Mobster Character Profile: Gangster School Girl Tricia

Hey there Mafioso!

With Men in Zoot Suits running round the game, Goons shooting up Cookie Trucks, and Offers you just can’t refuse… the Mobsters Event is live in our silly lil games.

With the Mobsters Event going now in the last week, it’s time to take a look at the characters/costumes you could unlock ….Gangster School Girl Tricia

Gangster School Girl Tricia was added as a Costume to the Mobsters Event in Week 3. Let’s take a closer look…

Gangster School Girl Tricia arrived in Quahog shortly after the 3rd week of the Mobsters Event 2015. As with past Events, she was a “Final Character” to work towards the rest of the Event. So, much like Kirk & Takei from the past, she was released early for us to know what we needed to work towards if we wanted her Costume in our Quahogs.

As with (almost) all Characters/Costumes in TQFS in order to unlock her you’ll have to collect lots of STUFF.

Gangster School Girl Tricia Menu Info

Here’s a look at just what Stuff you will need to collect to bring her into your game.

Gurl Scout Cookies20,000 Gurl Scout Cookies

Meteor Hammer5 Meteor Hammer (Extra Rare): Joe Raid Personal Weapons Stash OR Meg Practice Bird Calls OR Police Department

Skirt18 Skirt (Rare): Brian Sneak a Drink OR Yacht Club OR Mr. Miyagi Practice Crane Kick OR Clearing Senior Gurl Scout

Jacket15 Jacket (Rare): Dr. Hartman Test Experimental Drugs OR Seamus Emerge from the Shadows OR James Woods High


She does come with a Questline, Lesson Learned, more details on it in another post.

You Got Gangster School Girl Tricia

She is a Costume for a Character already in the game, so there is currently no Character Group she is a part of that pays out Clams for completion of this Costume.


Gangster School Girl Tricia does come with a complete set of Tasks! Tasks that will help you earn Gurl Scout Cookies and Fedoras (Mob Rep) for the Event.

Let’s take a look at some of Gangster School Girl Tricia’s Tasks:

Gangster School Girl Tricia Take SelfieGangster School Girl Tricia Lightning Kick

Task Time Earns Location
Giggle Demurely 1hr 5Gurl Scout Cookie1Fedora Mob Rep Dansu Dansu
Laugh at Ordinary Conversations 2hrs 10Gurl Scout Cookie2Fedora Mob Rep Used Clothing Store
Sing Karoke 4hrs 15Gurl Scout Cookie3Fedora Mob Rep The Drunken Clam
Record New Segment 6hrs 20Gurl Scout Cookie4Fedora Mob Rep Stop ‘N’ Shop
Take Selfie 8hrs 25Gurl Scout Cookie5Fedora Mob Rep Visual
Lightning Kick 12hrs 35Gurl Scout Cookie6Fedora Mob Rep Visual
Obsess Over Tiny Things 16hrs 40Gurl Scout Cookie7Fedora Mob Rep Madeleine’s Boutique
Lead the Yakisoba Gang 24hrs 50Gurl Scout Cookie10Fedora Mob Rep Permanent Mistakes Tattoo Shop


And there you have it my friends, the complete breakdown for Gangster School Girl Tricia!

What are your thoughts on Gangster School Girl Tricia’s Costume?  If you unlocked her, thoughts on her tasks? Which one is your favorite? If not unlocked, how close are you? Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!


63 responses to “Mobster Character Profile: Gangster School Girl Tricia

  1. I am almost at 20000 cookies. I need 32 of the nunchuck henchman to unlock Lois so I have not even progressed to start unlocking Bonnie and with less than a day to go it ain’t happening. Which is the reccommended skin Trish or Lois? I’m not freemium and even I got screwed by the tubas and other hang ups.


  2. Still working hard on getting 20,000 cookies for Tricia. I’ve had everything else required for 1-2 weeks now. I’m working on week 5 now and one of the challenges wants me to buy 5 barrels of wine (actually it might only b 4..?) and what would b the 4th Italian restaurant in my town – which I don’t want (not Mamma’s, the other one). I don’t want to spend the cookies on these if I don’t have to…what should I do? Do I need to complete this task to continue? Will it lead to bigger/better cookie rewards down the road? Please help – any ideas/sugg. welcome!
    Thanks for all your help, Bunny and Alissa!
    ( I’m working on boss, final star on Don’s villa, and Bonnie right now only b/c I spent a bunch of class to catch up, get Lois and get into week 5 content).


    • Forgot to say that I have about 14,000 cookies. Also not happy I was kinda “forced” to buy another RD for 1,000 cookies in order to b able to hire 15 goons to attack the Don. Wish I could hire 15 at a time in queue – that would make it more worthwhile, js.


      • You shouldn’t have to get that one to be at 15. There were others to get you to 15. The 1000 should have got you to 18… unless you missed one in the shopping cart menu.


        • You’re totally right. I missed the other 500 cookie RV and accidentally bought the 1,000 cookie one instead! Argh! 😦 that was a 500 cookie mistake – which would’ve covered the 3 barrels of wine (not 4 or 5 like I was thinking, oops! ) and the Italian restaurant, which I was worried about! *palm-slap to forehead*


    • Don right now is the biggest provider of Cookies.


  3. Unless the next event is an absolute corker I will be quitting after this one. Utter frustration doesn’t start to describe it. Booooo


  4. Yes, as many have said, 20000 cookies is just insane.
    This event started strong but has had a weak finish. I doubt I’ll even get to the final week content before the time expires, I might just finish Lois, but haven’t even started Bonnie.


  5. Anybody willing to spend Clams on her, and short on Cookies, the best Clams to Cookies ratio comes from speeding up Fort Nox. Even if you rebuild it as soon as you demolish it, it’s only 32 Clams (dropping by a Clam every thirty minutes), and since the payout is 500 Cookies each time, this is much better than the 1:10 Clams to Cookies ratio that Al Harrington’s charges. I recommend waiting to rebuild until you have all the goons you’re going to use already prepared (or at least as many as you can), in order to use the fewest Clams. Right now I’m sitting at ~750 Cookies shy of the 20k, so with the time for Cookie tasks between now and the end tomorrow, I should only need to drop Fort Nox once more.

    I gave up on the raids. No Cookies granted for most steps, and some of the later *required* tasks were just too outrageous (16 Money Bags? Seriously?). If it’s the choice between a couple of skins for Lois and Bonnie to go along with all their others that I already don’t use, versus the only available skin for Asian Reporter Tricia Takanawa, that’s a no-brainer. If I walk out of the event guaranteed at least Zoot Suit Stewie (and depending upon how many cheaters are above me, maybe more), with new skins for Cleveland, Tricia, and Consuela, and three new characters, while only dropping 50-60 Clams, I’ll be happy. I might even splurge and buy the Judge.


  6. No way for me to earn her.
    I already wrote a lot of tickets during this Event.
    i’m no freemium Player, i buy Characters and sometimes boxes. But this was the worst Event for me. SO MUCH that goes wrong, bugs, missing things, other stuff. im still trying to earn lois Outfit before the end. And i’m still in the week with the judge.
    The only answer i got from tiny this time (besides some automated Messages after a week if a Problem is still occuring) is that they are not planing to extend the Event.


  7. I don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of getting the cookies for Tricia’s outfit. Heck, I just got Lois’s outfit yesterday, and still cannot upgrade the mansion or get Bonnie’s outfit quest to start.


  8. 😆 i need my measly cookies to unlock mob wife lois (yes, i am that far behind). i got all the other things for her though.


  9. I’m with pretty much everyone else. Got all the stuff for her in the first few days. But 20,000 cookies? Really TinyCo? I’ve barely earned that many cookies TOTAL! Only a few hours ago I unlocked Mob Wife Lois. So there’s no way I’m going to get Tricia or Bonnie. And I’ve been playing regularly. Ridiculous. This game is getting to be all about buying clams and I can’t afford it anymore. I’m afraid this will be the last event I participate in.

    And let me just say thanks to you ladies for the fantastic job you do running this site and making the game even more enjoyable! I always enjoy your posts! 😀


  10. 2 days to go and I’m on 18k cookies. Just completed the judge last raid so able to unlock Louis but I think I’d prefer Tricia…? Is there any point in me unlocking Louis to try and others to week5 knowing I’ll never be able to afford Tricia if I do..?


  11. This game ends in a day. No way in hell to get this skin. I need cookies I have everything else.

    Hope Tinyco can see that maybe 1% of their players are achieving this skin.


  12. How are people even able to afford 20000 cookies? I’m no where near that number, I got all her other stuff in the first few days but the game constantly has you buying stuff with your cookies. Annoyed.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Doubt this is going to happen. Don’t even have 10k cookies after buying the last few buildings from the last week’s update. At this point, I won’t be getting the Bonnie skin either, since I haven’t finished all 3 stars of the raid yet and I don’t have enough of the ‘rare’ or ‘very rare’ drops yet.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I got all her items in under a week except for the Cookies.

    The problem with freeium players getting Tricia is that TinyCo took away access to getting her by removing Cookies from Goons taking out Girl Scouts, etc. and changing it to Coins. Doing this gave players no motivation to create Goons outside of mandatory tasks to progress in the event.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I won’t be getting her! 20K cookies? How do they come up with that stuff? I have all the stuff except the cookies, i’m at less than half. 7500 for Lois but 20,000 for Tricia? Have to shake my head at that one. I’m still trying to unlock Lois altho I’m getting close. Might make it for her but surely not Trcia.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Same as pretty much every other Event. “Final Character” launched into game a few weeks before event ends so you know what to start earning. Final Boss Battle usually helps to give the boost needed to reach the goal for the Final Character.


      • If we hadn’t had the Tuba and Tapes Shortage delays (put me behind several days from starting the 5th Week, even though I’ve been crash-free), the Don battles would indeed have been massive cookie generators. Alas, ’twas not to be. I’ve only had time for a few, my last one ends 15 minutes before the mobsters vanish forever today. Will have to be a quick shopper! Love the animation of the Don and his cat snoozing after each level 5 battle, though. The cat is even breathing at a different rate! They put so much detail into these things.


  16. Chris Knowles

    Would have been nice, oh well, pretty much impossible for fremiums it looks like, but at least I managed to get conseula so not all bad


  17. Am I like the only one who thought she was going to have a visual action similar to that Asian chick in Kill Bill… that girl had a school uniform too and a wicked mace on a chain… But instead she gets a selfie stick… I still want her but tricia is now only gangsta because of the kick. I unfortunately won’t get her in time because her cookie count is insanely high and whenever I earn close to enough it keeps having to go to other character/skin unlocks like Lois or Mr. Washee Washee… Clevand Jr. and Mr. Washee Washee basically sunk me and lagged me so badly I’m like a week… maybe a week and a half behind everyone else.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. I have 17k cookies and the rest of the items needed. However, my 24hr goal ends in 2hrs. Not thinking i used clams yesterday when i dont even have Tricia! I’ll have her before the event “ends” so oh well. I come here 2 or 5 times each day and The Simpsons site. I love you all! Youre our guardian angels


  19. Finally unlocked Trisha today. Was waiting to see if I could get enough cookies for her and Mob Wife Bonnie. Only need to finish the 3rd star and get about 800 more cookies to get Bonnie. Then gonna just take the next couple days until the event is over to get Mob Rep so I can maintain the prize level that I am at.


  20. I just got Tricia’s costume this morning, and am probably giving up the chance to get Mob Wife Bonnie by having gotten her. (I deliberately chose Tricia over Bonnie because this is her first costume, whereas I already have Bonnie’s stripper outfit.)

    (Unless we get another week, that is. Even given all the crashing bugs, I’m not sure how likely that is, given the timed competition aspect of the event.)

    I haven’t been a fan of some aspects of this event, but I appreciate the creative and gameplay variations when compared to previous events. For a while, it seemed like every event would have the same gameplay, just with different graphics.

    Good: Outfit for Tricia. Adding the Judge (a good supporting character from the cartoon). Robocop (even if he should have been part of another event). Classic gangster/movie themes.

    Bad: The bottleneck of goon production. (Obviously, it was a designed gameplay limitation, but in practice, it needed some tweaking that it hasn’t gotten. E.g., the ability to cancel something in the production queue.) The lack of cookie production compared to needs. Mike Tyson. Mr Washee Washee. The ridiculous stretch/earning questlines. (55 Showgirls to attack Nox? Really?) Fort Nox’s slow rebuilt time.

    This may be the first time since the Egyptian event that I won’t be able to get a character or costume that I wanted (namely, Bonnie’s new outfit). I guess we’ll see how the next two days go.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Hi Clammers!

    Thanks for the advanced details about Gangster Tricia.

    I just unlocked Detective Strotes and I have 5000 cookies left to unlock Tricia.

    Should I continue on with level 5 Don boss fight or finish the Italian villa raid as the event will end in 2 days.

    Not considering unlocking Promoter Cleveland as I dont have him and also not buying Burnt out Brian.


    • I would pick something YOU want, and wait… see what happens on the final day. See if a Cookie Box is released and other items you want MORE than Tricia offered.


      • Thanks for your honest reply Bunny!

        I continue on with level 5 Don battle as it was suprisingly easy compared to previous boss events and the reward is good.

        I’m quite dissapointed with the mystery boxes but I guess it was due to this event itself. Sadly wont be unlocking Mob wife Bonnie in 2 days. Lol!


  22. 20,000 cookies was way toooooooooo much. I’d like her but don’t think I can get another 5000 cookies in less than 2 days.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. here’s an idea tinyco: let us buy cookies with our in-game money! I have 6 million coins without any use.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. ryanindustries

    I am a full week and a half behind thanks to the poor drop rate for Cleveland Jr. I have been checking my game hourly since the beginning except the 6 hours I sleep at night and I’m still on the last star to get Louis. How can I contact TinyCo to ask for an extension on this event?


  25. I’m a full week and a half behind and I’ve been checking my phone every hour except the 6 hours I sleep at night thanks to the poor drop rate for Cleavland Jr. How can I contact TinyCo regarding adding additional time to this event?


  26. 20K cookies? Won’t happen. Nice though though. Wonder if they drew that number out of a hat.

    Liked by 1 person

  27. I only have 10,150 cookies and I haven’t unlocked Mob Wife Bonnie yet either. Very difficult to earn 20k cookies in this event if one unlocks the earlier characters/outfits and buildings. That is unless a person had shelled out a ridiculous $20 for a short-time use conveyor belt. It’s hard to believe how much people will spend on a game of this style (Pretty Fist 62). I won’t sweat it though… this outfit will become useless/pointless in a couple of days anyway just like nearly everything else.

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Finally got this chick! Best way to get the cookies were to defeat Don & his henchmen (once you reach 5x, the payout is 1000 cookies at a time). Just a few lipsticks away from getting Bonnie too. But best character yet- Detective Scrotes! Dying!!! 😭😭😭


  29. I’ve had everything completed for her costume now for a while but will never have enough cookies. I have about 10k but will use most to complete Lois today. So far behind and it’s frustrating. I probably won’t make it to Bonnie either.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’m in the exact same boat. This event was much harder than the previous ones. I’ve spent countless hours and real money on stuff, and I’m not even on the Mobster Bonnie upgrade yet. The amount of items needed were ridiculously high for Tricia, Lois, Fight Promoter Cleveland, and others. Guess the TinyCo peeps never saw the results of that poll we took a few weeks ago asking how player progress was.

      I’ll continue playing, but it certainly leaves a bad taste in my mouth to have made such an effort trying to get something unobtainable. I even took my phone on vacation so I could check in! No one likes to feel like they wasted time.


  30. Has there been any discussion about extending this event? I started 4 days behind because my update wouldn’t download and have been playing catch-up ever since despite being on it no less than a half dozen times a day.


  31. Trying to get this but short on gurl scout cookies, it says get more cookies by reading more delivery trucks but they drop coins instead!

    Liked by 1 person

  32. Sherry. Arnold

    I got all her stuff except the cookies which will never happen. I’m still trying to get Lois too,which will take cookies away from her. Why so many, the cookie trucks drop money now not cookies so how do they expect us to come up with 20,000 cookies in time before the end.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. 20,000 cookies. lolol

    Liked by 1 person

  34. Not going to happen unless I get another week.

    Liked by 3 people

  35. I’ve had all of her parts for at least a week and a half now, but I’m never going to get the 20,000 cookies. I’m right around 6,000 now,

    Liked by 3 people

  36. I got all her stuff except the cookies; sitting at 10K cookies. Was hoping she’d have more than 2 visual tasks to make the 20K cookies worthwhile for a skin and the payout for her tasks are pretty much like the other characters/skins this event. 5K-10K cookies for her skin would have been more reasonable to me. Sometimes I wonder how TinyCo determines these requirements for a skin; my guess is they play darts and it hit the 20K mark on the dartboard. 😀

    Liked by 5 people

  37. Have all the items to get her but why is the amount of cookies so high for her and not Mob Lois. Also does the help you get other stuff I have not seen any actions for her to assist with anything else? Finding this event very repetitive.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is a similar thing we have seen in Events. A “Final” Character. One that is released early on as a “Goal” to work towards until the last of the Event. This event… its been similar in some aspects.


  38. The drops weren’t bad to get SG Tricia, but the cookies were. In my premium game it was easy, as I got the Industrial Cookie Conveyor Belt from Brian’s box, dropping 850 cookies twice a day.

    In my free game, I’ve got 14000, but will need them for Bonnie, so I will have to choose.

    It was good to see Tricia finally being useful, but it’s a shame she’s so hard to get.

    Liked by 1 person

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