UPDATED 4-19!!! Known “Bruce” Glitch: Family Guy The Quest For Stuff

We are aware of another issue that has popped up in our games. It seems many players are having a sneaky lil character harassing them in their game and JUST WON’T GO AWAY!! Lol. (I thought that was MY job.)


UPDATE: 4-19: As Alissa already pointed out in this post HERE, our great friend at TinyCo has informed us that this glitch is fixed as well as a few others. They are FAST over there. So get back in and back to playing your game. WOOHOO!!! 

UPDATE 4-13 330pm EST from Bunny
TinyCo has now stated that all players should attempt the force close on their games to get rid of Bruce. The issue has been isolated and a link to it found. Now for the fun part…the issue is the Facebook social interaction. As a result, for at LEAST 1 to 2 Weeks, you will NOT be able to use the social aspects of the game. This is going to be disabled to protect all games from the Bruce issue until an Update Patch is completed and everyone can download it into their games from the iOS/Google Play Market. 

From TinyCo

Facebook login will still work, but no adding friends, and no visiting neighbors.

People’s existing friends lists will be preserved. We’re just turning off the visiting/invite features temporarily.

So to recap, if you STILL have Bruce…force close your app and when the device restarts, you should have your access to your game back. 

NO social aspect access to the game for 1 to 2 weeks. 

I will still be keeping in touch and update you on when the patch becomes available for download. So for now, no friend access or play. But at least Bruce will be gone! OH NOOOOOOOOOOO! 

Bruce level up 3 glitch screen

Image courtesy of Safi familyguyaddicts.com Reader


UPDATE 4-13 6:45om EST: 
TinyCo has found the source of the timing issue with the characters (they start a task and after being left for hours, still have same time remaining as when you left the game.) Update to resolve the issue is in the process along with Bruce Glitch. 

Here are a few suggestions from TinyCo to resolve issue in the meantime.

In some cases, if you log off before a character begins an action, the game will not start the action. You will know an action has started when you see the countdown timer appear.
When you assign actions, wait until the action countdown timer begins. Once the action is going, it is safe to log off.
To be extra sure, we recommend leaving the game running for a minute or two before exiting.

UPDATE 4-13 11AM EST from Bunny
As TinyCo continues to find a permanent fix for this issue, some readers are having success with hard closing or forcing the app to close when Bruce pops up and able to get back into play the game.(Some tap on his FaceSpace prior to doing this.) I advise, this may not work for everyone. It is up to you if you would like to give this a try. Also, be cautious if you did NOT sync your game to an email or an account. Some devices (depending on how you close them out) may reset completely and lose any progress in the game you have made. Good luck and I will keep updating as we get through this new game hiccup. 🙂


UPDATE 4-12 11PM EST from Bunny
Just got word from TinyCo …they are still hard at work on this issue and hope to isolate it soon. They hope to have “all of Bruce cleared away soon.” So hang in there. They will find a solution and get us all back to our fun lil games. 

So once again, I forwarded the information of the issue to my contacts at TinyCo and they are asking for YOUR help in narrowing down the cause of the issue.

If you have the “Bruce Screen” constantly popping up and/or just can’t get him to go away, send in your information to TinyCo right away.

Main Menu (lil blue cracker looking icon), Help & Support, lil Chat Icon in top right corner…

Main Menu Icon


Message icon

  • If they were able to sign up for an account, please include either the email address or Facebook/Google+ link
  • If they’re on Android, please include an IMEI number (instructions for finding an IMEI can be read here: http://www.technipages.com/android-find-imei-number.html)
  • If neither of the above are true, please download and install our game Spellstorm on iOS, and find the playerID listed as “my playerID” on the help page. Please then email that to us.

Don’t forget to tell them what device you are one and when/how it occurs.


For those of you that just can’t make the pop ups stop, please email them directly instead. They are VERY helpful and trying to get the bugs looked into as fast as I am reporting them.

Email: help@tinyco.com

UPDATE 4-12 1230AM EST: 
They are still working on the issue. Was hoping to get it resolved tonight (last night) but it looks like it is more involved then first thought. Don’t worry, they will do all they can to help you get back into your games as fast as possible. I will keep updating you on the progress as I get information back. 


UPDATE 4-12 200AM EST:
They are asking for more specifics on the issue. If you haven’t sent them in yet, please answer and email (or put in comments) the following questions:

– Can you ask what players were doing just before this occurred?
– Does it happen when the app launches, or in the middle of playing?
– Did it first start in the middle of a session?
-Also, important question: had anyone actually UNLOCKED bruce? Did it start when he hit level 3?
UPDATE 4-12 3pm EST:
Regardless it being the weekend, this glitch is still a priority and they still continue to work on it. I am still in contact with them and they will let me know when they find a resolve. Just please, if you haven’t already, email them the answers to the questions above (along with your ID information as originally requested and device you play on.) The more they can see the ones effected, the better they can fix it. Sorry, hopefully a fix will be located soon so they can send out an update to get you playing again. 
Please let us know if you run into anything else. We are here to help all we can, and if we can’t I will find a way. 🙂
Until Next Time…


215 responses to “UPDATED 4-19!!! Known “Bruce” Glitch: Family Guy The Quest For Stuff

  1. So hey I was able to get back in to my main game. Visiting neighbors is still glitchy. I would visit a few then it would crash and reset but at least I did not see Bruce when I logged in, noooooooo


    • Woohoo…slowly getting reports of people able to get back in. They are still hard at work. Not sure if Bruce’s lil bug is completely gone. They may still need to send a patch/update to ensure he is out of everyone’s games. Lil stinker. 🙂


      • I was also able to get back into my game! I did get Bruce when I opened it, but hard closed it and tried again and it worked! Excited to get back into it after having being locked out longer than I’ve been able to play the thing 😛


  2. Just wanted to throw a thanks your way. Google and this website showed me the path to contact Tinyco. I keep hearing ” oh nooooooo” every time i see that screen.
    Dig the game quite a bit. Cant wait to get back into it. And I am impressed with both Tinyco’s response and your updates. Keep up your great work.


    • Thanks so much. Here to help all we can. Everyone is burning the midnight oil until we can get back into our games. 😉


      • I just tried and it let me right into my city. No dreaded screen. No update either. Now i cant leave the app by backing out lol but i pressed my home button and reopened the app easypeasy.


  3. GREAT NEWS EVERYBODY!…………..I just reached a new Achievement in Game Center:
    “Tap Bruce’s level up screen 10,000 times”…………..😜


  4. Thanks for all the info about this glitch addicts! This is the first glitch I’ve run into between TSTO and FG:TQFS, and it happened after the “fixes” update, heh.

    I just e-mailed them since my glitch won’t let me do anything else, I replied to all the questions bunny posted and added all the info I could think of about the game.

    Hopefully this will be solved soon,


  5. Are you addicts also facing this problem, or did you get lucky?


    • I’m currently not facing the issue but I think it’s because on the game I’m playing a lot right now I’ve been using clams to speed up everything to get the walkthrough details accurate for you guys, so as a result I’m several districts ahead of most players. On my other game, playing in real time speed, I have been so busy the last 2 days, I haven’t been able to even touch that game. And I know Bunny is in the same boat, with not even touching her game the last 36hrs.


    • I literally stopped going forward in my game as I do NOT want to encounter Bruce. So they are playing leapfrog forever. The second game I started had just unlocked Bruce. I haven’t opened it up since the issue started. I am waiting for them to resolve the Bruce issue first. Lol.


      • Nice call on playing leapfrog forever. I only amassed $5k doing leapfrog nonstop for about 20-30min. Wish I had amassed at least $50k (if not more) doing leapfrog for a couple of days.

        If I were to delete the app and reinstall using a new account, could I eventually register that account to the same Facebook address and replace my current level 8 game? I believe in TSTO they ask if you want to replace it if I’m not mistaken.


        • Be cautious. I am seeing reports of people having issues syncing the device to an existing Facebook. You can do it. Just make sure you clear out EVERYTHING from your cache and data before uninstalling. Then reinstall the game. My thought though is that you will end up linking to the original game once you sync back together with the Facebook. This could make you lose any progress you made. Does that make sense?


          • Yes. So if I do it, when I sync up eventually after I hear the Bruce glitch is fixed, I’ll either be with just the new Peter, Chris, Bonnie and tons of money or I’ll revert back to level 8 Peter, Chris, Bonnie, baseball guy, naked dude, pharmacy guy, and little money (can you tell I haven’t even seen three full episodes of Family Guy?).


  6. Stuck like a lot of others on Bruce. =( Wish they’d fix it soon. I’m not ready to give up in the game!


    • Hang in there. You should have seen TSTO when it first launched on Android…yikes. Issues. People locked out for months.

      Don’t give up. I was first to report the issue and am harassing…errrr…continually contacting them to check on status. We will update as soon as a fix is found. Bruce is quite the trouble maker and is hidden in there well.


      • Whoah! I had no idea TSTO had that many problems. I’m definetly trying to be as patient as I can


        • Yah. It was CRAZY. But once they got a handle on it…it was soooo fun. So to me, just the usual hiccups. I think it is worth the wait to see where this game can go. They have a TON of good ideas, good customer service, and I want to see just what they can do with it. 🙂


  7. iPhone 4s with latest iOS version. Stuck in Bruce glitch and no way to get in game. Tried every trick and no luck. Was trying to visit friends when game crashed and stuck in Bruce loop.


    • A lot of us are. They are working on it. For now, send in your information via email and they will open a help ticket for your game. We will update when we hear back anymore information.


  8. Bruce glitch, Samsung Galaxy S4, just popped up as I was playing. Will not go away from that screen, hope this game doesn’t make me regret spending less time in Springfield!


    • Please send them an email with your information (as outlined in the post). They are hard at work right now trying to correct it. Trust me, they WANT people playing their game. It is their business. 🙂


  9. Pingback: I Got A Glitch!! Game Issues | Family Guy Addicts

  10. What frustrates me is I sent this in hours ago and everyone else I know or read has had a reply and I haven’t so yeah. I’m from the UK too but I feel a bit shafted here. Hope it’s back up soon.


    • Don’t be frustrated. They honestly have nothing to tell anyone outside what I am sharing here…that they are currently working on it. I am sure they are flooded with emails by now. They will get around to all of them sooner or later. Right now their main focus is to get this fixed and everyone back into their games. Hang in there and keep checking back here. I will update when a resolution is found. 🙂


      • However, after having it installed on my iPhone (which I completely forgot about) I have come to the conclusion Bruce has the bug (Jeffrey must not be pleased to know that his Bruce has been sleeping around – OH NO!), I haven’t unlocked him yet and can still log in,


        • Hahahahah. All these jokes. Bruce is sooooo gonna be the most hated character of the game. Just you wait.

          I guess he just wanted all the attention and felt he just wasn’t getting enough of it. LOL


        • If Bruce is the problem then how do I fix the problem


          • Talk to Bruce nicely? Offer him some tea and biscuits? Lol

            Seriously though, they are in the process of narrowing down the glitch. We will update you as soon as there is a change.


  11. I have just had an email from Tiny Co they are really trying hard to get this sorted and I have to say unlike EA (who never respond) I think they are really trying! For Bunny and the team wish we could zap you through some drinks for your help but as I’m in the UK that could be messy! Thanks for all your help you have been amazing!


    • They are. I am loving talking with them. Very helpful. The Director is AMAZING! He wants everyone back in their games as quick as possible.

      Thanks to all of you for providing me with your game links so I could send them to him and they could see all the different devices effected. It really is helping them in getting to the bottom of it. 🙂


      • Bunny, I just got hit with the same glitch. I have uninstalled/reinstalled the app and its doing the same thing. I am signed in under my Facebook of davidwg8119@yahoo.com. Please let me know when they fix this. I have already spent 25 dollars earlier today on my wife and my game.

        Thank you


    • True, TinyCo is responding with generic emails that ask further questions. I personally haven’t received a personalized response from them, but it’s early and they don’t have a solution yet, so I don’t blame them. However, I disagree with the EA comment in my experience. I’ve emailed EA three times about various issues in the past and have always had a prompt response and all three issues were resolved promptly and with favourable outcomes.


      • I think it varies on the issue. I have had to wait up to three weeks at times for resolve. But you can’t really compare the two companies. EA is MASSIVE with hundreds of high volume players all emailing in. TinyCo…well this is their baby right now and the other games are pretty self sufficient and do not need much response. So all their focus is on Family Guy right now.

        Regardless of time, I have had nothing but positive experiences with both companies. Both had tried to help as best they can and take care of their players with compensation.


  12. Re: Bruce Glitch
    I can’t log into the game at all, so how am I supposed to click on the blue settings square?
    Plz hurry with the repair, I was really enjoying the game until then.
    Also you need to fix the crashing on other towns aswell, as it’s impossible to collect if you have more than 8 or 9 friends.
    100 free clams would be great for the inconvenience 😉


  13. Hi it started after I lost connection can not remember what they were doing I had unlock Bruce and was a spit away from leveling up to 4


  14. Bruce glitch here too. I will fire them an email with answers to the questions. However.. I’m having another issue that i hope someone might be able to help me with.

    After the Bruce issue started, and before i can here to check (stupid me), i decided to delete the game and reinstall it in hopes that would fix it. So i reinstalled and it started a new game. Then when i got to the point where it opened the buttons at the bottom, i clicked on the options button and tried to connect it to my facebook to get back to where i was before, but it takes me to facebook and an error message of “The page you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may be broken or expired, or you may not have permission to view this page.”

    Anyone know what is going wrong and how to get around it?



    • There are several issues with Facebook they are trying to resolve too since the game launched. Looks like they disabled it so they can work on it better. Just hang tight. New games hiccups. We will get past them and get back to having some fun. 🙂


      • Thanks bunny 🙂

        Was just hoping to be able to at least get back to the Bruce screen instead of a new town so i know my progress wasn’t lost. But i’ll do my best to wait patiently for them to fix things.


    • I am currently reporting Facebook issues now. Can you email me a bit more information for me to forward to him? familyguyaddicts@gmail.com

      *If they were able to sign up for an account, please include either the email address or Facebook/Google+ link
      *If they’re on Android, please include an IMEI number (instructions for finding an IMEI can be read here: http://www.technipages.com/android-find-imei-number.html)
      *If neither of the above are true, please download and install our game Spellstorm on iOS, and find the playerID listed as “my playerID” on the help page. Please then email that to us.
      Don’t forget what device you are one and when/how it occurs. As much detail of how the issue came to be. The more the better. Thanks.


  15. Pingback: I Got A Glitch!! Game Issues | Family Guy Addicts

  16. The Bruce glitch is keeping me from being able to log out, so I’ll go ahead and add this info to my email. Thanks!


  17. Thanks for all the help guys. It’s really great to have somewhere to go when you’re having a problem.

    I’ve had the Bruce glitch for almost a full day and I was just about to email my info to them, but I wanted to ask one question before I do: Is anyone else having trouble switching between devices? I started my game on Bluestacks, and signed in with Facebook. Then later I downloaded the game on my phone, and when I try to log in with the same Facebook account, it says that account is already in use. I’m confused, since it says “log in to play on multiple devices…am I just missing something? I don’t see anyone else talking about this.


    • We are more than happy to help! 🙂

      There are a few issues with crossing devices. I had to match sure the other one was completely logged out and cleared for it to register. I would bring it up with them too though. They want as much feedback as we can provide them.


    • There’s another button further down that says login with “existing” Facebook account. That’s the one to tap if you’ve reinstalled the game or want to resume playing on another device.


  18. I just wanted to take a minute o day thanks to Bunny Alissa and the rest of the addicts doing double and triple duty. Thanks for all your help guys.

    TSTO: mcconnellkev
    FGTQFS: captaincoldpenguin

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Story; I bought the founding father resturant and Bruce was not unlocked yet I was helping him Bonnie was twerking it and Jerome was hosting happy hour about 6 hours later I opened the game and the Bruce screen appeared and since yesterday I can’t get in the game


  20. Having bruce glitch all I know is is that I was helping him I hadn’t unlicked him


  21. Just right now at 3pm EST after 18 hours of being locked out and 26 hours since I first saw the Bruce screen, I got an iPad notification that Meg is waiting in the Pirate Cove. I hit the notification and the app opened up to a screen with the game in the background and a popup where I had the option to get something for 750 clams. As soon as I declined the offer, the Bruce screen re-appeared instantly and again I tried hitting Sweet fifty times to no avail. Still can’t get into the game.


    • 😦 Sorry…they are truly still working on it. Regardless of the weekend. They want it fixed.


      • No worries. Just wanted to give you an update about the offer popup that briefly let me into the game. Busy with TSTO anyways. Waiting for my clock to reset on visiting neighbour’s as I’m still 350 FP away from Capital City Goofball and should have him in a couple hours. Appreciate the TinyCo team working hard over the weekend and as always the hard work of Alissa and Bunny!


    • Hey Safi,
      SAME EXACT THING…just happened to me. This shows progress on TinyCo’s side (at least “Bruce” was muzzled for a few glorious seconds..lol). I got an email from Matt F. asking for some more info (they are definitely working double time on issue). I told him about it. You and I are like “patient zero” in this whole thing…lol
      Hang in there buddy.


      • I told you he is a great guy (just kept last part of his name out for privacy reasons.) They are really doing all they can.


        • Hey….hey Bunny….have you heard the word? BUG..BUG ..BUG……BUG IS THE WORD…….BUG..BUG..BUG……BUG IS THE WORD………hehhehhehhehheh. See we can still have our humor thru all this………now excuse me while I get into my car and run over everyone named BRUCE………Lol


          • Awwww all those poor Bruce’s.

            Now, I expect a video and dance routine created by you and Safi with that song…I want it in my inbox by the end of the week. So hop to it. I am not a patient woman. Lol 😛


  22. Do you guys know around when this will be fixed?


    • All we know right now is they’re still working on it. We just got an update from our friends at TinyCo that let us know they’re still working on the glitch. As soon as we have word they’ve got it fixed or if they need more info we’ll pass it right along 🙂


  23. I’m stuck on Bruce level 3 screen on IPhone and ipad. Nothing is working… Any fix?


    • All we know right now is they’re still working on it. We just got an update from our friends at TinyCo that let us know they’re still working on the glitch. As soon as we have word they’ve got it fixed or if they need more info we’ll pass it right along 🙂


  24. Still no joy with getting on have emailed tiny co several times : no response

    – Can you ask what players were doing just before this occurred? I was trying to collect coins
    – Does it happen when the app launches, or in the middle of playing? When the app launches
    – Did it first start in the middle of a session? Yes
    -Also, important question: had anyone actually UNLOCKED bruce? Did it start when he hit level 3? No was collecting items he needed

    Thanks for keeping us updated Bunny & Co


  25. – Can you ask what players were doing just before this occurred?
    ANS: I was collecting coins at the neighbour’s towns, when it kicked me out.
    – Does it happen when the app launches, or in the middle of playing?
    ANS: It happens when I launch the app.
    – Did it first start in the middle of a session?
    ANS: after it crashed when i visited friends
    -Also, important question: had anyone actually UNLOCKED bruce? Did it start when he hit level 3?
    ANS: yes had unlocked him but i believe i have him at level 2


  26. I was doing the friends multiverse, selected 2 of the 3 selections/characters…… Selected the third and thee game crashed. Loaded the game again and when the loading bar got three quartets of the way full I heard the level up jingle, then all I get is Bruce has levelled up to level 3? Yes I purchased him and yes I had ALREADY hit level 3……… Fret in line is used for getting antacids for unlocking Mort? If so I’d done that twice before I got the level up screen. Hope its fixed soon


  27. Still can’t get in cause of this glitch


  28. – Can you ask what players were doing just before this occurred?
    ANS: I was collecting coins at the neighbour’s towns, when it kicked me out.
    – Does it happen when the app launches, or in the middle of playing?
    ANS: It happens when I launch the app.
    – Did it first start in the middle of a session?
    ANS: No, after it kicked me out.
    -Also, important question: had anyone actually UNLOCKED bruce? Did it start when he hit level 3?
    ANS: yes

    I’m playing from iPhone 4, my Game Center is “elissamona”


  29. Im getting it as well. I’ve done all the basic troubleshooting, and just emailed them as suggested. I also let them know That Bruce is only on level 1 for me. Also; the screen states that he’s made a “new facespace post”; I am able to click onto at and am directed to Bruce’s faceaspace page. However, there is no new post (last one is about town meeting) and I can’t leave his facespace page to go to anyone else’s, only back to the level up screen :-/


  30. I got bruce n no glitch? So lucky me i guess? Sorry 2 every1 having problems hope its sorted soon 4 y’all.


  31. Completely locked out, here’s my info if it helps. Playing on iPod touch, my other characters were doing tasks to help unlock Bruce. Bonnie twerking, Jerome grow his fro, quagmire giggity strut. When I came back to the game, I got the Bruce level 3 message and I can’t get past it. I was getting alerts to go back to town, because the tasks were finished, but they have stopped now.

    Back to tsto to visit friends to get the goofball, hope they find the bug!

    Thanks to bunny for keeping us up to date.


  32. New glitch here.

    Went to bed 7 hours ago. No time has passed in my Quohog. Peter and Quagmire had 1:33 left of spoon time 7 hours ago. And 1:33 time still when I logged in this morning, 7 hours later. Hard closing didn’t fix it. Talk about annoying!


  33. That’s why I was asking if I could delete my game. After I re downloaded the app it was gone. I suggest that everyone who has backed up there game and are having this problem to re download


  34. Sent my info to Tinyco hopefully they can get it fixed soon. Maybe we can all get ” I survived Bruce ” t shirts or achievements lol


  35. Bunny, Wondering if you know of or have heard any update on the status of this? Since tinyco is leaving us completely in the dark, have you heard anything or have any information at all for us? Thanks


  36. I have the same problem, keeps sayin level 3 for the camp guy but had already past that, I was addin friends when it accured please fan some1 h3lp I like this game,


  37. allday ereyday

    I unlocked Bruce earlier in the day all 4 tasks with no problems. Am I just lucky?


  38. Stuck on the Bruce screen 3 please help


  39. DaPimp FamilyGuy

    – Can you ask what players were doing just before this occurred?
    Visiting a friend, on third tap the app crashed and when I open it again the Bruce screen is there.

    Does it happen when the app launches, or in the middle of playing?
    The Bruce screen shows up when the app launches, as long as it is signed into the facebook account of the town that is being effected.

    Did it first start in the middle of a session?
    No, the screen shows up as soon as a session is loaded up.

    -Also, important question: had anyone actually UNLOCKED bruce? Did it start when he hit level 3?

    My Bruce character had not been unlocked yet, just the items needed to unlock him.


  40. – Can you ask what players were doing just before this occurred?
    Last thing I remember doing was visiting some facebook friends towns before closing the game. Next time I tried logging in I got the Bruce screen.

    – Does it happen when the app launches, or in the middle of playing?
    When the app launches.

    – Did it first start in the middle of a session?

    -Also, important question: had anyone actually UNLOCKED bruce? Did it start when he hit level 3?
    I’m pretty sure Bruce was already level 3 when it happened.

    I noticed something strange while visiting one of my facebook friends though. Their town was level 1 and when I entered the timer was already counting down even though I’m pretty sure that was my first time visiting.


  41. Tadmire Giggity

    I had Bruce unlocked and doing a task and when I came back nine hours later to play the game it just went to the screen that says Bruce leveled up. I deleted and reinstalled the app on my iPad and that didn’t help. When I logged into the game the Bruce level up screen appears immediately. I cannot get into the settings of the game.


    • I will forward your information along with the rest. They are not giving up until they get this fixed. Which is awesome. Looks like I am not the only one burning the midnight oil tonight. 🙂


  42. thelittleprince

    It happened to me while Bruce was still inside one of the restaurants to pass flyers with an hour to go. I exited my game to check on TSTO and when I came back in the game Bruce Level 3 screenshot showed up (and I know for sure Bruce wasn’t done with his job then when it happened that’s why it surprised me when the screenshot showed up). I kept pressing “Sweet” to move on but the screenshot remained and was stuck. I tried deleting the game and installing it to no avail. I believe it happened around the same time as everyone was reporting it– a couple of hours ago. Hope it gets resolved soon.


  43. Wow even after deleting the app and reinstalling it’s still happening. Well they better get on it, so far not the most stellar release.


    • From what I am getting from them…this was most definitely NOT anticipated. They were trying to get it fixed tonight, but needed to dive into it more. I am just happy at their quick response. I know of MANY games that had a lot of issues in the beginning. It is impossible to know truly what will happen until millions play it all at once and the “bugs” show themselves. Hang in there


    • From TinyCO

      – Can you ask what players were doing just before this occurred?

      – Does it happen when the app launches, or in the middle of playing?

      – Did it first start in the middle of a session?

      -Also, important question: had anyone actually UNLOCKED bruce? Did it start when he hit level 3?

      Let me know your answers and I will forward them back.


  44. What information do I have to give them?


    • It is all in the post in italics just after the pics of how to contact them through the menu of your game. They need your ID mainly. 🙂


    • From TinyCO

      – Can you ask what players were doing just before this occurred?

      – Does it happen when the app launches, or in the middle of playing?

      – Did it first start in the middle of a session?

      -Also, important question: had anyone actually UNLOCKED bruce? Did it start when he hit level 3?

      Let me know your answers and I will forward them back.


  45. Cool! So you will let us know when tinyco has a handle on these bugs? you guys are awesome on this site! keep it up!


    • Thanks. I have been building a great relationship with them for a while now so we would have good communication when the game launched. So I will do all I can from my end to help our readers. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • We will most certainly keep everyone up-to-date! With a brand new game issues like this are expected and I know they’ve got a team of people working like crazy to track down the cause and fix it!
      And we’re glad that you’re liking the new site! We’re enjoying writing for BOTH games…although the early days are a little hectic! 🙂


  46. I just got hit with this bug too. Tried reinstalling but as soon as I log on with facebook it pops up again.


    • Welcome. I am just glad we jumped on it fast. I hope they track it down quick! They really are great and on top of things there. 🙂

      Thank YOU for supplying the info so I could get it right to the top ASAP!


    • From TinyCO

      – Can you ask what players were doing just before this occurred?

      – Does it happen when the app launches, or in the middle of playing?

      – Did it first start in the middle of a session?

      -Also, important question: had anyone actually UNLOCKED bruce? Did it start when he hit level 3?

      Let me know your answers and I will forward them back.


      • I had almost everyone on a one hour job except Bruce, Peter and Quagmire, then I exited the app and when I came back on it took FOREVER for it to load so then I deleted the app from the background running apps and tried again but it still took forever to load so then I restarted my iPod and then it loaded but the Bruce screen came up.

        It happens when the app launches and it didn’t happen in the middle of a session the first time.

        I did unlock Bruce and he was completing his first task when this happened and he wasn’t even on level 2 when this happened.


  47. I have tried rebooting and everything and it just goes straight to that Bruce scene! so frustrating!


  48. YES! I’m having this SAME issue as we speak. Anybody know how to fix? or do we just wait for them to fix it?


    • At this time, it is a waiting game while they locate the source of the issue and find a way to “kill” it so to speak. Sorry. They are working hard and working late trying to get all these first time use issues out of the way. They were not anticipating this one. My reports were the first to come in. So they were able to get right on it. I will keep you posted when he gets back to me on their findings. Hang in there. Doing all I can from this end to help. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • From TinyCO

      – Can you ask what players were doing just before this occurred?

      – Does it happen when the app launches, or in the middle of playing?

      – Did it first start in the middle of a session?

      -Also, important question: had anyone actually UNLOCKED bruce? Did it start when he hit level 3?

      Let me know your answers and I will forward them back.


  49. If any of you get back into the game, please let me know. I’ll be in my Springfield while I’m out of the game.


    • I have gotten it twice. I uninstalled then installed the app again, and it still showed up again but shortly after doing that, I got back into the game after tapping SWEEET a bunch of times.


      • Many were able to do it that way…at first. It got worse after that.


        • It certainly is not a sure fix, I’m currently battling Bruce for the 3rd time trying to get past him. Got the Bruce screen again after the app crashed while visiting a friend. Everyone is going to hate Bruce for this now – oh nooo!


          • Lol @ the Bruce comment. They are fast to jump on an issue though. I love how quick they are responding to me. They’ll update me again tomorrow (later today…just saw time) on the progress of the fix.


          • From TinyCO

            – Can you ask what players were doing just before this occurred?

            – Does it happen when the app launches, or in the middle of playing?

            – Did it first start in the middle of a session?

            -Also, important question: had anyone actually UNLOCKED bruce? Did it start when he hit level 3?

            Let me know your answers and I will forward them back.


            • It happened/happens when I launched/launch the game. I had already been playing it on my iPad yesterday. This morning I was playing on my Android phone. The game crashed while visiting friends. So I installed the update on my Android and then got the problem after launching the app. After that I also got Bruce on my iPad. Uninstall/install does not solve the issue. As soon as I login to my account I get Bruce. I had already unlocked Bruce in the Beta. I had already leveled him up to level 7. I cannot contact Tinyco, because I cannot get passed Bruce.


        • That happened to me


      • Yeah, it started like that for me too IIDaPIMPII around 1pm EST. First I just hit Sweet once and got in, than twice, than thrice. I didn’t mention it until around 5-6pm EST when it took 11 times to get in. Eventually it took 16 attempts around 9pm EST the last time I got in. And shortly thereafter, haven’t been able to get in at all, despite clicking Sweet as many as 50 times in a row. Hopefully they’ll have it resolved before you get to that point.


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