Where Did My Game Go?!!

Hello There Clammers!

Tell me if this sounds familiar…you start up your Quest for Stuff game ready to tackle the next objective only to find….YOUR QUAHOG IS GONE?!  You panic, you freak out…WHAT HAPPENED TO MY TOWN?!  All that work, all that time…all those headbands! Gone!  They’re all gone!  That intro video is great and all but right now you want to throw your device across the room!

Sound familiar?  Has it happened to you?  Well…what the heck happened?  Do you really have to start all over again?

The simple answer is…No.  (what a relief right?)  No, you can get your game back…as long as you created an account to save your game.

Here’s how….

Peter Joe Quagmire

You play through the new game until you unlock Chris and get to the “Find Better Reception” task.  From here you click on the menu button:

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This will bring up the TQFS menu, from the menu you tap on Account Info:

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This will open the account settings.  From this list you click on “Sign in As Someone Else”:
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From this list you pick the sign in option you used when you setup your account.  So if you setup an account with Facebook select that, Google choose that, etc.  :
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For me my game is saved via my email address.  So I tap on Sign In with Username.  At this point I enter my Username and Password:

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Tap next…and voila! My Quahog is back!

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What a glorious sight!  My Quahog restore in all it’s Level 25 Glory!

This occasionally happens from time to time.  Your game signs out of your account, which is why you see the reset of Quahog. (it happens to me every so often)  But don’t panic!  As long as you’ve saved your town (using one of the methods in the Account Settings) you can get it back!

What are YOUR thoughts on the account sign out?  Has it happened to you before?  If it did were you able to get your town back?  Do you have your town saved with an account?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!


88 responses to “Where Did My Game Go?!!

  1. I play on facebook – when i click menu, account info does not appear, only settings, inventory and help/support, that is it, just those 3. I believe i signed in via FB when i started playing 2 weeks ago


  2. So never made an account! Is it possible to restore with Game Center information? What to do next besides starting over??


  3. I deleted my game and can’t get it back. It restarted from the beginning. I’ve been playing for 2 years And was at level 75! Now I’m back to 1! Someone please help me get my game back…. I’ve tried Everything its gone….


    OK so I was level 52 just minding menown business a few days into the firefighter shindig when I open my app to play and my game is reset to level 1. Don’t panic you say???
    I have followed every instruction I can find to reset it but it’s gone! All of my achievements are still recorded on the game and I had bought a ton of stuff using clams I bought. I contacted tinyco via the app but nothing. I sent them an email. They asked for my account details I replied and nothing since. That was like a week ago!!!! I’ve emailed them again today and still nothing. I’m getting seriously annoyed with them now!. Is anyone else having these issues? I am a broken man!!!!!!!! Ps the for fighter event sucks and so did the nature one!

    Liked by 1 person

    • If logging back in through the way you saved it (email/Facebook) doesn’t work, and if you don’t know your player ID…it will take them a bit to search millions of games to find yours. Hang in there. You did good to message them again if no response after 5 days.

      Just make sure any email from them, even automated ones, get responded to.


    • Just happened to me too! And I was about to get a prize from the mystery box. In an hour it will be gone. I’m outta luck.  


  5. Is there any way to use Amazon Gamecircle to restore my game? I was so far along and it just reset on me, and I never even thought about creating a stupid account (I thought the Amazon Gamecircle was enough)


  6. Karima Deneche

    Hi,my family guy app won’t open at all past the home screen but I can’t remember weather I created a username for myself at some point,I do however have my 32 digit code saved,what should I do next?


  7. Hey, I love the game but my mobile device can’t really handle it so I’m hoping to uninstall it and start playing again on a tablet sometime. I have an account, etc. connected to Facebook and have my 32-digit code saved. If I uninstall and stop playing, my game is preserved then, correct? Is it preserved indefinitely if I don’t reload it immediately?

    Thanks in advance!


  8. Hi im wondering if you can please help me. I was playing this game through facebook **** i have no other login id level 58 coins over 800,000 and clams over 40 for some reason it has reset and put me back on level 1. I have tried many ways, logging in and out of facebook. Logging in and out of Family guy through facebook. But it still puts me back on level 1. I was on the star trek event and i really dont want to start all over again. Im gutted and i have tried contacting many people. I hope i get a response. Thank you


    • Again… and I am sorry… but we are NOT TinyCO. We have offered all the help we can. We can NOT access your game and rightfully so as we are not TinyCo. You really need to contact them to get into your game. Email help@tinyco.com


  9. If we did not know how to save our town and thus did not create a username and password, is there really no way to get my town back? My phone has to be factory reset to save itself and the iCloud backup failed so my game and progress were deleted, and by the drift of this article, since I didn’t create an account, I can’t get my town back? 😦


  10. don’t know my account lost all my in-app purchases and I was level 29.. all my money down the drain


  11. i made an account but my tablet crashed and when i reset it my tablet said it was no longer compatible with this version of the game so i downloaded the game onto my windows phone, i got passed the mission with chris but its not giving me the option to sign into an account, it only says optiions and inventory, when will i be able to log back in


  12. Omfg here is my situation I was signed in with Facebook and Google I removed my Facebook connection in family guy butkept my gGoogle connected I kept playing normal later I logged in and it was fine but then after that I opened family guy again and it was reset! So decided to fry and sign in with Facebook and it said there is now game save associated with this account then I noticed my Google account wasn’t disconnected! I need help… I was level 50 with 165 clams and a lot of time into my game I spent real money on this game if my save is lost I swear I will be pissed!!!!!!


    • The game only links to one or the other. Not multiple through the game. Where it was linked it would have shown you in your account screen. (Menu, Account) Same area your Player ID is in the lower right. It will list the Facebook name or email thats linked to the account in the lower area. All I can suggest is to contact them through your game and see what they can find.


  13. I’m gonna have to restore my phone. But I have my game saved to my email. So let’s say i have to install the app in again, would I just have to sign in and get my game back? Oh, and I’m using iOS btw.


  14. I hope this isnt a repeat of my last message. Im sorry if it is. Im so flustered. My son and I both have quahogs. We both love it so much. We put so much time and a little money into it because of how much we do enjoy it. So, We tried to sign in this a.m. the same way we always do. We both got the beginning scene. We both are connected with facebook and im also connected with google also. These accounts are not recognizing our worlds. Ive put a message into tiny co but afraid im not going to hear from them because of posts ive read about people not hearing back from them,(i really hope thats not true). You ladies do such a good job on your site I figured if anyone could help it would be you. My question is have you heard anything like this happening? Also does tiny co respond? Thank you in advance for anything you can help with.


  15. I was on level 9 and when I went to log in it was on level 1, I tried everything but, it won’t come back. Please Help!


  16. Awesome got my Quahog back 🙂 almost freaked out, didn’t want to lose my Comic-Con stuff. Thanks to this guide I’m back in the game!


  17. So, the asset error keeps coming on n idk how to fix it. Ive tried restarting my phone, turning it off n taking the battery out then turning it back on n nothing. I dont want to uninstall n install it again n then not be able to connect to my level 31 game


  18. Thanks Bunny and Alissa! My game froze up for almost two days 😦 Thought I was playing erm..another game(coughs..tsto).
    ANYWAY I contacted TC and they got back to me really fast! *Very glad I saved ALL my account/game info- Whew!* However, this afternoon it was still crashing so I did the dreaded un/reinstall;played thru beginning and logged back into my 40 game by reading these posts:D { there was still a glitch when I made too many ppl do stuff?? But I rebooted ph & back to norm.Thanks y’all!!!<3


  19. I’m extremely nervous about this. I’m playing on an iPad. My game centre account greets me and then the screen goes back to reset.
    If I go to delete the FG game, it tells me all my data will be lost. I haven’t signed up by Facebook or google. I’m at level 40 and have made a few in-app purchases. Then I see people haven’t been responded too by tiny co.


    • It is the weekend. Light staffed. Not to mention flood of contacts due to issue last night. They will get to people. Just takes time.

      They were working on a patch update. Not sure its release, but you can wait for that. Outside of that…contacting them is really the only other step.


  20. I have this game on a HTC EVO 4G. I broke my HTC EVO 4G. If I am registered with facebook and email, can I pick back up where I left off on an IPhone?


  21. I have the game linked to an account which I always play on my Note 3, which is what is bugged. I signed in on my tablet for the first time as this thread details and nothing changed. It says I’m signed on but the game is still at the beginning. :/ I haven’t been able to do anything since last night. 😦


    • send them an in game message letting them know that your game has not been restored back, despite logging in with your account details. Might be another glitch starting to unfold..


  22. It won’t let me get my game back with Facebook it says there’s another acct link with my lv 39 game 😦 I’m so sad I don’t wanna start over I’m having probs getting my game back


    • So you started the game after the reinstall. And it started at level 1 (like it should), then you opened the main menu and selected “sign in with Facebook”, right? But it is saying there is already a game connected to your Facebook account? It’s not warning you that you are about to overwrite your “new” level 1 game?


  23. Ugh I accidently deleted my game and I never made a user name is there any way I can get my game back


  24. Every time I login a error message comes up saying unable to connect to view controller and won’t go into game. Please help me resolve this issue.


  25. Thank u so much for this!!! Was a lil depressed after i thought i lost it:-):-):-)


  26. Are you able to play on BOTH a tablet and a phone–like I can with TSTO? Meaning, can I play on my tablet, close out, and pick up the game on my phone if I’m signed in? Or will it only let one device be used? (I’m not sure if I’m making myself clear 😦 )


  27. That is perfect timing! I have been wanting to play the game since day 1 but my tiny little phone makes playing a real chore. NOW I can play on my Kindle! Move over TSTO there’s a new app in town!


  28. Hello! I’ve already linked my game to my Facebook however I think I’d rather just make a username and register for a tinyco account. When I click on account info it only says “Log out as [Redacted Facebook name]” and “Log in with Google +” Any advice?


  29. I keep getting Load error when loading game up. Have uninstalled & reinstalled. …but nothing works


  30. I tried to connect to FB. That failed and at next game start my progress was reset. My game was not registered…
    I contacted Tinyco about this, but didn’t get an answer, yet. I made some in-game purchases and would really like to get my progress back…
    My Android device is rooted and I looked for local backup savegame files but couldn’t find any. Does anyone know how to fix this?


    • My best bet on this is Contact TinyCo, which you’ve already done. So that’s your best course of action at this point, unfortunately.


      • Two (working) days now and they didn’t get back to me. Very disappointing.


        • Standard I see in any company on tech issues is 48-72 hours at least. Depending on if they can get right in your game or not. If you don’t hear anything by day 3…send another message.

          (Also watch spam/junk folder. Sometimes they creep over to weird folders. In my Gmail they sneak to “promotions”)


  31. I keep getting signed out of FB every morning since the big update… I’ve told TinyCo. about it but they haven’t said anything.


  32. When I see missing game complaints in the reviews, I wish I could point them in this direction. I wonder how many of them created an account in the first place.

    I already learned this lesson when TSTO came out and I lost about 2 months of “work.”


    • Yea it’s the WORST feeling when your game is gone. That’s why i’ve always created accounts to ensure I don’t lose anything! I do wish they had an easier, more direct, way to login…so you can avoid the intro tasks.


  33. Off topic, but I’ve been stuck at level 40 for a week now.will this cap be lifted at all? And where is all my xp going ?


    • Level 40?!
      You sure you have the right game?!


      • Sorry I thought it was the angry birds forum.
        Of course I’m on about this game, in the top left corner you get an xp bar (you get an achievement for reaching level 40).
        I am stuck at level 40, does anybody else have this problem?


        • Sorry for the confusion…I just know that the “other” tapping game is maxed at Level 40. Haven’t hit that point in Family Guy yet (high 20s), so surprised they’re both maxed at the same point.
          This game isn’t dictated by levels. In fact levels mean diddly….only when it comes to character levels as they pertain to unlocking certain tasks. THIS game is more dictated by Districts. So you may be stuck at Level 40, as that may be the max for now. I’ll have to talk with TC and find out…but I do know that it means little in the scheme of the game itself. As higher levels don’t mean more districts unlocked.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Never played the other game sorry. Thought you would be a bit further along than me


            • All districts cleared, Level wise i’m in the high 20s. Since leveling up isn’t really important to the game I don’t really focus much on it. I clear the districts, get all the costumes, get the characters leveled up to their max out point or to the point where all of their tasks unlock & then honestly don’t focus too much on sending characters on tasks. Have a decent amount of in game cash so I usually won’t assign them on new tasks regularly.


              • I too, have been at 40 for three days. No cheats, no APKs, just a bank of 130+ Standard Offices earning XP and coins ($225k and counting, towards $500k achievement.) Almost unlocked Trisha (need eyeballs and headbands to unlock Anime). Is it really stopped at 40? “That’s silly!”


    • Yes, the max level is 40. I think it’s a very good thing that it stops there–I was getting embarrassed by how quickly the farm was leveling me up.


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