Star Trek Character Profile: Locutus

Hello There Space Clammers!

Star Trek has taken over Quahog!  A Starfleet Shuttle has conveniently crashed in Quahog and apparently someone decided that the future of the Galaxy should rest on Peter’s shoulders.  (cause that sounds like a smart idea!)  It’s your mission to help Peter save the Galaxy, after all it’d be a pretty boring game if he did it by himself!

Along the way you’ll encounter characters from the USS Enterprise that you’ll have to save (you know save by collecting STUFF).  The fourth Star Trek character you’ll encounter in the event is Locutus, Captain Picard that the Borg have taken over


Let’s take a look at this Borg and just what happens when you unlock him in your Quahog! 

As mentioned above Locutus is Captain Picard that the Borg have taken over on board the USS Enterprise, and you’ll find him in The Bridge.  As with (almost) all characters in TQFS in order to unlock him you’ll have to collect STUFF.


Here’s a look at what you’ll need to make Locutus a permanent addition to your Quahog:

Duct Tape10 Duct Tape (Extra Rare)– Earned By: Clear Borgs OR Get from Riker’s Quarters OR Make Guinan Mix Space Drinks

Batteries40 Batteries (Common)- Earned By: Complete Cespoolus using the Transporter OR Make Bonnie Chug a Bottle of Wine OR Make Starfleet Lois Get Frisky int he Tubes

Scrap Metal10 Scrap Metal (Uncommon)- Earned By: Make Riker Play a Round of Poker OR Make Joe Raid Personal Weapons Stash OR Make Herbert Be a Peeping Tom

Laser Pointer35 Laser Pointers (Rare)- Earned By: Blow Up PeterCraft in the Phaser Battle OR Make Bathrobe Quagmire Start the Flash Frenzy

Currently Locutus is not associated with  a character set.  And does not really have a questline associated with him.  However, he is required to complete the A Ship Without Picard questline…which you can view here.

Locutus also comes with a complete set of tasks!  Tasks that will help you earn more Dilithium Crystals, the event currency for Star Trek. So let’s take a look at Locutus’ tasks:

Locutus and Borg Kitty Locutus Borg Tea

Task Length  Earns Location Level
Pick a Metal Wedgie 2hrs 10 Dilithium Crystal 2 Star Trek XP Enterprise 2
Play with Borg Kitten 4hrs 15 Dilithium Crystal 3 Star Trek XP Visual/Enterprise 1
Figure Out How to Pee 6hrs 20 Dilithium Crystal 4 Star Trek XP Enterprise 2
Drink Borg Tea 8hrs 25 Dilithium Crystal 5 Star Trek XP Visual/Enterprise 2
Mourn Missing Hand 16hrs 40 Dilithium Crystal 7 Star Trek XP Enterprise 2

Just for fun, here are some of his Phrases…
“Resistance is Futile”
“I am Locutus of Borg”
“You will become one with the Borg”

And that my friends completes  the character profile for Locutus!

What are your thoughts on Locutus?  Have you unlocked him yet?  Thoughts on his dialogue?  How about his tasks?  Any tasks you wish he had that he doesn’t currently?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

67 responses to “Star Trek Character Profile: Locutus

  1. Sorry, sort of a noob so I apologise for my question. I unlocked Locutus but I really want to get Picard. What will I have to do to get him?


  2. So, I am trying to unolock Data and I tapped the cat food to see who drops it and one of the tasks is Locutus’ drink Borg tea, which he is currently doing but when I tap Locutus it shows that there is a chance to drop a grey shirt for stewie. Has anyone else reported this? I haven’t noticed which item the task actually drops, do you think it it just a visual glitch?


  3. Question… I have Locutus, but don’t have his quest line ‘Road to Recovery’. How does it start? Is it just a glitch?


  4. Everyone is worried about Patrick Stewart…. I want a skin for George Takei!


  5. Is locutus another costume for Patrick Stewart as I already have him or a totally new character. Which will mean I’ll have the same person twice. Any chance of getting captain picard?


  6. When I look at the facespace profile for Locutus the is a greed out second picture, does that mean there will be a Picard skin for him?


  7. Suggestion, Have Locutus fight the Borg as a job or quest. 2 hours should be good.


  8. I still need 9 laser pointers, and though getting those is coming along nicely (now that the drop changed), I worry about being able to get the other characters. I still don’t have Lois, either, though I’m very close. I just wonder if I’m too behind. I’m going to keep plugging away, but those space condoms look very intimidating now after the laser pointer drops.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi-5 Your Uncle!

    Why not make this a skin for Patrick Stewart. Why not give him drops? He’ll probably be useful next phase I’m guessing.


  10. For all the work it took to unlock him, you would think he would have tasks that rewarded you with more than just crystals! From what I have read, I myself am not a star trek fan, he was an enemy of the borgs, so why isn’t one of his tasks fighting them alongside Troi?


    • I figured this may make understanding the direction this is going by explaining this a bit. Locutus wasn’t an enemy to the Borg, he was a representative. Once they recaptured him and Data was able to create a link to him and the Borg Collective. Doing this enabled what was left of Captain Picard to reemerge and Picard helped Data put the Borg to “sleep”. This was probably the best season finale and premiere of the entire series. If you wanna check it out, go find the episodes ‘The Best of Both Worlds’ Part 1 and 2.


      • Enemy in the sense that they sought him out after leaving. The Borg Queen REALLY wanted him back. But more so that ALL humankind was enemy to the Borg. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE! YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED. 😉


  11. Don’t know if this is the right place to post but I haven’t seen a post specifically related to “drops”- insomuch as every one just venting on every thread ever posted since the event began.

    Anyway-was curious to know how the addict population is earning most of their energy: life support, transporter, phaser….

    Are most of you taking room swapping for the guaranteed drop (like me)? Or have you non swapping folks out there noticed whether the chance drops of room payouts (every 2-6 hours) to be paying off? If you’ve collected via the room drops vs swaps would you call the drops rare or common or somewhere in the middle?

    Your thoughts Bunny? And again I apologize if I placed this post in the wrong thread.


  12. 3 more batteries and laser pointers, then I will have him! Bonnie is so drunk, been having her chugging bottles of wine for the past 48 hours!
    Also, 3 more Felicium, and I have Starfleet Lois!
    Then to work on the next two… slowly catching up!



    Hello! First I want to say thank you for all your hard work girls! Alrighty, so I’ve been playing this event since it started but I’m like a week behind even though i check the game constantly. I haven’t gotten this behind in an event so far, so i feel like I may be doing something wrong. I don’t have Locutus or Starfleet Lois and I’m not even close to unlocking the Sick Bay. I’ve also been reading comments saying that players have a lot of dilithium crystals where I have only gone past 2,000 but then I need to use them and my count goes down again. Are there any strategies that anyone has found to be useful (like in getting the crystals, the yellow energy, or the drop items)? I’m just worried I won’t be able to even finish the event. Thank you again! Oh and I’m on Starfleet level 6 (which i think most players are on).


    • Room swapping helped a lot of people. Finishing tasks and questline . Payouts from rooms and buildings. Items in replicator helping XP like Casket Launcher


  14. I thought they learned to give the characters item dropping tasks right away, instead of fixing it a week later…

    Oh well, at least by the end I’m on track to have the holodeck unlocked the day it’s available, then farm for whatever items remain for the characters I need
    Good thing I already have the energies stockpiled just for that occasion


  15. I’ve unlocked him; he’s all right. I wish he would help get stuff for Vulcan Quagmire. I’m really frustrated as I only have 9 space condoms.


    • huh….try 3…


    • ✨Wouldn’t be too worried if I was you! I only have 1 Space Condom so far because I haven’t really been working&concentrating at all on Beverly Crusher OR Vulcan Quagmire… I’m STILL working on Starfleet Lois&Locutus. 😥😤


  16. Go on the game now and get a birthday cake and 10 FREE clams


  17. I hope that next phase TinyCo will add a task for Lotucus that will help with drops. I really feel that all of the event characters that we have worked so hard to unlock, should have at least a chance drop, of some hard to get item.
    I very much appreciate them changing the premium characters to always drops, but feel they should also reward the freemium players who may not be able to afford clams, and often have to work harder to get rare items.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. I almost have him … maybe not almost I have 5/10 duct tape and 17/35 lasers. I hope I get Dr. Crusher and Data.


  19. Only need 15 more laser pointers to get this guy…..WHY DOES IT TAKE SO LONG TO GET ONE PERSON. I still don’t have Lois unlocked and I have several items away as well.


  20. drbeachedwhale

    Why must Locutus and Patrick Stewart be two separate characters? I don’t mind but I want him to be on the enterprise. Haha. He should be able to collect something. Or am I wrong for assuming that?


    • Having Locutus by himself, it allows you ANOTHER Character to send on separate quests while Patrick is doing other things Gives options of multiple Characters of him interacting. 😉

      Who knows what else will come along during the Event.


  21. I’d love that TinyCo adds a task that Locutus and Patrick Stewart could do together, like fighting each other, or dancing robot-style. Lol.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. What do you girls think about the hyposprays and space condoms ?
    Just part of the event or something that might be a little pushing it?


    • In what sense do you mean?


      • The amounts , I’m nearly done with every other material except those two which I have 15 on both
        Coming from someone who plays every hour occasionally two


        • It is a more challenging event. I am actually interested to see all the twists n turns. Didn’t play out exactly how I or for that matter probably not how they anticipated. But still interesting spin.


          • A very interesting and challenging event. Here’s to hoping that they make it a little easier the next two weeks and give people some time to play catch up. 😀 *fingers crossed*


  23. kind of regret working and focusing so hard to get him since he doesn’t really do much. I could have worked toward Beverly instead. I find it funny that we have Patrick Stewart and the gay Asian dude (cant remember his name) already from previous events and they don’t earn anything. but meh whatever.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. The Drop rate for this event his horrible for me. I just nearly gave up on this event being complete as a free player.

    Especially when given the money needed to buy clams for certain Premium characters in the game just for the Meg themed costume.

    So I’m sorry, but I’m giving up on this event and play it as I go.


  25. Got him after they changed the laser drop rates. Wish he had a task to drop the dreaded phaser energy (would be nice if Klingon Meg would drop someting/anything also). His tea drinking task reminds me of that Professor Gadget guy.


  26. I have a question!
    Have you covered the Forehead for Days, Q! That’s Who!, Taking Command and Guinan’s Guide to the Galaxy?
    If yes, in which post?


    • Klingon Meg and Q were JUST released. Give us a bit to compile them. As for Guinan… she is a side quest item (like the other two) so the main content has taken priority. No worries though… ALL are coming up. 😉


  27. I was able to get him with the help of the new updates. Those are really getting things back on track! I only wish he did something productive for the event beyond XP and away missions, like drop materials or clear borgs/redshirts. But I know that may change over the coming weeks.


  28. Locutus was a main enemy of the Borg so it’s good to see him included. It’s just a pity that, after spending so much time and effort unlocking him, he then becomes pretty useless in the event itself. Will that change going forward? We’ll see 😀


  29. Love the “Play with Borg Kitten” task. It’s great that TC integrated Locutus’ laser from when he was revealed on the show as the beam the kitten is chasing. It almost makes me want to have a free roaming borg kitty deco wandering my Quahog.


  30. I’m hoping for him to do something useful once we de-borg him because right now he is completely useless. Still think Locutus/Picard should be a costume for Patrick Stewart. Did anyone else notice that one of Q’s task has a icon with Patrick NOT Picard? You can clearly tell by the clothing. Just a funny lil visual glitch


  31. Was hoping he’d be a skin for patrick Stewart. Or there would be a picard (non borg) skin.

    Still a couple weeks left for that second option…

    Also.. Janeway. Just saying…


    • There will be a Picard costume. On Locutus’ FaceSpace, there is another costume that has got to, just got to, be Picard. Besides they already showed Picard himself when you clicked on the Bridge while it was locked.


      • I don’t see how they could get through this event and not give us Cpt. Picard. The crew would be incomplete if they did that. My guess is that they have accepted having two Stewarts in the game, and one will be Picard w a Borg skin as a bonus.


  32. wildthornberry88

    ❤ his task with the kitten… I think even if he does end up with a Picard skin I'll be sending him on that task quite a lot!

    Liked by 1 person

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