4th Challenge Live In Game: The Fountain of Wealth

Update 7/8 420PM EST: TinyCo is looking specifically for players stating that that Challenge has not triggered, and are ALSO in Week 5 content. So if you have not messaged in from your game, you are not going to get the help you need…. so please message in. 

So for those of you asking, it SHOULD trigger as long as you are in Week 5, if not… message them. 

7/9 Addition: A part that seems to cause the catch for many not seeing the 4Th Challenge is content from Week 3 Become the Best. It doesn’t have to be all the way done, but it has to be completed to Part 5 in order to see the 4Th Challenge.

UPDATE ON GRAND PRIZE: Per TinyCo, those that completed all 4 Challenges will see the Grand Prize tomorrow… BEFORE the Event ends.

Still nothing yet on clarification of WHAT triggers #4 Challenge, but will update if I hear anything more. 


Hey there Mafioso!

We now have another the FINAL Challenge (#4) in our games. As usual, Peter will have a ! over his head. Tapping on him will start it.

The 4th Challenge:  THE FOUNTAIN OF WEALTH! 

The Fountains of Wealth 4th Challenge

Back with more of a Break Down and my thoughts in just a bit…

Reminder, these are SUPPOSED to be VERY CHALLENGING! So you will have to spend time, and possibly some Clams to complete them. It all will honestly really depend on WHERE you are in the game itself. If you are starting from scratch, then it will cost you if you want to do it.

They are also timed. 24hrs to complete, so watch your timer closely as soon as you trigger it.

The Fountains of Wealth 24hr Timer

I look at these Challenges as an “Alternate Option”. Similar to the “Alternate Questlines” Like Become the Best. I would suggest to ONLY tackle them if you have the time and resources to do so.

NOTE: If you were intended to get the Weekly Challenges, you will see them also listed in your Event Menu under the Timer Icon.
New Challenge Menu Timer Icon

Weekly Challenge Pop Up



Defeat Don Corleone 4x


If you take a look in front of Don Corleone in the Event Area, you will notice he has FIVE Henchman total in front of him. Each one represents the Reward Levels 1x to 5x. So you need to take out 3 of them anywhere between 1x-5x to complete this task.

Previous take downs will NOT count.

This one will be easiest if you are reset to the 1x Setting and go up to 3x. If you are at 5x, this one may be quite difficult. Don’t forget to factor in the 4hr Resets you will need to wait for inbetween the 3 take downs.



Gangster School Girl Tricia Obsess Over Tiny Things


You will need to have Gangster School Girl Tricia unlocked.

Gangster School Girl Tricia “Obsess Over Tiny Things” will take 16hrs to Complete, so you will want to get her started on this task right away.



Mob Wife Lois Shoe Shopping Spree


You will need to have Mob Wife Lois unlocked.

Mob Wife Lois ” Shoe Shopping Spree” will take 12hrs, so you have a little bit of room on this one but I would still get it out of the way as soon as you can.



As we have to wait for the 4hr Resets on Don too, this will take us a lil bit before we can supply the breakdown. 


Challenge Prize:

Fedoras Mob Rep1000 Mob Rep

Peter FountainPeter Fountain: Sits on a 3×3 Base. Animated. Water shoots out of Peter’s mouth as well as runs from the top tier of the fountain to the bottom. The pigeons peck and move around. Similar to the animation seen at the Mansion.


BONUS Grand Prize: I already messaged TinyCo on this one. The wording on the Challenge page stating there are “FIVE” Challenge Prizes to win is incorrect. There are the Four we have covered, including this one, than the Grand Prize. No word just yet on WHEN it will be awarded, but will update when I get confirmation.



This one again will all depend on WHERE you are in the game and WHAT you already have. Keeping Goons in constant supply in my game has really helped me to cut a LOT of time off of these tasks.

So the results will all vary on how YOU play the game.


REMEMBER: We are here to HELP. This is a HELPFUL post. So please, be understanding and respectful of that and the hard work that we put into getting these kinds of details out to you. 

If you would like to voice concern on these Challenges, please do what we are constantly doing ourselves and message TinyCo on your thoughts. This is not the place to vent. Game Helping Tips ONLY. Strategy ONLY. If you need to vent, use the What The DeuceOtherwise, please keep the post helpful for all. 🙂 


There you have it. The 4th Challenge for the game. What worked for you? Your Strategy for tackling this one? Tips for your fellow Players to help them out on this one? Let us know.



198 responses to “4th Challenge Live In Game: The Fountain of Wealth

  1. I just got the Mansion Prize. It is not animated. There is no helicopter and the fountains don’t work.


  2. Ok did all of them got my checks and still no final prize for completion.😢


  3. When do we get the grand prize?


  4. theguynamedsam

    In my game on the challenge page it now has a photo of The Fatfather’s Mansion when the grand prize briefcase used to be.


  5. That prize is BOSS!! 😁


  6. Bummer some of you didn’t get a chance to complete this. Too bad we didn’t know ahead of time about the quest trigger.

    Fortunately, I like to tey to follow the questlines as much as possible. There is a few i won’t be able to finish this time. The 55 showgirls to nox. Still need to send 10 goons to nox for the other one. I need to knock off 2 more couriers and Bonnie’s questline and apparently i have to knock off the don again for the final main questline.

    For this last week. The questlines were really all over the place. No real good flow.

    Better luck next time to everyone


  7. Just got notice from TinyCo: “You will need to have upgraded to the week 5 mansion and completed “Become the Best part 5″. Have fun playing!” Grrrrrrrrr! With all the glitches that was a questline I ignored cause it was too much, guess I should have not tried so hard to get other things. Love this game, but not having much fun after finding this out!


    • Hope TinyCo read these forums, because If they don’t extend time for us to do the last fountain challenge after messing up so bad on the trigger dependencies I’m done with this game
      Suggest others follow…


  8. With 5 hours to go TinyCo have just told me that mine has not triggered because I have not completed Become The Best Pt 5.
    I am sooooo angry!


    • Same here, does anyone know if we can skip the wait time between battles with clams? Otherwise it will be impossible to complete it


    • I’m with you. I never had the Become The Best quest trigger for me until today, so there is no way I can get to part 5 before the end of the event. So angry because I spent a LOT on clams to speed up tasks to complete the first 3 challenges!!!


    • Yes it really sucks having spent a good amount of clams on the first 3 challenges and now this comes up with only a few hours left until the event ends for good. I’m sooo angry at TinyCo for their bad planning.

      They should at least award to the final prize and 4th challenge prize to those who were in the week 5 questline but had to ignore the become the best sidequest due to other quests being much more priority than this.

      The 4th challenge should have triggered independently from whether or not you have completed become the best sidequest pt 5 so that everyone should have had a chance at trying to obtain it.

      I really wish TinyCo extended this quest in particular by at an extra day to allow those notified just a few hours before the event ends to have a chance at winning it as well. Its useless spending clams at this point to speed up goons to attack the don at this point because you need at least 2 4hr waiting for attack the don 3 times.

      Oh well, all this venting is all for nothing as it goes on deaf ears as usual 😦

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Any news on when TinyCo is going to fix for those who haven’t yet got the 4th challenge to trigger because it’s 7/9 here with about 10 hours left now until event ends?


  10. The quest just triggered for me around 6AM EST, after completing one of those “keep you busy” clear x couriers and y trucks or whatever. Impossible for me to finish without rushing everything, of course (and even then I would have to time it perfectly to hit the Don). Oh well. 🙂


  11. Any news if TinyCo are going to fix the issue of some players not having the 4th challenge trigger?


  12. Just checked the prize tab in the event menu and it now shows what the grand prize is but I don’t see any way of claiming it, I’ve also checked my inventory, and the shop but don’t see it in either, have you heard any news about how those of us that have completed all 4 challenges get the prize?


  13. Any news on when TinyCo is going to fix this to trigger for those who haven’t yet got the 4th challenge to trigger cause it’s 7/9 here with about 16 hours left until event ends?

    It’s ridiculous that we’ve spent time and money into completing each week’s challenge and now this comes up which is beyond the player’s control!

    I’ve messaged them by email and through the in-game’s contact us support twice now but still haven’t yet heard from them.

    This mobster event is the worst one ever with bad planning, crashes upon crashes and glitches 😦


  14. Wow! The Grand prize of the PG house is sweet. But if it is the same extravagant size as what it currently is after the weekly upgrades we will need an extra block of new land to place it…


  15. Thanks for letting us know they are looking into it. I’m on iOS and started week 5 as soon as it was available and have both skins for Lois and Tricia and have completed the first three and still no challenge. I started messaging them on Monday but still haven’t heard from them yet. I let the Don reset back to one and have been waiting for it to trigger and put Lois and Tricia on their tasks. Still hoping😁


  16. My game shows the final prize to be week 5’s mansion.


  17. I don’t know if it is another visual placeholder or not, but the grand prize looks to be, I think, the Peter Griffin Mansion from Week 3 or 4.


  18. Lol less than 24hrs left and my quest still hasn’t triggered. So I’m in limbo with the Don battles …. don’t know whether 2 keep attacking him or let it reset, but if it’s already less than a day left what’s the point?

    I messaged them about this nearly 2 days ago but unfortunately it looks like it’s too latr


    • Sorry to hear that. That’s frustrating considering you spent the time and was able to finish the other 3.


    • Hasn’t triggered for me yet either. I finished the other 3 challenges, and I even have Tricia now. Just sent Tinyco a second message, as I didn’t receive a response to the one I sent yesterday.


  19. Anyone else see a ghost buster looking car for the grand prize?


  20. Still haven’t been able to trigger the fourth challenge! Have had gangster Tricia doing her 16 hour task, keeping Lois on short tasks so I can swap her to the 12 hour one. Have a few cops on standby.

    About to finish my second raid of the compound, but I don’t remember the compound raids being necessary to trigger the weekly challenge.


  21. I completed the first three challenges, but the fourth is not showing up – any advice on what I should do? Finish some other quest?


  22. Argh I’m really getting anxious and desperate how to trigger this 4th challenge as this event is about to end. I can’t understand how some players have managed to get it to trigger whilst others like myself are still waiting for it trigger. I’ve sent an in-game message and email to TinyCo about this and I’m still waiting for their reply. (Most likely they’ll answer days after the event would have ended)

    Bunny and/or Alissa, as both of you have close contact with TinyCo, could you please do us a favor to those that are still waiting for the 4th challenge to trigger to bring them to their attention about this and solve it ASAP?

    What’s worrying me is getting it to trigger at the very last moments with “DEFEAT 3 OF THE DON’S HENCHMEN” still ongoing and uncompleted due to the 4hr waiting time between each defeat 😦 At the very least, to those that are still waiting to get it to trigger and in view that the event has about 30hrs left for it to end, TinyCo should reduce the “DEFEAT 3 OF THE DON’S HENCHMEN” to about 2 or even 1!


  23. Bmonkeygurl244

    Has anyone who messaged tiny co from in game about the 4th challenge received a response yet? Is there another way to contact them that may have a faster response? The event ends tomorrow and if the challenge doesn’t trigger soon it will be near impossible to complete.


  24. The 4th challenge still hasn’t popped for me, i sent them a message earlier, but any hint on how you got yours to come up?


  25. My theory is that the fountain was supposed to be the bonus prize. Every other week the challenge prize was the item at the end of the obstacles, so the shiny box should have been the 4th week challenge prize by that logic.


  26. I have completed the timed challenge but haven’t received the 5th grand prize??


  27. The week 1 challenge started for me immediately after finishing the second raid on Cleveland’s Casino which required me to complete the third raid and the additional optional raid in order to win the challenge – so no Jackpot sign for me.

    The week 2 challenge started for me before the tubas always dropped and I only had 2 tubas for Cleveland Jr. which was required for the challenge – so without Cleveland Jr. there was no Golden Dragon for me.

    Because I am about a week behind due to the tubas, I was able to build up a large supply of goons and had my max capacity walking around town (thanks to Bunny’s post on the week 3 challenge) – so when the week 3 challenge popped up I was actually ready for it and managed to complete the challenge clam free with 25 minutes to spare and won the Legal Eagle.

    This morning I finished week 4 and was finally able to upgrade the mansion to week 5. Surprise! The very first pop up that appeared after upgrading the mansion was none other than the weekly challenge 4 to win the fountain. I really like the fountain, but unfortunately I am about 14,000+ cookies short of getting Tricia’s outfit which is required for the challenge – so no fountain or grand prize for me.

    This is the first event that I have not been able to complete all the weekly challenges. I think that during this event, for most players, you don’t actually “win” these weekly “prizes” but rather you reduce the number of clams required to purchase them by completing as much of the tasks as possible and then spend clams to speed up the tasks to finish the challenge and therefore feel like you”won” the “prize”.

    I think TinyCo must have hired P. T. Barnum because they sure have used the motto of “There’s a sucker born every minute” during this event.

    This is not meant to be a rant, just my experience on when and how this challenge showed up in my game as well as the previous challenges. Thanks Addicts for all you do to get us the information that we need to get the most out of these events.

    *P.S.- take a drink each time a form of the word “challenge” appears above.


  28. FYI, the fourth challenge hasn’t triggered for me yet either. I have Tricia’s skin and let the Don reset to 1x in anticipation. I sent them a message in game earlier this afternoon, so I hope they can help me resolve this before it’s too late. I hope it’s not dependent on the Become the Best quests because Im not even half way through part 3 do to ignoring it for other quests and challenges. I really want that grand prize and was hoping to add to the tips here other than stock up on goons of different kinds!


    • Bmonkeygurl244

      I’m in exactly the same boat. I also messaged them this afternoon, but no response yet. Gonna be really disappointed if I can’t get it.


      • I hear you. Looks like I missed out on an easy 5x win for nothing and just beat the 1x at the last minute waiting for the challenge to trigger. Still not there and TC hasn’t gotten to my message yet. I tried taking down some scouts and couriers in the Best quest to see if that would work, but I guess I’ll just have to live with just the first three challenges. I wish we knew for sure what the trigger is or if it’s just a bug.


    • Did it ever trigger for you? I have the 1st 3 & I’m caught up & it has not triggered. I have been playing differently in anticipation of the challenge, which is causing me to drop levels in the leaderboard. I sent an in game message yesterday afternoon. Please post if you get a response or it triggers. Thanks for sharing.


  29. This challenge was impossible because I had already defeated the don when this challenge revealed itself. When don finally appeared he was at 5X challenge since I had just unlocked Scrotes. I couldn’t wait until timer finished to reset back to one as it would’ve taken more time than the challenge allowed and there was no way I could beat 3 dons at 5X without spending serious cash. Totally unfair and not worth it. I know this isn’t the place to vent, but it’s merited considering even fmaddicts mentioned it in post


  30. What do u hav to get to to start this, nothing has come up for me.


  31. Maybe I didn’t understand the attacking the Don part, but I got up to 5x a few days ago and it never reset down to 1x. I’ve attacked him several times since but remained at 5x. Made the last challenge – I completed the first three – impossible as I kept needing 15 goons/showgirls etc. to beat him. Timer ran out on me about an hour before my final attack 😔
    Was I doing something wrong that prevented the Don to reset to 1x? Not that it really matters at this point….


  32. A tip that i have discovered

    The order is not random for me at least.

    wrestlers, show girls, yakuza

    then starts over again.
    hope this helps you to prep for defeating the don.


  33. Not actually about the timed event… I got to final countdown part 3 and not once have I noticed the multiply portion of the raid section… why is there no timer?


    • ? Usually after you hit the Raids on 3 stars… the Raid following have Levels or “multipliers”. Those never had a time.

      What is it exactly you are asking??


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