Comic Con Results and a New Poll About Sexy Stewie

Hello There Clammers!

It’s been 2 weeks since Comic-Con left our games.  Hard to believe it was just 3 weeks ago, feels like a lifetime ago!  Probably because it’s been so busy in the streets of our tiny Quahogs!  Comic-Con ended, District 9 started right up, followed by Sexy Time and now Halloween is looming!  It’s a busy time to be a magic finger!

Anyway…shortly after Comic-Con ended we asked you guys to take part in our Ultimate Comic-Con poll and you didn’t disappoint!  You guys LOVE sharing your thoughts and opinions on events/updates in our polls and we love sharing YOUR thoughts with TinyCo!  So now, after a crazy weekend, we feel like it’s time to share the results of Comic-Con 2014 with you as well as take a new poll about Sexy Stewie!  (since something is always going on in Quahog!)

So first, let’s get the new stuff out of the way.  I know Sexy Stewie quest isn’t quite over yet, BUT let us know in the poll below if you’ve unlocked him in your Quahog!  If you don’t see your answer in the poll, feel free to mention it down in the comments below:

Oh and feel free to elaborate on your answer in the comments as well…

Now let’s get to the results of the Comic-Con Poll…

As always your responses to our polls have me floored!  You guys clearly LOVE having your voices heard…and your poll responses always show it!  So, thank you to the nearly 6,000 of you that participated in this poll!  So now let’s get right to it….

What Device Do You Primarily Play On?
iOS- 60%
Android- 39%
Kindle- 1%

Overall Did You Like the Comic-Con Event?
Yes- 85%
No- 1%
Meh, I didn’t love it or hate it- 14%

Did You Win All of The Prizes?
Yes- 75%
No- 25%

What Prize Level Did You Achieve?
1,000- <1%
5,000- <1%
10,000- <1%
15,000- 1%
35,000- 2%
50,000- 3%
65,000- 5%
85,000- 3%
100,000- 5%
100,000+ – 36%
200,000+ – 30%
300,000+ – 14%

Did You Take Advantage of the Blam! Mystery Boxes?
Yes- 87%
No- 13%

Did You Buy Batteries, Bombs, Pesticides or Harpoons?
No, none at all- 74%
Yes, 2 or More- 14%
Yes, Batteries only- 4%
Yes, Bombs only- 2%
Yes, Pesticides only- 1%
Yes, Harpoons only- 5%

Did You Buy Blam! Trucks or Stations?
No- 80%
Yes, 2 or more- 9%
Yes, the Large Truck Only- 4%
Yes, the Small Truck Only- 4%
Yes, the Sommelier Station Only- 3%

Did You Buy The Premium Characters?
Yes, Both- 28%
Yes, Cranston Only-2%
Yes, Fillion Only- 12%
No- 58%

Which Celebrities Did You Unlock?
Patrick Stewart Only- 1%
Ron Perlman Only- <1%
Felicia Day Only- <1%
Stan Lee Only- <1%
Patrick Stewart/Ron Perlman- <1%
Patrick Stewart/Ron Perlman/Felicia Day- 5%
Patrick Stewart/Ron Perlman/Felicia Day/Stan Lee- 91%
Ron Perlman/Felicia Day- <1%
Ron Perlman/Felicia Day/Stan Lee- <1%
Felicia Day/Stan Lee- <1%

Which Superheros Did You Unlock?
Captain Hammered Only- 3%
Captain Hammered/Iron Baby- <1%
Captain Hammered/Rollocop- <1%
Captain Hammered/Blobulous- 6%
Captain Hammered/Blobulous/Iron Baby- <1%
Captain Hammered/Blobulous/Rollocop- 2%
Captain Hammered/Blobulous/Rollocop/Iron Baby- <1%
Captain Hammered/Blobulous/Multiplier- 7%
Captain Hammered/Blobulous/Multiplier/Iron Baby- 33%
Captain Hammered/Blobulous/Multiplier/Rollocop- 5%
Captain Hammered/Blobulous/Multiplier/Rollocop/Iron Baby- 45%

Which Super Vehicles Did You Unlock?
Nailgunner/Blaze/ Gorge-ous Bike/Tri-Cycle/Fabu-Bus/Fabu-Jet- 64%
Nailgunner- 1%
Nailgunner/Blaze- 8%
Nailgunner/Blaze/ Gorge-ous Bike- <1%
Nailgunner/Blaze/ Gorge-ous Bike/Fabu-bus- 1%
Nailgunner/Blaze/ Fabu-Bus- 1%
Nailgunner/Blaze/ Tri-Cycle- 9%
Nailgunner/Blaze/ Gorge-ous Bike/Tri-Cycle- 6%
Nailgunner/Blaze/Tri-Cycle/Fabu-Bus- 6%
Nailgunner/Tri-Cycle- <1%
Nailgunner/Gorge-ous Bike/Tri-Cycle- <1%
Nailgunner/Gorge-ous Bike/Tri-Cycle/Fabu-Bus- <1%
Nailgunner/Tri-Cycle/Fabu-Bus- <1%
Blaze- <1%
Blaze/Gorge-ous Bike- <1%
Blaze/Gorge-ous Bike/Fabu-Bus- <1%
Blaze/Tri-Cycle- <1%
Blaze/Tri-Cycle/Gorge-ous Bike- <1%
Blaze/Tri-Cycle/Gorge-ous Bike/Fabu-Bus- <1%
Fabu-Bus- <1%
Tri-Cycle- <1%
Tri-cycle/Gorge-ous Bike- <1%

Did You Unlock Stripper Bonnie BEFORE Comic-Con Ended?
Yes, Clam Free- 13%
Yes, But with the help of Clams- 10%
No- 77%

Did You Purchase Mutant Stewie?
Yes- 56%
No- 44%

Did You Have Fun?
No- 3%

On a Scale of 1 to 10 How Would You Rate the Event?
1- <1%
3- 1%
5- 4%
6- 7%
7- 16%
8- 31%
9- 24%
10- 15%

And finally a few graphs about your choices for favorite and least favorite Stewie mutations (special thanks to Matt for his graph fun!):

Screen Shot 2014-09-18 at 2.08.05 PM Screen Shot 2014-09-18 at 2.08.14 PM


So there you have it..the results of the Ultimate Comic-Con poll!

Quahog comic con

What are your thoughts on the Comic-Con results?  Did you choices match up with the majority?  Any surprises int the results?  How about your thoughts on Sexy Stewie?  Are you happy with the extension?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

97 responses to “Comic Con Results and a New Poll About Sexy Stewie

  1. I really hope they do another comic con and let every one start back where they left off to give us a chance to get all of the characters


  2. I had one item left to unlock him. Logged in, got the item, saw it fill his bar, but when I went to Harrington’s, he was gone. Messaged TinyCo immediately, but no response. I have messaged them in the past, but never get any responses.


  3. I managed to unlock sexy stewiein the final hour last night by shelling out some of my clams (excuse the pun) to get the last pink campagne that i needed. Great I thought and I got the task for getting the robe station and a timer on it said just under 3 days remaining unfortunately I was already building and all my workers were unavailable so I thought thats okay i start it in the morning but now the task has gone. I’m assuming that it went with the event but why would it tell me i had three days left if it didn’t? Could this have been another timing glitch?


    • Yah. All linked to event removed with it. Sorry.


      • Thanks Bunny, I thought that was the case. I was just more annoyed that the timer said I had 3 days when the event only had an hour or two left. Its probably for the best though as i’ve got plenty to do with trying to unlock Tom Tucker, Vinnie and now the Cool Aid guy 😉


  4. Hello, I like many missed out on Stewy due to time. But I also did not
    See a Vinnie, did I have to get Stewie to get Vinnie. Thanks for all your efforts, it really helps.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m so upset. I was excited about the extension because I ended up only needing one music note and two more bottles. I tried to get the last bottle for the last day and a half and had Carter and Jerome do their tasks so many times. At least 10 times each…And of course in the last hour after the event was over I make them finish their tasks and I get a bottle and the event is officially over. It was just a waste of my week. The drop rate is ridiculous.


    • Sorry it was right there. 😦


      • Ditto! I’m always 1 or 2 items off. & they’re always the 8 hour tasks with 4 hours to go type thing. Had Carter & Jerome going for at least 3 days & only 1 thing dropped…

        But question: it’s still having me collect items for sexy stewie. in fact I just got an item & it brought up the status bar in the corner with sexy stewie saying I’m 1 item away. but he’s gone from the costume store. I assume this is gonna be like the Cleveland outfit that I got the items for a minute before the end & couldn’t build it in time so it keeps telling me I have an outfit available but can’t build it?


        • I see remnants. I think adding the two days messed up the coding a lil. They will most likely slowly fade. That or they will have to release an app market update to wipe the remnants out. I have seen this before with other apps when things were extended. The coding gets “hiccups”.


  6. So sexy stewie outfit is no longer in al harringtons, but my characters are still dropping music notes (I was two short when he went away). The progress bar shows that I now have enough notes for the costume, but obviously, it’s not around for me to collect. Any ideas why?


    • There are leftover remnants. I think it’s due to the extension. The game was coded to end Monday originally. The last lil bits linger as it tries to sync back up.


  7. Those Extra Rare drop rates and the introduction of Vinnie killed my chances of getting Sexy Stewie.

    I LITERALLY got up every 2 hours to task Carter & Jerome. I was ONE champagne away from unlocking the new Stewie. It never happened. I lost a lot of sleep for nothing. The drop % was crazy unrealistic.

    The intro of Vinnie made my chances even worse. The same Carter task required for the champagne was also required for the cigars. With the cigars having a much better drop rate, Carter never gave up that last champagne. That left me with Jerome, who didn’t drop all weekend.

    Planning Sexy Stewie AND Vinnie in the same time period and with overlapping characters PLUS a stict time limit made it nearly impossible. This strategy feels like it was designed to penalize freemium players. Like I said, I tasked the Extra Rare items EVERY 2 hours. Given another day and Carter’s task not producing multiple items, it might have been possible. As-is, it was SO poorly planned out and executed. This Extra Rare drop rates have to go. It sometimes takes dozens of tries just to get one drop.

    So annoyed.


  8. Also Rupert is still available. So the timer just broke for sexy stewie. If the timer was broken then they should have REMOVED it instead of leaving an inaccurate timer in there. I’m not quite sure why you continue to defend them for making amateur hour mistakes.

    End of the day it’s their loss. I would have shelled out the clams at the end to get the outfit but that’s not an option anymore.


    • Oddly enough, my Sexy Stewie has gone, but the characters are still able to collect for it. Just sent a load off on a new series of quests. The counter still goes up in the top right when they get something, but there’s no way to redeem it.


      • There are leftover remnants. I think it’s due to the extension. The game was coded to end Monday originally. The last lil bits linger as it tries to sync back up.


  9. WHERE DID SEXY STEWIE GO???? I had 36 minutes left in the countdown and he’s gone!!!! According to my countdown I had until 10 pm CST; it’s 9:24!!! I was one dulcet tone away! WTF????


    • The event had a set timer. We posted it over and over. It was in the game FAQ. It didn’t matter where you were on any of the tasks. 3PM PDT it ended. Sorry. The time was set.



      • No. The countdown timer for the costume in the game read that it would end at 10pm pacific time. Rupert had the exact same timer. Now Rupert is still available but sexy stewie is gone.

        Amateur developers at TinyCo f’ing up once again


        • I get what you are saying. we know there was a glitch. As we pointed out here, the timers not syncing right was the issue it was extended in first place. Instead of pulling the event, they allowed it to continue for 2 more days.


      • That’s fine that they stated that, but I too was going by the in game timer that said I had another half hour. I actually spent clams to speed up the Seamus task, and the last tone dropped, but all for naught, apparently :(. What’s the point of having a timer on the task bar if it’s meaningless?


        • The timer was broke. It is why it was extended. It is why it didn’t end on Monday. It is what we wrote to them about that made them give an extension. Sorry that you did not get the info as we provided it all over here and they did too in the in game FAQs and on their Facebook.


          • I do read a lot on here, but I guess I never pieced all that together. I sent the last round of tasks going at 6:00 CDT, which is after the event should have ended. Watching that last tone drop, the upper corner task bar filling completely, then finding out it was all too late was a kick to the gonads. (I had Peter and Lois trying it too before Seamus, and when they failed, it asked if I wanted to spend 8 and 15 claims respectively to try again. At least I didn’t do that.) I’m going to sulk for a while, but life will move on pretty quickly…


          • Haha. How about they fix a simple bug instead of posting faqs on their facebook. Stop defending them for being bad at their jobs.


            • Defending? Hahahahah that makes me laugh. I guess you didn’t read my comments. I responded to an inquiry of info in the game. Responded where it was. Who do you think pointed out the timing issue in the first place to them and immediately reported it? Pointed out the players confusion because of them? Which got players an extra two days. Addicts did.

              I actually have said many times now we know the timers are broke. Tell THEM your thoughts on it.

              I have to giggle at how quickly people turn and become cut throat to the person HELPING them when they’re angry. Maybe refocus your frustration at the RIGHT spot and message TinyCo your thoughts on the timer issues and lack of limited time info. No need or reason for flame wars. No need to attack those who have always fought for players from day one. 😉

              Liked by 2 people

    • I feel your pain I had the same issue one music tone to collect with 12 minutes to go and Peter, Shamus and Lois didn’t drop one single note but then this morning Peter did and the costume counter updated to say I’d completed the requirements but when I went to unlock it it wasn’t there. Annoyed!


      • There are leftover remnants. I think it’s due to the extension. The game was coded to end Monday originally. The last lil bits linger as it tries to sync back up.


  10. So frustrating. I’ve got 1 champagne left to unlock Stewie, but neither Carter nor Jerome seem to be dropping it. Like clockwork, I’ve had them making a run for it every 2hrs on the dot. Carter is now dropping cigars while Jerome is just wasting my time. I’m going to keep plugging at it, but I’ve only got 5 or 6 chances left.


  11. I’d have liked to see poll options for those who have Buzz Killington and/or the Lobster Shanty. Many of the posts I saw where people were having no issues with pink champagne all had Buzz Killington. I was in a similar situation with the hat drops, I had the Lobster Shanty which dropped 2/3 hats in the first 2 days.

    I did get the costume within normal time and without clams but it shouldn’t have happened. Carter and Jerome were sent constantly with maybe a 5-6 hour break for sleep and I was late to send them a couple of times, so it was still 8-9 tasks each in 24 hours. 1 pink champagne on Thursday, 1 on Friday morning, 1 on Sunday morning, and still needed another 3 with less than 24 hours to go. The near 48 hour gap without a drop interests me the most, I’ve read about TinyCo making changes so that the more you do a task the greater the odds of getting an item, I can say I’m a bit cynical about that after my experience of Quagmire dropping 2-3 supposedly “rare” items a week from a 4 hour task during the comic-con event. Back to the pink champagne, I decided to try the old trick of sending Jerome to do his 1 hour task before putting him back to the 2 hour task, I got champagne from 3 out of 4 tasks after that, it was crazy. I honestly had an easier time with headbands and anime eyeballs. Maybe TinyCo adjusted something, maybe I got lucky, I was happy regardless.

    tl;dr I complained that I wouldn’t get the costume, got it anyway and am still complaining 🙂


    • It’s not a bad thought…the problem is when you add a lot more variables it leads to a lot of misleading results. We see it all the time in our larger (Ultimate) polls. There are tons of results I have to pull out because they’re misleading. For example in the Comic Con poll we had several players say they won the Fabu Jet but not all the other cars. Now we all know that you can’t have the Fabu Jet with out getting all 5 of the other vehicles, so am I to assume they got all 5 vehicles and just forgot one or 2? Or is the jet a mistake? So I just throw out that result…
      Same thing would happen here. Someone could say “I have the lobster shanty” but maybe it didn’t drop anything for them. Or maybe it’s in their inventory, or maybe they don’t really have it and think they do. Or what if you had Buzz but he didn’t drop anything for you, but Carter and Jerome did? All those different variables lead to why I didn’t add those as options in this particular poll…


    • I do have the lobster shanty AND buzz killington…. I didn’t have any problems getting everything I needed before the original timer went off, maybe your right that having buzz (which u have to buy) helped with that!


  12. Well, Mark S, someone got out of the wrong side of the clam this morning. Buying it is part of the will they won’t they extend gamble. Your choice was to buy it. It’s that simple. Sometimes you gotta just accept it and take the hit buddy.

    I love this site. I am not a regular commenter but I check in every day. You guys do a great job. I never understood the whole ‘I disagree with your website and everything you do so much that I will return to it on a daily basis’ mindset. Guess there is just no pleasing some people. Personally I didn’t manage to get sexy stevie but, hey ho, he will come around again at some point. I have plenty of things I have managed to unlock (without clams).

    Strikes and gutters sir, strikes and gutters.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for your input. We spoke our peace and will let the matter go. Can’t please everyone all the time. All we can do is be ourselves and keep doing what we do. 🙂

      Tunnel vision from those that don’t understand will always be there. No one knows what we do on a daily basis. So I giggle at assumptions. We try to show a big picture and open eyes, but we can’t force others to see. It’s their choice. Anger can be blinding.


  13. I have completed the Sexy stewie costume, but ever since that time the drop rate for Carter’s task for cigars (common) to unlock Vinny has fallen away completely, he has not dropped a cigar in six consecutive tasks. Something not right here.


  14. HELP! I unlocked Vinny but can’t find the Boopity Pastaria anywhere


    • I found it.


    • You would of had to first got the pop up for the Special side quest that is timed for 3 days only. Did you see the timed event pop up in your game? Is it still there on the side task bar? If so, tap on it. If you took MORE than 3 days to complete the unlock of him, then time ran out.


  15. Just wondering but what was the result for the blam refund question?


    • Out of everyone that asked for a refund (because 85% of those that took the poll didn’t even request one)….the split was 80% no refund, 20% yes refund.


      • Thanks Alissa. I’ve been playing this game pretty much since it came out. And while I don’t remember exactly when I first came across your site I do know my enjoyment of the game has increased since I have, and it’s no coincidence. Your posts keep me up to date and you always answer my questions (both the ones I’ve asked personally and many more that others have asked before me). You and Bunny have made me a true addict, but in a good way! I really just want to thank you both for all you do here and behind the scenes, it’s truly appreciated.

        Liked by 1 person

  16. I was really disappointed with TinyCo. I purchased and spent clams to finish Sexy Stewie as I was so close to finishing him and they then extended the time to finish him.

    When I wrote to request the clams back I was met with a flat no. A real shame after the money I’ve spent on the game and would have continued to spend.


  17. Wow I wont mention names but some people are so rude! Great poll! I got stewie b4 the extension no clams and no loss of sleep. Drop rates have never been a big issue for me lucky I guess.
    I was impressed by how well done the comicon survey was with every sinario covered it was well thought out and every answer I wanted to give was included. Keep up the good work ladies. Dont let anyone make you think you are not appreciated.


    • Thanks so much. Some days are a bit rougher than others when it comes to all we put in and do with responses like that. We don’t HAVE to do it, but we WANT to. I LOVE helping out others. Gives me so much joy to do it. We learned fast it can be a thankless job at times. We do love our regular readers, like yourself. Readers like you keep us going. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  18. That extra days was enough to get him without clams.
    BTW, am I the only one who think that Tiny Co planed to extend this mini event from the start just to make some people to use clams, then to make non-clamers happy too?


    • Nope. They had no intentions of extension. They told us so MANY MANY MANY times in MANY MANY MANY emails. “No Extension.” Lol. It came down to the Rupert timer issue and an executive decision on THEIR part to extend not just Rupert, but all of it.

      We just point out glitches & flaws and report what readers & ourselves see. What happens next will always come down to them. I am just glad they take the time to listen to their players. 😉


  19. I don’t think I’m gonna get him, I haven’t gotten a champagne bottle since 2 or 3 days ago!


  20. Still need 6 bottles and still have 3 ppl working non stop so unless I get real lucky soon no sexy stewie for me


  21. Got Sexy Stewart tonight, so pretty pleased, was short of the dulcet tones, but the drop rates appear to have improved a lot today, so now building the boutique, did not buy the dancers though, not worth the clams, just my opinion


  22. I absolutly loved this event! I felt the timing on content was very well paced. Plus, the Freemium content was amazing. I love looking at the poll results. It seems most everyone was able to get all the Freemium content, which is great! I hope this event comes back next year! 😄


  23. I need 6 tones and have one day left. It would help if there were a SECOND time extention


  24. i still need six tones and i really hope the event extends for ONE MORE DAY or they shorten the tasks


  25. I kept trying the whole time and finally got all but one item after the extension, but then I added Vinny without researching it and now I’ve made it harder on myself.


  26. I just wanted to say I think you guys are awesome :). You guys help us so much with all your info you guys make available for us. Like you always say spending clams is a personal choice based on what content we would like in our games. I’ve been a premium player since the circus event and I did pay clams for sexy stewie, I’m not mad about the extension just happy I wasn’t affected by the glitch this time. I think that was the fair thing to do for those who were affected. It’s almost time for our next candy…mine keep showing up in my flower beds of the same color. Thanks for all the comic con results…surprised 58% didn’t purchase the premium characters since they did have multiple drop rates for items needed during the event. Have a great day 🙂


  27. I meant the in-game coin decos that doesn’t cost clams. 🙂


  28. Got the outfit before the extension. Of course, it helped that I have two lobster shacks, Buzz and Human Rupert collecting stuff. Love the freebie decos, too!


  29. I had to use 5 clams to get one ‘common’ powder for sexy stewie because i was about to miss the deadline. Thus, it was a waste for me because they extend the event with in 1 hour of the deadline….sooo not fair because the ‘common’ drop felt like ‘rare’ as it only dropped 1/3 times.


  30. I was ready to spend 85 clams to get the costume because I was short some tones and champagne before the deadline. I wanted that costume enough to do it. But bc of the extension I was able to get the items (last tone dropped this morning). I’m happy they extended it but was prepared to spend (some) clams for it, 85 was still kinda high but I would’ve done it lol.
    I must point out though I played nonstop even setting a timer to wake me in the middle of the night to set tasks to get items and I would still have been short 2 tones and one champagne. It’s not fair to state that something’s are attainable for free simply by playing more.
    Either way I still am glad they extended it so now I can save my clams for other things 🙂


  31. Law of diminishing returns, negative returns

    Excellent poll. It will help those who have not studied business understand why extending the Sexy Stewie event results in no increase in net profits or result in a decrease. TinyCo is making no more money by the extension.

    When a product can only be purchased once, 99% of the purchases are done before the deadline. Tasking employees to make the necessary changes who are supposed to be working on new projects and customer refunds increases their expenses for this event. This is why companies typically would not take the same action as TinyCo.

    The only reason TinyCo extended the event was to grease the squeaky wheel that is the good people on FGA. We are addicts, but only Bunny and Alissa are also our advocates. They were the only reason why TinyCo was convinced to commit an act of goodwill.

    Liked by 1 person

  32. I was one music tone short with an hour to go thinking about rushing a task or buying outright before the extension. 15 clams for that outfit would have been well worth it. I play all day and shut it down overnight and am totally Freemium. This is an incredibly fun FREE game. I at Level 48 and only missing- Rupert, Pee Pants, and King Butt. Haven’t bought any premium characters except Jake. I’ve spent more wasted cash on crappy bar nachos then this game I’ve enjoyed for over 6 months I got the last note 2 hours after the extension and have Sexy Stewie.


  33. I know tiny co is generous but when they announced the extension it kinda of bothered me that they specifically said “Extension Only Because of The Rupert Timing Glitch” when there were literally Hundreds of post about the drop rates being too extreme, just saying kinda rude to not even consider the freemiums struggling on this one and not care and just basically we got lucky


    • I understand your frustration with the drops, but I also see both sides. I saw many freemiums complaints on drops, but exact same players got him complete BEFORE the extension along with many others. TinyCo has to make a balance. They have no way of knowing how many times a day you will play. What characters you do and don’t have and will or won’t send on tasks repetitively to get better drop odds. Way too many variables in a pool of millions of players. So…they find a balance.

      As a freemium player, we must understand if we want to stay freemium, work will HAVE to be done. It won’t be simple or easy, but worth it if it’s what you want. I have a game on the other app I was dedicated freemium only. It was how I started. I didn’t get everything, but that’s ok. I still tried and always knew NOT paying would require more of my personal time and effort and I would miss out on a few items here or there. That was fine by me.

      Overall I believe TinyCo has done an amazing job at balancing the two styles of play. Freemium and Premium.

      Short story long, if you want instant/quick/simple…pay for it. If you want nothing but Free…play for it. And play constantly.

      Focus on what YOU want out of the game for YOUR style of play and have fun. 😉


      • Very well put, Bunny. We as players have a choice of how we want to play, and I absolutely love that they’ve made just about all of it achievable to both sides. There’s even a little crossover, where the premiums might have to work for something and the freemiums might have to break down and use clams. Either way, this isn’t a passive game, and that’s what frustrates me the most when I read the comments on here (and makes me feel bad for you and Alissa to deal with every day). So many of the complaints are people not willing to put in the necessary time or $$, yet want everything. I can understand how a premium player who has spent $$ and a freemium player who connects multiple times every hour would be disappointed when TinyCo makes changes to appease those who aren’t very invested (and to still see more complaints anyway). That said, being the hardcore freemium player I am, if I played constantly every day of the challenge and still came up short of unlocking Sexy Stewie before time expired (I was one dulcet note away), you have to question if maybe they did miscalculate a tad.

        Anyway, Bunny and Alissa, I think I speak for most of us when I say we appreciate all that you do on here. Please don’t get discouraged by the negativaty that seems to be growing out of control lately. I suppose that can happen when you have an anonymous place to vent, though. Maybe we need a “What the Hell” Monday through Thursday added to keep most of that venting separate from the walkthroughs and help/tips/tricks portion?

        Liked by 1 person

      • However, if you play at the maximum possible rate (determined by the task length) but still can’t get the items, its no longer freemium content. It’s a gamble. Will I be one of the lucky ones or will I get screwed?

        I hate, hate, hate card fighter games because of the random ‘booster pack’ method of doling out new cards. the free booster packs contain cr@ppy cards but the pay boosters have mostly the same crappy cards just with better cards mixed in.

        This game is actually like that now. i had assumed that all content not given a price in clams could be earned by simply spending time on it.
        However it appears that is not the case. If you pay fremium you are rolling the dice- if you are lucky your efforts are rewarded, if not too bad, so sad, better luck next time, cough up the clams chump.

        The wishy washy extentions ARE nice stop gaps, but they DO screw over players who were unlucky and decided to pay clams, trusting in the info given to them.

        It past time for Tinyco to do one of 3 thing:
        Adjust the drop rates.
        Adjust the time frame or requirments of limited events.
        Admit that freemium content is not intended to be earned by all players without the use of clams.

        If they said staight up, ‘hey you got hustle and also be lucky, if not you can always use clams’ I could have more reslistic expectations. I hate how its always, ‘hey everythings fine, must just be you…’

        but they don’t want to do admit any such thing because it snaps players out of the knee jerk panic reaction to spend clams.

        But that’s how I’m gonna look at it. Every thing not connected to a disctrict is a spin of the roulette wheel, so if its not something I would pay clams for, I’ll set my heart on not getting it. then i can be pleasantly suprised when on occasion I do.

        Liked by 1 person

  34. Thank you Ladies! I really enjoy seeing these poll results, in addition to everything else you do for us! (No gripes or questions this time.) 🙂


  35. Needed two more champagnes before I slept (different time zone), so sped it up with clams. Slightly disappointed when I woke up to read that the event was extended. But too bad for me I guess…


  36. Is there a known bug with Time for a Sexy Party pt. 1? I unlocked Sexy Stewie last night so this morning I had him read Plaything Magazine and the next step is to create Sexy Stewie. Every time I click on the ! I get the box with the usual checkmark showing I’ve completed that step but the game freezes and I have to force close. It then reverts when I reload giving me the step to create SS, repeat…


    • Not so much Sexy Stewie, but have seen a ! Stuck on character glitch. It’s something they have sent patches for but have to manually fix as it seems case by case. If basic troubleshooting hasn’t helped and you tried all including uninstall/reinstall (ONLY if your account is saved to email or Facebook)… then contact them.


  37. I was one of the folks who used clams to finish up Sexy Stewie before the event was extended. I had less than 4 hours to go, and only 2 Dulcet Tones left to get, so there was no way I would be able to finish him up, so I spent the 30 clams to do so. I am not happy about the fact that it was extended after that fact, and could have save myself the clams, and though I would love it if there was a way TinyCo could refund those, I am not getting my panties in a bunch over it or anything. It’s “only” 30 clams, and since you get 1 free at least every other time you visit OllieLand, you can rack them back up pretty easy, but one thing TinyCo needs to realize is that when you put such a limited timeframe on the event, making some of the items 8-10 hour tasks for an Extra Rare drop is not the nicest thing to do to your players. Not everyone has the time to log in every couple hours (luckily I do), and i Know they need to make $ too from Clam sales, but it seems like a disservice to the players to put such a limit on it, “force” people to buy/spend clams to get it before the event ends, then extend it right before it’s about to end so people could have gotten it for “free”.


    • Drops worked as intended. Players still unlocked it. It is a matter of what a freemium player is willing to put in to get something free. I understand the drops things but want to bring up something else you as well as other players keep focusing on.

      You first really need to keep in mind it was NOT going to be extended. It was us ADDICTS speaking out for players with a glitch that got the ENTIRE thing extended for an issue with ONLY Rupert. Sexy Stewie was a bonus.

      So I ask you this, would you have preferred on an issue like this and like Stripper Bonnie that we NOT speak up? NOT push for players causes? Would you have preferred we stayed silent and allowed the event to end anyway?


      • Yes, I would prefer that you didn’t interfere with TinyCo. I commented awhile back that I think they are trying too hard to be all things to all people, and that they should just stick to their guns… it doesn’t help when you keep pressuring them to make changes, and only serves to upset the paying players. You are only pushing for one side of the player’s cause, not everyone’s… A site like this should at least “attempt” to remain impartial. If you truly want to push for all players then when you make an extension request, you should also request that the players who paid to have things accelerated should be refunded those clams.


        • So…since we are so “one sided”…we should shut this site down?

          If we don’t help YOU at all, why come here then?

          I find it amusing you think you know what we do for ALL players so well.


        • Mark it’s more an issue when there is an issue. When it came to Stripper Bonnie not one email was sent by us asking them to extend it. I simply wrote a post because I thought the amount of time they gave to do it was ridiculous. It was basically, cut the BS and don’t hide. If you want it to be premium make it premium but if you want to give players a legit shot at getting it for free than you need to give more time. Between that post the the COUNTLESS players that wrote in asking for more time is what caused them to extend it.
          In the case of Sexy Stewie/Rupert…again not one email was sent asking for an extension. In fact I sent an email to be 100% sure they weren’t extending it so players (like you) don’t call us liars again for saying it’s not going to be extended and then it is. Then we started to see reports from you guys about extended time in your task lists. MULTIPLE reports. When we start to see something like that trend we report it. I reported it. Then TinyCo dug further into it and realized it was a timing glitch. The extension had EVERYTHING to do with that timing glitch and NOTHING to do with people complaining for more time for sexy stewie (which again, we didn’t ask for).
          All we do is confirm things for you guys via TinyCo. We don’t have magic powers that make things change in the game. You guys report issues, we tell you to report it to TinyCo. However, when we start to see things trend (like the Shuffle Papers glitch, the Bruce Glitch, the invisible characters, the invisible money when visiting neighbors) we report it to TinyCo ourselves as well. But ONLY when it looks like a growing problem in the game.
          Also, keep in mind….TinyCo reads this blog and YOUR comments. Which means if you’re complaining about something (which you often do), they look a little further into it. It’s not that we’re interfering, it’s that we’re reporting the same issues you are. They see it and they make changes. However, in the future, if you’d like….the next time YOU have an issue with your game I’ll be more than happy to NOT help you try and resolve the problem. You can sit in the Tech Support queue waiting for help, while we help players that actually appreciate it.
          However, the truth is…I’ll end up helping you if you have a problem because that’s what we’re here for.
          But let’s break it down…you seem to come here and complain a LOT. Honestly, if you feel we are of no use to YOU, then why do you keep coming back? Just to complain? We are here to help and give people a place to voice their thoughts and opinions. But if its not for you …as you say…then there is no reason to stay around, right?

          Liked by 1 person

          • Amazing answers ladies, I couldn’t have said it better myself. Mark, these ladies work hard and spend their own hard-earned cash to make sure all us addicts know what is going on in the game, be it good or ill. They provide an outlet for us to vent or to celebrate and someone to turn to when glitches hit and we get upset or angry and don’t know what to do. I stumbled across this site by accident back in May when I first began playing and had issues with my game, and I am so glad that I did. Now I check in at least once a day just to make sure I haven’t missed an update to the game or just to read comments and see how Bunny,Alissa and others are faring in their games. I appreciate all that they do for us and that they are our collective voice to TinyCo. I am also grateful that TinyCo listens to them, their blogs, our comment and complaints and actually works hard to make the game enjoyable for all. My mother always told me, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” While I might not always agree with that sentiment, I do believe that it applies to some people and situations; you and this website for example. You moan and groan and complain incessantly, with never a positive affirmation or anything helpful for the rest of us addicts. I think you may need to consider visiting another website for you FGTQFS needs. Or maybe you are just an internet troll?!


          • Wait a second… Alissa and Bunny don’t have magical powers?



          • Not sure why you even post this clown’s comments. Maybe he’s so bitter because he peed his pants like Peter. Honestly I can’t count the number of times I’ve found answers on this site that have helped. Not to mention the times you’ve directly helped me.

            Thank you, thank you, thank you.

            Though I will say I can see how people think you ladies run TinyCo because it seems like they listen so intently to you! 🙂


            • Lol. Well, we do have awesome readers as well as many players voices behind us too. We thank YOU for your kind words of what we do here. 😉

              As far as TinyCo is concerned, I think it is our approach. Yell, cuss, scream, etc…never gets anyone anywhere. We present facts and data, plain and simple. Show examples. Offer advice. Offer alternative thoughts.

              When you apply your knowledge to help SOLVE a problem and not just complain about it, I feel more people are willing to listen. If you provide ways and examples to make a change more reasonable and doable, it is more likely to be noticed. We give respect and in return get it. It is how I wish most companies were modeled. 😉

              (p.s. Not every comment he made was like this. It is fascinating to me as many made are OPPOSITE of what is being asked and told to us. Like the comments vary by the persons daily, hourly mindset. We see it all the time. But alas, we still try to help.)


      • Oh no, Bunny, I am in total agreement with you in the fact that I think it IS great that TinyCo listens to the players (and especially this site, that’s why I love coming here), and in the end did indeed give the extension.
        And I understand that, to a point, it’s a growing/learning process for them as well to figure out how best to balance the item drops with the time they allot to the events. So, in the long run, they may just end up making them shorter-timed quests or a longer event from the get-go to make it “easier” to achieve.
        Personally, I managed to get Stripper Bonnie with no issue, and only barely missed out on Stewie (pre-extension, hence my 30-clam purchase), and had no issues with either ComicCon or the King Butt event, so really, I think they are doing a great job overall.
        Keep up the great work, and thank you for all you do, for the site and for us addicts! 🙂


        • Like I said. Totally with you in drops. Those eyeballs and headbands drove me INSANE! (Yes, I know I’m already crazy. Lol)

          It is their “thing” so I am trying to get used to it and find ways to help others on them.

          Us pointing out issues in drops did impact a change. Subtle…but something. 😉

          Rare Item Drops: TinyCo Responds to Players

          They are also listening in that I see more premium characters bring used for drops.

          It’s a game of balance. Give n take. They still need to pay their bills while keeping the game fun. They can’t give it all away or they’ll go away. THAT would make me sad. Great game.


          • Thing is though, when those epic items drop, it really is epic! I actually sit and watch it until it floats off by itself, and generally provide audio accompaniement (you know, the sound of the heavens opening – aaaaahhhhh).
            For me it was seashells and eyeballs, less so headbands Mermaid Peter only completed slightly before Anime Peter it seemed!).
            As someone else said, good game, and you can do it free, you just have to put a lot of time in.


      • I definitely appreciate the fact that you can relay player feedback to TinyCo. I don’t think that the unrealistic timing of Stripper Bonnie would have been fixed otherwise. Thanks for all your time spent on providing info, touching base with TinyCo and also not losing your enthusiasm despite negative attitudes towards you. You guys rock big time! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ


  38. oh wait nvm sorry… hahah


  39. what about the new poll for sexy stewie?


  40. I never had a timer on my Sexy Stewie, but I collected my last item this morning, so I guess I got the benefit of the extension without realizing I needed it. I better go grab those decorations before they disappear.


  41. My sexy time hasn’t gone yet and still collecting the notes??


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