iOS Crash Issues

Hello There Clammers!

I know many of you have expressed in the comments that your iOS device is crashing with the latest update.  Mine did too, but then again it’s an iPad 1 😉   So, we reached out to TinyCo about the issue in an effort to try and see if there was a solution.  Here’s the response right from TinyCo:

Due to the amount of content and animations associated with the new event, players on older devices may experience more crashing due to lack of RAM on their device. If you are having constant crash issues try closing out all other apps and restarting the device before opening FG:TQFS again. We’re aware of this and are investigating this further.

So if you’re experiencing a crash issue with your iOS device right now try one of the suggestions above.  If that doesn’t work, sit tight (as hard as it is) because they’re looking into it.

Back with more as we have it…

Peter Joe

57 responses to “iOS Crash Issues

  1. I played The game earlier today and it was working fine. I closed out for a while and about midnight (EST) when I tried to open it it just will not finish loading and crashes back out to the phones desktop. I have tried forcing the app closed, making sure ALL other apps are completely closed, and even rebooting my phone. No luck. I’m losing precious time on the giant stewie times event. Anyone else having this issue as of today (or tonight?). I am worried that they will not fix it until Monday when the timed quest is over, not to mention the timer for the second car. I can’t afford to lose a few days on those quests. 😦 My device has almost 2gb free. I also checked App Store and found no updates for the game.


  2. I’ve been thinking of restaring my ipod 4th gen to see if the game will work then has anyone tried this?


  3. so i was trying to find other ways to play this stupid game that’s taken over my life and i did find an out for those with older devices – play on PC using a device simulator. found this when i started looking up TSTO and came across a program called bluestacks. works wonderfully. i’m not always at my PC, but i can at least progress, even though slowly, through the game so i don’t feel like i’m missing out 100%. till tinyco comes out with something smaller, this is all we can do.


    • Correct. We did a story on Bluestacks on our sister site for TSTO. It does not work for all players or devices though. Worth a try. It is still playing with BETA stages.


  4. Cant believe in goina miss out on entire freekin comic con event!!
    Stupid game! my ipod isnt even that old 😦


  5. thought maybe this new update on 8/1 would fix problems for us with older devices, but it’s still an issue. ARGH


  6. I have a iPhone 5S and the game launch video is stopping me. When I fast forward to or watch it all I get is a black screen with two buttons: The Pause and Fast Forward. I have tryed to reinstall the game but it does not work. HELP!


    • What happens if you just let it sit a while and allow the few minutes it would normally take to play out?


      • Well this have been going on for a while but i’ll try to just let the black screen stay for some time.


        • If it continues…contact TinyCo. As all other troubleshooting failed.


          • Mike IPod 4th Gen

            I have tried to contact them, Same answer! Uninstall, reboot, send logs.
            Its IPods or IPhones with 256 ram. Simpsons had same problem and was resolved. maybe they should ask them for help


            • I know it can be frustrating, but a device that is NOT made by TinyCo is kinda out of their control. Don’t you think? They are still working on it, but that is like asking a lil 19″ tv from the 90’s to play a blu ray High Def Avengers Movie and look as sweet as it would on a 1080 HD screen. Just won’t cross over the same at all. There is coding memory limits to each device made. The older gen items are struggling with a LOT of these new apps. Not just this game. Especially with the higher output app games. It is why I retired my 3rd gen iTouch for the tapping games. Just way too much going on for the poor lil thing to be able to translate. They HAVE stripped the game down a lot and are fitting more into smaller amounts, but there is only so much any human can do when it comes to old vs new electronics. Some devices just may not be compatible, no matter how hard any of these gaming companies try. Just being a voice of reason in it all. I know it …well…sucks to not have access to a game you love. I deal with it with my GS4 compatibility with games conflicting over KIT KAT OS.


      • Well it didn’t work…


        • Reach out to TinyCo. They’re only ones that can access your game and see what’s going on.

          All I can offer is troubleshooting. Uninstall/Reinstall. Hard Close. Check WiFi signals. Try another device to see if it’s the game or the device being used. Etc


  7. finally got it to start working on my touch 4g. but it still crashes a lot when loading. also sometimes during the game. take it slow, make sure no other apps are open. try, try again!


  8. How long b4 this issue is fixed!?
    (I couldve been got carter by now!!!)


  9. Anyone else getting a “load error” message that says “some placeables are out of bounds”?


  10. What episode is the above pic from?


  11. Cannot open the game at all on my ipod touch 4. Has been this way for about a month now.


    • Sadly, due to memory issues, the iPod 4 has trouble running the game when it is running an event. The extra content causes the game to close once the memory gets maxed out. TC is working on shrinking their memory needs, but they can only do so much. 😦


  12. It won’t even let me into the game since the update.I have now missed out on the rocket and im pretty annoyed. I have tried everything but to no avail. I have un-installed,re-installed but still crashes without letting me play.HELP MEEEEEEEEE


    • Sadly your iPod 4 can’t handle the memory requirements of this game when events are running. It is a known issue. TinyCo is trying to reduce the memory consumption, but they can only do so much. Your device is triggering an auto close (of the game) when it’s memory maxes out. Sorry to have to break it to you. 😦


  13. Anybody else encounter a “Config empty for id comicconResearchCenter in Buildings” when trying to load after completing the repairs on the convention center? 😦


  14. Since 5 minutes I can no longer log into the game (it still worked about 30-45 minutes ago) Erorr says:
    Config empty for id comiccoonReserachCenter in Buildings. Helpwhat can I do?


  15. I have been experiencing weird problems with both TQFS and TSTO. For TSTO, I *always* get a “cannot connect to server” error when I try to go back into the game; it works fine after I click on “try again”. For TQFS, it *always* kicks me out the first time I try to go back into the game; it works fine the second time.

    iPhone 3GS, iOS 6.1.6, 16GB capacity, 8GB available


    • TSTO glitch is known one. I know they’re working on that (i have the same issue) TQFS…odd. I have that happen every once in a while, but not often. Try uninstalling and reinstalling it (but only if you have it saved to an account)


    • The TSTO error still always happens to me, ive gotten used to it.
      TQFS problem always used to happen to me, till the last update, now i cant log in at all, game just crashes every time.


  16. I was playing the game as soon as it was available well bout a few weeks in my tablet started acting up and I had to do some cleaning. In the process my games data was cleared so when u went into my game it was making me start over. I didn’t want to start again for the possibility to lose it. I was wondering if u can now save ur game properly? I will be getting a new device soon and would really like to play again.


  17. thelittleprince

    Yeah, I have been unable to play Tapped Out with my iPad 1 as I leveled up months ago. Upgraded to the iPad Air earlier this year and have not had any problems with that game or this one since.


  18. I’m on a 5th generation iPod touch and it’s struggling with the animation ad I move around.


  19. Wont work on my ipod at all. Contacted Tinyco & got same generic responce.


  20. I’m not sure if I’m lucky in this regard but my game has never crashed and I’m playing on an iPad mini. To this point I’ve never experienced the problems that I hear so many have. I have to wonder if part of the problem is apps running in the background taking away performance. As a habit I usually hard close an app if I’m not going to use it again for awhile. I wonder if this has anything to do with it.


  21. I was goin to charge up my old iphone (the 1st one I think) but I think I’m goin to wait a week til it hits play store lol don’t want to b stuck out my game on ios and android


  22. still can't play since end of July 4 event

    normally I’m pretty understanding about such things…I know I’m on an old device (but only 1 gen away so it’s not that old). But at the same time TSTO (granted by big company EA) continues to give updates & I don’t have the same problems…


  23. i’m on a new apple device. deleted the game and reinstalled and now it doesn’t crash anymore but def still lags


  24. I used to have tons of crashing with the Nexus 10. Solution: I stored some buildings and never got a crash again. I guess you cant be a completist in this game….


    • Sounds like people are trying to stick a Super Nintendo game into their Nintendo 64 and wondering why it’s not working 😉


      • I know the Nexus 10 is almost 2 years old, but its the Google Official tablet, it has a Quad Core and 2 GB RAM. I dont usually get game erros at all. Not even with TSTO. This is the 1st game that I am getting crashses if I put a lot of buildings.


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