PeterPalooza Premium Walkthroughs: Lost in Translation

Hey there Toady Roadies!

The PeterPalooza Festival has now moved into Phase 3. Rocker Alice Cooper is in our games. Some International Party boys Belgard & Tomik have made an appearance, Leaderboards are back, and we all are desperate to get as many Blammy Awards as we can. Just like Musicians. Lol.

All this crazy New Content just means one thing… New Questlines for the Event. Including the Premium Questline for Tomik.


Let’s take a look at the Lost in Translation Questline and all you will encounter along the way.

Tomik is a Chance Character that is in The Rupert Festival Mystery Box. If you took a chance for 100 Clams each time, you may end up with this additional Character in your game.


Lost in Translation Pt. 1
Tomik starts
Have Tomik Take the Selfies-  12hrs, Earns 4Glowsticks, 65xp

Completed Task Earns 10Glowsticks, 20xp


Lost in Translation Pt. 2
Tomik starts
Have Quagmire Work on Foreign Relations-  4hrs, Earns 2Glowsticks, 30xp

Completed Task Earns 8Glowsticks, 15xp


Lost in Translation Pt. 3
Tomik starts

Have Chris Giggle at Tomik- 6hrs, Earns 2Glowsticks, 45xp
Have Joe Lion Assist Tomik- 6hrs, Earns 2Glowsticks, 45xp

Completed Task Earns 8Glowsticks, 15xp


Lost in Translation Pt. 4
Tomik starts

Have Tomik Sound Almost American- 2hrs, Earns 1Glowsticks, 20xp

Completed Task Earns 6Glowsticks, 10xp



There you have it. The Premium Questline involving Tomik.

Did you take a chance on the Festival Mystery Box and get Tomik? What do you think of his questline? Any suggestions or tips for your fellow readers? Let us know.


5 responses to “PeterPalooza Premium Walkthroughs: Lost in Translation

  1. zippy piccadilly

    How could I call myself an addict if I didn’t get Tomik? I’d be soo sad for Belgude. They are like pb&j, like ebony & ivory, like waffles and ketchup. In other words they just go together.


  2. I lucked out bigtime by getting Tomlik on my only intended attempt ,using my last 100clams. And he’s given me all of the 8 boots I’ve collected for Alice so far since Peter drops none and I ,like most players, still are short on the glowsticks it costs to get Belgard.Sorry for anyone who’s stuck relying on Peter or Glowsticks ,im sure you’re still way behind.Did i ever luck out.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You inspired me to finally do the mystery box and all I got was the lava lamp! So jealous of your prize, I still need 6 boots for Alice and 700 glow sticks for Belgard.


  3. not sure where to post this so….

    Holy handgrenades!
    As os 4am Mountain time, I had a TV in front of the Griffin house that lets me watch a 30 second video to earn CLAMS!

    Earned 7 so far and still running. GREAT NEWS and SUPER thanks to Tinyco!

    Android OS btw


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