Extended Tea Party Toy Has Dropped!

Update: Just got word from our friends at TinyCo that the extension will end at 9pm TinyCo Time (PDT)…which is midnight on the East Coast & 0400GMT.

We were hoping (and they were pushing) for a 24 hr extension…BUT with the new update due to drop tomorrow (7/24) they’re up against TIGHT time restrictions.  Hopefully letting you guys know now about the end time will help you get everything you need to unlock your final toys….

Hello There Clammers!

Just after 1pm TinyCo Time (PDT) the new toy for the extended portion of the event has dropped…

2014-07-23 20.08.15

The new toy to collect is the Robot Trap Jaw. (thank you to the readers who pointed it out to me 🙂 )

All the same rules as before apply with regards to characters that can earn the Robot and the task length.

And we can now confirm….at least in my B game…nothing new has been added to the box.  So it’s the exact same content as before, just 1 extra day for it all.

Good Luck!

319 responses to “Extended Tea Party Toy Has Dropped!

  1. Stewie is giving Rupert missions now! And here I thought he was just going to walk around and chat on the cell phone all day. 🙂


  2. Like many others, I got everything except Rupert…but instead of being mad about it, here’s my positive spin on it:

    The total value of ALL the prizes in the toy box comes out to be worth $23,500 and 280 Clams!!! (See breakdown of item values at end of post, for all you fellow geeks out there.)

    So, think about it like this– Have you ever gotten a birthday present that wasn’t exactly what you wanted but you knew that it was actually a pretty expensive gift? You’re grateful to the gift-giver because you know that they “shelled out” (clam shells, get it?!) a lot on you, even though they didn’t have to; and so you respect them for their efforts nonetheless. That’s how we Rupert-less players should look at TinyCo post-tea-party-event, I think. That’s right, TinyCo is basically your well-meaning grandmother who didn’t have to get you anything at all for your stupid birthday, but she was generous enough to spend big bucks on your gift that you only kinda wanted–which isn’t such a bad thing, now is it?? …Besides, remember that the last time she gave you a gift, it was a double dose of Dry Bush Flammable Gardens, 3 Wheelchair Skateparks, and crapload of Jelly-Yo Shots in every color except for the one that you actually needed at that time!!! Comparatively, this was MUCH better, right?!? (I thought so.)

    As promised, here’s the breakdown of prize values from the 11 toy box prizes that didn’t have a teddy bear head+human body:
    $1,500 — Herbert’s Ice Cream Truck
    $7,500 — Dansu Dansu
    $5,000 — Big Bubbly Fountain (champagne glass)
    $7,500 — Gold Digger Island
    $2,000 — Koi Pond
    ___(Subtotal of money-priced prizes = $23,500)___

    5¢ — (that’s right, the “¢” now means “clams”) — Stewie Flower
    10¢ — Stewie’s Billboard
    10¢ — Spotlights (animated)
    40¢ — Pawtucket beer truck
    65¢ — Lobster Shanty
    150¢— Peter’s Pirate Car
    ___(Subtotal of clam-priced prizes = 280 ¢lams)___

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I just want to say this event was a crock and I’m done with this game. We have enough BS to deal with in the Simpsons game wth random “chance” prizes that I don’t feel like dealing with it here.


  4. Just got Rupert this morning! Wouldn’t have happened without the extension.


  5. Got everything – exept Rupert. He better not cost a lot of clams if we can buy him later.
    Was sick so slept through my alarm one night, and crap happens.. yeah yeah. To bad I actually spent a lot of clams speeding things up


  6. This event really sucked. I hope they do better in the future. This is worse than the money grabs from TSTO.


  7. I have never been so angry at this game. I got all but one box and did not get Rupert. If we had been given the full 24 hours, I would have gotten it. I spent clams to get the sandbox on day one even. Other events have irritated me but this one left me not wanting to play anymore.


  8. The Trap Jaw is gone in my game… I had just around 16 hours to collect toys before it was gone. Shouldn´t it be 24h?

    I´m totally pissed of. Just the gold digger island and rupert were left…


    • No, they advised it was under 24hrs yesterday. We posted the end time on this post:

      Extended Tea Party Toy Has Dropped!

      Anything over that time was just bonus time


      • Ok i then didn´t understand this post. Maybe you should add the day, it is difficult to figure out the right day/time when you are 9 hours from PDT 😉

        Still I´m pissed of by this event. If you don´t start immediately, play 24h/day or spend clams you have no chance of winning everything


      • They didn’t start the extension until the afternoon saying we had another day, then ninja shortened it to basically 12 hours leaving freemium players no chance of more than one box. Total bs. Sorry, I don’t check this site hourly for updates on posts I’ve already read to find out something they should have told us in game.. They would have been better off not extending it at all, I’d be far less sour about coming 2 short of Rupert than I am now..


    • Dirty pool. That is what that was. Dirty pool.


  9. What a ripoff…grrr


  10. I had two prizes left, one of which was Rupert. The completist in me hopes I can get him later with clams but now I’m distracted by the “Felicia Day” character in the Comic Con update! So I was sad for a minute and then ADD kicked in and I’m happy again.


  11. ray in the uk

    I live in the uk so the extension was 9pm to 5am. No rupert for me as i need to sleep. I only had 7 goes at getting him as i needed sleep, day 1 i was replacing crash loss items so i had 1 go, Day 2 i started late as no idea on change over time or if say jobs but i got 2 goes, day 3 i did not sleep and had all 3 goes, extented hours i managed 1 go but passed out from lack of sleep. I have emailed tinyco’s ceo Mr “F” stating this and i am yet to have a reply. I havent herd from there support in 5 days(sounds sooooooo much loke ea its stupid) they had better do a fu##ing good job on new update but i doubt it. If anyone else would like to provin “Mr. F” with there support issues here is the addy you need ********


    • While I’m sure Matt will get a giggle that you’re calling him CEO of TinyCo, he’s not. He’s one of their directors. I’ve had to edit your comment to take his email and last name out, for his own privacy.
      Matt’s a frequent visitor of this site, and often comments, so he’ll definitely see your comment.


      • ray in the uk

        Aaaahhhh cherz for the correction. The site i got it from stated “ceo/director” and first is normaly right. Fingers crossed he will have a notepad on hand so he can pass on what he reads to the rest of the tinyco staff as they could learn alot from peeps comments


  12. Useless extension. Wasnt even able to get one more mystery box. Would have, if they had announced the time of the new toy drop, since I had 16 of the previous, which lasted way longer than expected.


  13. I got everything except Rupert & the beer truck. I ended up spending a lot if clams on speeding up tasks & am pretty annoyed that I wasted them, even though I liked the prizes. I don’t think it’s fair that some people got Rupert in their first box. I would have been less upset if he was the final prize for everyone.


  14. I have mixed feeling about this up-date. If you are, like me, a new quahog player you don’t have many characters to do the 4h quest parts. I have 3 if i’m not mistaken. I had some luck with stuff I thought I never would have. like the Lobster Shanty. The Egyptian event I totally missed. I was just playing 1 day when that came out.


  15. I just opened my last box, ‘Gold-digger Island’… To say I’m a little upset that I got everything except Rupert (the only reason I played the event) would be an understatement.
    Staying up all night for four days collecting stuff and then trading it just for a slim chance of getting what you want just makes the game frustrating to me and I want it to be fun.
    Looking forward to the Comicon event, but I’ll be staying clear of mystery boxes from now on,Too Stressful 😛


  16. Really TinyCo…? Have to go down to the very last box? Spent on clams for craps I already have and still no Rupert? Really? You guys are really good at pissing fans off.


    • I know. I set my alarm for every 4 hours just to make sure I got the toys and for the last day I spent clams to speed up the quests. It sucks to get another gold digger island instead of Rupert when that is all anyone really wanted.


  17. I probably only have a shot at one more gift. I have doubles of stuff I bought and no Rupert. It is such a frustrating event. I wasted clams on it and that just makes me more frustrated. Congrats to those that got Rupert but I really am not happy about this one.


  18. Got me a Rupert so I’m happy. 🙂 got 6 minutes until I can open the box for a second time and hoping to get the pirate car as it’s the only thing left in the box I don’t already have.


  19. At long last, VICTORY IS MINE!

    Kinda underwhelming tho to be honest. 😉


  20. With the new event not available until July 31 on Android, I’m beginning to question whether or not it was prudent to spend my last remaining clams on a box. (It’s was still available at 2:30am when I last checked.) I had two more boxes so it was a 50/50 shot. Thank god I got Rupert or I may have been drowning my sorrows in some ice cream at 2:30am.


  21. Nope, no Rupert for me. *sad face*

    I’m glad there is a gap with Android getting this event. I’m actually so tired of TC and it’s complicated and not-quite thought-out events for the time being! Too many last minute changes and additions to the events in the last few weeks, and it is extremely frustrating. I do hope over time that they get their butts together.

    I realize this is a new game, but certainly the company realizes that last minute and unannounced events, along with extremely stressful and time-constrained gameplay requirements, will cause players to drop the game entirely. Players stop playing? Less money for TinyCo. Less money? Crappier updates to get the diehard players to spend money.

    But hey. It’s a business. 🙂 I’m also of the school of thought that the land release prior to the new district was because everyone had a lot of coins stockpiled, and then this little event with Rupert and the Comic Con one now coming today will further extend game time for freemium players. Then people will play longer and probably buy clams because the events are limited time.

    In the end, this is simply a game. Just like any game you get nowadays, it can be played as cheaply or expensively as you wish. Personally, I can download other games that I find more worth the money than this one, for now. Not sure that the CHANCE at getting a shirtless teddy running around is worth the real cash, because a meal from McDonald’s or a new nail polish is a little more fulfilling and promising right now. 😛 Until then, I remain freemium until the company starts to get organized!


    • And I’m not bitter! I had plenty of fun with this event and even King Butt, even though I didn’t get everything. 🙂 I enjoy my gameplay and how I play. This game is a really good game as a little time-waster. It just isn’t something I want to put money into…yet. 😉 Not until the events are a little more solid and I feel less *obligated* to get clams. 🙂


  22. Not sure what happening with these times I had 2 prizes left (1 being rupert) loads of time I thought, checked here as always and read was due to end at 9pm (5am here in the UK) it was still open at 7am so I purchased some clams rushed my last few tasks and finally got rupert on my last box. I was desperate for him as I have all other premium characters so wanted the 100 clam bonus.

    Happy days as I now have 200 clams ready for the new event

    So thank you as always for keeping us updated on all things family guy quest for stuff


  23. Just got Rupert at 11:10 pm PDT!!! Did a hard reset at 11:21 pm PDT and the chance to earn presents is still available. If this last chance goes the full 24 hours I may have one more chance to get the Dansu Dansu, pirate car or gold digger Island. I got the Lobster Shanty yesterday.


  24. This is ridiculous I literally got every available prize but rupert! I am so annoyed! The last tea party of these extra three – I spent so many clams to do it in time – and the only prizes left were the billboard and rupert – and guess what – yes I got the billboard – what a ripoff


  25. I’m so pissed I got everything BUT Rupert.


    • SimonSaysVote

      Ditto Liz. I was coming up on my last Tea Party and had 2 items left.. Rupert & the spotlights.. so i had a 50/50 shot. Woke up at 4am to prep to secure my characters to get to 24 toys by noon today (EST) and take my last shot since i figured we had a full 24 hours. Woke up at 7:30… toys & tea party gone.


  26. I’ll be honest, not happy with this event as I got all the items I already had. not one I didnt, then spent clams last minute hoping to get him and nothing, was of clams. Now I’m sure later down the road he will be one of the characters you have to buy with clams and I’ll be even more Pissed


  27. Man, this entire event has just been a trainwreck for me from the beginning. Now that it’s all said and done, I didn’t manage to get Rupert after trying so desperately to get him and spending 110 clams. With only 4 items left to “randomly” get on my last box and still not getting him, I had to resort to doing the hard reset method and after 43, yes 43, repeated Rupert-less tries (with prizes changing most of the time), the game caught on to my tricks and gave me the last item that I had won. Either the odds of getting Rupert truly weren’t 1 in 4 or my luck is far far beyond bad. Well, I suppose I’ll have to buy him as premium now, I’m in too deep to just let him get away.


  28. I was pissed I missed the first day of the event then missed that it got extended. With 3 missing prizes and 20 minutes left I said to hell with it and rushed 6 actions. The final prize with minutes to go was Rupert! Still mad it cost me 72 clams with all the rushes (I had to do a few others on other days too). I like the last TSTO event that made sure you won as long as you played regularly. I wish Tiny Co would do an event like that. I really hate events that require 3am alarms just to do a few tasks.


  29. Sorry 4 the stupid question, but wat time does the event end 4 which areas?


  30. I got RUPERT! After my last box opened! Now this event was worth it as I got everything in the boxes. Now onto the comic con event!


  31. Rupert was the only I *did not* get, so I’m really kind of annoyed. Especially since I bought 50 clams to help speed it up after they pushed the new toy to like 4pm today. I appreciate them extending it, but it sucks to be that unlucky soul who didn’t get the character, the point of the event.


  32. Ended my night with Rupert as my last prize! 🙂 Great event overall, nice of TinyCo to extend for about 8 hours extra! But now (being an Android user) I have to wait a whole week for the next event… 😦


  33. Got Rupert earlier. I was able to just get the last prize missing (pirate car) moments ago, just a little bit after the deadline. So glad it’s a soft deadline.

    Tapping my fireworks in celebration! 😀


  34. I literally got Rupert on the last box i opened and i was only able to open half of the total boxes. Yay 😀


  35. Frustrated, used clams to finish by the 9 pm deadline and still no Rupert, and it is still going on could have saved some clams. Rec’d a lot of duplicate items.


  36. Lookit who decided to finally start strutting around my Quahog about 30 minutes ago! (With the help of 8 clams to speed a few characters up by a few hours)! Ha, speeding up the speedo! ITS ABOUT FREAKIN TIME, VICTORY IS MINE! Why am I so happy to get a black speedo wearing character? Something is wrong with me! Same goes for Rollerblading Bikini Peter…


  37. I posted this on another forum, so sorry for anyone having to read it twice.

    I don’t understand the point of giving an 8 hour extension.

    With all 4 characters available, the most toys you could collect is 8. If you managed to have those 4 characters complete a task BEFORE the toy changed and left them finished but waiting, the most you could collect was 12. That AT MOST still gives you only a single toy box to open. (Unless you had one of the clam-based items…Stewie’s Sandbox or Topiary.)

    Are we supposed to jump for joy over just one extra toy box? Why didn’t they change the toy at 9 PM (PST) last night if they decided to extend the event? That would have given us an extra 12 hours, and a chance at 12 more toys.

    And why did they throw Rupert in while we were all struggling to get Stewie unlocked? This whole Rupert event easily could have (and should have) been postponed until after the Comic-Con event, so we could have concentrated on getting Stewie unlocked in advance.

    I enjoy the game, but TinyCo did not think this through. IMHO… 🙂


  38. Oh my god oh my god I just got Rupert!! Super duper excited!! 😄😄


  39. Looks like I’m not going to get him. Have four prizes left and spent all 131 clams to try and get him but nope. Now watch them add Rupert as a buyable character and I wasted my clams for nothing.


  40. Was totally not even going to try since i knew i would end up with a 2nd koi pond or some spotlights since I hadn’t won either yet… but when i got my min for 1st tea party i figured may as well give it a shot, and lo and behold, i got my Rupert/salon! even called out in excitement and someone came to the room to make sure everything was alright. hehe who starts any of ruperts quests or are there actually any? do i need to get stewie unlocked first?


  41. Opened my 14 box at 11:50. I only had the champagne and Rupert left… and got the champagne. Broke down at 11:58 and used the last of my clams to speed up and get him. I was sad to lose the clams at the end, but when I thought about getting all 12 of the (mostly premium) prizes for just 80 clams, it made me feel much better! Overall, I really enjoyed this event and I hope they bring it back again in the future!


  42. Out of the remaining three prizes I could get (flower, pirate car and Creepy Bear) I was sure I’d get the flower but…..pirate car!

    I’m pleased 🙂


  43. Well, I still didn’t manage to get Rupert. It was a nice event, but in the end I would be happier with these types of events if they could give us at least a 24 hour heads up. Its a nice idea, just a little poorly executed in the end in my opinion. Oh well, I still got some interesting stuff as the only prizes I didn’t get were Peter’s Pirate Car and Rupert.


  44. Wow…this is ridiculous and I thought the Butt event was terrible. I wasted clams to get crappy decos then to miss the character by 1 box. All this BS, it’s just starting to piss me off. On top of which they make the instructions so complicated.


    • Totally agree. Missed Rupert by 1 box. All these “decorations” are dumb. If they don’t give me coins or have any benefit other than looks, I don’t want them. They aren’t a “prize’ to me.


  45. Oh my god I am soooooooo happy right now!!!!!!!! I spent tons of clams, but it was definitely worth it! I just got Rupert! Finally!


  46. Burned a few precious clams to open my last box. Four prizes inside including Rupert. What did I get? Gold Digger Island, which I already had one of. $&@?! you, tinyco.


  47. Big thanks to the commenter that mentioned the hard reset. Used some clams to rush tasks so I could open a box before this ends. Got the spotlight but after a hard reset I was able to open it again and got Rupert! Before hitting the Go button to add item to your inventory, hard reset your device and you should have your unopened prize box waiting.


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