PeterPalooza 101: Phase 3 Concerts and Encores

Hey there Music Fans!

Phase 3 has hit our games and with it some more Concert Stage Changes. We now have up to 4 available to go on Stage for an Encore. So what all goes into it?

What additional requirements are there to Perform Concerts?


In this post I wanted to go over the Phase 3 Basics of the Concert Area and what you can do to help give your game a boost in Materials. 


By now, you should be quite familiar with this area. You will find the stage surround by a bunch of kids busy on their Smart Devices hanging around the Event Area of the game. PeterPalooza Event Area

In order to start a Concert, you will need a Musician. In Phase 3, that Musician is Alice Cooper. So you will want to focus on unlocking him and gain access once again to the stage. Tapping on the stage will Pop Up the requirements for Alice Cooper in Phase 3.

Concerts are a HUGE source of Glowsticks, Guitar Picks, and now Blammy Awards, so you will want to do them whenever you can.



For Phase 3, when  you tap on the Stage it will tell you WHAT Alice Cooper will want in order to Perform.

Alice Cooper Concert 75%

Here is the list of items you will need for Alice Cooper (scrolling left and right will show them all). Tapping on “GO” under any of them will take you directly to the item.

Alice Cooper 1Alice Cooper Unlocked

Recording Studio BoothRecording Studio Booth (Festival Merch Kiosk): Cost 100 GlowsticksGlowsticks & 20 Skull Guitar PicksSkull Guitar Pick Large

Stage PyrotechnicsStage Pyrotechnics (Festival Merch Kiosk): Cost 250 GlowsticksGlowsticks & 25 Skull Guitar PicksSkull Guitar Pick Large

Platforms AplentyPlatform Aplenty: Cost 300 GlowsticksGlowsticks, 4hrs Build Time

As you collect each of these items, they will show a check mark that you got them and darken out. The “COMPLETED” portion will also show the change in % done. You will also see it tells you “NOT READY”.

Once you get all the items, it will then show “COMPLETED” 100%, and the Button in the middle will change to “START CONCERT”. Tap on it.

Tapping on START CONCERT will take you to a 2nd screen. Here is where you will see the options of Musicians to select from. Just Alice Cooper is available at this time. You can CANCEL the choice or go ahead and tap on “START CONCERT” to let Alice begin to play.

Alice Cooper Concert Start

You will now see the Female Fans start to ***Poof*** on your Quahog streets while Alice starts to Perform on Stage. Fans will drop items like Glowsticks, Coins, and Stars. You will want to get as many as you can as fast as you can. You have 2 minutes to tap on as many as you can. They will spawn in a large group and respawn not much longer after you clear the prior batch. So… move fast.

If you tap on the Concert Stage, you will see Alice Cooper’s Concert is out of 100 Stars.

Alice Cooper Concert Star Requirement

When the time runs out, you will be shown how many Stars you got and what payout you received.

Alice Cooper Concert Star Payout

Alice Cooper Concert: I got 100/100 Stars in the 2 minutes and my Payout was…

150 Glowsticks Glowsticks

3 Concert TicketsConcert Tickets

30 Blammy AwardsBlammy



2 Minute Timer

2 minutes. You will see the timer over the Event Stage above the Musician. You can also see it by tapping on the Stage. This starts the second you tap on “START CONCERT”, so move quickly to your road once you do.



Female Fan 2

For me, the Female Fans spawned in a HUGE group of like 15-20 at a time on my Quahog Streets. I cleared them as fast as I could. Another 15-20 or so Spawned around 30-60secs later.

Female Fans Spawn

This is where having roads in locations you can clearly see is good as you want to tap as many as you can in the 2 minutes time frame. The more the better. Also it is a good idea to not have any other Characters on the roads for “accidental” tapping.

Tapping on them paid out 1-2 Stars each and +1 Glowsticks. (Once you MAX out the Star Requirement, they drop Coins instead.)

Female Fans Spawn Stars

Note: If you do NOT clear them all and miss some, they will still wander your town after the Concert. You can still clear them for some more +1 Glowsticks and Coins.



Once you get Alice Cooper’s Concert out of the way, you have the ability now to run unlimited amounts of Encore Concerts. At this point you will have access to Six Musicians (depending on who you own). Snoop Dogg, Avril Lavigne, Rockstar Peter, Joe Lion, Rapper Brian, and Alice Cooper.

Encore Concerts will be a lil bit harder to get all 5 stars as they will have higher Star requirement to reach, but it is still a great way to earn Glowsticks, Tickets, and Blammy Awards.



Similar to a Regular Concert, you will have to complete items in order to have the Musicians perform.

For the Encore Concerts after the initial Alice Cooper Concerts, I saw a variety of tasks. Tap on the Concert Stage to see what tasks YOUR game requires you to fulfill for the Encores.

Here is how they played out in my game…

1st Encore Concert Requirements

Alice Cooper 1st Encore 0%

  • View Encore Modal: (Tap “GO” to see it.) Alice Cooper 1st Encore Concert Modal
  • Get Alice Cooper Tour BusGlowsticks150 GlowsticksSkull Guitar Pick Large10 Skull Guitar Picks
  • Get Guitar Sculpture: Glowsticks800 GlowsticksSkull Guitar Pick Large8 Skull Guitar PicksConcert Tickets5 Concert Tickets
  • Get Burning Clam: Glowsticks600 GlowsticksSkull Guitar Pick Large50 Skull Guitar PicksConcert Tickets5 Concert Tickets


2nd & 3rd Encore Requirements

Alice Cooper 2nd Encore

  • Avril Perform Secret Show: 10hrs
  • Peter Turn It Up To 11: 11hrs
  • Alice Cooper Play 18 Rounds: 4hrs
  • Joe Lion Take Patchouli Bath: 1hrs


Once you have all the Encore Task Requirements complete, you will see a similar scenario. The screen will show 100% Complete, all the tasks checked off and darkened, and the option to “START CONCERT” now highlighted. Tap on it.

Alice Cooper Additional Encore Start

The next few screens will look a little different. First you will be taken to the Performers in the game screen. It will show you how many you currently have available for the Encore and if they are Ready or Busy on another task. Tap “START CONCERT”.

Alice Cooper Additional Encore Ready Busy Performer

Then you will be taken to select one of those available Musician you want to do the Encore Performance. (I did not see a difference in using either one.) Choose your Performer by tapping on them.

Alice Cooper Additional Encore Select Performer

A check mark will show up next to the one you selected. You can now “START CONCERT”.



Same as the regular Concert, you will have 2 minutes to quickly tap as many Fans as you possibly can to gain Stars.

2 Minute Timer



Concert Star

In my game, it did not matter WHO I picked… they all had the same Requirements and payouts in the Encores. 120 Stars.

Alice Cooper 1st Encore Star Requirement



For me, I was able to get 5 Stars each and every time in the Encores. All of them paid out the same.

Alice Cooper 1st Encore Star Payout

150 Glowsticks Glowsticks

3 Concert TicketsConcert Tickets

20 Blammy AwardsBlammy


I intentionally got a lower Star Rating to see what payout I would get. I got 100/120 Stars (about 4 1/3 out of 5) and these were my Payouts…

130 Glowsticks Glowsticks

2 Concert TicketsConcert Tickets

15 Blammy AwardsBlammy


As you can see getting MORE is always better, so try to get the full amount of Stars on every Concert.



If you are not able to Select a Performer, it is a good chance they are Busy on another task in the game. For instance, I had Snoop on a task for his questline. Due to he was on the his task, the option to use him showed “Busy”. Tapping on “GO” under him took me to where he was on the task.

Encore Start a Concert

In the Select a Performer Screen, he was grayed out as well and you could not tap on him to place a check mark under him and use him to perform.

Encore Concert Select Performer Phase 2


Side Note: This is my “hint” to getting MORE Stars if you want to try it. Essentially I left the last Spawn of Fans from the previous Concert, so I had 15 already roaming the streets before the Concert started. These were the CONCERT FANS from the previous one. Do not mistake them for the Regular spawning Female Fans. Those will not work.

The payouts each Concert are already fairly generous as is, so this may not really be worth it… but just wanted to put it out there. Just in case it does come in handy later down the line in the Event. 🙂


There you have the Phase 3 Basics of the Concerts and Encore Concerts.

What do you think of it them? Have you got Alice Cooper unlocked yet and able to Perform any? What kind of payouts did you get? Any tips for fellow Players? Let us know.


67 responses to “PeterPalooza 101: Phase 3 Concerts and Encores

  1. I keep getting “cannot connect to server”…..
    Running 8.4.1 on apple
    Anyone else?
    Any advice?


  2. Leaderboard prize 11-30 are lame, 4000 coins. Useless when you have 100,000s of coins already. Why not some more useful prizes. Even the 3-10 prize of 10 clams is kind of pathetic, considering the money some put into this game.


    • Lets take a look at it another way. 10 Clams x 7 Players= 70 Clams per Leaderboard. Figuring just at 1 million Players (there are more) in 30 Player Groups = approx 33,333 groups.

      33,333 x 70 Clams = 2,333,310

      Giving away over 2.3 million Clams is not really “pathetic” when it is essential money in the companies pockets they are giving away. Things are all in how YOU look at them. Stepping back and seeing a bigger picture has a more accurate impact. 😉

      I am glad they are still handing out that many Clams. They could have just awarded more Decorations and I personally have enough of those. I would prefer Clams myself. 😉

      An alternate perspective, a family can EASILY spend $500 a month at a grocery store on food… do we expect them to just give us money back all the time because of this? Nope, instead… they offer sales, discounts, and “free samples”. I view Clams as “Free Samples”. 😉


  3. Why are the Blammy Payouts So LOW, it says in the in-game help section you can max out at 40?


    • Depends on what Character you had on stage at the time, but Alice was 30 and his encores 20. Couldn’t access Avril’s to see her Encores nor Joe’s.


  4. This will be the first costume/character I won’t have, but I’m not about to get into a clam war with the two top guys on my leader board.

    I’m ahead of 4th by 100 blammies, but they are 150 ahead of me. And I was 30 blammies out of first yesterday. No idea how many clams they are spending but the 10 they get back will be a pittance.

    May be sour grapes but I hope the quest line is as boring as the Don’s.


  5. I finally managed to unlock Alice today and got so excited that I performed his concert and then immediately purchased the items to do an encore concert.

    But on retrospect, the items for doing the encore ended up requiring 1550 Glow Sticks and the payout was around 150. So, I probably would have been better served by saving up my Glow Sticks for Phase 3. Ah, well.


  6. so i just attempted an encore on facebook for the first time and i will never do it again. it was flinging me all over the place when i double clicked. i missed out by a 5 stars and im sure i would have them if did it on my phone.


  7. Question you show that only 5 guitar picks are needed in order to get the burning clam yet on my game and two of my friends games it requires 50 guitar pick.


  8. How long until the next update? I’m trying to figure out if it’s worth it for me to do encores since I just unlocked Cooper and did his first concert.

    To unlock all decor to do 1st encore
    1550 glowsticks
    68 guitar picks (the burning clam is 50 picks in my game. Is this a glitch?)
    10 concert tickets

    Each performance drops 150 glowsticks and 3 concert tickets max. I know I can’t make my investment back (it would take 5 days of tasks to unlock enough concerts), but I would like to get some back especially since it would take everything I currently have to get it.


  9. I finally got Alice but now cant hold encores bc the burning Clam costs 50 picks not 5 as mentioned here. Typo or did they change it?


  10. Need some advice ladies…I only need one more pair of boots, so I’m confident that will happen tomorrow. I am also confident I will be around 5-8 on the leaderboard without the Alice Cooper concert as the 10th player has 43 less blammies. Do I save Alice Coopers concert to get a head start on the next phase? Will the stage clear out after after tomorrow not allowing me to do the Cooper concert? I know you don’t know what’s planned for the next phase, I am just asking what you would do in my shoes. If the stage refreshes tomorrow I will go ahead and do it just to get the glowsticks, picks, etc.


    • We do not know what the next Phase will require from us, so I can’t give you an honest answer on that. I can only suggest to go with what you think may be in your best interest. If you feel you should save his Concert, feel free to.


  11. well concerning Alice Cooper’s concert and encore, i’m not gonna be able to do those anytime soon…i only need 3 more pairs of pants for Alice Cooper and know for a fact it’s NOT happening before tomorrow!!!..i only have 34 blammys as well.
    Now seems to me TinyCo.might have jus tweaked the pants drops because i did get 2 or 3 between yesterday and today idk tho i may be totally wrong about that lol 😂


    • errrr wait those aren’t pants for Alice Cooper haha those are boots…wow took me this long to realize that lmao!!!


  12. The guy in my Leader board has 820 Blammies,, LOL,, needles to say I will NOT be getting Starlight Express Peter, and I am fine with that.


  13. I’m not feeling this event at all. I’m running a distant third on the leader board and have no way of catching the top two by the close. I was in the top 1000 on the mobster event and have my shinny silver house to prove it. So as a player that has not missed a day since the app started I feel that getting Starlight Peter is a hoop I cannot jump through. With over a million players or 33,000 x30 on the leader board I am affectively placed 33,002. Not bad for a player that spends $40 a month on the game.

    Liked by 1 person

    • If you play an Event based ONLY on the Leaderboards I can guarantee you will come out depressed, exhausted, and some wasted Materials too.

      Never look at a “Side alternative feature” as a basis for an Event. Keep in mind that is only a “chance”, not a guarantee, at one Costume for a Character that has a ton already, and also a Character used every single time anything hits the game. I doubt you’ll see it more than a blip before it’s tucked away with all his rest and forgotten.

      There is just so many other things in this game going on that are easier to obtain and there for just YOU to work for.

      Don’t get sucked into Leaderboard Madness. Instead, just play, have fun, if you get something in the end still… bonus. If not, you didn’t spend your time micromanaging every aspect of a Side Alternative Feature. 😉

      Liked by 2 people

  14. I didn’t realise that Alice’s 18 rounds task was so short. I gave up on doing an encore, but I should have enough time if I set them up tonight or tomorrow morning.


    • He didn’t hit level 2 this morning so I sent him on a task, I wasn’t paying attention to it and it was his 8 hour, if I then levelled him and used his 4 hour task for the encore, I would just about miss it. I’ll only have used 6 clams(I spent 16) as I will get 10 back from the leaderboard. Only 8 of us actually have any Blammies on my leaderboard. I am hoping to just get into second placed, one encore would put me there(provided it didn’t crash or anything similar), unless someone else does it too.


  15. I finally unlocked Alice Cooper today, the drop for the boots was a lot poorer than normal. I then got his encore straight away, I’m now third on my leaderboard. There is no way I will get first, but if I’m lucky I might be able to get second tomorrow, the glowstick bonus would be great. I was the bottom on my leaderboard of people that have any, I was 8th. 😛 The other 22 people don’t seem to be playing, or not earning at least, they all have none. The skin would have been nice, but I probably wouldn’t end up using it much, not for this event anyway as I imagine that Rockstar Peter will be needed for a lot. Also, 100 out of 120 is 4 and 1/6 stars out of 5. Sorry. 😛


  16. Phase 3 was so boring, I was immediately blammied out of the leaderboard top 10 (this can’t have been intentional but let’s just forgive yet another Tinyco mistake). So I was left catching the deaf guy, grinding glowsticks practically one at a time and collecting rare boots with one character. Event staff were redundant because I didn’t want blammies to drop. Will probably get Alice the night or morning before the next phase.


  17. The payout drop is rather precipitous – never mind 100 out of 120 only yielding 15 – 119 out of 120 stars also yields only 15 Grammies!


  18. I am so behind on this event, still have to unlock joe lion, so I’m like a week behind. But I will get starbright expres peter, with only 10 blamys, number 2 has only 3 and the rest 1 or 0 😀 so I lucked out on that one


    • Lucky dog!

      I’ve got 40-some-odd Blammies (no concerts yet, as I’m still trying to get Alice’s rare item via Peter only, unfortunately), and the leader of my group is sitting at over 200 (don’t know if they’re legit, but several people in my group effectively started with 50+). I think I’m at 11th place right now. Wish all of the top 10 got Glowsticks, rather than just the top 2. Heck, I’d rather get Glowsticks than Clams, at this point, as many as the International Hostel requires…


  19. Well I very quickly gave up on the leaderboard and am now saving picks and tickets for next week (Hope it’s worth it) as the player on my board is on 360 and if you only get 30/20 per concert he must be going some on the clams, plus once again TinyCo have made same characters having to get same things instead of helping with progress i.e. You need loads of picks however only Peter can get them via toad users (I’m only getting 1 at a time now) but he can’t help because he is constantly on his boots take and the concert works are needed for picks and tickets so you can’t even get the additional blammys from clearing them, yet I have 50 other characters doing nothing!! Even if they threw in some 12/24 hr tasks. Nevermind I shouldn’t really be surprised as after all the events its the same.

    Out of interest where are people with the catch deaf guy task?


  20. Am I missing something? I am having a hard time earning glow sticks. However, I finally got Alice Cooper and have about 1100 glow sticks saved up. I did the initial concert and earned 159 more glowsticks and I thought I would earn a ton of glowsticks by doing an encore concert but instead it will cost me 1550 glowsticks for a reward of only 150 glowsticks? Is that correct? If so, that’s a terrible return and I’m better off not doing the encore!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Have yet to unlock him but when I do at least it seems I have what it takes for the encore concert minus any player’s task I have to do. I was trying to save up for the blonde dude but went ahead and got the rest if the items from the merch tent.


  22. Shoshon the Elegant

    For the payout for a 5 star encore, you mean it’s a payout of 20 Blammies, not 30 Skull Guitar Picks, right? Because if it is not, I’ll intentionally not get 5 stars.


    • Grrrrr I fixed that 10 times and it kept reverting back to the previous Concert Payout. Thanks for catching it. I fixed it … again. Lol. Let me know if it still does not stick. NO Guitar Picks. The image above it was right, just the details were being wonky.


  23. All I’m getting when trying to play is “there was a problem loading the game please try again later” anyone else having this issue?

    Liked by 1 person

  24. I never get replies from tiny Co i think they just ignore me and do u think they will bring back Cleveland Jr


  25. To make the concerts easier, I actually reduced my streets to a single 4 square stretch at the bottom of district 10. I keep my characters occupied with non-animated task so they’re all inside, but especially the bee victims and the bears were a hinderance. so now when I am ready for a concert, I first put a single road piece in the top corner of the map, and delete my main road down in district 10. Then as soon as all the quest characters have started moving, I delete the single square, rebuild my road and start the concert. This results in only concert goers to touch for at least the first minute, at which stage I am usually well over 80. It’s easy to bring it home after that. I don’t leave the leftovers lingering until the next concert even…


  26. I have noticed one change with the update. Prior to this update, I had several Lois tasks that mentioned Alice Cooper. I thought that was strange since I am still trying to unlock him (why won’t the boots drop!). Anyway, after the update, those tasks aren’t listed.


  27. I feel that star bright express Peter should become avaible for purchase if we don’t get him because there is no way I’m getting him cause the people in my group are like 190 Blammys ahead of me


  28. Finally got Alice, seems groupies drop more glow sticks than stars this concert and encore.


  29. 250 glow sticks and 25 guitar picks for stage pyrotechnics that don’t do anything – very disappointing!! C’mon TinyCo! You’re better than that.


  30. Any idea what the new iOS AppStore update is?


  31. TinyCo locking out doing concerts until you unlock a character was a very bad decision. I still need 5 boots to get Alice, which I at best won’t get until tomorrow. Then Phase 4 will drop Thursday and I’ll be locked out of doing concerts again for the next character.

    I’ve been working hard on the Leaderboard and just made it back into the Top 10 after getting knocked down to 16. I don’t see a way to make it to the #1 when the game is built to stop you from making good progress.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Just please keep sending them your overall progression issues on it. Including the Stage “bottleneck”. I relay the specifics on my end, but it always helps to hear direct from players too.


      • I have tried the in-game messaging and my message stays Highlighted in blue, does this mean they haven’t gotten to it yet or my message hasn’t gone thru?
        I know they are busy I see people are having issues even getting into the game but was curious if others are having any response from this or if it is just me or my game or should I also try email?!
        TY for all the help


        • Standard response CAN take up to 5 days depending on how many in front of you. All in house. Nothing like the huge game houses that outsource to thousands of reps in call centers worldwide… just them. So it can take a lil bit longer at times. But always follow up in 5 days if NOTHING has come back on the issue.

          Liked by 1 person

          • The last few problems I had (always that my games freezes if I try to rush or buy things with clams) and none have been addressed and were just erased after a few days.

            I also have the issue of never getting to perform a concert. I need 6 more boots to get Alice Cooper. Just really frustrating!


    • You should be able to avoid getting into Phase 4 by not completing the part of the main quest just before the concert part. For example, don’t let Lois do the laundry or make sure you don’t clear all six red haired bee girls. Once you complete those tasks, then you move on to the last part and the concert will already be checked off if you did it before and then you should enter phase 4. At least that tactic let me stay in Phases 1 and 2 until I could do an encore.


  32. I have a 107 blammy lead without using any clams. I was initially worried about the leader board but I have a nice solid lead. I got 234 I think


  33. Despite hours of troubleshooting, to clear a female fan requires at least three taps in my game. As a result getting five stars is impossible. Sent TC several messages over the past two weeks and have yet to get a reply. Between this and the shoddy boot drop rates perhaps it’s time to take a break from the game,


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