Hybrid Babies Walkthrough: Lost Dog

Hello There Tribblemakers!

TinyCo dropped a Mini Event into our game and now we have lil Hybrid Babies running loose in our Quahogs. Half Stewie/Half Brian and completely adorable. You know you want one to keep. 

With the addition of a 2nd week of items, more Characters were added to the game along with their Questlines. Like Finn.

Finn 2

So let’s take a closer look at Finn’s Questline and all that you’ll encounter along the way….

After Unlocking Finn

Lost Dog Pt.1
 Finn starts

Have Finn Play Ball- 6hrs, Earns $65 & 45XP

Completed Task Earns $100 & 30XP


Lost Dog Pt.2
Finn starts

Have Joe Walk the Dog- 8hrs, Earns $80 & 50XP
Have Finn Be Obedient- 12hrs, Earns $100 & 65XP

Completed Task Earns $100 & 30XP


Lost Dog Pt.3
Finn starts

Have Finn Do Baby Diaper Scoots- 4hrs, Earns $50 & 30XP
Have Joe Clean Doggy Poop- 6hrs, Earns $65 & 45XP

Completed Task Earns $100 & 30XP


Lost Dog Pt.4
Finn starts

Have Finn Evade Imminent Death- 14hrs, Earns $110 & 71XP
Have Joe Post Puppy Pictures- 4hrs, Earns $50 & 30XP

Completed Task Earns $100 & 30XP


Lost Dog Pt.5
Finn starts

Have Finn Run Away- 1hr, Earns $20 & 12XP
Have Joe Watch Dog Movies- 2hrs, Earns $30 & 20XP
Have Bonnie Chug a Bottle of Wine- 1hr, Earns $20 & 12XP

Completed Task Earns $100 & 30XP


And that concludes Finn’s Questline! Did you unlock Finn yet? What do you think of the Questline? Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!


5 responses to “Hybrid Babies Walkthrough: Lost Dog

  1. Will finn’s questline stick around after today? I have him unlocked just need to know if incan finish his quests or will they disappear when the event ends?


  2. **** I sent Finn on a long task just before I released Joe, not thinking, so Finn won’t get around to doing “Have Finn Evade Imminent Death,” which is another long task, until tomorrow. 😦


  3. Is there a time limit on unlocking Finn? Will he leave when the mini-event ends?


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