Well hello there all you Keymasters and Gatekeepers. Figured you will have a LOT of questions for this event. As usual. So I am putting the general FAQs in a nice lil tidy spot right here for you. Something to keep you tied over until all the details are confirmed in the Live Game. 😉

Ghostbusters icon

Here is the breakdown of the basics. We will go into each one in a LOT more detail in separate posts. So keep an eye out for them. So let’s jump into the FAQ’s from TinyCo…


You need to be up to date to Version 1.3 in your app market. You also need to have District 3 Completed.


October 2nd, 2014


November 7th, 2014 (You can view this information by tapping on the Witch’s Cauldron.


The Portal opens up into Quahog and demonic creatures spill out of it. You can use the Portal to earn Fright Points. Fright Points will increase your Fright Level. Fright Levels are an Upgrade to the Portal you can do each week to unlock lots of cool new Halloween Content as well as new kinds of ghosts to clear. Ghosts are good, they will drop items you need to progress this event.

Fright Point

You can get Fright Points by completing actions, brewing prizes, collecting rent from the Ghostbusters Headquarters, or placing Halloween Decorations. You need the points to also Updgrade to new Fright Levels.

Spirit Vial

In order to get Halloween prizes and unlock Ghostbuster Peter, you will need Spirit Vials. To get them, you will need to clear the ghosts taking over your Quahog. Each one cleared is a possible chance at the Spirit Vials. Just tap on the ghosts to clear them and watch for a Spirit Vial to drop.

There will also be the option to get Spirit Vials from actions, collecting rent from Ghostbusters Headquarters, and the Spirit Dispensaries (Spirit Vial Machine, Spirit Vial Wagon, and Spirit Vial Cart.)

Ghosts 2

Locate the Portal and look for the “NEW GHOSTS TIMER” at the bottom. It will show you when the next ghost will spawn in YOUR town. Of course there will also be an option to speed up this process to instantly if you are willing to part with some Clams. (The Spawn Rate is still a work in progress so it will vary right now, but MORE Ghosts is a good thing. Lol.) You can have a total of 12 Ghosts in your town at one time. This rate will increase later on with your Soul Level.


You will either get Spirit Vials or Eggs. (And an occasional Clam.)

Witch's Cauldron

Each prize will need to be brewed and brewed separately. You will require items to make the brew. These may include Spirit Vials, Terror Dog Bones, or Banshee Tears. Which can be earned by clearing the Terror Dogs.

If you REALLY like a Halloween item and want another, you can collect more items and brew that prize multiple times.

Terror Dog 1

In order to get rid of the Terror Dogs, you will FIRST need to have created the Ghostbuster Peter Costume and have it unlocked. After that, you can then clear Terror Dogs as so…

*Tap on a Terror Dog

*Start Ghostbuster Peter on the task to “Zap Terror Dogs”


Much like the ghosts, just tap on the Portal and it will let you know when the next Terror Dog will arrive in YOUR town. (They start appearing the moment the Haunted House is repaired, just can’t tap til Peter is done.) 6 Terror Dogs MAX can be in your town at a time. This will increase later with your Soul Level.

Ghostbuster Peter 1

In order to unlock Ghostbuster Peter, you need to start the Halloween event. Once you get to the questline for “I AIN’T AFRAID OF NO GHOST” Part 4, you will start to get the ability to earn items needed to unlock Ghostbuster Peter

Spirit Vial500 Spirt Vials : Actions, Ghosts, Dispensaries

Ghost Duster15 Ghost Dusters (Uncommon): Quagmire, Peter, Jerome, and Macabre Curiosities

Eggs15 Fried Eggs (Rare): Gray Ghosts, BoopityBop’s Joke Shop

Psychic Cards10 Psychic Cards (Rare): Chris, Bruce, Bonnie, and Madame Google’s Fortunes

You have until the end of the Halloween Event to unlock Ghostbuster Peter. As long as he is complete and walking around your town before the event ends, you get to keep him. If you are still collecting items by the end of the event, you will lose him.

Ghost Diane

In order to unlock Diane, you need to get to the questline “HELL HATH NO FURY” Part 1. At that point you will then start digging up Diane Simmons. Once you repair her gravestone, you will seven days live in game it shows five days to unlock her. Once unlocked and in the game, she is yours to keep. If the time expires before you unlock her, she will disappear from the game and will not return. You have til end of event to do this. (SIDE NOTE: If you have started to dig her up…DO NOT tap the check mark til you are ready to start collecting for her. Once that Headstone is repaired the timer starts.)

To unlock her you will need to Brew the Electricity Ball and Chomps the Zombie in the Witch’s Cauldron. This will require a total of 400 Spirit Vials and 30 Terror Dog Bones. So you may want to get the Terror Dogs Spawning and some Vials stocked up before you repair her tombstone and start the timer. (SIDE NOTE: If you start collection on the items BEFORE digging her up, they will still count towards her. So you can have them brewed already and then dig her up to get her fast.)

A Thank You to TinyCo for listening. They added a lil info to Diane’s grave pop up now when you tap it. Things like this is why I adore them as a company. Listening to their players concerns (and Addicts pestering them. Lol).



Slimer is Exclusive to Android Devices, so in order to see him you will need to be playing on an Android Device. He will appear shortly after “I AIN’T AFRAID OF NO GHOSTS” Part.  A pop up will appear in the game when he spawns, so you gotta watch for it so you can take him out quickly. He appears every 8 hours for only 2 mins at a time.

FYI…he is NOT a character. He is more like …another ghost. Just something to zap so far. Will update if it changes. For now, that is it.


This is what he looks like in town. He does blend into the greenery, so keep an eye out. Also, just like characters, he sticks to roads so those hidden ones won’t be of any use to you if he is back there.

Slimer in Quahog 1 Slimer in Quahog


We are also seeing a glitch that speeds you through the 3 Slimer’s task. It has been reported. No worries, he will still spawn.


Just like in EVERY Event so far…. STOP… BREATH…DON’T PANIC!!! TinyCo and many many others put a lot of time and effort into this one. So don’t kill the event mood before it even starts. Don’t rush. Keep an eye on here for helpful hints. Wait to spend Clams til you have all the details and/or can make a confident decision. Above all… HAVE FUN!!! (Or I may send Stay Puft and Gozer the Gozerian after YOU! 😉 )

So there you have it. All the basics in a nutshell. What do you think of it all? Lots of excitement? Let us know.

Happy Haunting.


493 responses to “HALLOWEEN FAQ Sheet

  1. I just noticed I can drag characters around like I’m dangling them on a string and they also say new phrases. When did that happen? Very funny!


  2. Any way i can reverse Dianne cuz i didnt know that I had to get ghostbusters peter first 😦


  3. How awesome that i didnt know you had to ghostbusters peter before Dianne … Not. Now i dont think i will be able to unlock her and im really disapointed 😦


  4. The grey ghosts haven’t dropped any items for me yet (besides Spirit Vials), but one of them did drop a clam. Which was nice.


    • When you start collecting for Peter they’ll give you eggs too.


      • I’m already collecting for Peter, I guess I just haven’t been lucky enough to get an egg yet. Maybe I’ll get a bunch next time, since it’s all random. I just thought I’d mention that they also drop clams like the nerds occasionally did, since I hadn’t seen it mentioned (might have missed it) and it was a nice surprise.


  5. So I’ve begun to dig up Diane’s grave…what should I do before I click the check and start the timer?


    • Unlock Peters costume first. Get terror dogs and stock pile bones and vials. Then unlock her. You can even just complete the two items she needs too. Brew them up and then unlock her and you’ll be done.


  6. stay puft is gozer he was the form of the destructor (gozer) that ray chose. the chick was zuul


  7. I see that the FAQ lists the max number of terror dogs in town as 6 but in my town and my BF town we each seem to max out at 5. I’ve seen the timer pass that says a new dog is coming, but we still never have more than 5. Neither of us have unlocked GB Peter yet and I’m at the max level, I think my BF is level 29. You mentioned a “Soul level”? Can you tell me more about what that is and do you think it could be the reason that we only have 5 terror dogs each? Love this blog by the way. You guys are amazingly patient! Thanks for the help 🙂


    • You start with 5. After you get Peter and they really start spawning is when you will notice the rates. The “Spirit” Level, look at the lower right corner of game. The Spirit or Fright Level if you will will change the Portal in the way it looks as you upgrade and change spawns. More coming on this as the game progresses and more is unlocked.


  8. Much love to you both. Awesome work.


  9. Doesn’t look like getting Ghostbuster Peter is going to take as long as I had feared. The eggs are dropping like hotcakes from the ghosts. The tarot cards are taking a bit longer, but I have 5 of 10 already, so everyone that’s been making panicky comments about being able to get Ghostbuster Peter need to relax a little. None of the items are extra rare.


  10. Is level 2 the highest you can go up for now?


  11. Well, looks like I’m going to have to use clams to get Diane. Just tried collecting from Quagmire’s house and it registered as touching the tombstone. $%&$! Didn’t want to repair that until I had Ghostbuster Peter and had cleared some terror dogs. Hmmmm, will the task start if I don’t touch the check mark when the repair is finished?


  12. Is Slimer available to catch thru the entire Halloween Event? Removing roads as somebody suggested, does limit the area the ghosts appear, waiting to try it on the Terror Dogs and Slimer. I wish I had known this with the Minion Stewies, I never was able to kill 10 with one shot.


  13. does anyone know how to get the Ghost busters sign yet? i want to make sure I am not missing anything


  14. Are we supposed to have the Day of Terror prize? I don’t know where the Ghostbusters Logo is supposed to be. I checked my inventory but it’s not there.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Is Tinyco partial to Android? How come they tend to get special characters?


    • There is no special character. Slimer Is JUST another ghost that pops up every so often. Only you have 2 minutes to clear him or he disappears. If you clear him you earn some vials…and honestly that is it. It’s not a costume or another character. It’s just another little ghost like thing that pops up…that’s it.


  16. I’m confused. When I look at the electric ball and chomps the zombie, they don’t appear to cost any terror bones… Just vials. Am I missing something? The FAQ above says you need Ghostbuster Peter to get the dog bones to unlock Diane.


  17. Regarding unlocking Diane… Can you create the electricity ball and zombies before you dig up Diane and have them count? Or will you have to create a second set to unlock her? Thanks!


  18. Wondering Tom Tucker will be needed for getting any items for the Halloween update. I’m in the process of getting his stuff to unlock him and then update came out. Should I get him? Can he help with Halloween stuff at all? Also I think it’s lame characters from the Comic-Con update can’t get items for Halloween..


  19. Oh and I didn’t use clams just collected enough vials straight up. . .
    I only did it, coz it was a pain in the butt to create them later on, when the game asks you too while your crazy busy trying to complete timed tasks. Which happened the last few events, for seemingly worthless buildings that accomplish nothing.
    (Does that make sense?)


  20. Bunny Help – I unlocked the tombstone already and I don’t have anything to help me get her – I don’t have Peters costume or their headquarters . . . I can’t even click the dogs. . . .
    I have other characters I’m trying to unlock, so a lot of current people unlocking Mayor West and still Tom Tucker!!!
    I feel like I’ve doomed my self with such a short amount of time to unlock Diane Simmons!!!! Eeeek Help!


    • Sorry, we tried to warn you here and main post to wait. The Halloween House drops them, I just do not know how often. Otherwise, you have to buy the Cemetery. Outside that, its a matter of focusing on getting peter now as fast as you can to get the Terror Dogs.


      • Yeah I kinda didn’t read this till after the dreaded moment occurred . . . Really annoying, I’m normally a pretty layed back player . . . But like I said past events have been a bit of pooper when it comes to those buildings. I guess I will be rather frantic over the next few days then ha. . . 😟😧😩😓
        Will keep you posted if I actually achieve it !


        • I kinda did something similar…her grave has finished being repaired but I haven’t actually tapped it yet. Do you think that will spare me? If so I just have to be REALLY careful not to tap the grave until I’m ready.


        • I did the exact same thing. I hadn’t gotten to my weekly viewing of this sight and just followed suit from the comicon event and just unlocked everything in the event area. I only play once a day, so I screwed myself out of Diane… :/


          • I just did the exact same thing for the same reason. The previous game logic has trained me to unlock event stuff ASAP and there’s usually some code that prevents you doing dumb stuff like starting subordinate tasks until the pre-req tasks have been completed. Shame, it has kinda frustrated me about the event when it’s barely even got started and I love ghostbusters stuff 😦


  21. Oh man I feel completely lost and confused I still haven’t finished the blimp or jailhouse meg and the fright points confuse me the most I’m trying to get. To level 2 but I think I’m doing something wrong?? Ugh!!


  22. Really! Yet another Android exclusive that’s so wrong to ios owners. It’s not like Apple users started a week early again or anything. Tiny co ain’t right for this


    • Honestly, it’s nothing to get upset about. It really isn’t anything spectacular. It’s just a slimer that appears for 2 minutes every so often and you tap on him (if you can find him) to earn vials. It’s not like it’s a character or anything in the game. It’s really just like the ghosts, only a slimer version. Really..no need to be upset about it. Be happy you don’t have it because, it’s kind of annoying. Especially since you only have 2 minutes to find him and it blends in really well with the town..


      • I’ve seen it mentioned several times that if you tap him you get vials, but I’ve tapped him several times already and haven’t received a single vial. I’ve received something better each time. He’s dropped Terror Dog Bones every time I’ve tapped him.


        • And he’s only dropped vials for me. So i guess it’s a mix depending on where you are. The point is…it’s nothing to be upset about. It’s just like another ghost in the town.


          • Well, if you can start building up bones before you get Ghostbuster Peter it is something to be mildly perturbed about in my opinion. 😛


            • I don’t know I’ve still yet to get bones from one, and I’ve tapped about 20 between 3 games.

              Also, according to TC, he only drops vials. So if you’re getting bones it might be from something else…


              • Has to be some sort of bug then because, while I haven’t tapped him as many times as you, I’ve tapped him 4 times so far and gotten terror dog bones each time. I don’t even have Ghostbuster Peter yet, so I can’t accidentally be clicking the demon dogs, I’m also getting them instantly. I haven’t seen Slimer up next to the haunted house, so I can’t be clicking that by accident either. As far as I’ve read those are the only things you can get bones from right now aside from the clam bought Pet Cemetary. The jar of bones looks completely different from the spirit vials too, so I’m not getting confused by that.


  23. Okay so I jumped the gun and bought Dianne. Just curious on how you are sure that she disappears after 5 days? All I see is a timer over her with a lock icon. Are you sure that it dosent mean she isnt available for 5 more days? Like why would they put a timer on a character you can buy right off the hop and spent currancy on than make it unattainable? Im dont wanna fork out more dough. I have spent way to much on the last events. I go 20$ worth of clams and bought the mid sized machine that spits out currancy I dont wanna have to buy the cemetery too. So again. The lock symbol on Diane leads me to beilve she is unavailbe for five days not the other way round. Can you clarify with proof its how you say it is? I know you guys are pretty thorough but again I have a hard beliveing it


    • Per TinyCo (and the in game FAQ) she will disappear if you don’t unlock her in 5 days…


      • Ya I just saw that. Thanks. I left TINYCO a message about how im disappointed in this decision. I suggeated anyone else in this situation do the same. If I fail to unlock her it will be a much nastier one I assure you. Someone needs to remind them this is a causal game. Pink Brian irritated me and now this. Could be the beggining of the end for me. Ive forked out Prolly close to 150 on this game and its starting to feel like im being bled out


        • I dunno if they’ll do much, honestly. She’s fairly easy to unlock and the lock symbol for ALL characters just shows you they’re locked in the game and you have to collect things to unlock them. So, I understand you rushed it with clams…but you had 5 days. You didn’t even try to unlock her with out clams. And the wording in the task is pretty clear…unlock Dianne in 5 days before she disappears forever…

          So honestly I’m not quite sure why you’re so upset. But hey, to each his own.


          • What am I missing? I didnt unlock her with clams I used the New currency. Now I need some 50 of those jars to get the two items needed to unlock her. I dont see how thats posible in 5 days. They shouldnt have made her availble till after you completed Peter. Unless of course im missing something?


            • The Halloween house drops bones randomly too. Outside of Peter getting the dogs, the cemetery is only other location so far to drop the bones.

              All I can suggest now is focus on getting Peter as fast as you can and report feedback on it to TinyCo via your game.


            • Sorry…when you said you brought Dianne I assumed (and you know what happens when you assume) you meant you brought her via clams NOT the Tombstone.


  24. Any information on the event mechanics? Does the ghost/dog timer keep repeating at 1 hour after the initial 12 hour timer? Is there a max # of dogs allowed in the town? Are ghosts spawning every 1 hour or 2 hours? And do ghosts keep spawning even when the timer shows dogs are are the next to enter thru the portal? Will terror dog bones be able to be earned after week 1, or will they “vanish” when a new currency is introduced (like pesticides)? These are some crucial bits of info that could shape gameplay. Thanks for all the great work!


    • Patience. As stated in this very post, this is just the FAQ. More in depth and detailed posts on each item will be coming. It JUST started. Give it some time for us to compile it all. Slow down, have fun, play and enjoy. 😉


      • I guess my Questions aren’t Asked Frequently enough to be included! I know it’s early, but actual info about the event is important for strategy, and can never be revealed early enough. I’m not gonna be an ignoramus that gets to the Dianne quests with no chance of unlocking her in 5 days, but we may have to if the dog bones can only be earned during the first week. This seems important to me, but perhaps most players waste clams on unnecessary things. Again, thanks for the hard work! Your readers wud be extremely thankful for info that can help them develop a strategy for playing the event as efficiently as possible!


        • Again. As I stated…patience. It takes time to put all the info together. We dont just flood the site with useless information. We play it live in the game. Test it out. Confirm it. Check all strategies. Not something done at snap of fingers.

          Info is coming as it’s completed. So if you’d like our help and opinions…be respectful and courteous and allow us the time needed to do it. 🙂


          • Whoa…Didn’t think I was being rude or disrespectful, just trying to further the knowledge by asking the important questions. A simple “we don’t know yet” wud be sufficient. I’ll patiently await the mechanics of the event. That is, if you ever get the time to figure them out since your dealing with me and all the people asking questions that have already been answered! Thanks again for the quest info.


            • Didn’t say you were being rude. Not at all. 😉

              Just letting you know that have some patience. It is barely 24hrs since the event started. Not enough time at all to get deep into details and test things. We gotta unlock them first. We ARE paying to do all this out of our pocket. Speeding tasks are not cheap. There is a LOT going on this event. Info will come. We just won’t push anything until its confirmed and tested. I’m sure you’d prefer that vs random guesses just thrown out every hour.

              Just responded as you said we thought your questions were not “priority” enough.


              • Cool, and thanks for the response. I would never ask someone to use clams to gain info. I appreciate the advanced task knowledge, but that’s a persons choice if they want to do that, and it’s appreciated. I’ve seen you have contact with tiny co, so my questions are based on facts learned thru contact with them, not things learned from clam usage. Sorry, I am a seeker of facts, and was just hoping for verification of my observations. Funny how different brains work: my initial questions are about the hidden basic facts, which are inconsequential to everyone else! Bless you for dealing with all of us!


                • Lol. TinyCo still guards their game and does not hand over info to us. No one but them has complete access to game files. No one has access to the actual image files but them. So what we know is a general info we get by asking them questions and the rest…from us putting our money and time to playing and speeding through the game.

                  We do get additional info from them then the game provides, but we still do 95% -99% of the finding out ourselves. It is one thing to read a phrase, another to see it play out live in front of you and understand how it works. Then to put that into info that others may understand and be helpful. Quite a process. 😉


            • You know, u do sound sarcastic as hell, and the constant use of the “!” Does add to that. Theses girls r doing an awesome job helping people, THEY DONT HAVE TO. I’m just saying, don’t make it sound like it’s their job to help u.


  25. FWIW, I have Android, and never actually saw Slimer. For whatever reason, he’d automatically be cleared, so after unlocking that task this morning, I had the quest finished inside of a few hours. Not sure if it’s a glitch or what, but by far the easiest task I’ve had so far.


    • As you see listed under his info here…it is a known glitch. Regardless, that is just a side task…he should keep returning. I actually had the glitch and saw him again as soon as I came into the game this morning for the first time. He roams the roads just like dogs n ghosts n characters.


  26. Ima just sit here and wait for those yellow scary trees to come out >:0
    cant wait.


  27. I’ve never understood how the weekly challenges work. I managed to get a couple cars of the comic con expo by fluke, but can someone please clarify what exactly I’m meant to do to get the extra bits and pieces? Example, the day of terror, ghostbusters logo… Would I be right in saying I need to complete the ‘I ain’t afraid of no ghost’? Or am I way off? Thanks.


  28. Hmmm…so you can repair Diane Simmons’ Gravestone…I wonder if they will do something about the grave next to it. It’d be a waste if nothing was done about it. I’m also wondering why Diane Simmons is a timed character. It’d probably be better if you had the end of the event to unlock the character…?

    Anyway, awesome event, awesome game and awesome blog!


    • …Muriel Goldman, Peter’s Father (Dead Catholic one, not Living Irish biological one), or Mr. Weed maybe?


      • As well as the other gravestone, there’s a Mausoleum behind the gravestones, I bet that you’ll need to repair that too for another dead character. I have a feeling that like Comic Con, each week will bring a new Ghostbusters outfit, and a new dead character, my money’s on, Mr Weed, Francis Griffin, Loretta,mand maybe Muriel Goldman.


      • Mr. Weed is dead?!?


  29. Is it 7 Psychic cards?
    My game still says 10.


  30. Thanks u guys for all of he help and effprt u put into this blog u will b lost with out it


  31. None of my characters have vial tasks. At what point do they unlock?


  32. hi! ty for the faq. just 1 little correction: u need 10 Psychic Cards to unlock ghostbuster peter (it says 7)


  33. Just got 130 clams for buying 130 clams. Thought it was coins, but I’m not complaining. Guess they changed it because no one wants to pay for coins.


  34. Do the Terror Dogs need to be gone from your Quohog before the spawn rate appears when tapping the portal? I have 5 dogs in my Quohog, but when I tap on the portal there is no spawn time for the dogs just the ghosts.


  35. What would be cool is if a costume for Lois would be the witch and m Lois from wicked glitch.



    TinyCo has answered my prayers


  37. Oh man..Halloween is my absolute fav time..thanks to TinyCo for this event 👻 I can remember watching Ghostbusters in the day and saying “wow this is so cool” Ha..the movies are soo dated now but still classic stuff. Super stoked to see them in the game..everyone just chill and play..it’s a game. 🙂 loaded up my iTunes and ready to give 20 bucks for the Devs hard work..just got pet cemetery as I love it..happy Halloween all! Bunny and all are right..pace yourself 😎


  38. why again that slimer for android only? they didnt start later now. This is starting to be annoying


  39. Has anyone tested if removing roads helps keepnthen ghosts in one area? I noticed they have been staying on roads in my game and the terror dogs especially. Im going to remove everything except a small strip to see if it corralled them similar to the hedges with mutant stewie


  40. Thanks so much for the great info. You both are awesome!

    I have a question. There’s no time limit on Ghostbuster Peter (except for end of event), but we’ll need him in the first week to get the Ghostbuster sign, right?


  41. When will they fix the glitch with buying clams?


  42. Is everyone getting glitched out Peter during cut scenes, or should I be reinstalling it? I remember seeing a post showing his glitched out-te-ness towards the end of the con. Wasn’t sure if it was still a prob.


  43. YAYAYAY halloweenie characters!

    Liked by 1 person

  44. Too confusing. I have no idea what I am supposed to do!!!


  45. This is going to be really dumb lol but, the cauldron has a price called Iron Maiden. Is it possible that that’s a reference to Consuela? I just ask because I don’t have her and have been pondering whether or not to get her.


  46. What are we doing about PB candies? I only need 1 red and have 5 purple and 4 blue. Wtf tiny co! I also haven’t had a bucket spawn in 2 days (I’ve checked frequently)
    I really don’t want to miss out. Will they offer the 1 red candy for 15 clams again?


  47. First of I just want to say I am sorry bunny you have to deal with some of these people…it goes back to the days of school….read what’s in front of you first…if u still have a question that hasn’t been asked then ask…..ugh!! Thank you for always being here to answer any questions….I’m super excited about this event eeekkk however I will not be staying up with you tonight 😦 tomorr night for sure though!

    Liked by 1 person

  48. wait, wait, wait. so slimer is android exclusive?? WTF??! are IOS players getting something exclusive too? we better be or else i will be done with this game & i mean it this time! well, so far this event is leaving a bad taste in my mouth & it’s only just started! this is gonna be a hell of a month! how fun!


    • Honestly, it’s nothing to write home about. He pops up in your town, like a ghost, you pop him and earn some extra currency. You do it 3 times and he’s gone…
      Honestly, not something to get upset over.

      Liked by 1 person

      • oh ok. has tinyco said if there is something exclusive for IOS players? as for what i’d like to to see: i’d love to see loretta brown & muriel goldman. also, i can’t freaking wait to get get connie’s costume! i love it!


  49. it be very cool if they managed to get dan aykroyd and/or ernie hudson to reprise their roles as a permanent character like the comic con celebs. i didn’t mention Bill Murray because yeah….as if he’d care. lol

    Liked by 1 person

  50. im glad i read this… otherwisw i would have used all my spirits to clean Diane’s grave i wouldnt have been able to keep her… :O
    im gonna try to do all the other stuff first.

    this event seems complicated, but i really like it 🙂


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