Jailhouse Meg and the Quahog Prison Blues

Hello There Clammers!

Well District 9 is starting to open…and as a prelude to District 9 Prison Meg is now in our games!  Many of you have been commenting on the outfit, that’s displayed on the main splash screen of our games, for months…and it’s finally here!

Of course…as with (almost) all the characters/costumes in our Tiny Quahogs you’ll be required to collect a ton of STUFF in order to unlock this tough guy girl in your towns!  So let’s take a closer look at Jailhouse Meg, the STUFF you’ll need and her Prison Blues questline….

jalhousemeg promo

Note: You’ll need to complete Freaks and Geeks Pt. 7 (District 8) in order to start the Quahog Prison Blues questline..

jailhousemeg exercise2

Quahog Prison Blues Pt. 1
Meg starts

Create Jailhouse Meg- Collect STUFF to create the Jailhouse costume for Meg.  Requires:
Poop Bucket20 Poop Bucket (Common): Mort Swallow Jewels, Seamus Swab the Poop Deck, Chris Run Around With Bucket on Head
Blue Glass12 Blue Glass (Rare): Peter Cook Disgusting vegetables Stop ‘N Shop, Quahog Mini Mart
Soap8 Soap (Rare): Joe Give Self a Sponge Bath, Connie Get a Luxury Spa Treatment
Tattoo Machine5 Tattoo Machine (Extra Rare): Lois Show off Tramp Stamp, Dr. Hartman Prepare for an Exam, Meg Practice Bird Calls.

Completed Task Earns 350xp AND Unlocks the Ability to Purchase the Quahog Prison. 

Quahog Prison Blues Pt. 2
Meg starts

Have Jailhouse Meg Go to School- 10hrs, Earns $50, 30xp

Completed Task Earns $500, 350xp

Quahog Prison Blues Pt. 3
Meg starts

Have Jailhouse Meg Beat up Connie- 4hrs, Earns $75, 45xp

Completed Task Earns $500, 350xp

Quahog Prison Blues Pt. 4
Meg starts

Have Meg Rob the Pharmacy- 20hrs, Earns $50, 30xp
Have Mort Snoop on Customers-
20hrs, Earns $125, 90xp

Completed Task Earns $500, 350xp

Quahog Prison Blues Pt. 5
Meg starts

Build the Quahog Prison and Make Jailhouse Meg Visit Old Friends- 1hr, Earns $50, 30xp
Prison costs $4,000 Earns $40, 25xp/6hrs.  Takes 2hrs to build

Completed Task Earns $500, 350xp

Quahog Prison Blues Pt. 6
Meg starts

Build Watch Towers- $2,500 

Completed Task Earns $500, 350xp

Quahog Prison Blues Pt. 7
Meg starts

Have Meg Steal Lois’s Shirt- 2hrs, Earns $50, 30xp 
Have Meg Take a Poop in her Bucket- 2hrs, Earns $50, 30xp 

Completed Task Earns $500, 350xp 

And that completes the Quahog Prison Blues questline.

Now let’s take a closer look at Jailhouse Meg…

New costume means new set of tasks.  Jailhouse Meg has several funny new outdoor tasks.
Note: these tasks have also been added to her Character Profile

 Task   Length   Earns   Requires 
 Visit Old Friends  1hr  $50, 30xp  Quahog Prison
 Poop in Poop Bucket  2hrs  $50, 30xp  Outside
 Steal Lois’s Shirt  2hrs  $50, 30xp  Griffin House
 Beat Up Connie  4hrs  $75, 45xp  Connie/Outside
 Show Off Tattoos  6hrs  $50, 30xp  Cherry Pit
 Go to School  10hrs  $50, 30xp  James Wood High
 Do Prison Exercises  16hrs  $50, 30xp  Outside
 Rob the Pharmacy  20hrs  $50, 30xp  Goldman’s Pharmacy

You’ll notice the tasks all earn the same rate.  This is a glitch in the game at the moment, as soon as TinyCo has it fixed I’ll update it with the correct numbers. 

And for those of you that like visuals.  Here’s a sneak peak at her outdoor tasks…

jailhousemegbeatupconnie jailhouse meg poopbucket jailhouse meg exercise

And there you have it my friends…all the details behind this Jailbird!

What do YOU think of Meg’s new costume?  Are you at the unlock point yet?  How are you doing earning the STUFF for her?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

88 responses to “Jailhouse Meg and the Quahog Prison Blues

  1. So I’m on the prison blues Pt. 5 and I don’t see the prison that I’m supposed to buy for Meg to visit her friends. I have all the Halloween events going, build a blimp pt. 7 (1 item away from being done), and I’m still in district 8. When can I buy the prison?


    • Does the task pop up not take you to it when you tap go? If not… message TinyCo


      • It does not…will do thanks.


        • I’m having the same problem, somewhere during the Halloween event all the buildings I hadn’t unlocked yet disappeared from the store. I figured they would come back once I reached the point where they would unlock, but now I’m also at Quahog Prison Blues Pt. 5 and I just completed the blimp, still no prison or anything. Just emailed TinyCo, hope they will solve this issue soon.


  2. I just got prison meg and went to buy the prison and it is not in the shop. Does it appear later or something?


  3. so in the character section of the game same meg will drops the blue vial which seems like the plutonium we need…but i have had her for some time now and she has never once dropped that…any thoughts or suggestion?


  4. I’m so frustrated. Is anyone else having this glitch when trying to buy the prison from the building tab? It keeps closing the app when I scroll right. This has been going for days. There is no update, I’ve restarted my phone several times. I closed all other apps. I already reported it to no avail!


  5. I’m maxed out at level 50, is anybody else at 50 or above?


  6. I’m on Quahog Prison Blues Pt. 6 to build the watch towers, but they are locked and can not be purchased. They were at one point unlocked, but I never bought one because I don’t like them. Now I want to complete the quest but can’t. Any suggestions?


  7. Does “Meg Steals Lois’ Shirt” task require Lois? I hope the answer is no… sent her on a long task & the minute I did it was like “Nooooo!” Meg is 1 hr away from that part of quest.
    Thanks in advance!


  8. My lookout towers are locked too. I could’ve sworn they were unlocked when they were first added…


  9. Just reached part 6 of prison Meg’s quest and the towers are locked, any ideas? Please help.


  10. I am at Part 6 of prison Meg’s quest line: build watch towers, but they are locked. How do I unlock them?


  11. Am I disappointed there is no “Beat the crap out of Peter” task for Prison Meg?


  12. Unlocked her this morning when at work on break. Now just 2 more plutonium for the blimp


  13. Does meg always drop plutonium


  14. One soap and one tattoo machine away! Drop rates haven’t been too bad for this costume-compared to say, Anime Peter and the eyeballs lol. Blimp items… Long ways to go on them. But it’s good. I don’t feel pressure since it’s not timed! XD


  15. can u please make the gifs and screenshot of Prison Meg’s action pooping in poop bucket PLEASE?


  16. hi just unlocked Meg currently building the cherry pit when I buy the prison it wont let me place it until the cherry pit finishes building is this a glitch


  17. Can you please ask TinyCo to add another soap dropping character task? Reading the comments it seems like it’s even harder to get than the tattoo machines. I know it is for me at least. I have 3/5 tattoo machines, but only one soap lol.


  18. i am having realy bad lagg on the drag pull and the game keeps on lagging me out. is there anything to stop it? And does anyone eles have the same probelms.


  19. I only need one more soap, blue glass and tattoo machine!! I can’t wait to unlock this costume.


  20. Geesh another day gone and still not one single soap 😦


    • I’m in the same boat. 17/20 buckets, 12/12 glass, 3/5 tattoo machines, but zero soaps. I’ve had Connie and Joe doing only these tasks since the costume became available. Seems like an extremely low drop rate for a “rare” item.


  21. Shut up Meg!


  22. Should I concentrate more on opening Meg’s outfit items or more on getting the blimp’s items?


    • You can work on both side by side. Meg does help earn some stuff for the Blimp. Keep in mind that these both are part of District 9 and no rush needed on finishing them. 🙂


    • I’m doing both with emphasis on Meg. I started with everyone doing Jailhouse Meg’s item with the exception of sending Seamus and Quagmire on the Blimp Propeller.

      After Stewie and Brian have finished Build-a-Blimp Pt. 6, task them to collect Blimp Plutonium.

      When you have only one Tatoo Machine left to get, consider sending Lois to get the Blimp Control Panel. After Joe is finished getting soaps and is tasked with getting Blimp Control Panels and you have half of them, send Lois to getting Blimp Frames.

      When you have one Blimp Putonium remaining and have finished the Quahog Prison Blues questline and tasked Meg to getting them, send either or both Stewie and Brian to take up slack on other tasks.


  23. For those of you with a few clams to spare and are having trouble getting the tattoo machines, Lois’ task is one of the rare tasks (like Seamus’ harpoon task from the last event) that only takes a couple of clams to speed up. So instead of wasting the hours or clams to outright buy one, spend the 2 clams it takes to speed up!

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Is this a permanent outfit? With me having to restart me game I’m only at District 6, so it going to be some time before I can even start.


  25. I love the episode that prison Meg is from, so I can’t wait to unlock this costume!


  26. Does anyone have this problem where only half of the characters
    Don’t drop xp and just coins? And it happens to most of the comic cons characters.


  27. Just came across a bug in my game, tapping on a coin or tick produces no coins or items, I’ve already sent tinyco an in game message but wondering If anyone else has had the same issue? Guessing it must be to do with the new update. Also the blimp station thing in the ocean looks amazing! Can’t wait to get this finished!


    • Post coming soon on this issue. Report it for now. It seems the images don’t show but the items still count to your total.


      • When I visit other town no coins or xp shows up but all I have to do was restart and it was fine…the other problem I have is only coins shows but no xp for half the characters and I seem to level up a lot slower than normal. I play the game same time everyday so I notice this and this has been going on right after comic con. Wrote to tinyco but no response.


        • Are the ones the XP isn’t showing up for already maxed out? What do you mean level up slower? Are you speaking of the bar up top that doesn’t show much movement?


          • Wait…so if my character is max out at 15 they won’t produce xp for me in my overall lvl which is 46? And usually I level up one level every week but now it takes longer to level up, is it cuz the higher I go up the more xp I need to gain a level? Thanks for taking ur time to answer my question. Tiny co should pay u guys for doing this cuz they don’t reply or answer my question…at all.


            • If they Max out you won’t see it apply to them. If the game is maxed, you won’t see it at all. Like level 50. I know that newer bar seems to NEVER move, but it is. Just like in any game, it gets harder and more required to level up as you go. So you are most likely just experiencing the change in requirements to go higher and higher.

              We don’t mind helping. We are able to do it quicker as we put out info that answers HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of players questions at once. They have to go through each and everyone individually. Very time consuming on their part. So community pages like this help them too as it helps to lessen the amount of messages sent in. 😉


  28. It’s hilarious top me that we get a prison. Like many of you, I built a 10×10 office farm a while back in order to harvest coins, but I didn’t like how it looked so out of place. Before the comic con event, I re-jiggered my Quahog to include a big prison made up of offices (since cubicles are soul stealing prisons anyhow) and I surrounded it with chain link fence and even have my Egyptian, sword wielding guard posted out front. The watch towers really legitimize my prison (complete with my welcome to Quahog sign) and I’m excited to get the actual prison to redesign my front gates!

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Jailhouse Meg, Stripper Bonnie, Blimp quest, finishing Carter… I may have bitten off more than I can chew :p


  30. Jailhouse Meg’s outfit is coming along – except for the soap. Both the blue glass and the soap are rare drop items, but I have had ZERO drops for the soap & 10 blue glass drops. Still feel there’s inconsistencies with the drop rates! Need 10 more buckets & 3 more tattoo things. I’m glad one her tasks is beating up Connie – she needs to be put in her place! Oh yeah, “SHUT UP, MEG!”


  31. Now I just need them to add more levels. With all the stuff in my town just giving me money/XP, I hit 50 easily during comic con. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  32. Will the next episode n Thursday feature Vinny because it shows him smoking a cigar and district 9 said that there were other favourite characters and they could time travel back to vinny


  33. Anyone else getting this weird glitch?

    When visiting friends now, I tap on the check mark and the coins are invisible. Doing this a couple times crashes the game.


  34. How many watchtowers are required for this quest? I built one immediately once it was in the store. Will I need more? Thanks!! 🙂


  35. Im so pist jailhouse Meg isn’t showing up in my game could some explain why is their a glitch or a certain task I have to complete in order to start tasks for her or what?


  36. Buckets 9/20

    Bluegrass 5/12

    Soap 0/8

    Tattoo 1/5

    The soap and tattoo machine are bloody impossible to get, I have tried to mix it up but nothing!


    • Keep having the character do the same task over and over again the odds of getting the item increase wit each unsuccessful attempt. If you switch it up your chances are gonna suck


  37. Meg costume unlocks a separate questline from the stewie collection of items which eventually opens tom tucker correct?


  38. Does anyone else think it’s strange that Joe’s task to give himself a sponge bath is in the Griffin House??


  39. I need 7 more buckets, 3 bars of soap and 3 more tattoo pens – should have the first two done by tomorrow at the latest. And the pens by sun/mon – unlikely that’ll happen by tomorrow too. Having meg and the blimp project so soon after comic con is a welcome surprise. Good job tinyco.


  40. I want a disney style outfits from the multiverse chapter


  41. Other meg skins – make over meg reality show replacement meg hot meg from other universe fingernail growing meg prom dress meg


  42. This may be slightly off topic but I’m on an iPhone 5s and every time I go to visit my friend’s Quahogs, and even when I’m collecting money from my own buildings my game is constantly crashing and I just updated my game last night


  43. Yay for someone else getting a costume even if it is Meg lol. It’s about time! I just wish more of everyone’s tasks were outside-that’s the funny part of the game.


    • I had Stewie doing a 24 hour task. Can’t wait to start this new quest line!

      I am very happy with tiny co; I got many clams during the comicon event and am impressed with how quickly they are presenting district 9.


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