Quahog’s Not So Silent Night Phase 3 Is LIVE!!

Om Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom. MMMMmmm these glowy pellets taste… glowy?

Phase 3 of the Christmas Event is now in our silly lil games and there’s lots more fun to have

Just what does the 3rd Phase have in store for us? Let’s dive on in and take a look at Quahog’s Not So Silent Night!!



First up, the Basics

  • Players need to complete Dream Again Pt. 8 to advance and be to at least Dream Level 7
  • Players will need to be on the App Market Version 1.33.3 or higher in order to see the event.
  • Players will need to have at LEAST District 3 Unlocked and Al’s complete.
  • Players will only see this on the Mobile App Version (iOS, Google, Amazon, Facebook). NOT Windows Stand Alone
  • PLAY THE GAME! Items unlock in stages and as you progress, so if you do not see an item it is most likely you have not progressed far enough in the Main Questline to unlock it. Check details below for more specifics on unlock points
  • Don’t have a TON of Tasks open in your Task Menu. If you have too many open, no new ones can arrive. (Keep it under 10). If you do not see new Tasks popping up, clear out some incomplete Tasks already on your List to make room for more

Back with more in a bit…



Several of you have reached out to Me (Bunny) now in regards to trying to open one of the gifts in the Present Plaza, but then kicked out and every time after that… it tries to complete the process and kicks you out again. This loop continues.

TinyCo is looking into it to locate cause. In the meantime, feel free to send me an image of your opening Splash Screen (letters and numbers on bottom at each side) and I will forward the info to TinyCo to help you get back in your game. I MUST have that image to help or your Player ID if you have it saved elsewhere.






Clam Icondream-pointstocking-stufferFamily Guy Coin

PAC-MAN Ice Maze: 100 Clam IconClams, 8 stocking-stufferStocking Stuffers & 25 dream-pointDream Points every 24hrs, Always Drops 1 Pixel Pills

PAC-MAN Arcade Machine: 200 Clams, 8 stocking-stufferStocking Stuffers & 25 dream-pointDream Points every 12hrs, Always Drops 1 Pixel Pellet


Pixelated Swanson House: 200stocking-stufferStocking Stuffers, 8 Stocking Stuffers every 2hrs



stocking-stufferStocking Stuffers

Portable PAC-MAN: 2 Clam IconClams

Prance Prance President: 600stocking-stufferStocking Stuffers

Hangry Hangry Hippos: 75stocking-stufferStocking Stuffers

Power Pellets: 10 stocking-stufferStocking Stuffers

Clay Dough Christmas Tree: 5 stocking-stufferStocking Stuffers



Pac-Man: 250 Clam IconClams (Promotional Offer of 200 Clam IconClams until 12/15/16 @ 11:59PM Pacific). He will have a 2hr Action to Always drop 1 Ghostly Gift. He Completes the Pixel Pals Clam Collection for 15 Clams, He does make the noises from his game.


Pixel Lois: You will trigger her unlock after Keep Dreaming Pt. 1.  You will collect items for her Costume at Al’s.
stocking-stuffer 500 Stocking Stuffers
10 Pixel Wines (Extra Rare):
Monkey Kong Kidnap Damsels OR Ghostly Gift OR Revved Up Toy Raceway  
7 Pixel Lipsticks (Rare):
Mort Shop the Sales OR Tap This! Soda Shop
12 Pixel Pills (Rare):
PAC-MAN’s Haunted House OR Drawn-In Theater OR PAC-MAN Ice Maze 


80’s Gamer Brian: You will have to win this one by opening Ghostly Gifts or the Premium Power PAC (see Present Plaza)




Much like past Events, you will be leveling up along the way while you play along with the event. For this Event that will be your Dream Level.

You will be able to increase your Dream Level by just playing along and earning Dream Points

dream-pointDream Points:  Questlines OR Character Tasks OR Event Buildings OR Other Event Tasks

Phase 4 will require you to be at dream-pointDream Level 11 to access the new content.



These appear right at start of Phase 1. They will be the next Bad Guy to join the game. You will be using Ghosts you get from the Present Plaza to attack them and get the Materials you need for the Event items.

Pac Carolers: Each has a 32 Heart Health and requires Ghost (from Present Plaza) to attack them til their Health drops to Zero. (Similar to Sprites and Sams)

Ghosts & Their Damage Ability:
1 Pinky Ghost (needed for Pac Carolers): 15 Damage
1 Clyde Ghost
 (needed for Pac Carolers): 10 Damage
1 Inky Ghost (needed for Pac Carolers): 32 Damage


Chance Payout:
1 Power Pellet
5 Stocking Stuffers




You will find this in the Event Area. It is the group of Toys with the floating ship hovering. Here is where you can go to open Q*bert’s Pyramid Packs you earn as well as use the Premium Option, if you want, to gain more items.

You can see the information for the Present Plaza for Phase One HERE.

This is what is new inside the Present Plaza for Phase 3. 

Ghostly Gifts: Just like in the past Phase, you will collect these and open them in the Present Plaza to gain Materials for the Event.

Ghostly Gifts (Rare): Seamus Whittle Gifts OR Bonnie Wrap Secret Santa Gift Or Monkey Kong Be a Bad Monkey OR PAC-MAN Get Indigestion OR Lois Get a High Def Makeover OR 80s Brian Add to Tshirt Collection

Random Chance Payout of 3 of Following:
1 Pinky Ghost
(needed for Pac Carolers)
1 Clyde Ghost
 (needed for Pac Carolers)
1 Inky Ghost (needed for Pac Carolers)
1 Power Pellet
1 Pixel Wine
barrel-boxes1 Barrel Box
80’s Gamer Brian
30 Stocking Stuffers



Power PAC:  Clam Icon70 Clams,  This again is a PREMIUM option you must decide if it is worth it to you to take a chance at the Random Prizes inside.

Random Chance Payout of 3 of Following:
1 Pinky Ghost (needed for Pac Carolers)
1 Clyde Ghost (needed for Pac Carolers)
1 Inky Ghost (needed for Pac Carolers)
barrel-boxes1 Barrel Box
80’s Gamer Brian
(I got him on my first open of Power PAC)





Here is your usual location where you can exchange Materials you collect during the Event for other Items.

PAC-MAN’s Haunted House: 8stocking-stufferStocking Stuffers & 15dream-pointDream Points every 6hrs, Chance Drops 2x Pixel Pills
stocking-stuffer 300 Stocking Stuffers
green-ball 6 Green Balls
1 Pixel Pellet

Revved Up Toy Raceway: 8stocking-stufferStocking Stuffers & 15dream-pointDream Points every 4hrs, Chance Drop x2 Pixel Wine
stocking-stuffer 180 Stocking Stuffers
turtle-shell2 Turtle Shells
1 Pixel Pellet

Drawn-In Theater: 8stocking-stufferStocking Stuffers & 15dream-pointDream Points every 6hrs, Chance Drops x2 Pixel Pills
stocking-stuffer 400 Stocking Stuffers
green-ball 10 Green Balls
4 Pixel Pellet

Board Game Real Estate: 8stocking-stufferStocking Stuffers & 15dream-pointDream Points every 12hrs
stocking-stuffer 90 Stocking Stuffers

Tap This! Soda Shop: 8stocking-stufferStocking Stuffers & 15dream-pointDream Points every 8hrs, Chance Drops x2 Pixel Lipsticks
stocking-stuffer 700 Stocking Stuffers
turtle-shell6 Turtle Shells
3 Pixel Pellet

Froggy Freeway
stocking-stuffer 1800 Stocking Stuffers
green-ball 18 Green Balls
turtle-shell8 Turtle Shells
7 Pixel Pellet



stocking-stufferStocking Stuffers: Chance Drop from Q*bert’s Pyramid Pack OR Clear Sams OR Stocking Stuffer Shop OR Stocking Stuffer Station OR Questlines OR Character Tasks  **essentially all over the Event**

green-ballGreen Balls (Rare): Sams OR Chance Q*bert’s Pyramid Pack OR Q*bert’s Glowing Gift OR Q*bert Arcade Machine

turtle-shellTurtle Shells (Rare): Clear Drunk Wizard OR Barrel Box OR Carol Barrel OR Monkey Kong Arcade Machine OR Clear Turtle

Pixel/Power Pellet (Rare): Clear Caroling PAC People OR Ghostly Gifts OR PAC-MAN Arcade


There you have the overall Basics of Phase 3 for Quahog’s Not So Silent Night.

What do you think of it so far? Any tips for fellow Players? Any items you are most excited for? Any items you immediately purchased? Let us know.

39 responses to “Quahog’s Not So Silent Night Phase 3 Is LIVE!!

  1. Is the portable pacman just a static decoration? Why worth 2 clams..


    • Yes static decoration. Allows you to build your own PAC-MAN style maze if you add lots of pieces the power pellet fence. It looks good, worth the 2 clams in my opinion.


  2. Is 80’s Brian a skin or a new character?

    Cause I don’t have Brian unlocked and it seems stupid if you have to have Brian when they said you only need district 3 to keep going.


  3. Argh! Finally got enough stocking stuffers for Peaches yesterday… then realised I needed to spend a day levelling her to level 3 to do her task to finish phase 2… then realised it’s a 24 hour task. 2 days late starting phase 3.


    • I literally was about to post the same thing. Are you effin kidding me? Its a 24 hour task on top of the wait to get to level 3…. lol here i was this morning thinking I was actually going to get somewhere. this event with all the rare/extra rares drop rates and all that is just killing me. if i was smart and petty id quit and tell them where to stick it but for some reason unbeknownst to me i keep playing (for free although I have given the game tons of money in the past).

      This post is in no way an angry post, more of a “cant believe it” post


  4. I’m freemium and managed to upgrade ontime, still 4 ties away for MK but figure you really gotta plan what buildings you get and when in order to have a chance. Addicts here are invaluable for that (thanks!!!).
    Here’s what I’ve seen for week 3:
    Pixel wine is “extra rare” but I’m getting good drops from both parcels and “revved up” although only 1 at a time, not 2 as advertised.
    Lipstick is “rare” but mort dropping well, got 4 out of 7 without the “Soda Shop”. Was going to get Soda Shop earlier but will hold back til pills are sorted.
    Pixel Pills is “rare” but I’m thinking more “epic”. Got 2 from 12 so far. only got “haunted House” and saving for “Drawn-In Theatre”. Can see this one’s gonna be my problem child.
    Parcel drops seem about right for “rare” but power-up pills are doing my head in. Think we’ll see some complaints about them.
    Will be interesting to see what drops are like for others.


    • I’m opposite despite having Mort and the building I have only one Pixel Lipstick, but have 6 of the 12 Pixel pills using both buildings. Just unlocked Monkey Kong so he’s on Pixel Wine duty now. Shows you how varied our games are doesn’t it. I’m doing ok for Power Pellets thanks to the extra Ghostly Gifts PAC-MAN gets me. I think Phase 3 is a gentler week, hoping lets some players catch up a little.


      • Pellets are epic for me. The wine that’s supposed to be extra rare, was easy as heck! The rare ones are harder than the extra rare. I love the game and appreciate tinyco, but they really need to fix this stuff instead of saying all is dropping as it should. 7 times in a row, no pellets. Plus, so many times no gift box after sending characters on the task. Sometimes I wanna cry. Waaa


        • I’m getting Power Pellets not too bad but I do have PAC-MAN getting me extra ghostly gifts. However some items seem to be problematic and acting like the uncommon drop, wondering if they are that in disguise.


  5. Well this event is turning out like every other one. Thought they would be nice r for Christmas… Stuck at the end of week 2, literally sitting and waiting for stars to drop, which haven’t in days still need 5 and about a 1000 stocking stuffers for Peaches….. AND then still have to get through her 24hr task…. Sigh….. So looks like it will be closer to week 4 before i get to start week 3. Gets boring just waiting reapeating tasks… Hopefully something changes soon! But on the plus side, without this website I would be way further behind… Thanks guys!!!


  6. Depressing event….still stuck one phase one, awful drops


  7. I can’t wait for the Easter event!!! I should have Peaches by then!! 😀

    On another note, I can’t say it enough times – Addicts is just awesome and couldn’t get through the game so easy without all your advice, tips, help, etc.
    Merry Xmas guys and girls! Looking forward to a hot, sunny, beach christmas here in Australia!


  8. Peaches took forever to get, but with only a day before phase 3 dropped, I finally got her. And then the first task is the 4-hr to get DK. But the I realize that to move on to phase 3, she has to be level 3. Okay, I was a couple hours into the new phase and leveled her up, just to find out that her “move on to the next phase” mission was a 24-hr one!!! Why? I’m at 22 hours to go and very frustrated with Tiny Co on this one.


  9. johnjohnsonjones

    Stars will not drop, I missed out on monkey kong because of this. All I needed for monkey kong was for peaches to do her task. I contacted tiny co about them not dropping and they told me “The stars are dropping as intended” so i guess 2 stars over a weeks time is as intended. Im getting tired of the drop rates on this game, it takes the fun out the game.


  10. anyone else not able to access their gift boxes/green barrels to open?


  11. My present plaza will not open and allow me to obtain prizes. On iOS 10 and performed all recommended troubleshooting. Any suggestions?


  12. in order to finish phase two Peaches has to do a level3 task :O so im leveling her up now !


  13. I’ve already earned everything in phase 2, but I’m still getting green ball and turtle shell drops as I try to get Peaches. Does anyone know if these will carry over to phase 3?


  14. That Froggy Freeway decoration looks awesome. Frogger was always one of my most played Atari games when I was a kid back in the 1980s. I will probably open an “Atari and NES Land” (in other words – “My Childhood Land”) in my town after this event is over. I actually would not mind too much if this event went on for a few months! 😀


  15. I just opened a ghostly gift and it had 3 barrels inside it. I hope this was a fluke 😣😣😣


  16. I’m still on week 2. I messed up by putting monkey kongs building down early. So I skipped the candy canes for qbert to get peaches. I’m still on step 4 of dream again.


  17. This update changed the prices for phase 1 and 2 buildings. i still needed to get a a few and their cost was down to 10% of what they where before

    lets hope it was not a mistake and the prices remain this low


  18. Kind of disappointed Pac-Man is a premium character.. Would’ve been nice to be able to complete the ‘pixel pals’ in the face space while playing freemium.. As for Monkey Kong.. The damn (excuse my French) neckties man.. Theyre just not dropping.. I’m on every 8 hours but nothing. Meanwhile I’m on 5 pixel wine for Lois in one day.. Just odd. But we will see as time goes on! Two days left to get 6 of em.. Still a small chance 🙂


  19. Did any one unlock Mr Monkey King have read that the tie drops and bongos drop are pretty bad
    4 barrels opened and a single bongo …


  20. You guys who unlocked Princess Peach so quickly…how?? I’ve got every character out on stocking stuffers, I’ve gotten all of her other requirements, but I’m still 1500 stocking stuffers short! Im stuck doing nothing but sending my people on stocking stuffer missions which is super boring! Going to be here a few more days it seems!!


  21. The price for Bejewelled Troll House just dropped to 90 Stocking Stuffers! I was trying to collect the 890 or whatever it was and noticed it was now reasonably priced… it was the only building I had left, so I don’t know if there were similar price drops elsewhere


  22. Are the banana drops good all I got is 3 banana in three tries ….just got him today


  23. My Peaches is about 15 hours out and the only way I’m not going to be super behind is the AmaZing work you ladies do on this site! I can’t wait to see the whole post😁😁


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