Tag Archives: Family Guy Quest for Stuff

Addicts Holiday Contest: Lights, Camera, Quahog!

The contest is now closed.  We will be reviewing the entries and have the top ten finalists up for voting soon.  Good luck to everyone who entered! 

Hello There Clammers!

Tis’ the season to be giving, right clammers? And here at Family Guy Addicts we’re getting into the Christmas Spirit.  We’ve got the trees lit up, carols playing, egg nog chillin’ and we’ve completely lost our minds!  (Sounds like every other frantic Christmas shopper out there huh?)

We’ve decided to get into Christmas Spirit by giving away $175 worth of Clams!!!  That’s right, $175 in FREE Clams!  We’ve completely lost our minds (as if they were ever in tact to begin with…)

So let’s talk about this  Contest (before we change our minds)…..

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Ultimate Quahog Halloween (& Bitch Stewie) Event Poll

Hello There Clammers!

Well Halloween has been over for a while now & the Bitch Stewie Event came to an end last week…so I thought let’s got a big combined poll together to get YOUR take on things!

Sorry this has taken so long after Halloween to get up.  It’s been a little hectic in Quahog lately…so we’re just now getting the time to put this together.  

We want to know what YOU think about all the events as a whole.  Consider this the ULTIMATE Event Poll:

As always we’ll share the results with you all next week!

What are your thoughts on the event as a whole?  What did you Craft? Are you happy to have things return to normal, or sad to see it go?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

Brian Stewie Halloween

Character Overview: Tom Tucker

Hello There Clammers!

With the introduction of Family Guy: The Quest For Stuff there’s a whole cast of characters to unlock in your rebuild effort of Quahog!  These overview posts are designed to give you a quick breakdown of the characters, how you unlock them & their tasks so you can play FGG more efficiently!

Of course there will be those players who don’t want to know the details of unlocking the characters so for that reason we’ll post all of the details below the fold.  So if you don’t like to know what’s going on before you play don’t click read more…CAUTION SPOILERS AHEAD

Now that District 9 is FINALLY unlocked it’s time to take a look at the characters of the Downtown District.  Tom Tucker is the first character you’ll unlock in the Downtown District.  It’ll take a bit of hard work collecting all the STUFF you’ll need to unlock him, but there’s no rush to get him.  He’s not required to move forward in the questline and unlock the other characters in the District.  So take your time with him and have some fun 🙂

So now let’s take a look at Tom and his tasks….

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Comic Con Results and a New Poll About Sexy Stewie

Hello There Clammers!

It’s been 2 weeks since Comic-Con left our games.  Hard to believe it was just 3 weeks ago, feels like a lifetime ago!  Probably because it’s been so busy in the streets of our tiny Quahogs!  Comic-Con ended, District 9 started right up, followed by Sexy Time and now Halloween is looming!  It’s a busy time to be a magic finger!

Anyway…shortly after Comic-Con ended we asked you guys to take part in our Ultimate Comic-Con poll and you didn’t disappoint!  You guys LOVE sharing your thoughts and opinions on events/updates in our polls and we love sharing YOUR thoughts with TinyCo!  So now, after a crazy weekend, we feel like it’s time to share the results of Comic-Con 2014 with you as well as take a new poll about Sexy Stewie!  (since something is always going on in Quahog!)

So first, let’s get the new stuff out of the way.  I know Sexy Stewie quest isn’t quite over yet, BUT let us know in the poll below if you’ve unlocked him in your Quahog!  If you don’t see your answer in the poll, feel free to mention it down in the comments below:

Oh and feel free to elaborate on your answer in the comments as well…

Now let’s get to the results of the Comic-Con Poll…

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Ultimate Quahog Comic-Con Event Poll

Hello There Clammers!

Well…Comic-Con is OFFICIALLY over!  And now that things are starting to settle back down in our Tiny Quahogs it’s time for everyone’s favorite part of any event….the POLL!!!

We want to know what YOU think about all the event as a whole.  Consider this the ULTIMATE Comic-Con Event Poll:

As always we’ll share the results with you all next week!

What are your thoughts on the event as a whole?  Did you win all the prizes? Are you happy to have things return to normal, or sad to see it go?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

Red Hot Lois Captain Hammered

Blam! Results and a New Poll About How You Earn Blam!

Hello There Clammers!

Comic-Con is in full swing on all of our devices and this week’s poll question wants to know how YOU earn Blam!.  Plus, we wanted to share the results of our Blam! collection poll.

But first I’m curious to see your Blam! collecting methods now that the Minions AND Giant Stewie have been released.  So which method do you prefer for earning the most Blam!?

Please elaborate on your answer in the comments as well…

Now let’s get to the results of the Blam! Collection Poll…

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FOX Game Results and a New Poll About Blam! Collection

Hello There Clammers!

Comic-Con is in full swing on all of our devices and this week’s poll question wants to know how YOUR Blam! Collecting is going.  Plus, we wanted to share the not so surprising results of last week’s mobile gaming poll.

But first let’s check out how that Blam! collecting is going for all of you.  This week we want to know where you’re sitting in your Blam! count (approximately).  So tell us how much Blam! have you collected so far?:

Oh and feel free to elaborate on your answer in the comments as well…

Now let’s get to the results of the FOX Mobile Game Poll…

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Rupert Results and a New Poll About Potential Games

Hello There Clammers!

Comic-Con is in full swing on iOS and will be hitting Android & Kindle tomorrow, but for this week’s poll I want to take you guys away from TQFS for just a minute & have a little fun!  Don’t worry…we’ll share the results of the Tea Party Poll below as well!

So now for a little fun.  We all know Fox already has two mobile games based off of their Animation Domination, TSTO & TQFS.  Here’s what the Addicts what to know…what OTHER shows from Animation Domination (current or over) would you most like to see a game based off of?  If you don’t see your answer in the poll, feel free to mention it down in the comments below:

Oh and feel free to elaborate on your answer in the comments as well…

Now let’s get to the results of the Rupert Poll…

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Stewie Results and a New Poll About Stewie’s Tea Party

Hello There Clammers!

Now that the Tea Party is in our rear view mirrors,  we want to know YOUR thoughts about the event as a whole, as well as share the results of last week’s Stewie Poll!

First the new stuff….this week we want to know what YOU think about Stewie’s Tea Party.  If you don’t see your answer in the poll, feel free to mention it down in the comments below:

Now let’s get to the results of the Stewie Poll…

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Character Overview: Carter

Hello There Clammers!

With the introduction of Family Guy: The Quest For Stuff there’s a whole cast of characters to unlock in your rebuild effort of Quahog!  These overview posts are designed to give you a quick breakdown of the characters, how you unlock them & their tasks so you can play FGG more efficiently!

Of course there will be those players who don’t want to know the details of unlocking the characters so for that reason we’ll post all of the details below the fold.  So if you don’t like to know what’s going on before you play don’t click read more…CAUTION SPOILERS AHEAD

Now that District 8 is FINALLY unlocked it’s time to take a look at the characters of the Entertainment District.  Did you know there was another character in this district besides Stewie?  That’s right Carter Pewterschmidt is along for the ride in the Entertainment District, hopefully you didn’t forget about him!  Carter is the second character you’ll unlock in the Entertainment District.  It’ll take a bit of hard work collecting all the STUFF you’ll need to unlock him, but not as much as is required for Stewie!  So now let’s take a look at Carter and his tasks….

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