Addicts Are Coming West!!!

Hey there Clammers. Thought we would give a lil heads up to our readers to lock your doors, board up your windows, and fear for your existance. Bunny and Alissa are coming to town. Be afraid.  Lol

Time To Travel

I tend to bounce all around the country as of late. I don’t mind the travel so much. Cool new places. Interesting people. But alas, I miss my partner in crime. My Alissa! So, I am gonna bound and gag her and force her to come along with me whether she wants to or not. Lol. Just kidding.

Alissa and myself are making a fun lil trip out west to the San Francisco area the weekend of October 9th. We will have a lil free time on our hands and were curious if any of our Amazing readers here would ALSO be in the area at that time. Would you like to come and harass…errrrr. ..hang with us two crazy gals… LIVE… and in PERSON?? Don’t worry. Alissa already told me I can only take ONE souvenir reader home with me. I promise to keep the fangs in check…for now.  😉

So speak up readers. Anyone wanna join the Addicts Madness LIVE!! Let us know in the comments below. We would LOVE to hear and see yah. (We may also have a few surprises up our sleeves.)

Bunny & Alissa

93 responses to “Addicts Are Coming West!!!

  1. Dang while I am vacationing the month of October I am doing a marathon that weekend in Kansas, so no San Fran for me.


  2. I live in the sf bay area- let me know where the party’s at


  3. Doing my traveling in November. Besides you should come visit me in Hawaii instead. Much better weather here. If you need a reason to come, you should come for our Kawai Kon. Look it up on google if you haven’t heard of it. And if you do make it out here I would gladly play your friendly tour guide.


  4. I live fifty miles out. I may make it. I’ll just wait for details.


  5. Sounds fun…but imma east coast baby… 😦


  6. Yeah, I heard there’s a plague, blackouts, earthquakes and all that good stuff going on in Cali right now so I think you two should avoid it. Matter of fact I think it’s been going on all over the U.S. except for Boston. Go to Boston, it’s safer there.


  7. Well if you ever make it to Utah I’ll throw an awesome party and invite all the cool kids in the area, a little bunny with fangs? bring it on. They call me the Rabbit Whisperer for a reason 😉 I can handle a few bites here and there


  8. I’m on my way to the San Francisco Giants game as we speak. I’m also stationed near by. Keep us posted!


  9. I’m in St. Thomas….no way is that happening. But if you make your way to the Caribbean. …Holla at us


  10. Can’t make San francisco.If you two ever make it to Phoenix I’ll hang with you two.Just try to make it in the fall or winter.To dam hot in the summer.


  11. Off topic but will there be a weekend update?


  12. You say you want to see us, but every time I sit in my car in front of your houses you close the blinds. Stop sending mixed signals. 😛


  13. It sounds like somebody will be guests of the Walter White and methlab of our addiction. Lets hope their fate ends well!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Always looking for a good excuse to head up to SF! Keep us posted.


  15. To bad i live in Holland other wise i really joined you gals xd


  16. I’ll be here, staying classy in San Diego. It’s science.


  17. I live in Vallejo. Like 30 minutes from San Francisco! I’m considered to be in the east bay area. However I don’t go all the way to the city due to having expired plate tags on my car…


  18. I live about 30 mins away from San francisco…..where do you want to meet?


  19. You guys need to spend time on the east coast and come hang out in the Charm City. Although I did love the week I spent in the Bay Area.


  20. Visit beautiful rome ga. We have much to see that you’ll be telling your friends about for years to come (not necessarily in a good way). We have the most ample supply of po dunk you’ll find this side of the Mississippi. Eat things you didn’t think we’re edible. Search new depths of boredom once you get tired of our towns historical sites- the road that David spade drove through on and of course the big tree. Spend time playing our towns national sport- kick the can- in our Olympic size field the old walmart parking lot. Once you’ve stayed at one of our two crack hotels you’ll get addicted to the adrenaline rush of life and death fear as hear a murder in the next room. That’s rome ga. Just south of where you hear the banjos. Just ask us about our inbreeding invitation!


  21. Sounds fun! Can’t wait to hear how it goes! 😃


  22. Does this site have an app? I downloaded a free guide from the ios App Store and they link to your site. Is that you?


  23. too bad i didn’t know of this site before comic con. would’ve been cool to have met then!


  24. Have fun, I can’t come but if ur every in NYC let me know


  25. When are you gonna visit portland? It is the home of the simpsons after all.


  26. Too long of a day trip for me! I’m in Indiana! But have lots of fun and can’t wait to see the pics!


  27. Was thinking some days ago how cool it would be to meet some of you addicts in person. Perhaps we should open up some sub-groups for each state/nation and held yearly conferences including a big convention in the US once in a while 😉
    Would love to be the German delegate aka Uter 🙂
    Have fun and keep that “Bunny Water” dripping!


  28. Come to Sweden and I’ll meet ya. 🙂


  29. Eh, too bad I live south of the Fransisco you speak of. I probably won’t be going on a 413 mile drive with about 7 hours to stay awake any time soon.
    Have fun though. 🙂


  30. That’s a tad too far for me – I’m about 2,800 miles east in Raleigh, NC! Since this isn’t in the What the Hell post, I’ll have to say “That Grinds My Gears!” (Peter is actually doing that right now) Perhaps you guys could take pics while you’re there and post ’em here when you get back? Have fun!


  31. Hey guys. Gonna have to miss it. Come Out To Vegas


  32. You should visit tallinn, estonia 😉 (my homecountry) it has very delicious sweets!


  33. I live in San Jose and would love to attend a meetup. But I can’t be the souvenir as I’ve vowed to never live in snow again. 🙂


  34. I’m in SFO on the weekend, but I’m afraid that my wife’s going to chop off my hands when I suggest going to such a meetup. She’s really annoyed that I spend so much time playing TSTO and TQFS… although the Zen garden in her favorite PvZ2 has started getting some serious attention lately, too… 😉

    So… maybe, though not extremely likely. Unfortunately.


  35. Have a wonderful time and TRY to stay out of trouble, LOL, as if!! 😉
    Wish i could be there! 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  36. I would say time for me to visit the US ;). Or for you crazy girls to visit Belgium LOL. Have fun!


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