Quahog Mob Premium Walkthroughs: A Recovering Addict

Hello There Hoppereenos!

Quahog has gone gangster and brought us an offer we can’t refuse!  As Don Corleone has decided to setup shop for his counterfeit cookie operation right in Quahog…and he’s enlisted Peter’s help!

As you progress along in the Event, alternate Premium Characters and their Questlines will be introduced to add to your Quahog for the Event if you want. Like Burn Out Brian (Mystery Box Chance).

Burn Out Brian

So let’s take a closer look at his Questline and all that you’ll encounter….

A Recovering Addict Pt. 1
Burn Out Brian starts

Have Burn Out Brian Score More Cookies– 4hrs, Earns 15Gurl Scout Cookie , 3 Fedora Mob Rep 1
Have Chris Eat a Large Ham– 12hrs, Earns 35Gurl Scout Cookie, 6 Fedora Mob Rep 1

Completed Task Earns 10Gurl Scout Cookie and 2 Fedora Mob Rep 1


A Recovering Addict Pt. 2
Burn Out Brian starts

Have Burn Out Brian Dance Like a Maniac– 2hrs, Earns 10Gurl Scout Cookie , 2 Fedora Mob Rep 1
Have Burn Out Brian Party All Night– 8hrs, Earns 25Gurl Scout Cookie, 5 Fedora Mob Rep 1
Get 200 CookiesGurl Scout Cookie

Completed Task Earns 10Gurl Scout Cookie and 2 Fedora Mob Rep 1


A Recovering Addict Pt. 2
Burn Out Brian starts

Have Burn Out Brian Dance Like a Maniac– 2hrs, Earns 10Gurl Scout Cookie , 2 Fedora Mob Rep 1
Have Burn Out Brian Party All Night– 8hrs, Earns 25Gurl Scout Cookie, 5 Fedora Mob Rep 1
Get 200 CookiesGurl Scout Cookie

Completed Task Earns 15Gurl Scout Cookie and 3 Fedora Mob Rep 1


A Recovering Addict Pt. 3
Burn Out Brian starts

Have Burn Out Brian Tweak Out– 12hrs, Earns 35Gurl Scout Cookie , 6 Fedora Mob Rep 1
Have The Fatfather Fire Tommy Gun– 8hrs, Earns 25Gurl Scout Cookie, 5 Fedora Mob Rep 1
Hire 4 Wiseguy Goons-
 15 Cookies & 30 Minutes “Hire” each/2hrs, 60Gurl Scout Cookie


Completed Task Earns 25Gurl Scout Cookie and 5 Fedora Mob Rep 1


A Recovering Addict Pt. 4
Burn Out Brian starts

Have Burn Out Brian Cleaned Up– 24hrs, Earns 50Gurl Scout Cookie , 10 Fedora Mob Rep 1

Completed Task Earns 25Gurl Scout Cookie and 5 Fedora Mob Rep 1


And that concludes Burn Out Brian’s Questline!

Did you take a chance in the Mafia Stewie Mystery Box and get him? What are your thoughts on his Questline? What do you think of his tasks? Any Favorites? Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!


41 responses to “Quahog Mob Premium Walkthroughs: A Recovering Addict



    • Well that wasn’t very helpful, here’s what they said:


      Thanks for writing in! We’re sorry to hear that you’re currently experiencing crashing on the loading screen. This is a known issue, and our engineering team is working hard on a solution. While we don’t have an individual fix at this time, we’re working to get this fixed as soon as possible.

      Some player reported that logging into their account on an iOS device has allowed them to log back in on their Android devices. If you don’t have access to an iOS device, please also keep an eye out for new updates in your App Store that may resolve this issue.

      Sorry for the frustration! We look forward to having you back in Quahog soon.

      – The TinyCo Community Team


  2. Finally had an update show up in the app store… updated the game… game still broken!! Wait what? Aren’t updates supposed to fix issues? I’m confused?!?


  3. I didn’t get Brian in my 3 attempts last week, but this post encouraged me to break my no more clam spend on this event vow and have 1 more go, and would you believe it, I got Brian. So thanks for this post Bunny as it encouraged me to have than final lucky throw of the dice.


    • That’s awesome. Nice luck!!


      • Hey Buuny, all do respect. Brunt out Brian was available weeks ago. You had him and made the info available the last day of the event. Is that worthful?


        • Well let’s see… Help players with massive glitch, detailed game content…. or… post a walkthrough of a Premium Character that not everyone will have and who’s questline would most likely continue after the event. Players wanted OTHER info.

          Yah. I think I made the right choice. Instead of knocking what we do, have a little respect and appreciation for what we do… don’t yah think? Just sayin 😉


  4. That’s it! I’m out of this game. This is not a game you’re supposed to enjoy. This is a game designed to suck money with no respect or interest for players or their lives! They are in this for the money and that is getting very clear! Unfortunately I payed a lot of clams in this game but that’s it. I’m not gonna play anymore. I have a life and a game is supposed to be something to enjoy, is supposed to be entertainment, it is NOT supposed to be something where you have to play 24 hours a day so you can reach the goals. And even if you play 24 hours there are some challenges you can never win unless you pay clams. At least TSTO is more honest: there are premium things and things that are freemium. You choose! In this game, I feel trapped. I have to pay clams to have things. Also, there are people who could not pay for several days and they should give, at least to those people, some more days. It is unfair and dishonest!
    So, this is the last time I come here. To Bunny and Alissa, thank you – really – for your work.
    I’m gonna live my life now and enjoy myself with more honest games. Bye bye Family Guy quest for stuff!


  5. Kinda stinks Brian was the only premium character in the facespace category that awarded clams…especially when miagi, robocop, and the convict had no clam/facespace category…could easily have made a new category for the 4 premiums, and then put Bonnie and/or Tricia in the “freemium” category. Glad I at least avoided the the game troubles and was able to pick up the 35 clams from the weekly characters + 10 clams from prize + 5 clams from quest….50 free clams isn’t bad, but that’s about 10% of what I got from Star Trek, and is about what I would have gotten from Jesus in 30 days if they didn’t increase the rarity of his drop (Jesus dropped clams 2x in 30 days!)


  6. I was hoping to see an “Event ending today” update so I’d have a more appropriate place to post this (if you put one out there, feel free to kill this post and I’ll re-post it there), but I’m leaving myself seriously torn on how to end today. I just broke the 20,000 cookie threshold, but will be able to get the 3rd star on the Corleone raid today. I’ll be just short on the lip gloss, but it would be minimal (hopefully) clams to finish Bonnie. I’m also hovering around 11-12,000 in the leaderboards. My choose-your-own-adventure has 2 options:
    1. I think I’d prefer the Tricia skin, but that doesn’t leave me much left to do for a chance for Corleone in the leaderboards.
    2. If I get Bonnie, I’d have cookies to buy a couple origami birds or something that could possibly bump me up to under 10,000 on the leaderboards. But what are my chances *really* of getting under 10,000 if everyone else has a last hurrah as well?

    I don’t want an extension on the event- that would only benefit those who are already caught up and make better prizes even more unattainable. But considering how many people have been locked out of the game for days at a time throughout the event, I think it would be nice if they’d expand the winner levels on the leaderboards a bit so more people could get some of the higher end prizes. Just my humble opinion. So, anyone got any suggestions for how I should end my day?


    • I’m hovering around the same spot on the leaderboards as you are and also have been tossing around ideas as how to end it, as I am sure are many many others. :/ My hunch is that since so many players are gonna really push for the mob rep at the last minute, that a couple of origami is still gonna leave us below the 10k mark. :/ So more than likely, I will just use up my left over cookies on the freemium mystery boxes. Just my take on it.


      • Oh I forgot to mention I had already unlocked Tricia a while back. And I am nowhere near getting Bonnie so didn’t have to make the choice you do. However, if I were in your shoes, I would go for Bonnie, if you are sure you will make it in time, and leave yourself with more cookies left over for something else.


    • I am in the same quandry. Have 24k+ cookies and am fighting to get the final raid done for Bonnie so I have to make a choice — Bonnie or Tricia. I need one more dress and have to get three more nunchucks in my final collection or my choice is made for me — has to be Tricia. Not a bad attempt at Bonnie considering I started Sunday night when I finally unlocked the final phase.

      I have hovered around the 10,000 cutoff all event on the leaderboard so my final decisions will determine what I get. I am getting the Stewie costume no matter what. I haven’t seen where the Don is a playable character (you get him a week after the event so what value is he really other than another character to level up and put in storage?). Everyone will spend their final cookies to maximum value so all are in the same boat. I want Tricia only because it gives her a skin where I have stripper for Bonnie. It used to be a bigger deal when I played all my characters but I have all the leveled up ones in storage since otherwise the game crashes more frequently than it already does.

      I saw a suggestion where the leaderboard should be closed out at 3 PT today but the event should extend so people could get further and also have something to do during the weekend and I thought that was a smart suggestion. Much of the delays in this event have been on TinyCo so they should have considered extending it.


    • At least you guys are getting the chance for a last push. I was at about 5500 on the leader board and one obstacles away from the 3rd star and getting bonnies costume when the game quit working yesterday. And that was all I had left that i was trying to accomplish. I hope everything goes well for those of you that can still play


  7. Good day, ladies … I’m sad … As of yesterday, I have not been able to get through the loading screen to play. Yes, I sent them a detailed report including a screenshot of the error message I receive etc.
    But misery loves company, so here I am…
    I’m a premium player and was in the top 5000 before this happened .. I need sympathy! lol


  8. Glad that the event ends after so much work. I try to set myself a target after the first days of playing. This event l wanted the cookies headquarters, but l got Consuela, which it’s great for a freemium player like me. I wanted the Corleone mansion and l could get more, so l stopped playing two days ago in order to get that building.
    So, l am a happy player: 20 buildings and 4 characters, not to mention 30 clams.


  9. Unfortunately, this game has become a money pit. No room for items, and if you try to stay up with the challenges you have to spend lots of $$. If this continues, I will have to quit playing.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Well this sucks… Although they gave us 30 days to do this event, there was just way too much to do ><.


  11. Any word on why android users can’t get into there games?


  12. What about reimbursement for those of us who put hard earned money into this event. I was hours away from unlocking mob wife bonnie, and worked extra hard to keep myself in the bracket with stewie and the don. But since I’ve been “locked out” i have no way of even knowing what my rank is now. If there’s no compensation or reimbursement it’ll be a sad day for tinyco because I’m sure a lot of people are going to turn their backs to them… myself included. Besides, who’s to say that when the event is over that they will get the issues fixed before they dump another broken event on us…. i think a major reevaluation is in order before they do anything else. ..

    I’m Adam and that’s what i think


  13. Is the next event comic conn


  14. Almighty ladies…
    Any news of an extension on this event?
    Im having more issues than I can count. The game is lagging profusely, last event hasn’t triggered, have smashed the prison 3 times and can’t get it to acknowladge its happened for the questline, mr washee washee debacle took 2 and a half days to fix and it ate time, etc, etc…and I’m very frustrated with this. I know I am not the only person having issues either.


    • No extension. Sorry. They’re pretty set on that. Even launched in game pop ups.


      • If they don’t I’ll be even more crossed with them after a string of disasters. Today I can’t log in on any of my devices, it just force closes while it’s loading. If I miss out on the cookie mystery boxes, or if I slip down on the leaderboard, and there’s no extension to make up for it, I won’t be a happy bunny.
        Thank you ladies for the regular updates – and for giving us a voice.


      • Sounds good to me. I haven’t been able to get in for days. Hopefully, when it resets then I’ll be able to get back in.


      • Any chance they will justify their position? The primary reasons avid players can’t complete the event is directed back at TinyCo and its admitted failures (tuba drops coding, in-game glitches, players unable to access their games). I wasn’t a huge fan of the extension for the Star Trek event, but this event cries out for one because something they thought would take a week (acquiring Cleveland Jr) was coded incorrectly by TinyCo and took two or three times as long.

        So instead of allowing people the weekend to continue to tackle any of the numerous tasks still open, we will sit idle all weekend and wait until new content is delivered next week? At least give us the chance to finish character quests. None of those appear to need any event items that people wouldn’t already have (buildings).

        What is the purpose of creating all this content if your own failures prohibit game users from even accessing it?


        • Not sure how I am supposed to answer that one… on a post that is about a walkthrough for Brian… just sayin. If you have questions for them… go to THEM. We are not TinyCo and we do NOT work for TinyCo.

          So take it to them. Write them an email or better yet a message via your in game. Let them know how it impacted YOU and YOUR game play. See what transpires. 😉


          • Sorry Bunny. I can see your patience is wearing thin with these posts. I jumped on a reply in this post because you responded to someone asking a question about that topic. I was waiting for a “Final Event Checklist” post to message this but understand if you don’t want to post something because it will just turn into a pitchfork throwing contest.

            I have messaged them from my game with the suggestion beginning last week when I could see the problem coming but the message has gone without a response.

            I know that you don’t work for TinyCo, but you have a direct line that none of us have and you have been able to get a lot done for the players through that relationship and we all appreciate it greatly. Plus, I have read your comments often that TinyCo reads this blog so I was hoping they might see it through that path since they have yet to respond to my in-game message. I thought I was posting something that would benefit everyone. I hope the next game content goes better for all of us.


            • If we could help on it we would. Thing is… stuff like that… it’s player based as everyone’s situation where they were in the game and when they experienced the issue is unique. So to ask us a companies stance… that’s something we have no way to even know. It’s a case by case basis that honestly has to be addressed to them by each player impacted.

              Make sense?

              And yes… when post after post after post is turning into nothing but a pitchfork and torch session/WTD and basic respect of the Addicts and Addicts Guidelines are not even being cared about… makes it seem kinda pointless to put all those hours, time, effort, and money into a post just have it go to waste. Might as well just slap a giant What The Deuce post up and walk away as it seems thats all anyone cares about turning everything into. Know what I mean?


    • I had the same problem! I was pretty much done with Mr. Washee Washee, just needed a few more cookies, and then that whole thing happened. Pushing me back… I had to get more stuff for him when I already finished -__-.


    • I don’t know if it’s glitches, or poor planning, or an intentional change by TinyCo or what, but the pacing on this event has been terrible compared to the last years worth.

      For pretty much every event since Comic-Con 2014 I’ve played every day bought all premium characters, and that was enough to comfortably let me complete most of the event (all the “important” stuff at least) without stressing much.

      With this one I’ve done exactly that, but I haven’t even unlocked Phase 5 yet, and it’s the final day. Furthermore I don’t even have Lois or Tricia’s costume’s unlocked. I might… MIGHT be able to squeeze Lois in at the last second, if I can get through my last Judge raids today, but I kinda doubt it, I’ve had everything Tricia needs done for weeks, but haven’t gotten anywhere near 20k cookies. In any case, I won’t be able to finish both. One if I’m lucky (and even that looks unlikely).

      Going off the pacing of previous events by comparison, buying every premium character should have been enough to at least get me to Phase 5 (if not finish it), as was the case in past events, but in this one I’m struggling to even complete costumes from previous phases, let alone the final one.

      THIS is the event that needs the extension, not the Star Trek one. But I’m assuming since this one has rewards for a ranked leaderboard, they’re reluctant to pull the trigger on extending it, because someone who was above a certain tier today could drop below it after the extension and cry foul.

      I think a good compromise would be to extend it, but lock down guaranteed rewards for whatever people’s final tier is today BUT… I don’t know if they even have the tech to for that in place (I’m no app programmer).

      in any event, this event has left me with a bad taste in my mouth.


  15. Wanted to at least try to get some stuff on the lastroworld day of the event. There was even an update in the play store. Buuuuuut it still crashes at the load screen. So ticked off right now. And still no response to any email I have sent. I have not been able to play since friday morning and emailed them that day. I know it was a holiday weekend but it is now Thursday and still no response. I really want all my money back if this is how they treat players who are loyal and have been playing since the beginning 😦


  16. I think I most have incredibly bad luck. I tried to get Burned-Out Brian by opening the Mafia Stewie Mystery Box a total of 10 times, but I got all the lame stuff like Luchador masks, women’s shoes, a skeleton in a water tank, etc. The odds seem to be stacked against us, even worse than the tuba drop rates! 750 clams wasted….. and no burned-out Brian skin….


    • Oh man that really sux. 😦 I generally try to stay away from the premium mystery boxes as much as possible. Way too hit or miss. The only premium boxes that TinyCo has done that I liked was back when they did the Best of Event. At least then you could budget the exact maximum you would spend to get exactly what you wanted. Sorry to hear about your bad luck. 😦


  17. The fatfather event ends today + sdcc start today =quahog comic con 2015 😍


  18. I gave myself 2 chances to win him in the mystery box, and actually got him on the 1st try! I guess it was because I really wanted, and was unable to get, his dalmation skin in the firefighter event, and the karma fairies felt bad for me! *chuckle*

    BTW, his 2 hour task, dancing like a maniac, also gives out boxing gloves, in addition to the cookies and fedoras.


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