) look like a cheap knockoff. Considering Crysis 3 is a blockbuster that took tens of millions to make, Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff is a total rip off.
    Sure, some actions/dialogues are funny but we’ve seen most of them throughout the years on TV. In the game, they are pointless, disconnected, and most of the times irrelevant to the result they produce.
    This game is a big waste of time!


    • Thanks for commenting. 😉


      • Did not mean to offend anyone of course 🙂 Just think that if I was as rich as the producers of this show, I would have been doing it just for fun, just to put a smile on others’ faces. Human life is meaningless and has no purpose. It is essentially a wait for death. Whatever you do, every action, every single bit of memory, every byte of knowledge you acquire, every single penny you earn becomes completely irrelevant the second the heart produces its last beat. So what is the point of getting richer by making others poorer when you already have what you can’t spend in one lifetime? I just don’t understand why the corporate world is so greedy. They spread ideologies, addictions, and fanaticism relying on how weak most people are. Humans can live well without professional sports, video games, and movies. But they won’t survive a month without food. So why those who work on the fields days and nights use public transportation, while some NBA prick drives Lamborghini?
        Disclosure: Not a farmer and have nothing to do with agriculture

        P.S. Addiction in any form (whether alcohol, drug, or Internet) is a disease. Let’s all stay healthy 🙂


        • People find different ways to relax and have fun and enjoy life. I pay a LOT of money for the game Killer Bunnies, Cards Against Humanity, Settler’s of Cataan…to name a few. There are expansion packs included that drive the cost up. For me, the price is worth it. The MANY MANY MANY nights I spend playing these games with tons of friends is so worth it. We laugh, giggle hysterically, and enjoy life to its fullest. No harm there. This is the same. You are investing in your personal enjoyment. You can’t tell me that people that ride bikes don’t invest in expensive gear. People that fish, climb, camp, on n on n on. We each enjoy things and life and pay to customize them for what we want to get out of them.

          No one forces us to do it. It is free will if we choose to or not. Some people are not so lucky to have a ton of friends or life prevents them from leaving the home at all (I know people that have handicaps and health reasons for not being able to leave). For them, their friends and those they play games and enjoy life with are online. Again, to each their own.

          You may view it in a light that reflects how YOU live. Others…theirs. So something to you that is not worthwhile or a waste may be just what makes another persons day enjoyable.

          I appreciate your opinion. As long as it is a decent discussion and does not offend or hurt others, that is fine with me. I don’t mind at all. Just remember…the eyes you have are YOUR eyes and so the views you have are YOUR views. It does not mean others are wrong for seeing what they see in their view. Why all be the same? It is our differences that makes us unique and beautiful and…HUMAN. 😉

          (FYI…the producers of this show are only a small fraction of the people paid for by the game. Copyright lawyers, coders, programmers, sound editors, staff, on n on n on…think of a movie credits. The money does not pad just one pocket. To think that it is only one is the same as if you look at one state on Earth and call it the world.)


          • I understand it all. I have always said that myself. The world around us is nothing more than our own interpretation of it. So 2 different people can look at the same world and see it differently. And thatis fine with me.
            All I said was entertainment, although fun and exciting, is not essential to the existence of a human being. It should not cost as much as it does. The reason 98% of the population in our country are poorer than the remaining 2% is exactly because the latter are exploiting weaknesses of the former. Sure, no one is forcing you and it is your free will. And I don’t mind that you consider these expenses to be an investment (investment in time). All I am saying is, Seth McFarlane and thelikes would have done more than well with, let’s say $200,000… alright $400,000 in annual wages (just think about it, that is a salary of neurosurgeons who spend over a decade just studying for this profession – accumulating hundreds of thousands in debt). Doing what you love the most in life and being paid $400 grand annually for that, what else can you desire. Same would have been true with professional sportsmen, actors, musicians, and so on. You, as a consumer, would have enjoyed $2 movie tickets, 5 cent songs, and would have had much more spare money to spend on other hobbies of yours. In such a world, everyone would have lived much better than people do in our real world.
            Apple has 150 billion in cash, while some save money for months to buy 1 phone (when manufacturing costs are only 1/4th of what Apple actually charges). Most Americans dream of driving Mercedes, while some own garages of half-a-million dollar cars. It is just not right in my personal opinion. And it all stems from capitalism and from what you called a “free will,” which in a sense is not really your will (your will would have had all the goods at much lower prices, you just don’t have a choice because demand/supply don’t work in real life as they are supposed to in theory and “smart men” exploit this).
            I love music, I love movies, and I don’t discount their importance in my life. But I would have been doing it (too bad I don’t have imagination to be a composer) for less if that would have benefited the society as a whole.


            • But again…you are using the WRONG people as an example. THIS game belongs to TinyCo. NOT them. TinyCo has to pay attorneys and a multitude of copyrights just to use the images and info for their game. The people you mention, only get a very small percentage of the money. The rest goes to TinyCo and its vast amount of employees that created and manage the game itself (not to mention lawyers). Just to produce this game cost in the Millions. So, they have to pay off that debt, pay those that created it, then pay those still working on it daily. The money does not got to 1 or 2 pockets.

              Many views on things you do not understand are small and only a drop in a giant ocean. I can understand the cost of things in life, but you must compare those costs with the entire picture and all involved. Not just who you think is involved.

              Walk into a grocery store, look and see if you can name at least 100 out of the thousands of people that have to be paid on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis to keep that store running. (I know a lot having worked in accounting in a store and seeing all those that are paid just to keep it in business). I do not think you could. There is so much that people do not see behind scenes, but yet they pass judgment.

              You are basing cost on the wealth of a drop in the ocean that is this game. If you do not like it, do not play it. It is that simple. But do not mock and put down others that do. That is not fair. Again, your views of your world and your life. Allow others to live theirs. If you do not like our posts, then do not read them or come to our site. That simple. You don’t like the game, mock the game, say you won’t play the game, but here you are on a site about the game. Do not mock the work that WE put in to run this site and help others that are enjoying the game. It is wrong to do so and only “trolling”.


          • And just to clarify, when I said the game was a waste of time, I did not mean it was a terrible game. I literally meant it was a waste of time. Make it $1 for 1,000 clams, lower the time requirements, and this game would be fun to play. Otherwise, because of the hours-long breaks, it is a waste of time to sit and play it continuously, as most of the times, you would be just sitting and doing nothing. And if you pay ridiculous prices (up to $99.99 for clams that will be used up in a couple of days), then the game turns from a “waste of time” to a “waste of money” 🙂


  14. What if you’ve already have the video arcade built for the headband increase ?


  15. I have been trying to get eye balls since the day Asian town was unlocked. I try Peter and Dr Hartman usually 4 times each per day and have only gotten a total of 1 eyeball and the same with the whip and head band in 2-3 weeks or whenever it started. It’s beyond frustrating and I’m about ready to give up. Why would they only have 2 people capable of possibly getting it when the odds are only 5%.


    • It is frustrating, and I agree they should have a building or something with it. However, try having the character break from that task and do something else and then go back to it. Sometimes the break up helps the items drop.


    • I got my last eyeball after 3.5 weeks of having Dr Hartman on that same darn 6 hour task several times per day. I wish I had a method for all that madness, but I suggest some stickwithitness. If you’re enjoying the game, you don’t have much to do after this costume is unlocked at this point. I think what many of us really feel is the pain of being early adopters.


    • gofuhkurselph

      ive been trying for literally five days, non stop. over and over that’s all peter and dr hartman do. maybe I should complete another quest first? do you have any involving peter that aren’t finished? like I havent done the 1 day ground punch cuz I didn’t think it took this long for three eye balls.


  16. Woohoo I finally just unlocked him 🙂
    I only had 1 eyeball for a week then in the past day I got the last 2 in a few hours so it does seem completely random. I did switch Peter out to do his road house task for Tricia so that maybe helped a bit too.
    He was worth the wait because he looks as good as I was hoping 🙂


  17. Still havnt had a single eyeball!! have all headbands and midlife crisis lois and have had peter and hartman doing tasks 3 times a day for 12 days straight thats 72 tries, that cant be chance!


    • Stop doing it repeatedly and jump to a different task for each character..even if it’s only 2 hrs..then go back to the eyeball earning tasks. See if that helps.


      • Ok ill try that, i did send them an email too, just if i do other tasks i might not make 3 a day, just seems ridiculous that i havnt got a single one yet!


    • I don’t think its random. there’s an order to getting all the stuff. I tried to jump ahead and it did not work. I started doing all the task in the order they wanted and finally got all the headbands for Lois and Animer Peter.But Eyeball is the HARDEST!! Last task is Animer Peter.


    • gofuhkurselph

      im having the same problem. but ive been having them do their tasks for five days of more. not a single eyeball…. wtf. have you finished all other quests involving peter?


  18. Anyone know when Big Trouble in Little Quahog Pt. 1 is suppose to start? Already on to unlocking Tricia.


    • You already unlocked the Skin and applied it to Peter?


      • Haven’t unlocked it yet. Waiting on one more item. Usually I wait until the quest says create the character before I unlock, but Big Trouble in Little Quahog Pt. 1 never showed itself.


        • It won’t show up, oddly, until you’ve unlocked Tricia. Which is funny because you need Anime Peter to unlock Tricia.


          • It didn’t unlock for my until I created midlife crisis lois, which is a big pain since I’ve been waiting for over a week for this questline to pop so I could finish asiantown quickly. I even went as far as sending an email to TinyCo because I thought there was a glitch preventing this quest to pop. Unfortunately peter is already busy with a task for another 10 hrs (dont wana waste clams), but should be onto unlocking the Entertainment district by tomorrow 🙂


  19. Can anyone tell me if this is a glitch please. After the Asian town update, whenever I create a character that uses the same items as another character (so say if I created anime peter today but still have Rambo Lois waiting to be made) i lose all the items that they share from the one still waiting to be created. So I lost all my hairspray from rock Chris when I created mermaid peter. Now I’m worried I’ll lose all my headbands from either peter or Lois when I finally create one of their characters. This had not happened until the update. And it’s happened on more than one items so far.


    • So with the “StufF” you have to collect everything for each costume. So both Punk Rock Chris and Mermaid Peter require hairspray…they don’t share hairspray you need the amount for each one. So Mermaid Peter is 10 Hairspray and Punk Rock Chris is 6. So you’ll need 16 hairspray all together.
      So if you have 6 the lists will show it for both characters but they can’t be shared. So once you create a character that uses it they’ll disappear. But only the ones required for the costume. So if you have 8 Hairspray and build Punk Rock Chris you should have 2 left for Mermaid Peter.
      Hope that helps explain what you’re seeing.

      Liked by 1 person

      • This wasn’t the case before the update though. If I had 8 and used 6 in a create character, there was still the full amount on the 2nd character. That’s how I managed to get some of the earlier characters so fast.


    • If you can unlock Animer Peter Do so he’s the hardest to get..Lois’s headbands are easier to get. Lois 2 hour task and the game room offers
      a chance. It’s VERY hard to get Animer Peter so if you can i suggest to get it.
      Good Luck!!


  20. I would love it if you guys added the dialogue. Even if it’s just a screenshot. Every once in a while, I’m tapping over and over to clear stuff and I skip it on accident because of the double tap. Then I miss out on the funny jokes and have no way of seeing them.


    • It is just hard as the dialogue doesn’t follow a step by step method. It jumps all over the place. That and from the time we took SS of it to now…it has changed and varied. Lol. I will see what we can do. 😉


  21. I have been trying to get eye balls since the day asiantown was unlocked. I try Peter and dr Hartman usually 3 times each per day and have only gotten a total of 1 eyeball in 2-3 weeks or whenever it started. It’s beyond frustrating and I’m about ready to give up. Why would they only have 2 people capable of possibly getting it when the odds are only 5%. Not cool tiny co!


  22. Those eyeballs take FOREVER!! Need 2 more for unlock 🙂


  23. Notice how there’s no comments here because no one has anime Peter unless u used clams


    • Could also be the fact that we JUST posted the information too and it is a holiday weekend in the U.S., so many are out and about vacationing. 😉


    • I unlocked both Anime Peter and Tricia on May 22nd, not a single clam used.


      • thelittleprince

        I got Anime Peter as well with no clams used. P-p-p-p-patience (to the tune of David Bowie’s Changes 😉 Love this outfit for Peter (I used to love playing Dance Dance Revolution!, playing Street Fighter II, and Super Mario Bros.– all of which are tasks for Anime Peter). I’m surprised that the 1-hour task wasn’t part of the quest. Every time I have Anime Peter doing it, I keep thinking of the Super Mario Bros. theme in my head. 🙂


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