Quahog Comic-Con Walkthrough: Stripper Bonnie is the Hostess with the Mostess

Hello There Clammers!

Well now that Comic-Con is winding down those nerds need something else to stare at…so naturally Stripper Bonnie has joined the party!  Of course a new costume means new stuff to collect AND a brand new questline to follow along with!

So let’s take a look at these new questline and all the work you’ll have to do to unlock this ultimate tease in your Quahog….

Stripper Bonnie 7

Hostess with the Mostess Pt. 1
Bonnie starts

Have Bonnie Clip Coupons- 12hrs, Earns $100, 65xp and 10 Blam!
Have Bonnie Go Grocery Shopping- 12hrs, Earns $100, 65xp and 10 Blam!
Have Bonnie Chug Wine- 1hr, Earns $20, 12xp and 2 Blam!
Completed Task Earns 50 Blam! and 35xp

Hostess with the Mostess Pt. 2
Bonnie starts

Have Bonnie Go Grocery Shopping– 12hrs, Earns $100, 65xp and 10 Blam!
Have Bonnie Hold a Bake Sale- 1m, Earns $5, 3xp
Have Bonnie Chug Wine– 1hr, Earns $20, 12xp and 2 Blam!
Completed Task Earns 50 Blam! and 35xp

Hostess with the Mostess Pt. 3
Bonnie starts

Have Bonnie Give a Lap Dance- 8hrs, Earns $200, 125xp and 20 Blam!
Completed Task Earns 50 Blam! and 35xp

Hostess with the Mostess Pt. 4
Bonnie starts

Have Bonnie Send out Party Invites- 4hrs, Earns $50, 30xp and 5 Blam!
Completed Task Earns 50 Blam! and 35xp

Hostess with the Mostess Pt. 5
Bonnie starts

Have Red Hot go to the party– 6hrs, Earns $65, 45xp and 12 Blam!
Have Captain Hammered go to the party– 6hrs, Earns $65, 45xp and 12 Blam!
Have Bonnie Host the Party- 6hrs, Earns $65, 45xp and 12 Blam!
Have Joe Host the Party- 6hrs, Earns $65, 45xp and 12 Blam!
Completed Task Earns 50 Blam! and 35xp

Hostess with the Mostess Pt. 6
Bonnie starts

Have Lois Throw Fire- 1hr, Earns $20, 12xp and 4 Blam!
Completed Task Earns 50 Blam! and 35xp

Hostess with the Mostess Pt. 7
Bonnie starts

Craft Stripper Bonnie- Collect STUFF to unlock Stipper Bonnie.  Here’s what you’ll need: 15 Hoop Earrings (Common): Get from Making Consuela Scrub Skid Marks, Make Tricia Seek Mother’s Approval, Make Connie Stay Beautiful (Hey they do have a purpose!), Make Quagmire Drink at the Clam OR Make Bonnie Clip Coupons
10 Fishnets (rare): Make Seamus Emerge from the Shadows, Make Chris Enjoy Private Sulking Time OR Make Quagmire check on Korean Women.
10 Stripper Heels (rare): Make Lois Practice Whips on Joe’s Legs, Make Joe Raid Personal Weapons Stash OR Make Jerome Play Darts
5 Wax (extra rare): Make Hooker Peter Attract New Clients, Make Midlife Crisis Lois Skank it Up OR Make Bruce Be a Good Listener
Completed Task Earns 50 Blam! and 35xp

And that completes the quest to unlock Stripper Bonnie.

What do YOU think of Bonnie’s new costume?  What are your thoughts on the process to unlock her?  How about the dialog with this questline?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

134 responses to “Quahog Comic-Con Walkthrough: Stripper Bonnie is the Hostess with the Mostess

  1. So feel free to call me crazy, but her costume doesn’t have the “Limited Time” banner under it like all the other comic con costumes did. Hopefully this is a sign that it will stick around after the even.


  2. THANK YOU for doing this post. I was pretty dumbfounded that they have this really long quest time THEN you’ve got to chace rare & extra rare items? Nope. Not enough time & I’m not spending the money. More importantly, I’m not going to take the super hero characters off collecting harpoons (not spending $$ on those either).

    I’ve got George and obvious The Multiplier. I’ve still got a chance for Iron Baby, now that I’m not splitting between that and Bonnie. I got what I wanted out of the event. I’m content.


  3. There is wayyyy too little time left for this quest. How ridiculous.


  4. I really would like to unlock her, but sadly it’s impossible for me, because I don’t have Cop Joe yet.


  5. Hey guys, when does the new stripper pole for bonnie show up? It’s not available yet anywhere in the shop; event, decos and featured sections checked. I have her on lapdance part of quest. Should it be available to buy now, or do I have to wait to get to a certain point? Sorry ifmthis has been answered; didn’t find info on when I can buy. Thanks for all you do!


    • NEVERMIND! I found it! Lol, I had to do a little research…
      This will appear during her costume unlock in Part 7 in your decorations menu.
      Thanks, guys! You all rock my socks! Sorry I missed that info.


  6. So we only have 4 days to get all those rare and extra rare items? Seems impossible without just buying her with clams. Will she extend past the event once the quest is started, or is it just the 4 days?


  7. Not enough time with RolloJoe. Not even going to bother. Ive already saddly waisted a few hundred dollars on this game in the past to get everything… 1st char im not even bothering getting. (If only we had time)


  8. I need to scrounge 2 hours to get to Part 7 before bedtime. Is it cheaper to rush the last two hours of “Bonnie Lap Dance” or “Bonnie Send Invites” with clams? Thank you.


  9. My game crashes when i try to speed up part 4 of the Bonnie quest line with clams, so now its even harder as I was hoping to wake with Part 5 completed overnight


  10. I have tons of stuff to do this weekend. And Saturday evening I’m probably getting to start part 7 of the questions. Which leaves me 1 day to collect everything! Since I’m Monday going to London.

    Cmon tinyco you can do better!


  11. It’s nearly impossible to get Bonnie I really want her and it doesn’t seem there’s enough time😔


  12. I am on part three of Hostess with the Mostess and Bonnie/Joe are working on it.

    When I look at the quest on the side of the screen there is no clock on it, while there is a clock on the Iron Baby quest because Stewie is testing the armor system and Brian is sneaking a drink.

    When I select the Iron Baby quest from the side bar and click Go on either task it gives me the progress bar for the task but when I do the same for Hostess with the Mostess, it tells me that Bonnie and Joe will finish in 7 hours and ask if I want to use clams to speed it up.

    Does anyone have this experience?


  13. I just lost a day because Joe started his 1-day Rollocop task shortly before Bonnie needed to give him a lap dance. That hurts. That will leave just 2 1/2 days to get all the items instead of 3 1/2.


  14. I think the worst part about all the bonnie tasks is that she is one of the characters that have a chance at the chip for rollocop… and you need to send her doing all these long tasks. And vica versa she needs to send others with major tasks off doing something else.

    When will tinyco make use of all the characters that dont earn blam or items and are pretty much useless? Thanks but no thanks on adding herbert and someone else to the chip task, im at i believe 4 or 5 tries now since 4 people can do that task, still not a single chip. Wow.

    And tinyco, we are still waiting on a way to add friends WITHOUT using facebook. How about being able to add those nifty usernames we created in your game….

    Done ranting, thanks for reading


  15. I’m on Hostess w/the Mostess Pt. 3, and when I assigned Bonnie to give a lap dance, it’s actually Joe giving one to Bonnie. Is this right? Seems like it would be worded differently if it was.


  16. Either they revived one of the 12 hour tasks from part 1, or my game glitched me to part 2. I only did one 12 hour (clip coupons) and the 1 hour, and part 2 activated.


  17. Is there any way to get Rupert if u missed him in the event


  18. why hasnt part 1 unlocked for me :(((((….

    i have hot louis, and all the quest completed finishing up iron baby pt 1 now, but i have nothing left…..help -.- i want the skin and willing to pay the clams to finish it in time, but i need it to show up in my game iOS


  19. dear god I’ll never get her. too much stuff to do in so little time.


  20. Peanut Butter Jelly Time

    Oh, and another thing…Stripper Bonnie was obviously not intended for Comic-Con. She was clearly just thrown in at the end to needle some cash out of people at the last minute. I mean, c’mon! She doesn’t have ANYTHING to do with being a superhero! They could have AT LEAST half-assed it and given her a stripper-themed super hero name like “Captain G-String” or “The Incredible Thong” or something…What’s her super power – Action Tassles? Super VD? (LoL!)


  21. Cheshire cars have to frown

    Okay been waiting and asking for this for a long time but now it’s getting to much I all ready got only to have 30day on the event because it made me start late the game broke after 5th day for 10 days and I lost all those days so I been having had anything really drop. I still need robot Joe and the multiplier books. And I got over bet evil Stewi over 25 time but now it wants the thing even thought I got 25 it says I had nune so mad now. So I luking out with blame and I am going having 80 thousands on a game that has less then 5 more days if u guys have any type of ideas for Bonnie stiwieJoe


  22. I know the excessive level of this quest is addressed in another post, but this is just asinine.

    With the order I’ve run the opening tasks, I am literally going to have Bonnie come out of a 12 hour shopping task just to turn around and put her right back on it for 12 hours a second time.



  23. Peanut Butter Jelly Time

    I loved Comic-Con but saving a stripper skin until the last few days at a sci-fi convention with no way to collect the items in time? How cliche Tinyco!…Might as well say, “Hey nerds, hope you didn’t spend all your money on all the other fun stuff. Now to really stick it to you and force you to buy a stripper.” Might as well just spend that money on an actual stripper, jeez!


  24. Guess we will all be forced to buy the rest of the items with clams… Kind of sad really. Ah well…


  25. With work and sleep nearer 4 days to even start colecting the extra stuff. No chance, but not bothered either way, would have liked it but not dissapointed if not, not like the rollocop costume which is brilliant, sorry IOS players, I think you should have at least had the chance to buy it with clams, and after all what has this costume got to do with comic con, the tasks arent even related to comic con. They should make this no time limit and none comic con related.


    • Just play on both OS’s I use I phone and samsung tablet, I can create robojoe in iOS after activating on tablet


    • I’m on iOS and I got Rollocop with BlueStacks and with more characters giving chips, I’ll probably get it… so yeah, I don’t care for Stripper Bonnie… I’m a freemium player so I know I can’t have it all.. My current score is 265k and I don’t even play all the time, so in conclusion, this event is awesome! TinyCo has been there for so many of our demands and now everybody is arguing about one silly skin…. I mean come on people…


  26. Is anyone else having trouble with the timing of Bonnie’s actions? I set her on a 12-hour quest last night for Part I, it’s still at 7 hours to go.


  27. Pt 1 is not triggering do I need to complete the fabulous four quest line please help


  28. I looked thru all the stores and don’t see the new stripper poll anywhere. Does it pop in when you reach a certain part of the storyline?


  29. for a new player unlocking bonnie will be impossible. even if a make it to the 7th quest in time. as a new player, i have only just opened district 5 and therefore only have quagmire and bonnie to collect 15 earrings and those tasks take them 12 hrs each! absolutely impossible to get 15 in the time allotted and thats not counting the rarer items


  30. Does she require blam too? If so how much?


  31. Well, it seems very little time to unlock Bonnie’s costume, but apart from Rollocop Joe I unlocked all the other costumes or characters during this event in a couple of days. So I will see how this works out before starting to complain 😉


  32. Has there been a recent in game update with the arrival of this new costume? I’ve noticed I can’t zoom out as far anymore. My Facebook friends have disappeared as well, I can only visit Ollie for some reason. Is it down for maintenance maybe?


  33. Well I just unlocked her yesturday sooo idk about having time before comic con is over :/ didn’t know collecting & tasks would be involved to get her… That’s a lot in 5 or 6 days…


  34. Previously I praised this event. I have to take it back. It’s way too late in an event to add a whole new costume with extra rare items. The fact that you can’t start acquiring the items until you complete several long tasks makes no sense. As I too am still trying to get Rollocop, this addition is too much. This now feels like the shafting EA is giving TSTO players. I thought this was going to be a game run differently.


  35. I’m going to try like crazy to get this. It’ll take everything I’ve got, but I’m gonna try to be positive for now.
    I’ve only been playing TQFS since the beginning of August, and have unlocked up to Dr. Hartman (still working on Brian) almost entirely during the Comic-con event. I’ve spent exactly 100 clams so far, 50 on a second worker, and 50 on Jake Tucker (impulse buy). 50 of those clams were the free ones right after I started playing.
    I currently have 215 clams, need only 3 more microchips, and 8 more platings and 5 reactors for Stewie, and I keep a constant 15k to unlock rollocop and emergency reactor buying at last minute.
    I am ecstatic that they added more sources of microchips, because yesterday morning, I still had not gotten a single one.
    I have not spent a penny on this game (which is a colossal resource hog on every device I own, kindle fire HD included), and I really can’t afford to, so I resign myself to not being able to get things beyond my grasp. There is no way in hell that I would have been able to get Cranston, and I wish I had saved the 50 I spent on Jake so I could afford Nathan Fillion.
    But then there’s Bonnie. Because I’m a newish player, I haven’t unlocked many costumes, essentially making every item needed by stripper bonnie attainable by, at most, 2 characters each. (Quag and Bonnie for the 12hr common, only Seamus for the 8hr rare, Jerome and Joe for the 6hr rare, and Peter and Bruce for the 4hr extra rare)
    Now, this immediately means that for the common item, at least, even if every single try drops an earring and fishnet, I still won’t have enough. I certainly wish this was something that they had given more time for, but I will try as hard as possible to get as many of the items as possible, and the spend every clam I have getting the rest. I know it’s just a costume, but it’s freakin’ Stripper Bonnie! Really keeping my fingers crossed that I’ll be able to reduce her price in time.


    • I’m in exact same boat. I will try my best, knowing I probably won’t get it, but when I started 4 weeks ago, my goal was to get 50,000 blam. I have 110k, and very lucky on a few blam boxes to get both the giant stewies. I will save blam for the baby stewie skin because it is so tiny and cute, and should be able to get iron baby, even though I don’t have stewie yet. (Remember way back when they weren’t going to allow that?). I feel very lucky, and quite frankly, though a stripper is funny, Bonnie has enough raunchy tasks already to keep me fully entertained. I can’t even begin to imagine how many bottles of wine she has guzzled for me this month. (100% freemium so far! have 205 clams, spent just 50 for one added worker). A ton of work, but I’m pretty happy with what I lucked into and what I earned with such a late start.


  36. 3 days seems a bit impossible to unlock all items – since all of the actions are 4/8/12 hour tasks by the looks of it. Now if minions, nerds and latchers dropped items that might help.


  37. I love that TinyCo listens so well to the players and added the new microchip tasks, but I can’t wrap my head around the extensive questline required before we can even start unlocking Bonnie’s skin. It’s one thing to ramp up the challenge level by offering her new costume so late in the game, but all the preamble is silly. Parts 1 and 2 are practically duplicates (do TinyCo employees grocery-shop in two consecutive 12-hour increments?) and feel more like time-wasters than components of a storyline. I’ve really enjoyed this game and Comic-con event so far, so I’m going to cross my fingers that TinyCo rethinks this latest release.

    Thanks (as always), Bunny and Alissa, for patiently fielding our questions and complaints, and for keeping tirelessly on top of all the game changes so that we Addicts can manage our fix!


  38. Would be doable if it werent for the extra rare items. Even with many only needing 1-2 hour tasks and sending 2-3 characters at a time, two use lois in different skins, and since it takes three days just to start earning the items…no way. They shouldve made it like joe where the quest and item earning occur concurently, or else extend the final finish time another week (or make items more common)


    • I wish the tasks were only 1 or 2 hours. Based on the tasks and the times they were before it is something like this. Assuming they don’t change times when part 7 starts.

      The 3 characters that do the extra rare item (Wax) the tasks are 4 hours each.

      For the earrings Trish is 8, Connie is 8, Quaqmire is 12 and Bonnie 12…

      For the fishnet stockings Quaqmire and Seamus are 8 and Chris is 6 hours.

      For the stripper heels, Joe is 8, Jerome is 6, I don’t know what time is for Lois whipping Joe’s legs.

      So gotta play it smart. Figure I will do Trish, Bonnie and Connie for earrings. I will have Lois, Peter and Bruce go for the wax. Then have Quaqmire and Seamus and Chris do stockings and Joe and Jerome do heels…then if time runs out use the some of the free clams I got from the Blam box to finish it up.


  39. I’ve had it with this game. First off, I play on Android and lost a week to begin with. The way they structure all the quests to step on each other is just a joke. You fall behind on so much other stuff trying to get one thing done. Either no planning goes into it or it’s set up that way to make you pay if you want to accomplish anything, and either way is just sad. Luckily this site is here to give us a fighting chance, but what am I fighting for anyway? It’s not even fun, it’s like doing accounting for a failing company. Spend everyday desperately trying to get the columns to add up and sink more money into it when they don’t. I have spent way too much on this game already, I won’t be spending another dime on this game. I just feel like it’s a huge money grab for the company that created it, and I won’t support it any more.


  40. If you’ve unlocked Joe and are doing his quest line some of which take a day how do you do this aswell as you need him for both plus you need Lois who’s doing the the fab4 quest line some of which also take a day. Ios users should be happy they didn’t get Joe now. They should have just have made her a premium buy but I guess they’ll get you to burn more clams this way.


    • Fab 4 quest isn’t required to be finished. Joe is needed twice towards end of her questline. I see this as a mix of both. Instead of a straight Clam buy…an option to earn her…or most of her.


  41. Thanks for the walkthrough! What I like: Connie, Tricia, Consuela, Seamus and Bruce are all used to get stuff required to unlock the outfit.

    What I don’t like: The amount of quests that we have to do before even getting to collect stuff. There is only 5 days of the event left, and it seems like at least half of that time will be spent completing all the preliminary tasks. Unless items drop every time, I feel like I’ll have to rush tasks or just purchase the costume with clams.


    • Oh, and I think its going to be especially difficult for the android players trying to create joe’s costume (I really thought that would be an instant build for you guys..). TC should either extend the event, reduce the number of tasks required before you can start earning items for Bonnie, or increase the drop rate to 100%.


  42. Seems daunting. Maybe TinyCo has something up their sleeves, like making her items available through the next blam! box in the same way the reactors were available for Iron Stewie.


  43. Given the length of the tasks building up to even being able to start collecting the necessary items I’m not sure how it’s going to be possible to get this completed before the end of the comic con event


  44. Is that me or the end date is now unreadable on the iPhone?


  45. I think I won’t have enough time thanks to those tasks – how on earth is someone supposed to finish this in less than 4/5 days!? We’d have to use clams just to get a chance to unlock her… ¬.¬ Tinyco surely needs mailing about this they seriously can’t have done all this just to have only the few that have clams left just to unlock her.


  46. Hi fellow clammers. I think this is a great idea as it gives a bit of purpose to those characters who don’t seem to add anything to the comic con experience. Should be fun putting her and Quagmire together 😛
    Great site btw and appreciate all the hard work u all put in 😘


  47. This seems like it’s going to be extremely difficult to earn her. We can’t even start collecting stuff until part 7 and a lot of the early parts have 12 hour missions. I feel like they should have released earlier if she’s going to need all this stuff to create her. We only have 5 days to do all this. Looks like I’ll be using some clams to unlock her.


  48. I think this is a bit too much to do on the last week of comicon since it takes 2 days for the quest it only leaves 3 days for people to get all these items unless your really lucky i dont think a lot of people could get this


  49. Great idea but considering there is less than a week for this, do you not think there’s not enough time for it when you look at the timing of the tasks that have to be done?


  50. Honestly I think this may be the first unlockable in this game that I’m not going to bother with. Requirements with the limited time left is almost insulting.


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