Quest for Stuff Quick Walkthroughs: District 9 Part 3…Mayor West

Hello there Clammers!

We last left off our walkthrough Stewie and Brian had just freed Vinny…in hopes he could lead them to their missing Plutonium!  Of course Vinny just swindled them out of a bunch of stuff…oh and he got  a new house built out of the deal!  Only to tell them Mayor West had the Plutonium.  So we restart our quest with Mayor West…and finding out what HE knows about the Plutonium…

This will be a little different than past District walkthroughs, since it will be released in stages.  So, we’ve covered part 1 here and part 2 here,  now we’ll pick things up with part 3, where we’ll unlock Mayor West…and a whole lotta Taffy!

Unlocking characters and items in the Downtown District will take a lot of patience, as the list of “Stuff” required to unlock is longer and the quantities of each are greater.  Take your time, try not to get frustrated when the items don’t appear.  Try a different task to unlock the item, or try working on a different item.

So let’s pick our walkthrough back up with Brian and Stewie and the hunt for the missing plutonium…

District 9

Just a reminder
To unlock characters
: once you’ve collected all of the “Stuff”, you’ll need to go through their items again and tap the ones with check marks.  Once you’ve gone through each one the lock over the character’s head will turn gold and show unlock.  At this point tap the character again to fully unlock the character.

As you get further into the game it becomes harder to earn the items needed to unlock the characters.  Be sure to check out the Materials page to see the odds of the items and who can help you unlock them.

Remember this won’t start until you’ve completed Who Let the Dogs Out Pt. 8

The Wild Wild Mayor West Pt. 1
Stewie starts

Build Mayor West’s House- $10,000, 24hr Build
Here you’ll find Mayor West…more details on how to unlock him below. 

Completed Task Earns $700, 450xp

The Wild Wild Mayor West Pt. 2
Stewie starts

Have Brian Eat Loads of Italian Food at Taste of Sicily- 4hrs, Earns $50, 30xp…requires Taste of Sicily.
Have Brian Do the Scoot- 8hrs, Earns $80, 50xp

Completed Task Earns $700, 450xp

The Wild Wild Mayor West Pt. 3
Stewie starts

Build the Orange Stand- $1,500, 6hr Build
Have Brian Fact Check on the Internet- 12hrs, Earns $100, 65xp

Completed Task Earns $700, 450xp

The Wild Wild Mayor West Pt. 4
Stewie starts

Have Stewie Design a Fragrance Factory- 24hrs, Earns $150, 100xp
Build Fragrance Factory- $7,500, Instant Build.  Note Once you’ve collected all the required cologne the Factory WILL disappear.  

Collect 4 Cologne Bottles- Here’s how you create Cologne:

Empty Perfume Bottles5 Empty Perfume Bottles (Common): Earned by Make Dr. Hartman Test Experimental Drugs OR Make Stewie Play with Lois’ Stuff OR Make Connie Get Luxury Spa Treament

Toilet Water6 Toilet Water (Uncommon): Earned by Make Mort Retreat Cowardly OR Make Brian Watch Lois Shower from Air Vent OR Make Herbert Take Gross Old Man Bath OR Make Chris Hang Out at Home

Heavy Musk6 Heavy Musk (Uncommon): Earned by Make Vinny Smoke Cigar OR Make Carter Smoke Money Cigars OR Make Tom Buy Mustache Cream OR Make Quagmire Giggity Strut

750 have to have $750 coins on hand (at least) as each creation costs $750

Each one of these earns ONE Cologne Bottle.

Cologne 1

You’ll have to repeat the process of collecting bottles etc 4 times to complete the task.  Again remember…the Factory WILL disappear once you’ve collected all 4.

Note: you can also collect MORE than the required amount of one to stockpile for the next creation.  For example you can collect 8 empty bottles at once even though you only need 5 fr 1 cologne bottle.  

Completed Task Earns $700, 450xp

The Wild Wild Mayor West Pt. 5
Stewie starts

Have Stewie Fish for Kittens at the Pet Store- 4hrs, Earns $50, 30xp…Requires the Pet Store
Get Mayor West- Collect STUFF to unlock Mayor West.  Here’s what’s required to unlock him:

Bag of Oranges20 Bags of Oranges (Uncommon): Make Tricia Interview Shoppers OR Make Lois Buy Groceries OR Make Brian Fact-Check on the Internet OR Make Bonnie Buy Groceries

Sausages20 Sausages (Rare): Make Brian Do the Scoot OR Make Joe Host a Police Cookout OR Make Meg Scarf Down Hot Dogs

Kitten10 Kittens (Extra Rare): Make Peter Roll Around with Animals OR Make Jerome Grow his Fro OR Make Stewie  Fish For Kittens OR Make Seamus Be a Scratching Post

Character Unlock (once unlocked the Mayor West themed decorations will unlock…)

Completed Task Earns $700, 450xp

Mayor West Runs the Town Pt. 1
Mayor West starts

Get the MayorMobile- $3,000
Have Mayor West Cut the Ribbon-
 1hr, $20, 12xp

Completed Task Earns $700, 450xp

Mayor West Runs the Town Pt. 2
Mayor West starts

Have Mayor West Hide Out-  24hrs, Earns $150, 100xp

Completed Task Earns $700, 450xp

Mayor West Runs the Town Pt. 3
Mayor West starts

Have Mayor West Tend the Garden-  12hrs, Earns $100, 65xp

Completed Task Earns $700, 450xp

Mayor West Runs the Town Pt. 4
Mayor West starts

Build Magic Clam’s Saltwater Taffy- $2,250, 4hr Build
Have Mayor West Enjoy Taffy-
1hr, Earns $20, 12xp

Completed Task Earns $700, 450xp

Mayor West Runs the Town Pt. 5
Mayor West starts

Have Lois Bake Cookies to Solve Problems- 10hrs, Earns $90, 60xp
Have Mayor West Get a Suit Massage- 14hrs, Earns $110, 71xp

Completed Task Earns $700, 450xp

Mayor West Runs the Town Pt. 6
Mayor West starts

Have Mayor West Work on Statue- 16hrs, Earns $115, 75xp.  Requires Mayor West Cowboy Statue

Completed Task Earns $700, 450xp

Mayor West Runs the Town Pt. 7
Mayor West starts

Place Mayor West Election Sign- $4,000
Place Mayorial Microphone- $1,000
Have Mayor West Have a Screaming Contest- 6hrs, Earns $65, 45xp

Completed Task Earns $700, 450xp

So there you have it my friends…the complete details on the third phase District 9!  Now there’s got to still be 1 more part left, at least…since we still don’t know about the plutonium AND we have dogs roaming our Quahogs.  So stay tuned to see what happens next..

What do YOU think of District 9 so far?  What do you think happened to the Plutonium?  Thoughts on Mayor West?  What do you think will happen in the next release? Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

210 responses to “Quest for Stuff Quick Walkthroughs: District 9 Part 3…Mayor West

  1. So the factory disappears after I make 4 bottles of cologne.
    If I don’t complete the last bottle, would I get to keep the factory instead ?
    It really put the finish on my prison compound.


  2. Was gonna send you a pic of what I’m seeing lol so I’m guessing that one cologne is the only one you have to collect 4 times..


  3. Do you guys run TQFS Instagram?


  4. The others that are continuing to collect even though I have them all and they have a checkmark didn’t reset though..


  5. I completed all 3 individual colognes and obviously the 750 coins and the bottle without a top on it that requires stewie Connie and dr Hartman reset but the others didn’t? So idk what I’m supposed to do lol is that what u mean by continuing to collect them in the walkethrough?


  6. Okay you have to collect all 4 colognes 4 different times?? Bc I just got all the colognes I needed and as soon as I collected the last one of the colognes all the way to the left that require stewie dr Hartman and Connie and now it reset ? But the rest didn’t?


    • You completed all the collection of each item needed 4 times and the colognes reset? Or did you just completed collection of items needed for one cologne jar and the items used for it went away as they got used to complete that creation?


  7. The factory disappears? That’s disappointing. I wanted to do an industrial/port/abandoned warehouse area…


  8. I’ve reported it already and am sorry if somehow I missed a post about it, but is anyone else experiencing a crash everyour time they check how many bottle thy have collected for the fragrance factory? I have no idea what all has been collected because every time I try and check, my game crashes. I’ve reported it but wanted to see if this is a known issue or of I am just that lucky to be the only one haha


  9. What is the point of the cologne bottles? Does it unlock something ? Cuz I’ve been collecting cats and oranges and worms for a couple days and I just built the fragrance factory and mayor west doesn’t need any cologne to get unlocked…part four of the quest is asking for 4 bottles but the cologne can’t just be to forward a questline…and nothing in the game is telling me the point exactly maybe, and I’m not exactly getting it from the walkthru either


  10. I think the factory disappearing is tinyco saying stop asking for more land. More land you say? Can’t do it but what we CAN do is take away some buildings, that will give you more space. No, that’s ok. Well too bad, we’re doing it. Next we’re going to take back some characters. No really, it’s fine, I don’t need any more space. Too late, say goodbye to Stewie. NOOOOOOO!!!! 😃


  11. I have collected a un of cologne bottles and not 1 has counted toward the 4 total needed to complete the task to collect 4 of them. Does mayor west have to be unlocked to continue that part ?


  12. Every time i click the Fragrance Factory the game kicks me any help


  13. Hi
    With Patrick Stewart I have just reached level 15 but instead of turning gold it’s started level 16. All my other characters went gold on FaceSpace at 15 other than Peter on 25 ( I’ve not reached it with any other celebs yet or newer characters )
    Is this a glitch or what ?


  14. Question? I’m all for collecting useless stuff, the hoarder inside of me is having a hoarding boner but what does a Fragrance Factory and collecting Cologne have to do with the Plutonium Stolen Storyline?


  15. So I have all of some of the colognes necessary but they keep dropping is there a reason for this? Like I have 5/5 yellow ones but keep getting them from charectors even though there’s a check mark on them when I click the factory?


  16. I love how district 9 drops in stages. I hope that the next ones do this as well. I love how we gradually get everything so we don’t get bored. Also love the stolen plutuminum story line that links everything I wish the do stuff like this in the future.


  17. Is there any known glitch with getting the materials for the cologn??
    They’re supposed to be uncommon, but I’ve sent everyone on their tasks a few times each today and not one item has dropped. Starting to think that something is wrong.
    Does anybody else have this issue?


    • Not one I’m aware of…anyone else experiencing this?


    • I had the same issue. Sent all the characters on their tasks for the uncommon cologne last night and none of them dropped this am. Seems odd, but maybe the drops will be better today. I feel like once they finally start dropping, the rate stays consistent. Could just be wishful thinking ;).


  18. You can get rid of the dogs now…


  19. I hope whatever they have planned for Hallowe’en isn’t too reliant on District 9 characters. I know people want uses for their guys, but I just hope they aren’t *necessary*. I’ve been playing catch-up since the game was released for my device a few months ago, and I’m only just trying to unlock Falconer Peter and Stewie. I had no chance at even seeing the Sexy Stewie quest. If Mayor West or even Stewie is crucial to unlocks in the next event, I’m screwed.


    • i’m in the same boat so don’t feel bad!…just now in the process of unlocking Brian, no other characters have come up yet lol i feel so so far behind, BUT oh well im having super fun playing this game tho 🙂 and this blog really helps me on some tips and tricks and what not, so i’m VERY thankful for this!!!*


  20. I got the last piece of candy and I don’t see my Pink Brian costume anywhere. It said that it’s in my inventory. I’m a little freaked out because I’ve fortunately never had an issue playing on my android until now.


  21. Every time I click on the Fragrance Factory my game freezes and closes itself, is this a known glitch?

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Just out of curiosity, how does having Bruce go Kitten-Pickin’ not net you any kittens??


  23. As we are going to lose the factory, is there an overall purpose for collecting the colgone bottles? Thanks 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  24. My game keeps crashing every single time I tap my factory, not cool 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  25. I have refused to use Clams for District 9. Vinny just unlocked yesterday, so no 3-day special (I think it took me more like 10 days). Now I am still 5 Glass Pitchers short of Kool-Aid Man (and the 1-hour task rarely gets me one), and I am just 8 hours away from Mayor West.

    It was really fun when I had 4 competing unlocks going on (maybe it was 3, plus other tasks needing completion).

    It would have been nice to spread this out A LITTLE!


  26. So is there a quest for pink Brian ? I have him unlocked but Brian is busy getting cologne lol and yeah happy to keep the boom box but sucks we lost the jack o lantern but I know there will be lots of Halloween decorations! And yeah seriously running out of space 😦 hoping the next area is the one right next to Asian town!!! Lol


  27. Need more space! The amount of buildings/decos is far outpacing the amount the space we have to place these items.


  28. Just unlocked kool aid man and pink Brian I’m so glad I kept the boom box it fits in with the kool aid area I’ve made and since I unlocked pink Brian the pumpkins gone was there any point of making us wait another day just to get a candy that we don’t even need


  29. Just unlocked pink Brian. Didn’t get to keep the awesome jack-o-lantern. Hopefully something like it will b back for Halloween


  30. I just opened Pink Brian but cannot find him anywhere


  31. First time commenter, long time reader… I unlocked Pink Brian, and did recieve the costume in my inventory, however, the quest is still active and the timer is counting down. It gives me pause, only because after I unlocked the costume, my game wouldn’t let me close the window either tapping the “Okay” or the “X’. Thanks for your help. You two are aweso!


  32. I just unlocked Cool Aid Man and Pink Brian…today is going to be a great day!


  33. Pink BRIAN is Here.


  34. Not even trying with Kool aid man, shame that Lois shopping has just dropped a pitcher as same as Mayor quest which I am collecting for, so cannot wait for Kool aid to finish, working and trying to do a short timed event is neigh impossible, but as only a walking fruit pitcher gained that I dont want, I am not bothered this time, only good thing from it was the fun pier, although got the kool aid skate park as a lot of spare coins, that is now in my inventry with my other brown one, as very little space. Happy to getting back to collecting stuff the original way without checking the clock, and enjoying the game again. Shame the factory will dissapear, if so is there a point in collecting cologne bottles, once again thanks for all your great help.


  35. I’m sure its going to take a long time to unlock Mayor West and I am ccompletely cool with the challenge (so far I have 2 items..or 4% of all the items needed lol) Picked up awesome Kool Aid man last night and am around an hour away from pink Brian and seeing if there is a costume after his and with Tinyco also under the constant threat of another event breaking out when I least expect it. Tinyco is awesome with not just having enough content for new players but random constant stuff for us longtime players…awesome. Keep up the awesome work Alissa \ Bunny..I foresee your advice and walkthroughs needed soon lol


  36. Just a question I’m done with he blimp and Tom and Vinny are only 4-5 items away from being done and I get Adam We stuff but once all 3 characters are done what happens to the blimp? Did we ever find out where the blimp plutonium went?


  37. District 9 has got to be one of the best districts so far. I’m still trying to unlock Tom, and I’m about thd buy the mansion for mayor west. From the looks of it we will HOPEFULLY see the Halloween event pop up this Thursday? And after that I expect to see babs and jillian in the next district. And a huge thanks to Alissa and Bunny for keeping us informed, and helping us through all our problems with the game. 🙂


  38. Will cool aid missions end today even though I already unlocked him?


  39. I am happy happy! Just got Koolaid Man with no clams so now i can concentrate on his tasks and moving fwd with Vinny/Mayer We!! As for Brian, i think after this next candy, all will be well in Quahog! 😉


  40. I’m certain that I am not alone in feeling that there needs to be a serious increase in real estate in Quahog. I feel the water takes up too much space and virtually none of it is useable.
    I take the practical approach to playing TSFS (as well as TSTO) in that I don’t litter my towns by taking up huge chunks of land with huge beds of lava, Stewie-bots and Mecha-Dinasaurs. The ply reason I keep the Stewie Sphinx in my town is because it earns coin, but I am considering ditching it.
    I tend to place the less practical items in my inventory and save my space for more real world decorations. I say this, not to chastise any one else’s playing style, but to illustrate that in being the practical player, I still am already finding that my Quahog is filled to capacity. I appreciate the most recent land updates but its not enough.
    It’s Monday and I’m cranky. Thanks for listening.


  41. Ok considering how much he loves cats, why doesn’t Quagmire have an action that drops them to help unlock Mayor West?


  42. Really excited to unlock mayor west I like this quest line and the way it’s set up tho! Gonna be really fun (: kinda sad the factory will disappear tho, I wanted to keep it! Lol also happy it involves so many charectors!! Thanks as always Alissa and bunny! You two are so helpful and kind!


  43. I bet Bertram pops in with the stolen plutonium!


  44. Is the reported dissapearence of the fragance factory happening?


  45. I think stewies evil brother took the plutonium


  46. Thanks for posting. You are spot on about patience. I’m 1/24 with Kitten drops.


  47. So unfortunately after months of playing and being at level 46 having collected everything from every event except Cranston, fillion, and king butt I am forced to start all over since I can’t get into my saved game an no one from Tinyco has been able to help or even contact me with advice… Don’t want to do it but hey… It’s my favorite game…. What I’m wondering is… I was just about completed with the time travel blimp… Was that a limited time thing or will I get to do it again when I get to that point in the game?


  48. So I have to pay for a building that I don’t get to keep? That kind of sucks. At least it’s not that much money for it.


  49. As yesterday released “The Simpsons Guy” i had a idea! How about you ask EA and Tinyco that Simpsons are gonna be characters in TQFS and Griffins are gonna be in TSTO! What you think?
    P.S is there a link where you can give ideas to Tinyco?


  50. Does the koolaid guy have dialogue? I don’t hear any when I tap him.


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