PeterPalooza Character Profile: Belgard

Hey there Toady Roadies!

There is just so much going on in Our Quahogs now! Spotted Toads, Dudes running around licking the Spotted Toads and freaking out. Girls dressed as Hippies being chased by Bees (both Red and Dark haired). Tons of Fans, some too busy on their phones too care. Patchouli Oil, Hacky Sacks, Bears, Park Rangers, picnic baskets and in there somewhere… some AWESOME Music. PeterPalooza Phase 3 is in our games!

A New PeterPalooza Phase in our game means New Characters/Costumes. Characters like Belgard!

Belgard 3

Let’s take a look at what Belgard can do in our silly lil games.

Belgard was a New Character added during the third part of PeterPalooza 2015. As with (almost) all Characters in TQFS in order to unlock him you’ll have to collect lots of STUFF.

First though, you needed to purchase the International Hostel for 4000 GlowsticksGlowsticks. It also was a 2hr Build Time.

Belgard Menu

Once the International Hostel was built, tapping on Belgard would let you know all the items he requires.

Belgard in Hostel


Club Shirts5 Club Shirts (Rare): Chris Enjoy Private Time OR Jerome Play Darts

Prepaid Phone Cards5 Prepaid Phone Cards (Common): Herbert Read To Children OR Mort Town Records

English Dictionaries3 English Dictionaries (Uncommon): Bonnie Bake Sale OR Ear-Piercing Store


He does come with a Questline, PartyPalooza, more on it HERE. You Got Belgard
Belgard does come with a complete set of Tasks! Tasks that will help you earn Glowsticks & XP. He also has one to help with Leopard Skin Boots

Let’s take a look at some of Belgard’s Tasks:

Belgard Tomik Dancing at the Discotheque Belgard Style the Hair

Task Time Earns Location Level
Reminisce About Home Country 2hrs 1Glowsticks20Family Guy XP Drunken Clam ~
Talk About Eurovision 4hrs 2Glowsticks30Family Guy XP Drunken Clam ~
Be Confused by American Culture 6hrs 2Glowsticks45Family Guy XP International Hostel ~
Sleep at Youth Hostel 8hrs 3Glowsticks50Family Guy XP/ 1Leopard Boots International Hostel 2
Style the Hair 12hrs 4Glowsticks65Family Guy XP VisualMovie Scene Marker Clapper Board ~
Dancing the Discotheque (Requires Tomik) 24hrs 8Glowsticks100Family Guy XP VisualMovie Scene Marker Clapper Board 2

 **Note: Within an Event, tasks may change and vary as the Phases come and go. So some of these tasks will be temporary. Others may be one time use. Some will stick around even after the Event. We won’t know until the Event Ends. 



Just for fun, here are a few of his Phrases…
“What do you say for Celebration, we go dunk ourselves whistles into the trough”
“They played one of my audience requests”
“Oh man, what a good bunch of partying at that Discotheque”
“Happy Gerbitz Day”
“You said it friend”


My personal thoughts on Belgard are to work towards him when you can. He is here to stay until the end of the Event. All the Characters are minus those specifically timed (like Meg & Brian). So you have all Event to work on them. See what Phase 4 brings to find out if there is something better to spend your Glowsticks on now and wait on him.


And there you have it my friends, the complete breakdown for Belgard!

What do you think of Belgard? Where are you on unlocking him? If you did get him, have you put him to use a lot yet? Have a favorite task? Let us know.


27 responses to “PeterPalooza Character Profile: Belgard

  1. Am I imagining things, or did they take he hostel away since I didn’t finish unlocking Belgard?


  2. Should have enough extra glowsticks for him today. What are the odds of unlocking him before the event ends?


  3. I am way behind in this event and I’m wondering if I should buy Belgard, instead of spending glow bracelets on some deco or something else. Ideas?


  4. Hi,

    I tapped too fast again and missed the questline dialogue for completing Party Palooza Pt 1 for Belgard. If by chance you have it, a post would greatly be appreciated! Thanks!


  5. Now that I only need one more boot, I have enough glow sticks to get him, but now I am wondering if it is really worth spending all my glow sticks on… any opinions???


  6. Even though I got Belgard, he just wasn’t helpfully enough to unlock Alice before the Leaderboard was finished. I still need 1 Boots and both him and Peter won’t be allowed to from until well after the Leaderboard closes. There’s no point to speed up with Clams, since that would invalidate the 10 Clam prize.


  7. I’ve found the best way to play and enjoy this game is to pretend the Leaderboard competition doesn’t exist. I’m having fun and I’m looking forward to the update today.


  8. I still haven’t saved up the 4,000 glow sticks for him yet. Earning the currency this time round is a slooow business.


  9. Why does he have pink in his hair like Avril on here lol


  10. Need 1 more shirt to get him. It was fairly easy


  11. I worked really hard collecting glow sticks to get Belgard. It just makes sense if you want to unlock Alice Cooper faster. I suggest that if you want to get Alice faster you unlock Belgard now. Otherwise it’s just going to be Peter on leopard print boot patrol until the event is over. After all, we all know that Peter is important to this event, playing a major role in getting us through the quest lines we need to progress through the event.


  12. I think it’s inane that he is one of 2 characters with the boot drop for Cooper when they released at the same time. Judging by past history with these events I won’t be unlocking him at all. No big loss, I always found the character more annoying than funny.


  13. Because I had the glow sticks banked, I bought him right away and had him built by Sunday night. He is the only reason I got Alice last night so that I could finish the week’s content before the new stuff is released tonight. It took 28 collections to get the nine boots needed for Alice so there was no way within a week without a second character assisting (or clams).

    My only complaint with this character in the game is the spelling. Both Wikipedia (Belgaud) and the Family Guy wiki (Bellgarde) have something completely different from the game. “Tomik” is the same all three spots. I wonder what is correct?


    • Keep in mind both Wiki’s are just like this site, NOT officially from FOX or Family Guy. They are outsider ran and updated sites. So it could be a misspelling on the name on either as they were not really reoccurring Characters. TinyCo may have also created their own spelling, or they may be the only one with the name accurately spelled. 😉


  14. What the…

    After collecting 4.000 glowsticks we also need to collect evn more stuff to unlock him? How is this character coming even remotely close to being helpful with Alice Cooper’s boots, then? By the time we’ve unlocked the building and the character, Alice is probably unlocked by just using Peter.

    TinyCo’s illogical game design continues to baffle me over and over again.


    • Both are in the game until the end of the Event to earn. I am waiting to see what the next level requirements are… if it does not include Alice… then I can see that players have no worries unlocking him to progress. It all just depends. I look at him as a “later in Event” Character (Belgard)

      Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, I just reached 4,000 glowsticks and still need 4 boots to get Alice. I’m going to wait and see what comes for week 4 before buying the Youth Hostel. If it takes 2-3 days to get the stuff to unlock Belgarde, he’ll only be around to help out with a boot or 2. He’s not a character I need in my town. Hopefully I can use the glowsticks more constructively in the new release.


      • On a happier note, the first time I put Belgard on task he dropped the boots. And Peter did too! I’ve got Alice now and I am super happy. How luck is that? 2 drops!
        I had the glow sticks banked thanks to the ultra awesome “Bunny hack” (thank you!!!) so it wasn’t that big a hit for me.
        Sure hoping the next update comes through on time. ((Checks watch)) hopefully only a few hours to go!


    • It really wasn’t hard to collect for Belgard. Just three items and small numbers of those. Even the one labeled rare dropped reasonably quickly. He has to level up to 2 before the boot collecting task is unlocked. His questline gives you a 12 hour task right off, but I skipped that and just did one 2-hour task and one 4-hour task. Maybe another 2-hour task would have worked as well but I was going to be out for about four hours anyway. Since then he’s been snoozing at the hostel for boots.

      I’ve picked up about half the cost of the hostel from buildings, tasks, toads, fangirls, and bees since I bought the hostel early Sunday. So although the initial $4000 almost wiped me out, I’ve recovered quickly even without any concerts yet. So I’m glad I decided to get the hostel and Belgard earlier rather than later. He’s picked up a couple of pairs of boots for me so far, so he might end up shaving off a few days from the Boot Pursuit.


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