Blah Blah Blah Yadda Yadda (Open Thread)

Hello There Addicts Asylum Patients!

Having a fun day? Lots of stuff on your mind? Just want to ramble on about anything and everything? WELL TOO BAD!!!

Ummmmm… say WHAAAAAAA???!!

Errr, I mean… Here is the place where you can do it. Have something cool you want to share with your fellow readers/Addicts? Have something on your mind that you just want to get off it? Have a million dollars? Having a mental breakdown like me? Lol.

This post is for open conversation. Pretty much anything and everything goes (as long as it still follows the Addicts Site Guidelines). Feel free to chat it up all you want.

If you are not sure of what to talk about, here are a few subjects to get you started.

How was your week? Do anything fun?

Ideas for random “White Elephant” Gifts for some parties?

See any cool decorations round your neighborhood? If so, share a pic below or email it to us at



Remember this post is for FUN!! If you wanna gripe or complain or rant or …well, be mad about something…take it to our WHAT THE DEUCE posts and get it out your system there. 🙂

There you go. Get your typing fingers fired up and yap yap yap away.

60 responses to “Blah Blah Blah Yadda Yadda (Open Thread)

  1. I had one of those “maybe I have a problem…” moments yesterday. I play in a community orchestra and the rehearsal right before the concert was about to start. Everyone was on stage already tuning, arranging their sheet music, getting themselves ready to blow this choir away with our orchestra’s awesomeness. Except me. I was still in the back room counting time until a battle was over. I made it to my seat ok, but while I was waiting on the battle to finish, I knew there was something wrong with me. But I couldn’t stop. I need help, but I don’t want it…


  2. On my leaderboard it doesn’t say I’m banned but it also isn’t placing me either. I’ve only got 120 medals so I’m not super-high on the list. How do you know if you’ve been banned or see your place on the board because mine seems to be in a strange nether-realm lol


    • If you see it… you’re on it. It’s not like before where it tags “YOU”. If your amount is more than one at 5000, you’re on the list to get something. 😉


      • That’s great news. I do have my eye on Chuggs so fingers crossed! 🙂 Thanks for all your hard work on the site, it really helps for special events like these x


  3. White elephant is when gifts are put in a pile, someone chooses a gift randomly. Next person can pick a new gift, or steal one from somebody else. After all are opened, keep going around stealing gifts until nobody wants to steal, or each gift has been stolen twice.


  4. Yes Santa. I see your pic and exclamation point. You are NOT getting out of that huuma till you and Lyle finish destroying the village, do you understand me!? You jump out and Lyle can’t do it on his own and I get nothing, so just stay in the car fat man! I promise you milk and cookies after I get my hats and medals



  5. So, buy 1 boy and 1 girl bunny. After a couple of litters, you’ll have enough to buy a sex slave. Hahaha. Win win win.


  6. Bunny, what can i do with the Silver Bell, i’ve close to 600 but don’t know what to buy with them, can u help?


  7. I might be a little behind but I almost have enough presents saved up to get Lyle. Thank you so much for posting his cost! I would rather come on this site than the games Facebook page because people constantly complain.


  8. My Santa has disappeared, anyone else have this problem?


  9. I must say as much as I despise Leaderboards I must admit I like how they did the one for Peterpalooza the best.

    Liked by 1 person

    • wildthornberry88

      Really? I found the peterpalooza one horrible!! Even as a premium player I had absolutely no hope of getting stewie or Peter due to the way the groupings worked 😦 ah well, looks like I have a chance at chuggs at least atm.. Will see how it develops 🙂


  10. Do you all think we have a shot of getting God? (Other than the banned issue). This is my first full event so I don’t know what to expect.


  11. Took a look at the overall medal count for the big prizes today. And to my surprise it was counting backwards??! Then I checked the leader board later and saw the top medal earners were now under 1,000. Which is probably more in line with where it should be. Guess they got rid of the cheaters! Good job Tinyco!


  12. Just out of curiosity, did we ever get to keep those broken down cars from the Halloween event this year? I can’ t remember.


  13. I’ve joined the banned list, (could be worse could have been the naughty list), something in the cheat net has obviously gone rogue, although thankfully not Terminator rogue. I’ve dropped them a message so hopefully will see myself back on there in next few days.

    Been a nice day, all the family are getting into the Christmas spirit, decorations are up, kids getting excited, mum baking up a storm. Going need to invest in a few elasticised waistbands for the holiday season.

    Playing away in the event but I’m not fussing as holiday season is family & fun time so don’t play quite as much, but hopefully enough get few goodies.

    I wish my fellow addicts joy and goodwill, and of course good luck in their latest Quest for Stuff.


  14. Seeing lots affected by the leaderboard ban. I was in the same place during mobster event and it took about two weeks for them to remove my ban. Pretty frustrating that the leaderboard never seems to work as intended. And considering how hated they are to begin with TinyCo seriously needs to just do away with them. Other than that this Christmas event seems pretty cool they do so well with stuff like graphics and other certain gameplay aspects Just wish they stuck to last time when we had “grouped” leaderboards. Made it much more fun and there were way less ban issues compared to when they have a global one.


  15. I’m just wondering if you have heard anything about several people being band from the leader boards? Yesterday at 4:50 a.m. I was band, I have made several messages to TinyCo. Then today on a FB page Family Gu: The Quest For Stuff Fanatics the page is just lit up with post of being band. I have never and will never cheat or have my game hacked. I enjoy playing too much to risk losing my game.
    Have a nice afternoon. Hope you are well rested Bunny. And have had time to recover from your illness


    • Yes. Message them please. They’ll correct those banned by mistake.


      • I have sent several messages after they sent the first one and asked them to look into my account. I looked and there was a post that the leader post are down and that it had went rogue this weekend on its own. So we will see what happens on Monday.
        Have a Wonderful week. Rest and take care of yourself Bunny!


    • Same here. Got banned today for no reason. I have only 50 medals and I am not even in top 5000 and I am not trying also. I have no interest in leaderboard prizes. Looks like tinyCo is catching the players randomly !


  16. When i attack the base i end up with check marks i cant click on and an X that i have to click on. I dont get it. I tried to search old posts and i cant find anything


    • Is the battle completely done? The full 4 hrs passed for Humma? If not, then it is just finished with one Building and still going.


      • Yes. I just had Santa attack the base twice and got nothing out of it. This time there was an X over the base and a checkmark over the Humma that I couldn’t click on. I clicked the X, it ended Santas attack, and I got nothing out of it. I need 25more magic hats to trade in for packages to get the igloo and move on. The base has stopped giving me hats completely


  17. I have been banned from the leaderboard without knowing why 😦
    Contacted tinyco and will most likely get a response once the event is over like they always do.

    Other than that the week has been fun only 1 week till Christmas break (2 weeks doing nothing but relaxing).


  18. Went to see where I was on the leaderboard, and it said I was banned. I’ve never done anything wrong, never cheated or anything, was just wondering if anybody else is having this problem.


  19. wildthornberry88

    Is a White Elephant like a Secret Santa?


  20. for a open thread its quiet in here, *oh well puts my feet up and enjoys the peace* 🙂


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