PeterPalooza Walkthroughs: Foreign Intelligence & PartyPalooza

Hey there Clammers!

The PeterPalooza Festival has now moved into Phase 3. Rocker Alice Cooper is in our games. Some International Party boys Belgard & Tomik have made an appearance, Leaderboards are back, and we all are desperate to get as many Blammy Awards as we can. Just like Musicians. Lol.

All this crazy New Content just means one thing… New Questlines for the Event. Including the Side Questlines for Belgard.


Let’s take a look at the Foreign Intelligence & PartyPalooza Questlines and all you will encounter along the way.

First you need to Complete Festival Fail Pt. 7 to have access to Phase 3 Questlines.


After Grin & Bear It Pt 2

Foreign Intelligence Pt. 1
Peter starts

Build the International Hostel- 4000 GlowsticksGlowsticks, 2hrs Build Time

Have Joe Lion Play Hacky Sack- 4hrs, Earns 2Glowsticks, 30xp

Completed Task Earns 8Glowsticks, 15xp


Foreign Intelligence Pt. 2
Peter starts
Have Rockstar Peter Trash Hotel Room- 2hrs, Earns 1Glowsticks, 20xp

Completed Task Earns 6Glowsticks, 10xp


Foreign Intelligence Pt. 3
Peter starts

Get the Rock Climbing Wall- Cost 80 GlowsticksGlowsticks& 6 Skull Guitar PicksSkull Guitar Pick Large

Rock Climbing Wall
Have Lois Freshen Up- 6hrs, Earns 65Family Guy Coin, 45xp

Completed Task Earns 8Glowsticks, 15xp


Foreign Intelligence Pt. 4
Peter starts

Unlock Belgard- 



Club Shirts5 Club Shirts (Rare): Chris Enjoy Private Time OR Jerome Play Darts

Prepaid Phone Cards5 Prepaid Phone Cards (Common): Herbert Read To Children OR Mort Town Records

English Dictionaries3 English Dictionaries (Uncommon): Bonnie Bake Sale OR Ear-Piercing Store
Have Belgard Reminisce About Home Country- 2hrs, Earns 1Glowsticks, 20xp

Completed Task Earns 8Glowsticks, 15xp


After Belgard Unlocked

PartyPalooza Pt. 1
Belgard starts

Have Belgard Style the Hair- 12hrs, Earns 4Glowsticks, 65xp

Completed Task Earns 12Glowsticks, 25xp


PartyPalooza Pt. 2
Belgard starts

Have Belgard Be Confused by American Culture- 6hrs, Earns 2Glowsticks, 45xp
Have Joe Lion Take a Patchouli Bath- 1hr, Earns 1Glowsticks, 12xp

Completed Task Earns 8Glowsticks, 15xp


PartyPalooza Pt. 3
Belgard starts

Have Belgard Talk about Eurovision- 4hrs, Earns 2Glowsticks, 30xp

Completed Task Earns 8Glowsticks, 15xp


PartyPalooza Pt. 4
Belgard starts

Have Belgard Reminisce About Home Country- 2hrs, Earns 1Glowsticks, 20xp
Have Avril Write New Songs- 2hrs, Earns 1Glowsticks, 20xp

Completed Task Earns 6Glowsticks, 10xp



There you have it. The Side Questlines involving Belgard.

Did you purchase the Hostel yet? How far are you on collecting for Belgard? Any suggestions or tips for your fellow readers? Let us know.


35 responses to “PeterPalooza Walkthroughs: Foreign Intelligence & PartyPalooza

  1. Bunny — I play games on two platforms, have Belgard in both and never got his questline in either. I completed the Grin & Bear it questline, am working on the newest content (DeadMau5) and am on the final part of the PartyPalooza questline in both. I know I didn’t complete it and just missed it because the climbing wall is still listed as unpurchased in the merchandise tent for both. Anyone else similarly not having this triggered? One game perhaps it is a quirk, but two games perhaps sounds like a fail (and I got Belgard a couple of days apart in each). I don’t need an additional questline to clog up my game, but getting the glow sticks for tasks I have already completed (hostel built, have Belgard) would be nice. Thanks!


    • Sorry … I am talking about the Foreign Intelligence questline. Forgot to mention that.


    • It may have a secondary trigger. Like complete another side questline to trigger this one. What other tasks do you still have open?


      • DeadMau Pt 3
        DJ Bucket List Pt 1
        Carl in Quahog Pt 1
        Hangin’ With Mr Cooper Pt 2
        Wanna Fight About It Pt 2

        The timer is still running on the latest clam deal and there is a clam deal that I have had for over a year that won’t go away.

        And I am sure you have seen this 100 times already but because you asked, I got the GUDG for the 15th time this morning, clicked him and got 20 glow sticks and some XP and the questline went away. No character unlocked.


        • We still got almost 3 weeks left in the Event. Still lots more potential to see what happens with him.

          The one that is in there since game launch, you can contact them to remove it.

          It is odd it has not triggered for you. You have Belgard completely unlocked? I would contact TinyCo.


          • Yes, Belgard is running around both of my towns. Again, this is the case with both games I play (different devices and different platforms) which made me wonder if others are seeing the same. Especially since he was unlocked a couple of days apart. Just strange. Thanks as always for the sage advice and attention to my information.


            • Contacted TinyCo regarding this and haven’t heard back yet (four full business days). Haven’t seen anyone with a similar comment, but the fact that it happened in both my games being played on two different devices and platforms it seems like more than just a fluke. I guess I just want to collect the glow sticks for tasks I have already completed since they are so hard to come by.

              Just curious if you have seen anything similar regarding this in other posts. I have looked but probably missed it while wading through all the comments. Plus I get that there are a number of people who aren’t that far in the game yet due to the 4000 glow sticks needed.


              • Wait. Patience. Give them 5 days… if nothing back… send a followup message.


                • Perhaps this is only me that is having this problem. Just bizarre that it is happening in two different games on two different devices using two different operating systems. I reported it here to see if others had a similar problem but am not seeing similar comments. I sent another in-game message over the weekend since my first one went the entire week without even an acknowledgement. I won’t take up space on this blog about it any more. Thought it might help other players but it appears to be isolated to just me and both my games. Like I said before, I don’t need the additional quest line to take away from the current content, but a lot of it is completed so it would be nice to get the glow sticks in the drive toward Ricardo. Thanks for your time Bunny.


                  • Only thing I can think of if a possible corrupted file. Is your game saved to an email or Facebook so you can completely uninstall it, clear all the cache/data for it, and reinstall it from the App Market? Or did you already try that?


                    • Yes Bunny I did try that. My tablet game just stopped the Hangin’ With Mr Cooper quest after part two (and never came back) so I deleted my game and reinstalled it for exactly the reason you stated. I see you suggest that on here so much that it was one of the first things I tried. I keep track of the quest lines so I can maximize my play so I know what I have done and what remains. It’s just not meant to be. It is only me in two different games and there is so much crying of wolf in this game, but all someone would have to do is go in my game and see that the rock climbing wall is still sitting uncrafted so I didn’t complete the quest line without knowing it. I really posted it here because I thought I was further along than most because I had the glow sticks for the hostel at the content launch and I could help others before they got to that point. No one else is seeing the same thing and TinyCo isn’t concerned so I will stop being concerned myself.


                    • Bunny, just wanted to update this for you and for the benefit of the readers in case it ever happens to them. Began in-game messages on August 30. Sent one every Monday after that and also emailed once to see if I could get any type of a response. Sent my last in-game message today to let them know that my issue went without even an acknowledgement of a response. I believe I was patient and gave them plenty of time to investigate the problem. Did in-game messages so they could look directly into my game and see that I had not purchased the climbing wall so it wasn’t that I completed the quest line without even realizing it. This was two games on two different devices using two operating systems. I wonder if people even realized that they didn’t even see this quest line with everything going on in the game (assuming perhaps it didn’t launch for them either). Disappointing that three weeks elapsed without even acknowledgement of the situation. (I mean I couldn’t even get a form response!) This wasn’t whining about drop rates or complaining about not receiving something that was sitting in my inventory. This was an entire quest line that never launched — on two game systems! — and glow sticks that I was unable to collect (especially since I easily completed the tasks through the play of the game over the last three weeks). I would think they would have wanted to look into the problem to avoid it from happening to others but somehow it became isolated to just me and my two games on two different devices on two operating systems. Is that even possible or should I have bought a lottery ticket? I followed their rules and did what they asked and got no response. Not sure what else I could have done but apparently it wasn’t important enough to investigate. Thanks as always for your support but this is an issue that will go unsolved. Good luck to anyone who has something similar in the future.


                    • My question is this… and I suggested before… if Something’s up with your game… they may have never seen the messages. Did you ever email them too like I suggested l?


  2. I have 8/15 deaf guys . Has anyone got 15/15


  3. I’m still working on Alice Cooper and Belgard. I skipped on Tomik. I’m 8 of 15 on the greased-up deaf guy.


  4. I’m on Grin and Bear It Part 5 and almost have Belgard but no Foreign Intelligence questline. How do I get this questline to start?


  5. How are you guys getting 4k in glow sticks!?


  6. Having Belgard need to been upgraded immediately after unlocking him to get boots to drop is just cruel. C’mon!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I just blew 4k glow sticks thinking it will help unlock Alice NOWWWWWWW I have to start collecting glow sticks again😥plus I still need 2 other items from the merchandise tent.


  8. Hi there!
    I’m not interested in any of those characters; one is premium and I’m not taking my chances in a mystery box, and this one is going to be absolutely useless in the future; I don’t want the Hostel either, there is no land to place it, and I’m sure there will be more interesting things (or needed things) to get for glow sticks. The pay rate is way too low…. Do I need to build it and unlock this guy to move forward the rest of the event??


    • It is a side questline, so I don’t see a progression issue there. I do not know what other uses he will have in the game as we have to wait til more phases are released to see.


  9. Do you think we need to get Belgard in order to move onto the next part of the event? At 4000 bracelets, which took forever to collect, I don’t think he’s worth it to me. (P.s thanks for working so hard to update both sites Bunny)

    Liked by 1 person

  10. If you ladies could look into your crystal ball, do you think Belgard will be necessary for future main questline advancement? I gave up on relying on him for the boots for Alice (bought what I still needed with clams) and I’ve spent what glow sticks I needed in items to get into encore concert territory. I’m keeping all of task-less characters in storage, so I think it’d be a better tactic to save up as many glow sticks for future phases than break the bank for him. Every player is obviously different, but do you think this strategy will backfire on me?


  11. Dont want to be rude but…Don’t you think is more usefull for the players to know the tasks nedded to play an encore concert instead that the useless questline of Belgard?


  12. Unlocked Belgard last night and will be unlocking Alice Cooper this morning. It was a good thing I won Tomik from the mystery box or else it would have been hard getting those boots for Alice.


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