Tag Archives: Southern Fried Griffins

Southern Fried Griffins Premium Character Profile: Hillbilly Stewie

Hey addicts, grab your banjo as its Hillbilly time. Yeehaw!!!

Yes with the new Southern Fried Griffins event, we’re getting some new Character Costumes and one of them just happens to be Hillbilly Stewie.

Let’s throw you some information on what Hillbilly Stewie. can do in our silly lil games.

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Southern Fried Griffins Main Questline: From Bumblescum With Love

Hello Addicts!!! Rise and shine cause it’s Main Questline time.

Yes it’s time for us to gather round and take a look at all you will encounter in the  Main Questline, From Bumblescum With Love.  Please note there is no necessity or reward for completing this as Southern a Fried Griffins is a one week event.  Continue reading

Southern Fried Griffins 101 – Sam Boss Battle

Howdy Addicts!!!

We all know how tough them Southern girls can be, so here’s a little 101 to help you tame Sam.

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What The Deuce?!

Happy Weekend Clammers!

Well we’ve all made it through another week and the weekend is here!

All week we field your comments about your frustrations in the game and we wanted to give you (and us) a way for you to voice your frustrations and get it all off of your chest.

So welcome to WHAT THE DEUCE?!

What the Deuce

Here’s your place to vent about anything and everything, Family Guy or not. Consider this your weekly bitch fest and get it all out with a good…WHAT THE DEUCE?! And start your weekend fresh! 🙂

Just be respectful of others & be mindful of the language while commenting. Censor yourselves so we don’t have to!!  

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Southern Fried Griffins 101: Raccoons

Hey Addicts, wanna help me trash this joint?

Our towns are literally overrun with Raccoons, and it’s time we put them out with the rest of the trash.

Let’s take a closer look at these lil guys.

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Southern Fried Griffins – Characters & Buildings That Drop Stuff

Howdy Addicts!  If y’all want to get the drop on this event read on.

Southern Fried Griffins is now live in our games and many characters and buildings have new tasks to help us earn even more stuff! So keep reading to learn what’s dropping this event.

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Southern Fried Griffins Is LIVE!! Updated & Complete

Let’s go South you say? Well ok than y’all!!

So grab your banjo, pop a stalk of corn in your mouth as we’re heading  for Dixieland, it’s like Disneyland only it’s not!!!

So what does this latest event have in store for us? Well let’s scroll south and take a look below as we bring you all the info on Southern Fried Griffins!!


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Southern Fried Griffins Event FAQ

Hey there Clammers!

While I still try to get back into my game… here’s the TinyCo FAQ for you to get some direction on the new mini event until we’re able to go through and verify Event info as we play it live.

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New Event Teaser – Southern Fried Griffins

It looks like TinyCo is about to put some love in the air, as a new event, Southern Fried Griffins, is coming to our games soon.

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