Tiny Questions for TinyCo?

Hey Minions. As Alissa and myself tread the airways on our way west, we wanted to start a dialog with our readers here to pass on.

TinyCo Logo

The Meet and Greet with TinyCo is tomorrow night, as sad as we are that not all you can make it we still want you to be a big part of it. So here is your chance. Make a list of questions you would like us to pose to TinyCo while we are there and we will try to get as many of them answered as we can.

Also, feel free to put in any suggestions you are dying to toss their way on how they can make the gaming experience better for you.

We love to hear from you and so does TinyCo. So get to sounding off below.


118 responses to “Tiny Questions for TinyCo?

  1. When are we going to see a conclusion to stewie’s time-travelling event to find the missing plutonium?


  2. Great game! My only suggestion would be to allow the buildings to face all directions so I could have a more realistic quahog. Thanks!


  3. When are they gona do a star wars event? (U know they have to lol)
    Are they planning on releasing burtrum into the game?( love the idea of im and stewie battling it out)


  4. Chris Optomus prime. Non-grid roads or more building with correct dimensions. MUIREL. GOLDMAN.


  5. Would there ever be a star wars event?


  6. My question or suggestion to Tinyco would be regarding the decisions that go into determining which characters are made available through the main quest line & which ones are released as parts of limited events.

    How are the decisions made regarding when to release certain characters and how far in advance? In my opinion these release decisions do not always seem well planned or timed to make this an appealing game to new users.

    As a player who started from the beginning, I love the game as I have all the characters & costumes, but had I got into the game late & learned that I couldn’t get essential characters like Cleveland or cool outfits like Stripper Bonnie without an outright & rather costly purchase, I doubt I would be inspired to play too long.

    I can see having characters like the celebrities from comic con or king butt or ghost versions of show cast members as limited time acquisitions, but it doesn’t make sense to me for the long term viability of the game to release main characters in limited events. The same is true of costumes. The made up ones like the Fab Four or ghostbusters teams are neat for events but why make costumes from the show only available on a one-off basis?

    I was just curious if anyone at Tinyco would be willing to discuss these sorts of decisions regarding how characters & costumes are released.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Sorry I can’t attend the party, been playing since day 1 and would have loved to meet everyone. Maybe next year?

    A few questions/comments I have for the team,

    1. Does TinyCo have any stats on the number of players that use the “drag the character onto the building” method of assigning tasks beyond, say, level 5? I have a feeling it is rarely used and I find it annoying when all I want to do is drag the view around and instead I end up dragging a character around instead AND get brought to a task selection screen that more than likely doesn’t have the task I want anyways.

    2. I love the pacing and variety in TQFS vs. TSTO. Bringing in characters like those during ComicCon and Kool-Aid Man really stand in contrast to the TSTO “we only voice characters that are done by the core voice artists”. I hope we continue to see growth in these “outside” characters. I think they certainly make TQFS much more fun to play.

    3. I know they say they are working on it, but please let us add non-Facebook friends somehow. I know two other TQFS players IRL but don’t really want to Facebook friend them. Nor do I really want to link my game to Facebook, either.

    4. I would love skins/outfits for some of the buildings. Say, a Petoria skin for the Griffin house?




  9. Ahhh, the one year I didn’t get out to SF for fleet week!!! And I could have gotten in my love for planes & flying and FG in the same trip! Crap.

    My burning question is why there is no reward for leveling up chars or yourself. I just recently hit max 50 level and it’s like… Eh, wth, who cares, just goes against the grain of any other game I’ve played where you’re rewarded, usually handsomely, for leveling up. I love your game and your events nonetheless!


  10. I don’t know that much about programming so I’m not sure what it would take to add something like this to the game: is it possible to open up the water section so we could create islands to put our event decorations/prizes, extra/premium buildings, etc. and have the islands connected to each other and the town by bridges? (I was thinking of the Florida Keys)


  11. Bunny, on the behalf of myself and everyone else that shelled out 700 clams for the Blam Sommelier Station, please ask TinyCo to reevaluate its payout of $10 every 8 hours. It dropped 250 Blam every 8 hours during Comic Con, and for some reason it was my understanding that this would change to $250/ 8 hrs after Comic Con, which is what helped sell me on it. I think it looks great and I am glad I got it, however, the payout is a big disappointment. It would also be nice if this Ultra Premium item dropped a few spirit vials and fright points for the Halloween event like some of the Premium Characters are doing.
    I have contacted Tinyco through the in game contact about this issue, but every time I get a response about 10 days later saying due to Support volume they are only dealing with tickets from the last 7 days, so I am hoping you can deliver this message in person for me. Also, if you could find out some information on what the dollar payout for the premium spirit vial machines will be after this event is over it might help to persuade users to purchase one of these items (or to not purchase an item), but at least we would be better informed. Thank you and have a great trip.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Any plans to add Murial Goldman in the Halloween event?

    The biggest question I have is: Is there any plans on a Star Wars event? Many outfits for all characters, some new characters like George Lucas, etc. It would be awesome if the people at Tiny Co.


  13. Can and when will we get more land?


  14. Any plans on having crossover characters from “American Dad” or “the Cleveland Show” or possibly even new games based on those shows???


  15. Hi, everything is perfect about game! Keep up the most excellent work!


  16. I would like to see a updated version of Oliland. It’s the only other town I get to see. Even better if you could show some of your premium items in Oliland like Halloween items, so I could see how great they are. Making me want to purchase them. For example I bought the beaver but was unable to see if The porcupine or other characters where something that I wanted. Also will stewie ever get his stuffed bear Rupert or just human Rupert.


  17. Not so much a question but a request: I feel it would be interesting to see a “day in the life” of implementing an “event”..we the players gripe and ask for what we think is acceptable but do we really know what it takes to make this, or put that in? What does TinyCo do from the start when thinking about a new event? A giant round table discussion? A big white board? Is it a democracy when deciding on things? Who squashes the late night bugs? How do you get the celebrity voices? Soo many things would be cool for us to see..and if we had half the knowledge yall do on making this game it would be awesome 🙂
    Thanks for giving us this great thing and cheers to the team!


  18. Can TC please fix the grid alignment, create a cancel task option, and not time limit the purchasing of characters. Those would be my inquiries.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes a cancel task option would be great. Also the limit of getting characters… or an advance warning before you select them (Dianne issue).


  19. Do you have any plans to give rewards like decorations/buildings for leveling up cause as of now it is pointless.


  20. Be nice if we could zoom out farther to collect faster… I’m sure processing animations could be an issue, but worth a suggestion 🙂


  21. How sick do they get of people whining about anything they do? 😄

    Would love a cancel task option.

    Where did the idea for the Full Moon event come from, especially King Butt?

    How do they balance freemium vs premium content?

    I wish I could have come out there, but have a drink for me!


  22. Why are most of the new buildings not animated when someone has a job inside it? Is this subject to change at a later date?

    Thanks for offering us to ask our questions!


  23. 1. Will the game expand to include Cleveland Show and American Dad characters?

    2. Will celeb characters get outfits? I would love to have Ron Perlman wearing a devil outfit for Halloween.

    3. Will the other main characters (Griffin Family, Joe, Quagmire) get event tasks in the future? Only giving regular Peter tasks and nothing for the rest makes the game unbalanced. Peter does something productive, but everybody else do them as time wasters. It was good to see Bonnie and Brian’s wine task for the Halloween event.


  24. Just what is the purpose of dragging non-occupied characters? Inevitably when trying to scroll around town, I catch a character and hear their annoying “Why are you dragging me message”


  25. Could we have a permanent mystery box that cost coins? ( NOT CLAMS)

    Will there be a daily rewards system?

    Is transformers Chris coming as a costume?


  26. My question is why do some characters have tasks ranging from 1 minute to 24 hours while other only have four or five of odd lengths. Each character should have 1,2,4,6,8,12 and 24 hour tasks at least. More if you want but that way you can send all your characters off on tasks and have them be done at the same time when not in story lines.
    Suggestions: concrete and water. More things to spend coins on during events. A cancel task button. A way to find characters that are on a task.

    Thanks. Love your site and the game.

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Why are Matt, Tam-Anh, Drunk Programer Kevin, and Kelly such awesome individuals?

    What is Drunk Programmer Kevin’s drink of choice? My bet is on scotch. My personal drink of choice!

    Is there any plans to input pavement, parking lots, or any other types of

    Is there any talk to add more “traditional decorations”? As in, walls (concerete, brick, etc.) or fences (other than chain fence)

    Is there any plans for “premium” characters in this Halloween event?

    Have you guys begun to think/brainstorm/design the (inevitable, I assume) Christmas event?

    Do you guys get to interact/work with Seth MacFarlane?

    Have you guys thought about implementing any sort of reward system for visiting other quahogians (relatively pointless now, aside from 1clam)?

    How do you guys continue to provide exceptional levels of content all the time (one of the absolute best parts of this game!)?

    Are there any sneak peaks of any type of Christmas Holiday content?

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Since Comic Con, the number of characters has been having trouble keeping up with actual characters, is that ever going to get fixed? Right now I have 37 characters unlocked in Facespace and show 36/36.

    Second, are we doomed to wait for plutonium until sometime in November now? I am at 1,060,000 coins and counting with a town stuffed with buildings. It would be great to have room and non-event content occasionally as the event content usually takes 1-3 days then you wait 4 days for the next piece of the event to drop. I’m at max levels and kind of bored. Premium players are the first to leave when nothing happens


  29. Change the roads to make them smaller, which will allow easier placing on the grid and more space for buildings.

    Liked by 1 person

  30. https://db.tt/25QxkrPy is a link that I’ll refer to in this comment. It’s my town. Buildings are irregularly shaped, some have dimensions that are multiples of 4 (ie 4×4, 8×8,4x 4×8) that’s good in that the road grid is set up in multiples of 4 (ie there’s 4 grid squares between each possible road area) If you have a building that’s not a multiple of 4, you get the jagged building line up (see the Ghostbusters HQ(6×9) area at the top of the image) I’d like an alternate road cover (like pavement in the other game)people don’t have to travel on it, things don’t need to spawn on it just something that’s not grass so I can use the land more intelligently). The road around the prison shows the minimal depth required (ie I can store the watch tower’s but I can’t take the road closer to the prison) I have that random three unit deep area in front of the HQ that I’d like to replace with pavement (ie get rid of road bumpouts)


    • I’m totally ok with the various sizes, it adds a little variety to town layouts. However, the roads need to be placeable on a finer grid. So, if I have a 6×6 next to a 6×8 I can still run the road along the front of both. Right now they are only placeable every 4 rows or so. Makes alignment tough.


  31. How do you guys come up with the content for the game?

    Will Cleveland be in the store forever?

    Who is you favorite family guy character?

    Those are my questions.


  32. Any chance of getting Greased up Deaf Guy or Fwad (however you spell his name) in our game?


  33. What is the purpose of face space? It would be neat if the comments aided game play. Instead it’s pointless. Am I missing something important?


    • The purpose of FaceSpace is Gato pictures, just like the purpose of websites outside the game is cat pictures/videos. Right? 🙂


      • Not sure what you mean by gato pictures. If I want cat pictures I would search for cat pictures, but why character profile pics (gato ?) in a game?. I concede that although this feature is wasted on me, but others love it. Would you rather several new quest lines or face space?


  34. Is the absence of a “Cancel current task” button a deliberate design choice? It’s frustrating when a character is needed for the next step of a quest line, but is tied up with a random task just to keep them busy. Is “wait it out or pay clams” intended to be the gameplay experience, or did the developers really not see a use for a cancel option?

    Liked by 1 person

  35. 1. What are your (TinyCo reps) favorite episodes?
    2. Anything you wish you could put in the game that is impossible/have encountered difficulties?
    3. Any chance for a Kindle exclusive item since IOS and Android got some love?
    4. Blue Harvest.
    5. Will event exclusive items/characters (Patrick Stewart, S&M&More) be used more frequently in the future or are they just “scars”?


  36. Will they make an event with the simpsons tapped out? That would be amazing just like the episode crossover!!


  37. I think the one biggest feature that I would die for in the game is to be able to cancel what a character is working on. I think there is really no reason we should not be able to just stop a character from whatever task they are doing and simply receive zero reward for whatever time was spent doing the task they were on. I cannot count the amount of times I have accidentally sent a character on a task only to be stuck waiting forever for it to end. That or a new quest starts requiring a character who I may or may not have just sent on a day long quest! This would be the best feature to add!

    Liked by 1 person

  38. Will they recycle events? Like for example, the one where you get Peters’ hobo clown skin.

    Suggestions? Give Human Rubert a voice. Oh, and more land.

    And maybe some kind of converter for coins.. either for event currency, clams, or items. I’m sitting on 1.4 mil and nothing to use it all on. Had 1.2 mil before district 9 opened and I’m sure I’ll hit or be near 2 mil when this event ends. Either that or more prize boxes that use coins.


  39. Hen thinking of the Halloween event was the Optimus Prime costume for Chris considered? Will we see Lois’ sister in the game? And when do you think we’ll get to see a Star Wars event? Thanks.


  40. Question for tinyco: When will death and all the other characters come out


  41. Have TONS of coins and nothing to spend them on, getting boring collecting them now, Also been at MAX level for weeks now, leveling up doesn’t really add anything to the game, apart from that I’m actually enjoying it


  42. Is there any character they personally want to add or celeb that they tried to but couldn’t get into the game?

    Will we ever see a Star Wars event?


  43. If u dug her up after u got ghostbuster peter 5days is plenty of time I dug her up after I got ghostbuster Pete and I can’t buy clams either and I’m just about to unlock her soon so it possible if u log on every 2 hour to collect and go to the dog u stay on top of it and do the task every 2 hour ud get her good luck to everyone on the event hang in there Ik it can be overwelming with task but just remember it an event to be made to have fun !!! So go have ur self a blast


  44. Can they actually put al Harrington as a playable lonely single character in an abadoened apartment which is his we can collect the waving tubes things for him?


  45. #1 you guys have a safe trip and have fun.
    Also, In between drinks and fun if you could see if the people who are having the facebook issue which makes world being gone, will we be able to work on getting ecto 1. Thanks


  46. I really hope they extend Dianne Simmons i forgot the timer i have 13 hours and still need 17 items to collect with Peter


    • They won’t extend the time for Dianne. TinyCo got back to me and said they had a meeting about it and decided not to extend the time. They need to make more characters do stuff towards events due to the RARE issues when waiting for an item. Repeating the same task over and over again and not getting anything is a drag. So many characters do nothing towards special events.


  47. I’ve noticed that many buildings are missing sidewalks and concrete, such as the Taffy Store, Meatloafaria, Boopity Pastaria and others, which shows green when placed along a sidewalk.

    Other buildings have sidewalks that overlap the sidewalks that lines the streets, such as Yuppy Puppy and others, as well as not being symmetrical to the streets and buildings, leaving a gap of green. I’ve also noticed that there are quite a few buildings that are not to scale like the other buildings, many being either larger than others or smaller.

    There are also several buildings such as the Thrift Shop and Used Clothing Store that would look great with signage.

    I hope that the building models will be revisited and hopefully adjusted accordingly. Keep up the awesome work!


    • Yep. Lots of newer buildings aren’t lined up correctly on their grid and are “off”, some as much as a full square. The smaller fountain that came along with Vinny is off and if placed next to a building will technically be through the wall. The Stewie Topiary does the same. And a number of buildings just push away from their indended grids.
      Rushed job IMO.


  48. Suggestion:
    -Bring Jesus in the game for Christmas! 🙂
    – Have limited time event exclusive items be sold for clams outright rather than having to win them in premium mystery box. (E.g. I spent waaay too much during Comic Con trying to win the Clamterprise rather than having to buy it with clams outright; also, I missed out on Fart of the Covenant during Moon event because it could only be won in the 120 clam premium mystery box when I would have bought it outright).
    Question: What are the chances that James Woods will be added in the game?
    Enjoying the game. Love the regular updates! Thanks.


  49. Are they going to extended Diane Simmons quest five days is not enough to get her


  50. i want to know if the people from tinyco actually like family guy?

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