Quahog’s Not So Silent Night – Characters & Buildings That Drop Stuff Phase 2

Hey there Christmas Sprites!!!

Quahog’s Not So Silent Night Phase 2 is now live in our games and many characters and buildings have tasks to help us earn even more stuff! So keep reading to learn uwhat’s dropping down the chimney this week.


For Phase 1 Drops go HERE.

With the arrival of a Phase 2, characters and buildings in Quahog have tasks to help you earn essential materials and stuff to help you unlock Peaches and Monkey Kong, and of course you want to know which ones earn what & how often. So…without further ado let’s cover the who, what, where, when and how of Quahog’s Not So Silent Night’s tasks to see exactly who and what earns you stuff!

There’s some new drops for Stocking Stuffers & Dream Points, if you find any others please tell us in the comments. Remember this is just new drops, and doesn’t include those from Phase 1.


Task Time Drop
Peaches All Tasks All Always
Chris Buy Christmas Presente 4h Always
Bruce Buy Santa Suit 6h Always
Herbert Work As Mall Elf 4h Always
Kevin Swanson Go Through The Drill 6h Always
Santa Take A Mall Shift 12h Always
Troll Doll Mort (Premium) All Tasks All Always
Baby Bobble Stewie (Premium) All Tasks All Always
Jerome Put Up The Tree 6h Always
Quagmire All Tasks All Always
Snake Plissken Do The Snake Dance 6h Always
Monkey Kong All Tasks All Always
Monkey Kong Arcade Machine (Premium) N/A 8h Always
Peter’s Playhouse N/A 6h Always
Burping Dragon Belfry N/A 4h Always
Shock ’em Clock ’em Robit N/A 8h Always
Bejewelled Troll House N/A 12h Always
Building Blocks Construction Site N/A 2h Always
Stocking Stuffer Hub (Premium) N/A 5h Always
Scaffold Tower N/A 4h Always
Crowning Castle N/A 4h Always


Task Time Drop
Peaches All Tasks All Always
Chris Buy Christmas Presente 4h Always
Bruce Buy Santa Suit 6h Always
Herbert Work As Mall Elf 4h Always
Troll Doll Mort (Premium) All Tasks All Always
Baby Bobble Stewie (Premium) All Tasks All Always
Jerome Put Up The Tree 6h Always
Quagmire All Tasks All Always
Monkey Kong All Tasks All Always
Monkey Kong Arcade Machine (Premium) N/A 8h Always
Peter’s Playhouse N/A 6h Always
Burping Dragon Belfry N/A 4h Always
Shock ’em Clock ’em Robit N/A 4h Always
Bejewelled Troll House N/A 4h Always
Building Blocks Construction Site N/A 4h Always
Stocking Stuffer Hub (Premium) N/A 5h Always
Scaffold Tower N/A 4h Always
Crowning Castle N/A 4h Always


Task Time Drop
Quagmire Open Sexy Present 6h Always
Peaches Fight Like A Princess 6h Always
Jerome Put Up The Tree 6h Always
Troll Doll Mort (Premium) Fill Up On Jewels 6h Always
Christmas Morning Peter Wear Pajamas Outside 6h Always
Princesses Against Kidnapping Club N/A 4h Always


Task Time Drop
Herbert Work as Mall Elf 4h Common
Chris Buy Christmas Presents 4h Common
Q*Bert Sneeze 4h Common
Joe Buy Snow Tires 3h Common
Baby Bobble Stewie (Premium) Blow Bubbles 4h Always
Burping Dragon Belfry N/A 4h Common

Power-Ups (peaches)

Task Time Drop
Joe Investigate Source Of Prank Calls 12h Rare
Shock ‘Em Clock ‘Em Robot N/A 12h Rare

Toad (PEaches)

Task Time Drop
Peter’s Playhouse N/A 6h Rare

Hammers (monkey kOng)

Task Time Drop
Building Blocks Construction Site N/A 2h Common


Task Time Drop
Bejewelled Troll House N/A 8h Rare


Task Time Drop
Monkey Kong Arcade Machine (Premium) N/A 8h Always

As well as the character and building drops above there are other ways to earn some items, these are as follows:

barrel-boxes BARREL BOXES
Christmas King Mystery Box (Chance)

qberts-pyramid-present Q*BERT PYRAMID PACK
Christmas King Mystery Box (Chance)

Crown (Always) – Peaches
Clear Drunk Wizard

 Parasol (Uncommon) – Peaches
Clear Turtles

image Bongos (Uncommon) – Monkey Kong
Barrel Box
Carol Barrel Box (Premium)

image Bananas ( Rare) – Monkey Kong
Clear Turtles

stocking-stuffer Stocking Stuffers
Barrel Boxes (Chance)
Carol Barrel Boxes (Premium) (Chance)
Clear Drunk Wizard (Chance)
Clear Turtle (Chance)
Temporary Questline Task Payouts (Always)
Completing Questline Parts (Always)

dream-point Dream Points
Clear Drunk Wizard (Chance)
Clear Turtle
Temporary Questline Task Payouts (Always)
Completing Questline Parts (Always)

 Turtle Shell
Barrel Box (Chance)
Carol Barrel Box (Premium) (Chance)
Clear Drunk Wizard (Chance)
Clear Turtle (Chance)

Clam Icon Clams
Carol Barrel Box (Premium) (Chance)

What do YOU think of Quahog’s Not So Silent Night so far? Do you have all the characters that can earn stuff? Any tasks available that you didn’t realize were there? How’s your collecting going? Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

~ Russian Tigger

68 responses to “Quahog’s Not So Silent Night – Characters & Buildings That Drop Stuff Phase 2

  1. I’ve no idea where to put this!
    I would love to see a post to invite players to show off their Pac man mazes. I have no creativity in my body, but would love to see others! Do players even know they pellet fence actually turns into to cherries and the power pellets? I was so excited to see it! That’s a neat deco!


  2. Is Peaches timed? I didn’t think she was?


  3. Are the drops really rare? Should i comtact tiny co. Still haven’t unlocked peter cause of drops. I havent moved on to any challlenges cause of this and bad droos for qbert. I know its just started….but….


  4. What needs to be collected to unlock Monkey Kong? Are there any characters that need to be unlocked first to collect things for Monkey Kong?I want to know before I place him.


  5. I finally got to phase 2 Sunday morning.. I got the last of my tissue boxes this afternoon, but now I don’t want to use my stocking stuffers to unlock qbert before peaches, which I will need for kong… 🤕


    • I felt the same. I ended up waiting to unlock Q*bert for a little while so Bonnie, Mort, and Bruce still all had stuffer getting tasks(once you unlock him they all lose their takes) But when I was a day/800 stuffers away(only 4 hours ago btw) from unlocking peaches I bought the Q*man, as he is needed to get more barrels for bongos. The bongos are the toughest drop rate for getting the Monkey Kong!!

      My suggestion if you want the Monkey…save as many barrels as you possibly can before setting off his timer. The bongos are scarce!


  6. So the puzzle cube condo is required for main quest line, but if I’m reading this right- it’s just a deco and doesn’t drop anything? Terrific.


    • Ugh, Yes🙁 Same as the 8 mega bite Griffin house skin?!? And we are all struggling so bad with the stocking stuffers, you think TinyCo would be a little nicer–it being Christmas and all…lol


  7. These lists are always helpful, thank you! Would never have guessed that Kevin, Santa and Snake would drop stocking stuffers.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Note that Joe has a snow tire task that also generates event currency. He’s missing on the first list for that task (he also picks up stars for Peaches in a prank call task and that’s listed) but shows up properly on the lower lists.

      I try to check for tasks in current characters who are out and about but I miss the candy canes sometimes… I had Santa out in a visual task involving chimney practice, for instance, but didn’t notice he now could earn even currency until I saw this helpful breakdown. Would never have thought to poke around Tanlines for others! Kevin and Snake are now enjoying a break from the island.


  8. The drop rates for this game (not just this event) have caused me to all but give up on this game. I’m still playing along, but if I don’t unlock a character or get something that I wouldn’t mind having, I don’t really care. I’ve found a different game to occupy my time, and much like this game, not my money.


  9. Question: when phase 3 starts will we lose the chance at getting donkey kong?? I was lucky enough to check addicts before opening the storyline so I haven’t started my timer yet.. I’m still working on peach. Still short 6 stars and 4 frogs and 2100 stocking stuffers of course.. (dangit stocking stuffers) .. oh AND the building to drop ties cause of u guessed it STOCKING STUFFERS!! Lol I would of course like to unlock her before placing kong but I don’t want to miss out on at least trying for him. Please let me know thanks!


  10. Drop rates are awful, still havent unlocked the peter outfit, and the ice climbing wall so far no drops at all. Is that normal? No where near phase 2 .


  11. this is a great list thanks. how did you figure out that kevin, snake, etc dropped? should we empty out tan lines to find others? which leads me to another pet peeve. when a character has a task that he can complete for a questline and you don’t have the matching building to do the task they put it on top of the list with the statement that he needs such and such building to do that task. when he can drop an object say like a barrel or star, they don’t put it at the top but at least you can go down the list and see the barrel and star next to the task. but with the stocking stuffers and xmas experience you would never know they drop if you happen to not have the building. oh and another thing, why doesn’t joes star task drop stocking stuffers?!


    • I went through them all. No need to redo it. 😉

      As for Jingle Joe and Bruce… I think they dropped them due to their use is coming up. Most events the past characters come into play roughly round middle to end of event


  12. 12 hour tasks for the rare stars and 100 rare bananas are killing me!


  13. Turtle shells are the new problem. Getting about 1 a day despite taking down countless turtles and opening a lot of barrel boxes. I don’t get the, from the barrels and I never get the, from clearing turtles despite the game saying a should. Only very occasionally on drunk wizards.
    Gonna take a very long time to get the buildings for phase 2.
    Messaged TinyCo so I’ll see what they say.


    • Good you’ve messaged them, my turtle shell drops from clearing turtles got bit better last night and today, maybe 3 every batch 12/15 turtles cleared.


  14. i have Bonnie , Mort and , since yesterday : Pyjama Peter, all on Tissue Box quests and all i have is 2 Tissue Boxes !! no drops from either one in the last 24hrs (3 quests each 8hrs = 9 quests in 24hrs and Nothing) .. i don’t even know how I got the first two :/


  15. Some of these tasks don’t exist for my characters. Jerome and Quagmire barrel tasks do not exist. Herbert is the only character I have that can earn the barrel box. Something is not right.


  16. Sigh….I only need 3540 more stocking stuffers in 4days and 19hours to get everything needed to get all 3 characters without getting behind on the event. Don’t think it’s gonna happen without any help from TinyCo. Maybe they hate Christmas lol. Bunch of Scrooges about the stocking stuffers if you ask me lol!!


  17. This is a great list, thanks.


  18. Gr8 tip guys, on the Monkey Kong quest, when clearing using the barrels to clear the turtles in the quest to destroy more turtles you can dump the roads, leaving a small space where they are all convened together and release the barrel, you can eliminate up to 11 turtles at once.


  19. I just collected from Bruce’s task for stocking stuffers but then that task disappeared and is not available now so I guess he is inventoried until his task returns. Kind of strange it would be gone.


    • Hard keep track of this with so many tasks coming and going, he’s still buying Santa suits in my game.


      • I just lost the stocking stuffer actions for Mort and Bonnie too. Wonder why some character’s actions are here then gone? Is it just me or is anyone else having same issue? Need as many stocking stuffers as possible right now!!


    • Just a thought: Do you have the thrift shop out of inventory? That is where Bruce (Buy Santa suit) is doing his Stocking Stuffer tasks, in my game.


    • He and Bonnie both are worthless to me right now. I’d have liked to keep collecting stocking stuffers from them. Jeez


    • I like how the thing that used to get an item drop now doesn’t even show the event currency drop. I’m not sure, did the Santa suit buy used to drop stuffers as well? Just a blank in that spot now. And still can’t stick them in Tan Lines… speaking of, I now have all the characters from Tan Lines payouts (not getting decos), do we know if there are further plans for character purchase from Tan Lines currency?


  20. I have one box of giant tissue. ONE!!!!!! What in the world is going on? This has turned into one of the toughest events I’ve played in a really long time due to drop rates. I exceeded 1 week to get CMP because of the cap drop rate and now I the tissues aren’t kicking out and I’m already 0/2 3? on stars(12 hour task!). C’mon! I feel like I’m being robbed. I’m putting in the effort but not being rewarded.


    • I just did my collections and still no giant tissue, I only need 1 mind you. But wow this is a tough event. Bunny is feeding back data from our poll, hopefully we will get some help from TinyCo as everyone is struggling.


      • I’ve collected everything for Q*Bert, except for Stocking Stuffers which are still killing me. The buildings cost a lot too, so I don’t think I’ll even think about starting on Monkey Kong until mid-next week (i.e. after I’ve built all the buildings for him)


  21. Just a question, if you place the buildings that drop items for Kong, will they still drop items for him even tho you haven’t triggered him yet? I have enough to get the building that drops the ties and was hoping I could get a head start. Keep up the awesome job you guys Do!


    • I’ve not placed him, but I don’t think they will. They don’t usually produce drops until the character is placed in your town, sorry.


  22. Charlena Benson

    I haven’t been able to play since an automated update yesterday. Reported ot several times with no response from TinyCo.


  23. Thanks for the list. It’s strange to see Snake and Kevin have drop’s, Santa too. But I think it is great that former characters are able to be played again and have meaning. Thanks Tigger!!


    • I guess it makes some sense, since Kevin and Snake and also Santa were unlockable characters from last year’s militaristic Raid on the North Pole. They probably figure many people have them.


  24. Let me get this straight: To unlock Monkey Kong, you need (among other things) Hammers. You can only get those from Building Blocks Construction Site. To get that, you need (among other things) Turtle Shells. You can only get those from Monkey Kong Arcade Machine. To get that you need 200 clams.

    Ergo, you have to spend 200 clams to get Monkey Kong. And have Peaches unlocked, so she can do her task.

    Am I correct?


    • If you read down near end of the post you will see the other options Outwith characters and buildings that drop turtle shells, you don’t need to buy the premium building.


  25. The “Phase 1” link takes you to the wrong event.
    Update required.


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