Category Archives: Where The HELL Did That Come From

Where the Hell….? G.I. Jew, Baby Heimlich & Pound Pooches

Toys are falling, all around us, Heimlich’s  choking, having fun, ’tis the season of love and….., oh sorry there I go again, mind wandering off in any old direction. A bit like Peter’s mind when he’s supposed to be concentrating on the job. Why do I keep going back to toys, well it’s because a bizarre bunch of them have  only gone and been delivered to Quahog as part of the Quahog’s Not So Silent Night.

Now many of you will probably recognise some of these toys, although hopefully not from your Christmas stockings, but just exactly where have we seen these bizarre toys before? Well in the Family Guy TV show of course. They actually all made their an appearance in the very first episode, so we’re going to need to cast our minds way back to January 1999. Wow!!!

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Where the Hell….? Negatron

Robots transforming, all around us, Negatron’s moaning, not having fun, ’tis the season of bots and….., oh sorry there I go again, mind wandering off in any old direction. A bit like Negatron and his negative nelly thinking. Why do I keep going back to Negatron, well apart from the fact thats he’s too negative, he’s only gone and appeared in Quahog as part of the Quahog’s Not So Silent Night.

Now all my fellow gaming geeks probably recognise Negatron is a parody of a very well known Decepticon but just where have we seen him in Family Guy before? Well he was actually created just for the show and has made one appearance to date, in a very, very  funny cutaway.

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Where the Hell….? Black Jesus

Hymns are falling, all around us, Black Jesus is praying, having fun, ’tis the season of prayer and….., oh sorry there I go again, mind wandering off in any old direction. A bit like Black Jesus’ not so wise words. Why do I keep going back to Black Jesus, well apart from the fact he’s the brother of Jesus, he’s only gone and come on a pilgrimage to Quahog, arriving in our towns as part of the Quahog’s Not So Silent Night.

But just where have we seen this guy in Family Guy before? Well he’s made a couple of cutaway appearances to date in the TV show and I’m going to highlight them here, along with a little reference to Black Jesus.

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Where the Hell….? PAC-MAN

Fruit is falling, all around us, PAC-MAN’s mazing, having fun, ’tis the season of ghosts and….., oh sorry there I go again, mind wandering off in any old direction. A bit like PAC-MAN in his maze. Why do I keep going back to PAC-MAn, well apart from the fact he’s the star of one of the best arcade games ever, he’s only gone and followed a maze into Quahog as part of the Quahog’s Not So Silent Night. And I thought what better post to bring you on Christmas Eve than one featuring the character that lit up many a kids Christmas Day in the 80’s.

Now all my fellow gaming geeks probably recognise PAC-MAN from his arcade game hey day but just where have we seen this little ball of mellow yellow in Family Guy before? Well he’s made a few appearances to date in the TV show and been referenced as well, and I’m going to highlight them here.

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Where the Hell….? Mr Zucchini Head

Ok, Mr Zucchini Head is a dead ringer for something isn’t he, but what? Let me think…..  Ah yes, that’s right, Mr Potato Head!!! That must be what he reminds me of. Or that’s the story I’m sticking to as this is a PG site, lol.

But Mr Zucchini Head is one of those things that despite playing only a tiny part in the Family Guy TV show managed to find a way into our games in Quahog’s Not So Silent Night.

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Where the Hell….? Monkey Kong

Barrels falling, all around us, Monkey Kong’s rolling,  having fun, ’tis the season of love and….., oh sorry there I go again, mind wandering off in any old direction. A bit like Monkey Kong on his scaffolding. Why do I keep going back to Monkey Kong, well apart from the fact thats he’s too big to ignore, he’s only gone and barged into Quahog as part of the Quahog’s Not So Silent Night.

Now all my fellow gaming geeks probably recognise Monkey Kong from his arcade game alter ego, Donkey Kong, but just where have we seen him in Family Guy before? Well he’s made one appearance to date in a parody of his Nintendo alter ego Donkey Kong.

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Where the Hell….? Q*Bert

Snow is falling, all around us, Q*Berts falling, having fun, ’tis the season of love and….., oh sorry there I go again, mind wandering off in any old direction. A bit like Q*Bert on his cubes. Why do I keep going back to Q*Bert, well apart from the fact he’s as cute as can be, he’s only gone and bounced into Quahog as part of the Quahog’s Not So Silent Night.

Now all my fellow gaming geeks probably recognise Q*bert from his arcade game hey day but just where have we seen this little bundle of fun in Family Guy before? Well he’s made one appearances to date in the TV show and been referenced in another and I’m going to highlight them here.

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Where the Hell….? Wizard of Oz

We’re off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Quahog. Mmm, I’m not sure that’s how the song goes, let’s try that again. We’re off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz, because, because, because, because….. well because TinyCo deemed it so with their latest event, There’s No Place Like Quahog.


Now you probably all know The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was written by L. Frank Baum, but the world of Oz didn’t truly capture the imagination of the world until MGM put their glorious Technicolor to good use in the fantastic film adaptation, The Wizard of Oz, way back in 1939. But hey, on its release it didn’t set the world alight, unfortunately it found itself pushed aside by Gone With The Wind. But gradually over the years its popularity grew into the phenomena we now all recognise. I for one adore the movie, although admittedly the books will always be my first love.


But just where have we seen the Oz characters in Family Guy before? Well they’ve  made quite a few appearances in the TV show  and I’m going to highlight them here. It’s worth pointing out though that MGM fiercely guard their copyright on the content of The Wizard of Oz, therefore the Family Guy TV show pulls most of its imagery from the books. Guess there’s only one thing worse than having a Flying Monkey on your back, and that’s having an MGM lawyer on your tail, so for once Seth McFarlane is playing it safe.

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Where the Hell….? George W Bush

George W Bush may not have been the first president of the United States, hell he wasn’t even the first president to appear in Quahog, but he probably makes more appearances in Family Guy than any other former president and I’m going to highlight them here.

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Where the Hell….? Exorcist Mort

It would appear Mort has had a change of religious persuasion, appearing in The Hauntening event as nothing less than a catholic priest. But is this the first time Mort has played priest dress up? No it’s not as he’s dawned the cassock before in the Family Guy episode Road To Germany, (Series 7, Episode 3).

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