What’s In Santa’s Sack??! Tuesday

Hey there all you silly lil Addict Readers!!

Seems Santa got in a lil TOO much “Egg Nog” for the holidays (probably didn’t help he ate a few too many brownies in Colorado too.) So it seems that his Santa Sack is not quite empty. OH NO!!! Leftover Gifts???!!!


Welcome to the Tuesday Edition of What’s In Santa’s Sack??!

Today, we want to know… Chocolate? White, Milk, or Dark

Feel free to elaborate in the comments below. Have fun, but stay within the Addicts Guidelines.


Pile of Presents

Keep an eye out every day for the What’s In Santa’s Sack Post to go live. You never know what FREE Goodies the Addicts have in store for you. 😉

All you have to do is comment on the post to enter. That is it. You will have until 9:59 PM EST tonight to do so.

For complete details and restrictions, see the main post HERE. 

 Good Luck!!!

Alissa & Bunny 

320 responses to “What’s In Santa’s Sack??! Tuesday

  1. Definitely dark chocolate. The others are too sweet for me.


  2. I’ve always been a chocolate milk person 🙂


  3. Milk chocolate, unless we’re talking about covering pretzels. Then it’s definitely white chocolate.


  4. White chocolate Kit Kat bar :). Love white chocolate


  5. White chocolate…. or dark chocolate… or both! Who doesn’t love all chocolate 🙂


  6. Milk chocolate… and preferably Ghirardelli!!


  7. White chocolate is delicious!! The thought when you close your eyes and let it melt in your mouth. Yummmmyy


  8. white 😍😍😍😍😍


  9. Milk and white are both awesome and delicious.


  10. Before the lactose intolerance showed up milk chocolate all the way. After dark is the only kind I can easily digest.


  11. Milk chocolate! The others are too bitter or leave a weird coating! 😖


  12. All flavors chocolate is life


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