The Question of MORE Land

Hey there Clammers. Figured I would hop on in here with something we are seeing asked for all the time. Land. More Land. More Room. More More More More More…


I have always said if you want to enact change, take steps to do it. Don’t just say you hate something, say why…how it can be better…how to make it NOT hated. This is the same in any walk of life. There are things that can be changed and things that can’t be. It all comes down to the ins and outs and technicality of it all too. Especially when it comes to games. If you add here, do you have to take from there?

Well TinyCo, also paying attention to players requests wanted to start dialog on the subject of MORE Land a lil further. Get some feedback, input, and thoughts on it as well as sharing some inside from the other side of things. You know, that “Bigger Picture” thing I keep talking about. 🙂

Here are some things that Matt @ TinyCo would like YOU, our readers, to communicate to him.

“How much space is enough space?”

We’ve talked before about how space gets released – in particular that it’s best coupled with districts and as a between-events release, to keep the game novel. We also need to test new districts extensively to make sure having more stuff on the screen doesn’t cause more crashes.
We’re hearing more and more discussion about this, and it bears further research. For players who need more space, what are you trying to display? Is this for quest and theme buildings? Or are you trying to display everything ever purchased? Is the problem that new event content pushes our staple buildings (such as offices), or is there another desire we aren’t aware of?
To that end, from a collector’s perspective, what is the ideal rate for space to keep up with content? TQFS releases a lot of content, in large part because that is the single thing players most want and ask for. Whenever content starts drying up, we get a huge influx of tickets, comments and tweets about it. And, of course, fewer players play the game as returning traffic drops.
Because of this, we don’t expect space to keep up 1:1 with new content – doing so would lead to crashes and other tragedies. There are many different ways for players to play, and we’d like to be cognizant of collectors’ requests for space while also keeping an interesting release schedule and a stable game.
So there you have it. Directly from the mouth of TinyCo. Now, we would like to open up the dialog to YOU. Please be respectful to everyone’s thoughts and ideas. Be constructive. Be helpful. Please also keep this post comment thread to JUST Land. We know you have lots on your mind, but we would like to keep focus on Land ONLY here. So give Matt YOUR answers. YOUR feedback. A community grows best when it grows together. We LOVE hearing from you and so does TinyCo.

200 responses to “The Question of MORE Land

  1. I not only want more land (preferably along the coast), but I’d like more landscaping pieces to create ponds, walkways, etc. I love the opportunity to exercise my creativity in this game!


  2. I would love more land, but not at the sake of reducing the game play. I only have a few clam purchased buildings, an 82 office farm and about 20 repeated buildings. If i removed the repeaters and the farm; I would have plenty of room. For those needing more land, is it premium purchases? Office farming? Repeated items?

    Keep up the outstanding game and kudos to the addicts for this amazing resource!


  3. I just want to be able to theme and display my town in a realistic manner…make a park, make a office complex…if they release superhero themed buildings I need to build a hero complex…I need a rich part of town, poor part of town, the beach stuff….of course my Asian district, and my personal favorite….the theme park…but doing that is hard when you keep running out of land lol


  4. I don’t necessarily need more land. I’ve played other Tiny Co games and realize space will be limited. However as many other people stated, having more flexibility with the road placement would solve a lot of my design issues. I’m thinking this may be short of impossible, but if does happen I would be satisfied.

    Liked by 1 person

    • To be honest I don’t know the first thing about what opening up more space entails. I thought it was released in the amount it is because of some sort of under estimatation of how many buildings and decorations they were going to release versus space they had allowed. So, while I was saying more, more, more I had no idea it was such a process!

      So, as far as suggestions go, Im in total agreement about the roads reducing in size and buildings as well. (If that’s possible of course) if they can’t change the current buildings sizes we have right now, maybe at least reducing future buildings. Adam Wests mansion and the fragrance factory are huge! Pavement that you can place buildings on is also a great way to condense a space creatively. I utilize that a lot in “other” games.

      As far as my game play is concerned I’m a premium player that has been playing since the beginning and I have nearly everything. And, like other collectors, I want to display everything I’ve accumulated – especially those I’ve spent clams on. But, I do understand that as a game just starting out I need to allow time for it to grow (literally).

      It is starting to be a greater concern though as more and more of my stuff ends up in my inventory and more and more I’m finding it hard to display it all creatively. So, I hope the balance will be a bit more in my favor soon.

      Thank you TinyCo for really listening and helping out your fans. And thank you Addicts for all you do for us as well. 😄


  5. TheBiggestAddict

    Without any new land for Halloween, I might finally have to tear down a few blocks. I keep as few items in my inventory as possible, and I’ve never ran into any memory issues because of it. One option that would save space while not requiring any new land would be the ability to put vehicles on the road, and to be able to put boats/islands in the water. My favorite aspect about this game is the ability to decorate to such an extent. While storing items in your inventory after an event works for most people, a small percent of players do manage to run out of space from time to time..


  6. I believe the thing that would solve a lot of issues is removing the hard grid that the roads are on. Leaves a lot of empty space. If we could place road sections anywhere, you could free up quite a bit. I also agree with a lot of other people commenting with opening up the water so we can place the islands in the water where they belong.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. ​thank you for opening dialogue on this!

    i probably have 2/3 of my buildings and decos in storage. like many, i have issue with the roads. maybe make the sidewalk portion transparent so it can lay under the buildings which don’t have a walkway image. the buildings look so crummy bunched up together without streets, yet the streets make it difficult to place buildings. having pavement or dirt or some other texture would help break things up. please make them transparent and easily placed around/under objects.

    the treeline surrounding far ends of dist 8 & 9 (and asia town) ​take up about 3 squares of usable space around them. i can’t put a building or a road where it ought to fit because it hits red squares. i can put a road halfway through the water but not in an area i spent $20k and two days clearing.

    i don’t necessarily have a problem with the space, but welcome improvements on how we can utilize the space we’re given. i guess if i had my druthers, i’d take new content vs space because i can always rotate. number one concern – i do not want the game to become unstable or crash a bunch. i’ve had very few problems with the game so far in that regard and am happy for it!


  8. They can build a complex, where we place buildings inside. A office complex or maybe a tall office building , a school area, shopping mall. It would allow us to keep collecting our goods, and solve the space issue. And we can still display decorations and favorite buildings.
    Not ok with the idea of placing what I worked so hard to get at the inventory.


  9. I would love to be able to use more of the water space. I would also love to see a Star Wars Family Guy event. I have plenty of space for all of my buildings and have almost all of them(im at level 45 :-)) I cant wait to put my fire work decorations back out from my “inventory”(people, you can store items to make room for more important items) for New Years.


  10. It’s really cool that this is being addressed. Not all companies care as much about fan opinions. One of the reasons I am loyal to TinyCo and to the addicts. I would love to see smaller roads or maybe paths. The buildings block so much space even if they aren’t using it. It’s easy to lose objects or characters behind them. The locator helped a lot with that so at least progress is being made.

    This is fun. I’m like a game designer now. Just without the talent. Or pay. Or ideas. Or… well ok I’m not I guess. Still fun though

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I’d like to have more land to display everything, preferably in different sections, I.e departmentalization. I would also like to make my town realistic so addings flower beds and similar structures together just makes since to me. Thank you. Keep up the great job. BtW, I’ve spent just over $300 on the game and I spent a minimum of an hour a day playing vs the ps4 plus games ($500+) I spend a tenth of that time playing in a month. You guys are doing something right. But I don’t want to spend more. So make things cheaper. More people will buy. Thank you.


  12. I have been playing since the middle of the moon idol event. I collected everything from comic-co, the mandatory quest items, and a bunch of premium buildings. I have all the land unlocked and my Quahog at the moment is completely full with nothing in storage. I do not experience much game lag or too many crashes cuz I have my game stored on my SD Card which is what I recommend to those who do experience lag and crashing. I would like to see the wooded area beneath district 9 made available as well as a little bit of the ocean for boat placement like many others have said. I agree roads are a little to big and the grid they ride along is frustrating, please remove the road grid. I’m a huge fan of the game and enjoy the challenge of creating a realistic look to the town. Alyssa and Bunny you guys do not get the credit you deserve for what you do on this site, so thanks for all your hard work. Now a question, how do I take screenshots of my Quahog with my galaxy S4?


    • Press the home button and the power button at the same time until you hear the shutter click (like you’re taking a photo). They’ll save in your gallery under Screenshots


    • That is a trick. For me…I have VERY long and detailed post on stitching pics for your town on our OTHER site. Lol. I am a lil OCD about it. Basically the short short short version is to take the SS by holding the power and home button at same time together until you see the screen “take a pic”. Then you move to a new area, and repeat. Then stitch the pics together.


  13. Ah I hate it the building sizes! many of the buildings are too tall and there’s not enough land to put all the tall buildings against the sides of the town. The tall buildings completely block out the roads and any decos close to the edge too if you have a block behind the tall building :/


  14. Matt, love this game and the efforts you guys put into this. Appreciate the amount of content you release (free and premium) but nothing is more frustrating to spend time and money on content that is destined for storage because there is no place to put it. For me, I should have space to design a reasonably good looking town with all released buildings (free and premium) placed with road access and half of the decorations (already compromising here). At the current status, this means one more column (preferably West) for Halloween event and one more column or ‘district’ for part 4 of district 9 (preferably under district 9).
    To avoid future problems, kindly design new content having 4×4 grid layout in mind. For instance, buildings that are 5 deep require an access road (4) and a plot of 8 deep to place it, leaving 3 deep wasted space (treeline etc.). So although my town is full (and looks good!) there is a lot of ‘wasted space’.
    Looking forward to the new content!


  15. 1. the way road can be placed is ridiculous (the thickness is fine) – needs more flexibility

    2. Where can I put the “Anal point” and “Gardens”, so that it won’t look ridiculous?? This kind of “buildings” are just ugly and seem out of context.

    3. I think that there needs to be so much space, that you can put one piece of every building, decor and event stuff and it still shouldn’t look like a big mess… because what good is it playing hard to get all the things, if in the end you can’t put it anywhere…
    it’s just funny to have a building, a pyramid, a NSH factory and arctic ice toilet… in the same place..

    4. Like someone said before… do NOT make a separate town or sth… these things are very very annoying

    5. make different roads (smaller one) or some alternative to grass

    6. allow us to put boats deeper into the sea

    I believe I optimised my streets, but there is still only enough space to fit regular stuff….so it looks nice (+ maybe 1 event stuff)


  16. Personally I wish land was released when events and districts release. I am an anal person and my town has to have roads and the buildings are touching the roads. It is just my way. I would love more land during events even if it temporary like having the place next to the event open up during the event to put the events stuff in but when the event is over the stuff that is in there is placed in inventory and people can add the parts that they want to their town. There are a lot of event stuff that was useful in the past two major events that are sitting in my inventory and I am ok with that. I think that would help the land issue.


  17. I have to admit that I’m losing interest in the game because of not enough land and the roads being so big. I’m tired of having to rearrange my town all of the time. If memory is a problem don’t have three or four things going at one time.


  18. there needs to be at the very least double the amount of space opened up as there is now … for the people that have build all the buildings so far, there is hardly any room left, i’m going to have to completely remove all the roads soon!


  19. Probably 20-30% of my land is wasted/unusable due to both how large the roads are, and the fact that they’re set on a predetermined grid that doesn’t account for building sizes.

    Personally I’m *almost* out of space, and this Halloween event will almost certainly push me past the current cap. If I could optimize the size and locations of my roads I could probably get through this event without needing another expansion. I understand TinyCo is one of the more player-friendly companies and they do their gosh darn best to give us what we want, but those roads have got to go! (Or atleast the grid needs to be optimized)


  20. I agree with this completely. I have randomly themed blocks from each of the events and ive had to dial them back as far as not putting out everything I gathered in one way or another and most of it is the bigger statues and decos because of running out of space. Im not spreading them out a ridiculous amount either. I like it organized resembling some sort of an actual quahog. I know tinyco is bound by certain gaming boundaries so we dont crash constantly and complain more but whatever they can do to help would be superb.


  21. What really bugs me is how big the roads are. I’m pretty sure I could fit so many more buildings in my town if the roads were smaller. Also, some buildings are way too big while others are near impossible to see. I mean come on, compare the pre-school to the dog treat store. It’s ridiculous.


  22. This might be a “just can’t win” comment, but I have enough land; I’ve actually hoped certain items, like the Planetarium building, were bigger. I bought the Planetarium simply because I liked it, long after I already unlocked the character it dropped items for, but when I placed it in my Quahog, it wasn’t as impressive as I imagined. I almost bought the Kool-aid balloon, but when I went to place it, it was smaller than I imagined, so I ended up not buying it.

    Anyway, my point: how easy would it be to add a feature that allows a user to change the size of buildings and decorations, even just a 5-point scale (tiny, small, normal, big, huge)? That could help some users fit more stuff into the land they already have.

    About what TinyCo said, maybe they could have a Facebook post and solicit screen shots from people who say they want more land. That would give them an idea of how that land is being used. I suspect some of those people hack and have literally every item ever released, but I’m sure there are non-hack players with the problem, too.


  23. Here’s my scenario…

    I have been playing since a month or so after release so I have the following in my Quahog:

    – All the free buildings apart from the offices, I only have the one that was just required for a quest.
    – Some premium buildings including the ones that come with premium characters.
    – The free decorations, multiples of some trees but not excessive amounts or many duplicates of the other stuff. I have a little park in Asiantown but it’s not massive.
    – A few premium decos.
    – A fair bit of stuff from the events – buildings, decos, vehicles, giant Stewies etc.
    – Some roads although not as many as I’d like (hence why I’m here).

    While at the beginning of the game I started to make my town look fairly normal with roads etc. the sheer amount of stuff I’ve accumulated over the district releases and events has meant that I’ve had to abandon making things pretty and just cram them in wherever possible. If another event shows up any time soon (halloween?) without any more land being made available to put it’s things in I’m gonna have to cram everything in even tighter and may have to start ripping up the roads I do have if I get really desperate.

    What I would love is to have enough land to create a normal looking town with streets featuring buildings arranged in roughly the way suggested by the districts that have been released, but also to have enough space to showcase all the stuff acquired from the events, ideally in their own little sections.

    The problem seems to be that the land rollout with the districts doesn’t really take into account the buildings/decos from the events so you have to choose between the two. I feel this is a great shame as the events are what make this game truly fun so I’d really like to keep all that stuff (some of it premium) on display as a reminder of all the awesome events we’ve had, and in some cases the time and effort put into getting it.

    In short, if you did equally sized land rollouts as both districts AND with the major events I think the problem would be resolved.

    Once again, thanks to Matt & all at TinyCo for taking the time to listen to our requests and for giving us a freakin’ sweet game!!


  24. I think one of the things TinyCo needs to do is reduce the size of the roads, they are too thick. If they were slightly thinner we could fit more buildings and have better placement of the roads. It’s frustrating placing some of the roads because they take up so much space that they don’t fit in some spots where I would like them to.


  25. One thing I see being repeated in the comments so far is the road grid not coming out to match some of the buildings, wasting space. I also see a lot of players asking for road and sidewalk squares to fill in the gaps left by different sized buildings. I think sidewalk and road squares would solve both problems, letting us create our own road grid freely, and maximizing the use of our current land. To me, this would be the way to go before adding anymore land. And, though it would be nice to build on the water, this really isn’t going to help free up any space in the actual city.


  26. I understand that it takes a lot of memory to create bigger lands and have a lot of things going on at once so my idea is that instead of going big why don’t u guys go small.

    1. I don’t think the road should be that big, it’s such a big waste of space. Make them thinner and smaller cuz the only thing that’s on them is the characters so besides peter I think the rest of the characters can use a little less roads.

    2. If u worry about all the memory it takes to have a lot going on at a time make stuff with less memory. I would totally give up animated “decorating” items for bigger land (I still want my animated characters though so don’t touch them). Nobody bother to look at them move or blow up after they see it for the first time so it’s totally unnessesary and all the memory it takes to animate them is very wasteful.

    3. We don’t need all that ocean if there’s nothing to put them on. And don’t need to have all the drawing of animated trees on the surround lands and the ones we need to clear. I don’t mind it being just plain and green if it helps (less memory means less crashes) and I bet a lot of people would agree with me.

    4. Please do NOT make a separate town or whatever u want to call it so that we can load inbetween them every time we want to see them. I know a lot of people are tossing this idea around but in my personal experience, it doesn’t work. Might as well create another account then, what’s the differents. I want all my stuff in one area, period.

    Phew…Ok…that’s it for now.


  27. I’m a completist so for me to store hard earned stuff almost physically hurts. Any solution where we can get more land or a place to display our stuff is welcome. I have 2 suggestions:
    1. Premium Space would be nice – I don’t mind paying for an expansion (like in tapped out), and while we’re at it let’s fix the roads and the buildings alignment.
    2. A sort of “days of Future Past” feature where you can go to parallel town or space where you can also play or send characters for quests – like Krustyland on TSTO or the hills/mountains/islands in the Smurfs game.


  28. Long time reader, first time posting. Like TinyCo have said there needs to be a compromise of land for game stability. The best way to satisfy all is simply have a feature in the blimp that is like that of the bus in tsto which takes you to krusty land. This will give players a place to show off event content only & it would be nice to for TinyCo to realese the main buildings to go with it like the convention centre. Hopefully this would reduce the drain enough to allow more deco like fences & car parks.


  29. I hope tiny co extend the beach and the sea because I have quite a few seaside items and they don’t all fit there such as dagger mouths cave the new pier from kool aid man event the docks all the boats ike the fishing boat pirate and yacht and I have some palm trees that fit in with the beach as we’ll as a lawn chair which looks good on the beach and the new Ferris wheel and hot air balloon because I personally think they look better on a beach and the hot air balloon also looks good floating over the sea but I don’t have room to have it there because of the boats.


  30. My town is moving very slowly and sometimes stalling. Have inventoried some items, should I delete and re load?


  31. I have to agree that it is frustrating to buy items with clams and not have enough space to display it all. I also wish we had other terrain than just roads.
    To the person who said “I understand that if someone buys something, you want to use it, but in this kind of game, the point is mostly getting money and exp, doing quests to get new characters and items and not necesarily create the best town/city.” I disagree…the point of the game is whatever makes you enjoy playing it. I enjoy doing quests, but spend a lot more time creating and planning my town. That’s what keeps me coming back on a daily basis.
    I like the idea presented that storage areas could be created outside the main game. Maybe allow players to purchase these areas specifically for displaying extra content. S


    • I agree with you about the point of the game. To me, it defeats the purpose of getting stuff if it’s only going to sit in inventory. The money and XP alone are a means to an end, and aren’t the reason I play.


  32. I thought there was going to become sort of Halloween event today and also an tiny co put he buildings in which the newish sort of characters are going to be unlocked in like death and the evil monkey because I like to see what buildings are yet to come


  33. Not just land SEA! Let’s get access to more of the water area.


  34. Rakesh Amarnani

    For me, like many other players ive encountered, we are completists and want everything displayed. I love the frequent content additions, they are much better than tapped out. However the land is obviously not enough to display everything. Part of the fun of these games is the creativity of placing buildings and decorations, however if we have to cram them all together, this is not possible to enjoy. So yeah a lot more land is needed. If this is hard to do, a suggestion would be to create “universes” where we can put our fabulous four content, and king tut contents after the events, since some of these buildings are from cutaway gags and dont really have a place in quahog. But yeah dont compromise the content. Great job on that so far.


  35. If you’ve been playing this game from day one, theregenerallsn’t enough land to display every freemium building, along with any premium buildings, and prizes you’ve won. I want my town to be organized and decorated and generallY am now cramming stuff together to fit it. the roads don’t help with conserving space, they lead to a lot of waste when landscaping.


  36. More land would be great but what if they could add trophy rooms.
    They would basically be mini maps that you and your friends could access through the menu and you could put a limited amount of stuff in them. You could buy several of them with clams to create your own little areas. Like a Comic Con area or a King Butts area. This would allow collectors to still display their prized possessions just not on the main map.
    I doubt they would do it but it’s just a thought…


  37. I for one will always prefer more content, even if less land. i understand that premium players want more land to show off their purchased decorations, but, lets say they start adding more land and less content, what would you show off? The same stuff for 2-3 months without new content?

    I understand that if someone buys something, you want to use it, but in this kind of game, the point is mostly getting money and exp, doing quests to get new characters and items and not necesarily create the best town/city.

    In order for players to be able to use all their decorations, we would need way more land, which at some point would mean more game crashes and less special events and thus becoming like The Simpsons Game, in which you have a lot of land and place to create your city as you like, but they havent added a new interesting event in a while, since the current one has been so repetitive it has lost its fun.

    My point, I would prefer more special events and characters while adding some land, but not so much that the game crashes every second, or getting more land and losing new content, which at the end would become a pointless game since what happens after you get the new land? You show off your city for awhile but you wont get anything new for a while, meaning, you wont have a reason to keep playing daily.


  38. I think that we should just get bigger space when new land is real eased with the districts, just like always no time sooner, just a little more than normal when tinyco decides to drop the new districts! As always Alissa & bunny you’re awesome! And it’s great to hear straight from tinyco (: So awesome how much you guys sincerely care about your gamers!! We appreciate it, well.. I do forsure !! Lol (some people are unappreciative , but rude..) lol


  39. I also think the problem of only being to position roads iin certain positions causes waste, and having gaps behind buildings that cannot be used due tii tne position of the roads, also I like others want my town to look good, so when some buildings have a sidewalk and with different sizes, and some no sidewalk makes placing them to look good is difficult, also some when placed next to each other have a overlap so there is a gap between buildings, and as space is premium, I am forever moving buildings about, although actually enjoy making them look good. I have my comic con, and pyramid stuff on show in there own sections, as I want to use the extra stuff, but do have some buildings in storage, such as offices. Finaly when you have a special event such as comic con with loads of stuff, that would be the time for extra land, even a small strip in front of the event area, positioned at the side, shoving the stuff at the back, behind buildings that are already on display means again moving buildings in front of the new event buildings which we dont even get to keep. It is my ocd making me put buildings just right, cannot have an event area shoved behind houses and no road to it, drives me potty 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  40. I love having lots of land, because having a lot of land is good for a few reasons.

    I have a very small area of streets right now where buildings are located. I’m basically working on areas as they are released, and then adding buildings that coincide with what I’m trying to accomplish.

    Another reason a lot of land is good is to keep buildings away from my building area. Having buildings cluttering up my building and planning space doesn’t help, so I’ve pushed everything over to the right. Anything that makes money stays, and anything that doesn’t gets placed into storage, and then I take what I need, when I need it.

    I’d also like to remind TinyCo. that we really need the ability to place things in the water. Golddigger Island, boats and a few other items need to be in the water. The way it’s set up now is very restricted.


  41. In my case, I don’t have any problems with the space, have arranged my city in a way that all my freemium stuff fits well. My problem is that my device no longer supports this game (I think it has something to do with an update post-comic con, it worked perfect during the whole event, and was after it finished that I started to have troubles) and now I have two weeks using bluestacks.
    I did my suggestion in a previous post (and Bunny didn’t like it :P), and it’s to make a fragmented Quahog, where only the half of it loads at first, but if you tap the other half, this one loads but the first one unload. And this can be optional for the player, who can choose this way or the traditional.
    “that’s it then”. Thanks…


  42. I’ve spent about $200 on this game so far from buying clams, what I get is crap I can’t place anywhere. I have to remove buildings then have to put them back when people need to do tasks that require a specific building. Apparently they don’t intend on you keeping event items on display after the event then there is no reason to buy them in the first place. Only one friend of mine on Facebook plays The Quest for Stuff so the only people that even see my town are me and my one friend. As much as we need about double the land, we need a new way to add friends in the game. This game is starting to wear thin, as a person who buys clams you would think they would be giving us plenty of land to spend clams on more items. Just makes no sense at all.


  43. I have a few reasons for wanting more land:
    I look at myself as a sort of “completionist” – I like to collect as much as I can from as many events as I can. For this reason in my town I like to set up little sections with all the items I’ve collected from certain events. For example I like to display all of the things I received from ComiCon in one are together and all of the Pyramid things are in another section. Not only is this for my visual enjoyment, but it allows other players to see how far I progressed in a particular event.
    On a similar note, I have maxed out my level because of how much I have in my town. Most items and buildings drop money and experience points, the more buildings you can fit in your town, the more money you can collect to buy more things and place – thus is the circle of FGTQFS’s economy.
    I understand the technical issues with providing players with more space, but perhaps only making certain plots visible at all until a player reaches a certain level or completes certain tasks so that that unusable extra space doesn’t cause issues for lower level players. Or making plots purchasable through the shop where you could buy the privileged of seeing X new number of plots on your screen and then pay to clear them open?
    I am only recently finding it difficult to place things in my town while maintaining my roads to resemble an actual town. I don’t purchase many Pay-to-Own buildings, but on occasion I do. If players never spend real life money on this game, the space allotted to players is more than generous, however when you start to add premium content it starts to crowd things, especially some of the larger buildings.

    I absolutely adore this game and will continue to play regardless of technical changes made, however if it was at all possible I do believe that somewhere down the line it would be beneficial to release new plots of land, not just with the addition of new districts but periodically throughout normal game play.

    Liked by 1 person

  44. It would be great to have more land available just before every big event for the new content, a bit more water would be good. I have found most districts have come with enough land with the exception of D9 which has too many buildings for the land available. I am a premium player but lately I have cut back on the amount of real money spent as I cannot fit it all in, and like others have mentioned I will not spend real money on stuff that sits in my inventory. A scale down of a couple of the big buildings would also help especially Barrington hotel.


  45. Buildings


  46. will we ever get to use the ocean? Maybe make a bridge, like the Simpsons Tapped out, that way we can put more buioldgs, and free up land.


  47. Matthew Sherman

    I would love more land because I don’t like to have every building crammed together and spend a lot of time decorating with trees and lamp posts, but if it came down to it I could live with removing a few offices of the 11 that I have.


  48. My town is stuffed, and I don’t have any duplicate buildings, and I have a stuffed inventory too. I have roads, but some places I can’t have roads because I have to stack the buildings two deep just to keep all my buildings out. I am a premium player and own everything.

    I want to own more decorations, like more than one tree or more than one tiki lamp. Right now I have a row of 12-15 buildings side by side with one street. How unoriginal. I would really like to make it look like a real town, but no room.

    I only have one of each office, have never office farmed, have 4 workers and $900,000 coins just sitting there that I accrued while slogging my way through endless comic-con and have maxed out on levels, so I have considered quitting the game because there is no way to be creative with so little room between events. In Simpsons, there was lots more room to expand and decorate so I could get creative between events.

    I wish I could redecorate, but District 9 had so many buildings that it filled up immediately, I had to squash more stuff in. Just my .02. I would be willing to spend $50K coins per expansion to get more room to place stuff. No event necessary, as a matter of fact, I would prefer it be between events when there is slow time – like say September 27-30 would have been a great time?


  49. I thought I needed more space but I did some rearanging in my town and was able to clear a nice big space for halloween stuff. I still have everything on display with plenty of streets. I dont have any premium buildings unless they came with a character but I do have all the premium decos thanks to the rupert boxes. I think if you are going to add more space just an extra strip next to district 9 and 8 might be reasonable and the ability to place things in the water would help a lot.


    • Another thing that would create more soace without adding land is narrower roads and a concrete option with the ability to set things on it because I have a lot of wasted space behind buildings because of the specific road spacing doesnt match the size of most buildings.


  50. I think my biggest issue is that roads are limited to the set grid structure.. this would be fine if there was some road-like substitute for grass (ie people wouldn’t need to travel on them but it would fake the city roads so a town could be more realistic, where buildings could slightly overlap the pavement if needed (so the faux-road could be 3 units in spots to deal with oddly shaped buildings) Also I find it odd that the D9 blimp factory is surrounded by water that you can’t place a boat in (ie boat next to coast is fine but even with D9 unlocked the boats can’t go further into the water)

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