9/17 Glitch Report: Blimp & iOS 8 Issues

FYI, for those of you with the “Shuffle Papers” error. A fix has been found and they are hoping to push it soon to help impacted players. 

UPDATE 9-19: The patch sent out should have fixed most players with this issue. Those still having it will need to be fixed one on one. Please email them ASAP (as you cant message from the game) and include keyword “Shuffle Papers”. 

Hey there Clammers. Bouncing in with a quick update on where we stand with Glitches. We covered MANY other issues already, so please check those posts if your issue is NOT one of those stated here. Glitch Post HERE and HERE.

Consuela Technical Support 1

So BOTH of these issues are currently being investigated. That means if YOU are having the same issue, please report it right away to TinyCo from your device until we are updated with fixes. (We will put them in the post here.)


Players are just completing the collection for all the Blimp Materials. Go to build it. The Game glitches out and restarts. When the game returns ALL items collected for the Blimp are gone.

Now this may NOT impact all players. We still are only seeing a small handful, but seeing the numbers increase. So please be cautious when you get to the point of creating the Blimp itself. In the meantime, we are awaiting word back from TinyCo on it.

UPDATE 9-18-14 415PM EST: It looks like they found the cause of this issue. The patch is currently in testing to see if it will work. In the meantime, PLEASE keep sending in reports if you were impacted. 


NEW ASSET -- The Quest For Stuff Title Art

iOS Updated today and now more and more players are stating that the app for Family Guy: The Quest For Stuff has completely disappeared from the Market altogether. As we do not currently know where the issue lies, my suggestion is to report to BOTH involved. Report it to iOS and to TinyCo from your game until we get more details back from TinyCo on the matter.

UPDATE!! For games resetting after the latest iOS update: Don’t worry! Your game is not lost. We are actively working on a new update to resolve this issue and restore your game progress!

UPDATE 1015PM EST: It looks like they located the cause. They are hoping the fix will be up within a few hours. Hang in there. They are working on it. 😉

So again, if your issue is NOT here…please use links at the top to go to the appropriate post or place your issue on the main Glitch Report Page. You can also put keywords into our search bar feature to locate info on what you are looking for. We want to direct attention to this post for ONLY these two issues. Thanks. We will update if we here anything back. 🙂






62 responses to “9/17 Glitch Report: Blimp & iOS 8 Issues

  1. João Ferreira

    so i cant unlock district 9… i already collected all the material, pressed the “ready” button, then after the cut-scene of the blimp construction, the blimp site and the blimp himself just disappeared and the icon mission is still there like if i didnt completed, now im stuck and i cant do the “what a deuce” quest to go forward to district 9… what happened and how i can solve it ?


  2. what is this blimp supposed to do after I build it? it does nothing


  3. I finished the quest to access koolaid man but, it still shows up at as a quest. And the systereo has disappeared from my game. Help please!!!


    • Check your inventory…


      • Of course I checked my inventory, it was the first place I looked. I even keep checking back to see if it will pop up in my inventory but its completely gone from my game. The koolaid quest (part 1) is still on my action queue and every time I click to get koolaid man it just closes that screen and is my regular game. No mo koooolaid!


        • In that case..you need to Contact TinyCo. They’ll have to look in and see what happened in your game.


          • This has happened with me too. The initial timer was 17 hours short of 3pm PDT on 30th. No response from tinyco to in game msg on this. Then the timer vanished about two days ago. Today, at 1.19am PDT 30th, but past 3pm in my timezone, the stereo has vanished. I had ONE ice cubes left to collect. Have sent screen grab and message to tinyco but no reply yet. I think they’ve stuffed up the timer and it’s ended at 3pm my time zone, not 3pm PDT as stated.


        • Did you look for the stereo in the cart icon? (The shop, tab character)


  4. It says I’m at the max level. Is this really my last level? 😦 I love family guy so much I don’t want it to end. 😦


  5. At last! I can log in. I saw the update at the top of the post buy just wanted to confirm that the shuffle papers error is fixed.


  6. Question: I haven’t updated my IOS in forever but I thought you were refering to the new update for the quest for stuff that popped up yesterday. It says the update is mostly for iphobe six, but it’s not the game update that’s causing problems right?


    • The game was causing issues, the app store one. However, I think it’s all resolved now. (at least other players are reporting it, we’re waiting for confirmation from TinyCo)


      • So I’m going to continue to not do the App Store Quest for Stuff update until ya sure it cool … Hopefully that won’t foil any new missions from appearing…


  7. hey, just an FYI….I updated my Iphone 5s to IOS 8 just now. game works great with no issues.


  8. I just finished collecting everything to build the blimp but am hesitant on pushing the button due to the glitch affecting some ppls games (and knowing my luck I will b one of those lucky ppl)does anyone know what’s going on with that and if it is def fixed and if not is tinyco making us have to collect all the items again??


  9. I play Family guy on two devices, both iPad2’s. One is my corporate iPad 2 the other my personal. So I took the leap and upgraded my work one to iOS8 and updated Family guy, seems to be OK, other than crashing when I visit certain neighbours, but that was happening before both the iOS and app update.


  10. After finishing the blimp and getting the new quest line started, i exited the game and logged back on to find blimp is still under construction and ALL stuff missing


  11. There’s an update on the ios store. Should I update it? I still haven’t installed ios 8 for the sake of my game. I just want to know if I can install anything yet.


  12. I am unable to unlock district nine – i have cleared all the surrounding blocks but the unlock button is still grayed out. I cannot continue with prison megs missions bc I need to place watchtowers which are only available after unlocking district 9. Help!


  13. I didn’t get any buildings past the tattoo parlor and no Vinny. Nothing locked waiting to be unlocked but Mayor West. Did they not give the iPad the whole update? I haven’t gone to ios8 because I’ve been afraid of all the issues. Do I have to do,that to get the rest of the buildings and Vinny?


  14. Hey guys, do you know what the new update in the ios App Store does, and should I install the update? I only ask because on the Facebook page it says that the update is causing problems, or have I read that wrong?


  15. I hope the Blimp issue is fixed soon. I’ve logged it with TC. In the meantime I’ve reluctantly started collecting the Blimp parts again when I really should be unlocking Tom Tucker. Oh well, life’s too short and iphones are too expensive to throw across the room 🙂


  16. All my blimp items disappeared from my android device. And the game is crashing whenever i go to the in-game contact support option. I’ve also emailed them but still did not get any reply. It has been 2 days. Someone please help me. And does anyone know any of their number so i can call them up.


    • There’s no phone number to call. You’ve done the correct thing by messaging them.

      Currently they’re working on this glitch. It’s widespread. Reporting it is the best thing to do, but know that they may not respond directly to you since they’re working to restore it for everyone. However, once it’s restored they should be able to get to your email and address your specific game. Just requires a little patience 🙂


  17. Just to be clear the glitch im talking about does lock me and others COMPLETELY out of the game. It also happened prior to glitch which was fixed. I get that effected more people so it took priority but i’d be nice to at least get a response. They got time to respond to other comments like “I love your game” but not this.

    Whats your issue Alana?


    • why is my comment still waiting to be moderated. plenty of other comments have been posted since i wrote it


    • Please understand, I have explained this to you MANY times already. You need to be patient. I know you are not happy you are out of your game, but constant comments on an issue that is going to take time won’t help the matter. As I stated many times to you already, the issue is known. They are working on it. It is NOT a simple fix, so they will NOT report on it until it is resolved. As for comments, if there are 10,000 comments on an issue…how on earth can they take the time to go and comment on each and every single one? A group report is so much easier. The time to be taken to do that would remove them from time they can spend on the issue. Simple answers are just that…simple. Think of it this way, there are half a million people on that site. If each person commented on every single post, and MORE than once…that is MILLIONS of comments. How on earth can someone reply to MILLIONS of comments. Know what I mean? Not to mention the answer may already be there under someone else’s comment and you missed it. It takes a long time to answer the same thing over and over and over and over.

      Please be patient. Hang in there. They ARE paying attention. They ARE working on it. Trust me.


      • Heya , I’m just one of the people treading water atm. Waiting for a fix , so I can get my fix . Is there some way to tag inquiries or comments on this site , so I can maybe use the search to quickly find my comment and any replies to it ? There’s a lot of content to look through after just half a day and I’ve been waiting on the blimp fix for about 3 days now , so several pages have been plunked down.


        • Hmmmm. You can favorite or “Like” them. If you “Follow” them it can spam you with emails anytime a reply or comment is added if that is what you want.

          Biggest thing…refresh the post. We update it with any info passed on to us. That, or just use our search tool on the main page. Put in keyword “Blimp” and it will show you ALL the posts with that word in it. Helps to search anything you need quickly. You can even add “Glitch” to it or just put that only.


    • FYI…the HAVE found a fix…should be pushing it shortly to help impacted players. 🙂


      • thats good to hear however the only reason so many got posted was due to there refusal to respond in any way. had they acknowledged the issue and just said there working on it no further posting would be needed. thats on them. also from my perspective the spam worked. others got angry now its getting fixed. its a shame the world works that way but i didn’t make the rules just play the game.


        • It had nothing to do with spam though. That is what I am saying. They WERE working on it already. It is how they have a fix now. I am trying to explain to you that what you THINK was the situation happening is NOT. Not at all. Over commenting out of anger does not help. In the world of today, people want instant. You CAN’T have instant when it comes to something technical. That is impossible. I am letting you know to not set such high expectations on things like that. It is just going too far. Anger does NOT make things go faster or be fixed faster. Not in any case what so ever. The time it takes to get into a game, locate the issue, work on this issue over and over to find a patch, test the patch over and over to make sure it works, then release that patch…will not now or ever be instant.

          Again, look through the MILLIONS of comments on the site. Go through EVERY reply. Every comment. Every post. See if you see a reply from them that they are working on it. How do you know it was never acknowledged? Again, one single comment gets easily swallowed hole by MILLIONS of others.

          You need to look at the bigger picture here. NOT tear apart those trying to help. Realize there are steps that have to be taken and time is a MUST. Allow patience and time. Don’t jump right away to the angry mob with torches. Don’t turn a blind eye to what IS out there. You are looking at the situation all wrong. THAT is what I am trying to tell you. Your perception on this entire thing is off. Anger can be blinding to the facts.

          They were ALWAYS there looking into it. They were ALWAYS there working on it. They DID find a fix and WILL be putting it out.


          • ok you say it had nothing to do with spam but i disagree. i just checked there facebook and people are still posting pics of another issue that was caused same day, also didn’t effect many, and is basically the same issue except a task done in the Griffin house caused it instead of Tom Tucker. (also i see they did change that 30 min task so looks like im right there too) theres only one logical reason one issue was fixed while the other was ignored. the people who had one issue were a little more vocal xD.

            next im really not angry. i wanted it fixed but honestly i had fun messing around. really i did about the same thing Peter would have if in the same situation.

            ive been checking the facebook since the issue and they didn’t respond. its not hard to check being i had extra time and anyone with issues posts a pic. (also no response to emails or twitter) if you can show me one place they responded to it, before fixing, i’ll eat my words but you wont.

            theres is no bigger picture. i wanted it fixed and it is. i tried to be as polite as possible here because i do feel you tried to help and thank you. if you think i was rude here i really think you need thicker skin. it wasn’t my intention to be rude to you. tinyco on the other hand can (theres nothing i can write here that you’ll let get posted so ya know)

            finally contrary to what you may think i dont dislike you. in fact you do a great job updating the site and making it look nice. that said i must admit i find it ridiculous that a FAMILY GUY fan site would be so restrictive. the show is built around inappropriate jokes and language yet you dont allow that on a fan site. its your site so its your choice but i find it strange is all.
            again thank you for you help.


            • That is your feelings on the matter. My skin is just fine, thanks. If you think I spoke in anger or took it badly, you have me COMPLETELY wrong. That is most definitely not me at all. I was just trying to open your eyes on seeing things from the OTHER side. What you think so simple and easy, is most definitely not. I know from personal experience. It is not like someone is just sitting there ALL day watching Facebook. If they were, all those hackers and foul language would be GONE. But, your view is what it is. If you chose not to look at it any other way, that is up to you. All I can do is offer the information. Up to you if you want to accept it. 🙂

              As far as our site is concerned, why on earth is it ridiculous to all we can to NOT have it flagged by WordPress as an ADULT ONLY, XXX, or MA rating site? Limit people able to access it? Why would we WANT our site shut down for inappropriate content? Again, you are seeing things the wrong way. A view on something of which you do not understand fully. Our site is set up to allow ALL players access. Regardless of age or content restrictions the Family Guy Game has, we want anyone seeking info to be able to find it. Why would we want to want to restrict our site to only allow a few people here?

              We have a LOT more restrictions put on us as the owners and bloggers of the site from EVERYONE. We have to follow guidelines from FOX, TinyCo, WordPress, on n on n on n on n on. You are thinking too simplistic again. There is a MUCH BIGGER PICTURE. That is like asking us to turn a site for all into a site for like 100 people. THAT is silly and strange. 😉

              I appreciate your input. Really. Just trying to help you open your eyes. Things ALWAYS go on behind closed doors that you may never see, so I am trying to allow you a glimpse into that. It is up to you whether you want to see. 😉


  18. I haven’t installed ios 8 yet. Is it safe to install it or should I wait just to be safe?


  19. I just did the latest FGQFS update from the app store about 10 minutes ago. Sadly this does not fix the shufflepapers login issue. Still canot log in.


  20. I guess the shufflepapers error is never getting fixed now


    • They still will work on it. If a glitch is locking players completely out of the game it takes priority. I am sure you understand that. It does not mean everything just gets tossed. All issues are still there and still on the “to do” list. That and they have us hounding them for updates. 😉


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