Where The Hell…? Ghost Loretta Brown

In this lil game of ours, it is easy to get lost and so focused into collecting items or unlocking characters that we tend to forget the lil things that make the game what it is. Like Where the HELL did these items come from and why are they in our games?

Well I am here to do just that for you. Let’s take a look at the Family Guy Series and find out just Where The HELL Did That Come From?

Loretta Young Ghost

In this post, I will be covering the Origin of the Ghost Loretta Brown. When did she first show up? Why is she so mean? Why is she now a Ghost? Let’s take a look at the TV Episodes to find out.

Season 1, Episode 4: Mind Over Murder 
We first catch a few subtle glimpses of the alive Loretta Brown as she is with a group of women who are upset at Lois. Lois is singing in the Basement Bar that Peter created due to he is on house arrest. The Women Group doesn’t like the fact their Husbands aren’t coming home til really late anymore. The most we really do see of her is her head bobbing and her saying, “MMmmmm hmmmm”.

Loretta Brown 4

She appears several more times throughout the Family Guy Series until her Character was retired when they killed her off in the Cleveland Show. (Alex Borstein, the Voice Actress for her, stated the gritty and deep voice was a difficult one to do and asked she be retired.) 


Cleveland Show Season 1, Episode 17: Gone With The Wind
In order to locate the Death of Loretta, we have to jump on over to the spin off Family Guy Series, The Cleveland Show. Cleveland’s New Wife gets the phone call that Loretta has died. While back in Quahog for the Funeral, Cleveland learns just what happened.

Brian was digging up bones and found something, a Brontosaurus Head at first but it ended up an entire Brontosaurus Skeleton. Peter, with his oh so brilliant ideas, is using a giant crane to put the massive Skeleton into his bedroom. Nothing can go wrong, right? Just as he is almost there, his watch alarm goes off to remind him it is time to go watch “United States of Tara“. He tosses his hard hat off and into the levers. This of course causes the machine to catapult the Dinosaur Bones into Cleveland’s old house currently occupied by Loretta.

Loretta Brown 6

In the usual “Bathtub Gag” scene Cleveland normally is a part of… Loretta now slowly falls from the second story of the Brown’s home. Yelling, “No! No! No! No! No!” all the way.

Loretta Brown 8

Loretta Brown 7

Unlike Cleveland though, she doesn’t survive by landing onto the ground. She instead lands on the sidewalk and snaps her neck. All the neighbors come to laugh of course. At the end of the Episode, there is a bit of a farewell to the Loretta Character showing a few clips from the Family Guy Series with it ending on Cleveland saying, “Goodbye Loretta”.

Loretta Brown 1

Loretta Brown 3

Loretta Brown 2


There you have it, a reoccurring Female Character from Family Guy that needed to be removed from the series met her demise in a very silly way.  Did you remember these episodes? Did you catch Loretta’s “bathtub gag” death in the Cleveland Show? Have any of her Family Guy Episodes that were your favorite? Have you resurrected her in the game yet? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Til Next Time


12 responses to “Where The Hell…? Ghost Loretta Brown

  1. The Loretta Brown ghost has glitched my game. Been a week now and all support tells me is to wait for an update. Im missing out on alot of event stuff. Dangit Loretta!


  2. Was wondering about her death thanks as always for the awesome job.


  3. I think Cleveland show is just as hilarious as American dad and family guy , you just have to give the different characters a chance, sorry it was canceled


    • I only have 4/6 helmets for Paddy.
      I play the game multiple times every day….and I’ve been trying Mayor West and Peter on this task.
      Anybody else having this problem?


      • It is typical for a District to take time. Think back to headbands, eyeballs, and plutonium to name a few. They are meant to go a while in the game so they last.


  4. I’m surprised Loretta still isn’t voiced yet with Alex doing the voice. TinyCo usually is on the ball with regular cast voices.


  5. I was able to unlock Paddy Tanniger as my first ghost from the beyond (took a little over a week, those uncommon drops were rarer than the ‘rare’ ones), but still stuck on Loretta; the bathtubs were what I thought would take me the longest, but I had one string of getting one from the Barrington Hotel and both Joe and Seamus, which leapt me from 1/4 to 4/4. Now I’m stuck on the earrings (1/5, though I’ve had close to a dozen attempts at it now or more), and Peter/Quagmire are gonna be preoccupied trying to get those Halloween costumes/questlines done. But it was a cool idea to bring Loretta back, and the items she needs are a subtle joke I chuckled at. (Though instead of the earrings, a funnier item could be a ‘blouse fish’ [“Oh hoh, you’re gonna have ta reach into the cookie jar!”] or a sugar bowl [“Put some more o’ that sugah in ma’ bowl!”])

    But I can’t for the life of me figure out if Paddy actually ever died during an episode. Besides Chris getting the ball shagger job, I believe he only ever made the couple extra cameos, and I’d think a character death (even an ancillary one) would’ve stuck out more in my mind.


  6. wildthornberry88

    I haven’t actually watched any of the Cleveland show… should I bother?


    • It is alright, but I still like Family Guy better.

      Liked by 1 person

    • If you have the spare time, I’d at least suggest giving it a shot; there are some funny episodes and moments, a few episodes that bring Quahog members into Stoolbend (C. Show’s town setting) and vice versa. The way I would put it is, if you like Family Guy, and have seen American Dad and have anything at or above a neutral opinion of it, The Cleveland Show should be worth your time. Cleveland Jr. as a character is definitely a marked improvement over his ADD nature in FG, and in one or two episodes they even explain how that change occurred.


    • The Cleveland Show is great, if you grew up watching similar shows like; Good Times, Sanford & Son, What’s Happening, etc.It airs on Adult Swim weeknights with 2 episodes.


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