PeterPalooza 101: Blammies & Leaderboards

UPDATE 9/1 3:20PM EST: TinyCo is actually going to launch the 2nd Leaderboard on September 10th instead. So just a heads up for all those of you wondering if you should wait on doing the next Concert. 

Also, ALL prizes are out and awarded now. Peter’s Costume will be in the Costume Shop, Al’s. If you won the Materials (Coins, Clams, Glowsticks) those will automatically add to your totals. 

If you do NOT have an award, in game message TinyCo ASAP. 


Hey there Roadies!

Just bouncing by as it seems there is a hot topic of discussion going on. As usual, many tend to jump the “pitchfork & torches” gun before really diving in deeply to what is actually going on in the game.

In this post, I will dive in a bit deeper to those Leaderboards and the Blammy Awards you collect for them.

Leaderboard Page

First things first… as this seems to keep happening.  THIS IS NOT A WHAT THE DEUCE POST!!! If you have issues with the Leaderboard or YOUR Top Leaders, take it up with TinyCo. Don’t like the aspects of it or just want to vent about it… take it to where it belongs… WHAT THE DEUCE. Be kind and respectful that this is The Addicts Site and we put a lot of work into what we do. Appreciate our helpful posts for what they are and only add to that help.

Don’t drag a well thought out and personal time placed into post with negativity, venting, attacks, and abusive nature to the Addicts, other Players, etc. This is not the place and those kinds of comments will be moderated.



There are many ways to get this new Material Item for Phase 3. They are all over. Just got to look. Just simple tapping away can earn you a lot.

Spotted ToadSpotted Toads: My game was full of them after returning from not playing a while. Tapping on them provided me with 5 Blammy right away.  They will drop a chance at 1 BlammyBlammy, 10$ coinsFamily Guy Coin, OR +5 GlowsticksGlowsticks.

Hippie Girl & Dark Swarm of Bees 2Dark Hair Hippie Girls w/Swarm of Dark Bees: Clearing these new sets of Hippie Girls from your game will give you the option of a possible Grammy drop. Clearing them will give you +5 GlowsticksGlowsticks or 1 BlammyBlammy (my results).

Female Fan 2Concert Female Fans: These Blondes just keep on popping up during a Concert/Encore Concert. They now have a chance at dropping +1 GlowstickGlowsticks, $10 coinsFamily Guy Coin, or 1 BlammyBlammy. This means if you did not clear them ALL during the Concert and have some leftover… you may still get a few more from the “stragglers” once the Concert is done too. So keep on tapping. This is ONLY the Concert Fans, there are also the regular spawned ones. They only drop +5 GlowsticksGlowsticks. Option was pulled to avoid “abusive” use.


As you can see, there ARE options to get them outside of Concerts… however the Concerts will offer you a HUGE boost to the Blammies as you get a ton of Female Fans spawning and more chances at getting a lot of them. I have been seeing 30-50 from many during a Concert. So quick and easy boosts to your counts. Think about this next time you can’t figure out why your “neighbor” on the Leaderboard jumped. Good chance they just had a Concert or 3.

Per TinyCo In Game FAQ: “In most cases, a jump of 40-70 points is not unusual.”



In the lower right corner of your main game screen, you will see the Blammy Counter Icon.

Blammy Icon

Tapping on it will take you to the Leaderboards so you can check to see where you currently are and what Prize your are currently Qualified for. You can also see how many Blammy you have in the counter located at the Top Right of the Leaderboard Pop Up Screen.




YES! This first Leaderboard we are seeing launched with Phase 3 (August 20th, 2015) and will run until August 27th, 2015 @3PM Pacific.

Leaderboard End Date

When this one finishes, there will not be another one until September 3rd, 2015.



Every single Player will see a different Leaderboard. YOURS will be compiled of 30 Random Players. These Players could be similar to you in that they are new like you, spend a lot of Clams like you, Been playing for months like you, or many other similar “game styles” as you. So many options and variables and so each Leaderboard will not be the same.

This is all Random. There is no changing it. No request to go to someone else’s Leaderboard. The one you see is the one you get.

Leaderboard Rank



If you linked your game to your Facebook Profile, your Facebook Pic will show up on the Boards to ONLY the 30 on your board. However, NO ONE will see your name unless you have personally added them to YOUR Facebook Page you have linked to the game. Those that are NOT your friends will only see a “Silly Name” randomly assigned to you. So a pic may show, but no name… only to YOUR friends YOU added.

Leaderboard Silly Name Image

Those of you linked to email, there will just be a Generic Shadow Image for your pic.



To help keep your information to just you and those you allow access to, you will be assigned a Random Silly Name for the Leaderboards. Anyone in your Group of 30 that is NOT a Current Facebook Friend on your game linked to your Facebook will only see the Silly Name.

So it is very likely that most people will just see Silly Names.



In just your group, yes. There are only 30 People on YOUR Leaderboard, that is all. There are still over a Million Players on Family Guy: The Quest For Stuff. Think of that amount and now divide by Groups of 30.

Let’s say 1 Million exactly divided by 30. That is over 33,334 different possible Groups of 30. Each one with their own rankings of 1st – 30th. Each one will award SOMETHING to every single Player. EVERYONE will win something in your group from what we are seeing.



Here is the Breakdown of prizes for each Group of 30 Leaderboard…

Rank Grand Prize (1st Place):

Starbright Express PeterStarbright Express Peter

Clams10 Clams

5000 Coins$1000

Glowsticks2500 Glowsticks


Rank Gold Prize (2nd Place): 

Clams10 Clams

5000 Coins$1000

Glowsticks2500 Glowsticks


Rank Silver Prize (3rd – 10th Place):

Clams10 Clams

5000 Coins$1000


Rank Bronze Prize (11th – 30th Place):

5000 Coins$1000


You don’t even have to do anything or participate on your board and you can pick up some Coins. It may not seem like much to a seasoned Player, but newer Players may appreciate it more. Regardless, it is still a Free Prize to everyone for just playing.



The Prize you are CURRENTLY Qualified for as of the last Leaderboard Update to the game will be notated by the Prize being surrounded by a Golden Border and the word “Qualified” on a banner will be on the Prize area itself.

Leaderboard Qualified



Roughly 4-6 Days AFTER the Leaderboard closes out, TinyCo will begin to award Players their Prize they were Qualified for once all the totals for their Leaderboard were in.




Earn more Blammies. See the options above to see the different places you can get Blammies. Mainly… Concerts Concerts Concerts.



Leaderboard Refresh

With only 30 on there, it seems to go really fast. It updates about every 5 minutes. So changes can happen fast every update with Concerts only taking a few minutes.



Don’t be too quick to judge others. Take into account my initial information above and about how easy it is to jump up with those Concert Counts of Blammies. REALLY QUICK. (The image in this post of “QUALIFIED” is NOT in my main game. It is a test game and from doing mainly Concerts. Easily jumped to 1st Place. As soon as others in my group do them, they will jump too. I watched as the top 5 positions went up and down fast. I was last. Then first. Now I am third. NO CLAMS USED.)

However, if you are really concerned with another Players activity…Please tell TinyCo. Let them police the game. They do a good job of doing it. Feel free to voice your concerns to them from your in game messaging. They do want fair play for all and will address those concerns.



TinyCo is very particular on fair play with Events. Especially on the Leaderboards. So be mindful of HOW you are reaching your totals. If you have been found of “suspicious activity” within the Event, your account will be pulled from the Leaderboard while TinyCo investigates it. If you are reported by another Player for “suspicious activity”, you may be pulled while being investigated.

As this is something between ONLY You and TinyCo, you will need to reach out to them for help and more information. You can discuss any concerns, provide proof of your totals, explanation, etc to THEM. Please do not post any personal information about Bans in the comments. Keep it private, where it should be.

On the other end, those of you seeing others state they are banned… do not see it as the option to jump on them. Addicts Guidelines are still in full effect 24/7. We will not allow abusive behavior toward another Player on the site. So be respectful. You do not know the situation. There have been “innocents” investigated before (we saw it here) and TinyCo did release them once investigation was done. So be patient if you are being looked at, and be kind to those that are.


There you have it. A Basic overview of the Blammies and the Leaderboard. There is also a lot of this detail and info in the game FAQ from TinyCo.

How are you doing on your Blammy count? Have you seen a huge jump from just the Concerts on your counts? What are your thoughts on the Prizes? Prefer the Group of Random 30 vs You against the Million? Let us know.


133 responses to “PeterPalooza 101: Blammies & Leaderboards

  1. I just didn’t know if I should keep wasting characters on concert set ups , or try to keep gaining ground


  2. Do the blammys I win from now till the next leader board count towards the next round?


  3. At least they ended it on time


  4. Well, this event leaderboard might be the thing that drives me away from the game. It doesn’t make any sense. One minute I’m 28 behind the Top Spot, a reasonable distance to perhaps snipe the top spot away later today, and then next I’m 94 points behind. I’ve questioned TC about it, and I always get the same response “If you suspect someone cheating…” Well, yeah, that’s why I wrote you about this.

    And I still don’t get the “A jump of 40-70 is not unusual.” I still ask: HOW?! I’ve held concerts with Peter, Avril, Alice, Joe, Snoop, and Brian. I’ve maxed out the stars every single time. And each time it’s a 20 award payout. Without spending clams on concerts, that’s 40 points per day, plus a few extra for toads or dark bee swarms. So, sure, a 40 point bump over the course of a day isn’t that unreasonable, but a 66 point jump in a matter of two minutes? Unlikely, considering each concert takes two minutes.

    I’m trying to be calm and respectful, and I think if I go on, it’ll turn sour and I really don’t want to go there. It’s just that the explanations I’ve received from in-game messages with TC don’t answer anything and it’s beginning to get frustrating.

    Perhaps it’s time to retire FG:TQFS like I did with TSTO during the Terwilliger event.

    The reality is that some people like to play games to avoid human contact. And while prior events allowed for playing the game to your own desire–if you wanted to get 17,500 event points to earn George Takei, you could, for instance–it took a sad turn with the Godfather leaderboard rankings, and this continues that trend.

    It’s just disappointing, that’s all. I have enjoyed the game since the start, and despite its glitches and stumbles, it has been fun. But I like to play games for the enjoyment of a small escape from interacting with people. The leaderboards have changed that, and so, it seems, I must go on to other games. After this event, of course. Can’t leave in the middle of something, after all.


    • It all depends on WHERE the player is in the Event Phases to be honest. Avril, Joe, and Alice all dropped different amounts for their main Concerts. So depending on where everyone is in your Leaderboards will vary their results. Otherwise, Alice Main drops 30, Encores 20. That one I do know for sure. So I think it was an overall look at them.

      The rest… feel free to jump on What The Deuce to vent if you need.


  5. Sorry if this has been answered already – do we know if the people currently in our leaderboard group will stay the same during the next leaderboard phase?


    • It will be week between the two, so I assume that will be a negative. 😉


      • I’m actually hoping they stay the same. Just going off the numbers they’re putting up at a time I’m pretty sure the people dominating my group must be in week 2 content still. I’d like to think that instead of being an advantage like this round, being behind will catch up to them for the next one so I can return the butt kicking they’re giving me in this round. 🙂 Others have been adding 50-70 at a time all week (and still going) while I’m only getting 20 now that I’ve finally unlocked Cooper last night.


  6. I feel if we don’t get star bright express Peter then we should be able to purchase him for clams or add him to the mystery box

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Was really enjoying the goodwill towards this event but it seems to have disappeared with the leaderboards. Please folks lets just try have fun and give Bunny a little break. I think the solution to leaderboards is staring TinyCo in the face, have them but don’t attach prizes to them like many other games do. This lets those who want them compete for positions but removes the vitriol that comes with the prizes. What do you think Bunny could this be the middle ground with regards leaderboards? Anyway thanks for this post, it explained why some in my group are high, some low, me I’m in the middle, will not stress where I end up, I’m trying for Top 10 but not going cry if I end up last, after all I will have those 1000 coins to spend, ha.

    Thanks again Bunny, I know you’re running solo just now, please know it’s appreciated. And Alissa stay well, see you on the other site.


  8. Super secret concerts weren’t meant to be cheating on the leader board. TinyCo made it a 24 hour concert that could probably in theory start right before phase 3 ended, and then made it drop a bunch of these things for the leaderboard. No one knew what they were for at first, but more STUFF is what the game is about, right? Cheating doesn’t seem like the correct word because it implies intent to take an unfair advantage. It’s a thing tinyco did..


    • Well said Rach! It wasn’t cheating nor was using secret concerts abusing anything… It was using a task tinyco put in the game, spending time tapping and receiving a payout… Who knew it would be shut down mid challenge! If u play smarter using a task that exists in the game… Y is that cheating?

      All I know is this is a great site and the hard work is much appreciated❤️❤️


      • Exploiting is a better term. Let me just say this… TinyCo did NOT put it in there. It was a very odd “hiccup”. Think of it as this, in your character tabs in the game you have Death and others listed as locked up coming later Characters. They are just placeholders for the game. Now imagine some odd “hiccup” in the game brought that Character into your game for use. Since it isn’t supposed to be there, it wasn’t coded right and just started dropping infinite materials and items. TinyCo found that the “hiccup” occured and locked the Character back away.

        Now imagine the Secret Concert. It was a “hiccup”. The task that triggered it was actually a place holder for something completely different. Not a free concert with free unlimited items. It is very odd it even showed up. Shocked TinyCo too that it did.

        Once Phase 3 triggered and the Leaderboards were brought in, the coding for the Blammy Awards released. It was attached to Fan Girls. The same ones that that “hiccup” triggered unlimited amounts of. Now those that happened to stumble on our site or someone passing it along started to exploit that “hiccup” and abuse it. Sending Characters on the 24 hr and blowing all the other 30 players on the Leaderboards intentionally as far away from them as possible. By the thousands in some cases.

        So no, not cheating… exploiting. Abusing something that should not exist in the game and that was quickly patched to intentionally make it impossible for anyone but them to get a prize. It is unfair as it was not available to ALL players like a regular concert (many got locked out trying it). It is unfair as those not stumbling on our site or the info had no idea it existed. It is not fair as it was not an actual game mechanic.

        Hope that all makes sense. It is one thing if something pops in and all can access it and all have the same advantage. Even if it is something that has no impact on anyone but you. But for those that intentionally exploit it for their own personal game and tip the balance… especially on something like the Leaderboards where it is not just something only impacting your game but other players games too… then it becomes very unfair and many view that as “cheating”. Had it been kept to just individual game and not impacted others, I think it would have been viewed differently. It is when it stopped being about just “you” and now involved “other players” that it become hurtful. Make Sense? I still say exploiting. 🙂


        • Definitely affected my leaderboards.
          With in the first 2 hours after the leaderboards went active someone had 140 points.

          Guess what, they obviously aren’t as active as me. I’ve managed to catch up to with in 20 points of them, with several people right on my tail as well.

          It wasn’t meant to be there and not everyone was able to use it, so it’s definitely an exploit. PS I reported them as well.


          • This is my outlook on it… if they exploited the glitch… it wouldn’t just be 140. I would say a lot higher.

            If they just played, depending on where they were… for instance Avril Lavigne’s first Concert alone paid out 100 Blammy Awards. So that coupled with some tapping on girls would have got them that high. It was an odd one for sure.


            • How could avrils concert give 100? They should all be giving the same. I was working on alice when it started so for 2 days i could only get points from the bee girls.
              Sighs they foo balled it again.


              • Not sure. I asked. Like I said… depends on where players were. So I assume they tried to keep all the groups close to the same points… but you can’t control individual game play. That is too unpredictable. There are times many will only play at certain times of day or only Weekends, so they may be behind… but then catch up fast. All I can suggest is what I continually state… send them ALL your feedback on your thoughts of the Leaderboards. Tell them what impact it had on you as a player. The idea of smaller groups was a great one. It is the “luck” of where you ended up at when it actually hit the game that I think made it different balances. For the most part, in my test games… I am in fairly balanced groupings. All of us seem to be at similar points with only 40-60 point differences (so just a few Concerts).


  9. I’m seeing a lot of vitriol aimed at our wonderful moderators and TinyCo. I think Bunny did great due diligence to inform her loyal readers of said “secret concerts.” If anyone is to be blamed it is TinyCo. They never should have had that feature to begin with and its their fault and theirs alone for changing rules midstream. Perhaps the one thing that can be taken away from this fiasco is to deeply reconsider the concept of leaderboards. I agree with Bunny’s personal feelings towards them. I think they offer an interesting and challenging aspect of the game but cause far too much stress on TinyCo and their players. Not worth it. But please. Everyone lay off our moderators. They are doing very good things with this website and every single commenter should be grateful for all the time and money they invest for us. Thank you both so much!

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Apologies if this is posted eleswhere but I didn’t see it.

    So apparently the fan girls are no longer dropping blammys during the concert. That is LITERALLY changing the rules in the middle of the game. There have been multiple posts about how the fan girls drop blammys and your guide states that as well.

    I just finally unlocked Alice, did a concert AND an encore and not a single girl dropped a blammy the whole time. Just the 50 for the 2 concerts.

    I know you guys sometimes have a way of reaching TinyCo that us regular players don’t. This needs an answer. My assumption is they changed it because of the glitch. But that means that not only did the people either doing old concerts or the glitch get a leg up there, they also got more blammys because the girls dropped and they no longer do.

    There’s no possible way to defend this by just saying ‘ignore the leaderboard’.

    Liked by 2 people

    • In fact, their in game FAQ, that’s the FAQ they put in the game says that concerts give upwards of 40 blammys when maxed out. Concerts give 30 and encores give 20. So even in their numbers they’re including fan girls…


    • So… you want them to add it back… so you have NO chance whatsoever against those that abused it for the short time it was in effect? I prefer they pulled it. Leave it at that. Anything else direct to TinyCo or to What the Deuce. Not a helpful post. 😉


      • Bunny, I had a post that was waiting for moderation for about 18 hours and now has gone. It wasn’t a rant or rude, just asking if you knew of any chance of TinyCo making things fair for week 3 players. Did it get lost in the ether or did I post it in the wrong place? I hope you didn’t think it negative.


        • They did what they could to stop abusive use of the Blammies right away and they did. They pulled them from the Female Fans. This would prevent unfair use of the item. Imagine being up against someone with 1500 Blammies from ONE Secret Concert? Outside of that, there is no way possible for anyone to say that the 30 they are with are playing “unfair” unless you go through and investigate each and everyone. Feel free to report them all if you really feel that way.

          You yourself can’t tell each individual player how they should or should not play a game. Where they should or should not be. You can’t tell a Freemium to stay Freemium. You can’t tell a Player in Phase 1 to hurry up and spend donuts to catch up to you. Same as a Phase 1 can’t tell you to wait until they catch up and not to play at all. That is quite silly. Regardless if they started in Phase 1 or 2, as soon as they do that concert that the questline requires for them to move forward…then they are locked out too. JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. So is it now unfair to them that you can access Concerts once you clear Alice and move on while they are stuck unlocking the Stage again? You can’t tell a Player in Phase 3 with you to NOT unlock Alice right away because you aren’t there yet. It is just silly.

          Think of the bigger picture here. Too much micromanagement going on of what EVERYONE ELSE is doing. Too much focus is on the Leaderboards. A side feature. There is an entire Event going on. Just play and see where you are by the end. If the Leaderboards stress you out so much, don’t play them. They are just like a Mystery Box. You have a 1 in 30 “chance” of getting an item. Still it is not guaranteed. Is ONE Costume for a Character with a TON of others you never see due to he is always used as a main character… is all that really worth it? For a “chance”? If it is… then compete with your Leaderboard. I just think it is all silly as complaints on spending 150 Clams on a Costume are all over, but Players will spend 1000’s for a “chance” at one. If someone is that obsessed, then let them go for it. I wouldn’t waste my Clams or time.

          If you have concerns on it and want more info, ask TinyCo. Reach out to them from your game. That is up to you to do so. We are not here to police a game that is not ours. We are not here to police every single players hourly game style. We are just players. If we have a concern, we tell TinyCo.


          • Bunny, my concern was that the reward for legitimate concerts was originally 40-70 Glammies but has now been changed to 20. In my group I don’t think anyone has cheated. The top 3 have around 250, then there’s about 10-12 people with 40-60 glammies, then there’s me with about 20. All looks legit to me.

            This isn’t a case of cheating or trying to police players, just those still in week 1 or 2 were able to play a few concerts and get a nice headstart. Sweet for them, and I thought I could eventually catch up when I unlocked Alice and they moved into week 3. No big problem here.

            But since TinyCo changed the payouts, I now have to run 2-3 concerts for every 1 concert the lucky ones got originally. For my group, I’ll currently need to unlock Alice and run at least 10 concerts in the next 3 days to catch up to the leaders. If the payout had stayed the same for me as it was for them, that would have been more like 3 or 5 concerts. Do you see the big disadvantage week 3 players like myself are at through no fault of any player ?

            The reduced payouts have given a pretty much unassailable advantage to those early birds who just happened to be able to still run concerts because they hadn’t moved onto week 3. No one has needed to cheat, you just needed to be in week 1 or 2.


            • No. I see people who just happened to be at one point while someone else was at another, but those roles will quickly reverse. NO ONE is ever in the exact same position in the game. Ever. If they are… it’s got to be a 1 in Million or Billion Chance.

              They did not change the payouts, just removed the extra Character that randomly dropped them (they were not an always). So even those getting them, Concerts drops would not be the exact same for every player. Some may have only got 5 more than the regular 30/20. The Only disadvantage I see now is if you have someone who abused the glitch at that time. Outside of that, who’s to say someone in your group won’t skyrocket with donuts? You just do not know. I can’t control how you play the game. No one can. So why punish the other players for just playing? It was not their fault either. You do realize those in Phase 1 or 2 will then be locked up trying to unlock the next Stage Character? Where as you in phase 3 will unlock Alice and have complete access to Concerts and Encores while they can’t do another one? There is still a balance there. They get that option of one possibly two depending how fast they unlock them without donuts… where you may get, like you said, 3 or 5 Concerts. In the end, those behind will miss out on a LOT more from just being behind. Not just a “chance” at a possible 1 in 30 possibility at a Costume. They may miss tons of Buildings, Characters, and other things. This conversation is just an endless circle. Same end result… if you have an issue tell TinyCo.

              It still, in a way… is policing accounts. That is on them, not us. As I keep stating, contact them. There is nothing we can do. It is not up to us to handle it. There is nothing we can do to change it. If you do not like the odds, positions, payouts, etc… tell TinyCo. Address it to them. They are the ONLY one that can do anything about those concerns. If you want every single player to be at the exact game point and time every Phase, tell them.

              Otherwise all you are doing is venting frustrations at TinyCo on something the Addicts do not control and …well… we all know where those comments belong. 😉


  11. Hey ladies, question for ya. Do you know what the character tasks are to be able to run the 2nd encore for Alice? Since the first encore was only buying merch items, I’d imagine the second is characters tasks. Any help would be appreciated as I’m going for Starlight Peter and want to try and plan ahead! Thanks a ton.


    • It swapped out. First set…
      View Encore Modal (just tap GO)
      Get Alice Cooper Tour Bus
      Get Guitar Sculpture
      Get Burning Clam

      2nd one
      Avril Perform Secret Show
      Peter Turn it up to 11
      Alice Cooper Play 18 Rounds
      Joe Lion take Patchouli Bath


  12. Question: my husband has 69 blammys, but on my leaderboard shows that the person with 69 being in 7th, but my husband says his says he’s in 4th. My leaderboard shows 4th place as having 74 blammys, not 69. I am confused. Which is right ?


  13. Great explanation! Makes a lot of sense. Probably have very little chance of getting number one but as you say, no big deal when it’s just another skin for Peter that I will probably never use. Lol.


  14. I’ve done 2 concerts and no encores because the way they trigger the next phase! As soon as Avil went, i was unlocking the encore and before i coukd do that I was blocked by Joe, as soon as I had joe free to do his concert, i was blocked by Alice!!

    This is why I get frustrated in this game, i see all the secret concerts but i was busy with Avril and peter pulling tasks to unlock joe snd Brian. Now Peter has been on that stupid task for Alice and i got nada after 3 days, so i suspect it will be a long week. Cause no i got joe free of tasks and the secret encores are gone, Think they shoukd have just left then and announced directions to let other catch up! same stupid fix as the mob hats for buying decorations. Only first guys to find it reap the rewards, rest get shut out and this is why I get frustrated, never seems like a straightforward planning game. Always gotta be hunting for the advantages and secrets.

    Liked by 1 person

    • So, since I am the one that found the Secret Concerts and posted on them before being told they should NOT be there… you feel I should NOT let Players know if there are “hidden” items in the game? TinyCo did not release the information on Secret Concerts… Bunny(aka ME) did. Are you implying I should NOT take the time to seek out ways for Players to better their odds regardless if intended or not by TinyCo? That seems silly. It wasn’t first guy to find, rest shut out… opposite in fact. They let it run for over a week in the game. It was only when it was starting to be abused too much that they pulled it completely. If you have anyone to be upset about, blame those that OVERLY use things like that and abuse them to the point it ruins for everyone else.

      I get you are upset if you are behind, but don’t be upset at those of us who are the messengers that pick apart and pull apart every aspect of the game seeking the BEST way to help other fellow Players navigate the game and hold on to some of their precious Clams for better things… like a Premium Character they may want.

      To say that information should not be given out, well… that is like saying that the Addicts may as well shut down the site. Because we post a LOT of information on our site here that you do no find in the game. If you do not want to find ways of better game playing, what is the point of coming here? Just sayin. 🙂

      Being a gamer my entire life, the point has ALWAYS been to seek out the inside scoop. To find the hidden easter eggs. Gamers love that “hide and seek”. It is what makes a game exciting.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Bunny, i apologize if thats what you took from my posting, was not on or at you. Just my frustration of being a few steps behind and every time i get to the point of taking advantage of the “secret path”. It’s been tweaked or yanked. I’m not calling them out as bad. Was trying to explain that by changing /tweaking game rules in mid stream that Tiny Co makes it frustrating-my feelings.

        I’ve inadvertently moved characters but was never consistent so i like learning that secret. Even if its common knowledge before this. Thought is was just a screen shifting glitch in iOS

        I like the info you provide and as I saw elsewhere your not the only one posting. Sometimes just not aware of what to ask so the efforts you do here day in and day out are appreciated.

        Happy belated bday

        Lets both breathe deeply and blow out candies, reset and resume. Ok?


  15. Bunny,
    I have a couple of questions. You know I’m always short on time so I really appreciate your help as always. The hostel? Can I continue to move forward if I don’t want to spend the the glow sticks to get it? It would wipe me out of glow sticks and if hate to need a bunch of glow sticks later on something I really want.

    Second question. Is anyone else having a hard time unlocking Alice Cooper? It’s taking so long for me I’m afraid I’ve started calling him Mr. Pooper instead.

    Again, thanks bunches and hope you’re doing great! I finally got a weekend off. Been so long I don’t know what to do with myself.



  16. Can’t understand why people are getting upset about the leaderboard. Prizes aren’t that great. 10 clams will get you nothing. 1000 cash is useless, I mean I have 7 million, so another 1000 is nothing. The 2500 glowsticks are nice. I mean I won’t use them to purchase anything until I know what I need for future characters. The Peter outfit…big deal. It’s another outfit that you’ll have that will do nothing next month.

    Just relax, have fun, enjoy.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Really dislike leaderboard-exclusive prizes. If you get randomly put in a group with someone who spends a ton of money on the game, you can’t get the prize you want. I do spend money on this game, but it’s really unfair to a lot of players.

    Not buying the 40-70 Blammys or even the 30-50 Blammys for a concert. I’ve put on 4 in this leaderboard cycle – I got 20 twice and 30 twice.


    • Money has nothing to do with it. You can easily progress just by tapping. It all depends on your style. And the Concerts have been adjusted. Female Fans originally dropped occasional Blammy adding to those totals. They were abused, so it looks like they’ve been pulled. THAT is what gave it the 40-70 drop. So now everyone is down to just the 30/20 drops. But there are still other ways to get them from Toads and Bees.


    • Hi…do you know why I only got a 20 and a 30 count on concerts for this cycle…is it the character? 30 for Alices first concert then only 20 for collecting 120 stars during a encore with peter…thanks


      • That is what they are at. It started with Female Fans dropping them here and there too… that has been pulled due to abusive game playing. So now just the final payout. I am sure TinyCo will find another source to drop them and update their FAQ.


    • People who got Blammies from Phase 2 concerts earlier would get higher payouts. The girls were also still dropping Blammies.


  18. If these leaderboards were supposed to be groupings of “similar” players who play the game “in a similar manner” and “at a similar pace”, at least consideration should have been given to have them at the same place in the event (which seems to be the largest point of contention with this newest game element). Unlike some other events where you had to initiate new event content (clicking the mob mansion, Christmas tree etc.), a player who completes the previous quest line automatically gets the new content (and has no option to run concerts until Alice is unlocked) whereas a player still in Week Two content now can hold off and run as many concerts with Avril, Peter or Snoop as they want while waiting to unlock Joe. The nine leopard skin pants are proving to be a challenge (initially one character with a worse-then rare 8-hour drop and not sure how much help Belgard will give) so a lot of people are panicking because they aren’t anywhere close to getting Alice three days into the new content.

    I get that there are large pockets of people who want leaderboards and competition against other players (friends or anonymous). But this is largely an individual game and not every player plays the same way (look-in availability, time zone differences, premium vs. freemium). Perhaps the pitchforks could have been avoided if people were grouped by all the factors that TinyCo took into account in the original pairings, but ultimately by progress in the event. As Week Three content was initiated by player, people were grouped at that point by all of those factors under consideration and the timer initiated at that point. Two weeks of leaderboards could still be contested (clearly a plan was devised to end the leaderboards with a week to spare in the event so glow stick prizes would be of some value). There are millions of players in the game, surely groups of 30s could be constantly spit out as players reached that point in the game similarly.

    Personally, I could care less about leaderboards. I play for the game and whatever “prize” I get is what I will get by playing the game the way I always play it. But I do respect and appreciate TinyCo attempting to give players what they are voicing for. Mine is just one idea that hopefully could be considered perhaps to make it better and cut down on the frustrations that many are feeling.


    • There is a huge thing being overlooked though. Players adjust their game styles throughout an Event. I see it all the time. There is no way in any mathematical equation to determine what an individual minded person will do on a daily, or even hourly basis. Impossible. There is no way to say a Freemium will decide to go Premium. That someone was away and behind, but now back with a vengeance and moving up quickly. It is all personal choice and game style. I think they did all they could to pair up Players, but just like they can’t control what device you play the game on, there is no way the can tell a Million + Players “you were put in this group so you HAVE to play it this way and don’t change ANYTHING for an entire week”. THAT would cause an uprising. Just saying. You can’t dictate how someone plays their own game.

      I overall think TinyCo making a lot smaller groups is better. Less people to contend with if you REALLY want to go for a prize. Otherwise, meh. So many other things in the game to play and enjoy. NEW Characters instead of another Costume that will not be seen again as it is for a Main Character always used. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • I think there is some validity to what is being said with the concept. Players are put into a huge pool according to their playing style (which is what is claimed to have been done already). Once it is determined where they are at in the event, THEN they are grouped (or as they reach certain benchmarks). It seems a little unfair for people to be grouped similarly who are in different parts of the event. Just as it is unfair to someone unlocking week one content to be grouped with people who are on week three content (because the people further along in the game have more avenues to acquire items than week one-content people), in this case it is kinda unfair for people still on week two content (where they can still perform concerts while waiting to unlock Joe) to be grouped with people on week three content (people who can’t perform concerts because they haven’t come close to unlocking Alice).

        The smaller groups are a tremendous idea and the concept of grouping people with similar playing habits, etc., is a great concept. I just think they need to take it one step further. It would be dictated on where people are in the EVENT so the playing styles would be taken into account. The pools of players are tremendous with the high number of players out there. To break those down into tiny groups of 30 would not really be that hard basing it on where people are in the event. If someone who was freemium decides to go premium to take a chance at Starlight Peter, that is just the luck of the group and kudos to that now-premium player (it is all group luck anyway). But for week three-content people who play right along to be stuck because people on week two can run concerts and gain a huge advantage seems to be neutralizing the concept of grouping people by playing style (as TinyCo has said it has).

        Bottom line, leaderboards for such an individual game don’t seem to make a lot of sense. I would prefer TinyCo focus on the numerous other failures in the game (memory drain, crashing, etc.) rather than leaderboards. Look at the tremendous angst they have caused in the last two events. While I get that “people are asking for them”, I think if a poll were taken, 100 percent of the hands would go up in favor of TinyCo fixing the items previously mentioned at the expense of plotting out establishing leader boards, reviewing for “cheaters”, etc.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I still go back on the impossibility of “grouping a perfect group”. There is no way to do that. People can change at the blink of an eye how they game. I will still look at Leaderboards the way I always have… a Side Feature to the game. Just like a Mystery Box or Premium Item. You don’t have to get it, but the choice in the end is up to you if you feel it is worth the risk.

          Otherwise I will just play the game itself and do all I can to get all I can free and then decide what else is worth it to me to add to my game. So much more enjoyable that way. Fun, the way games should be. 😉


          • I hear what you and Tim are saying Bunny and thanks to both of you for the input. The recent pulling of the awarding of blammies for female fans during concerts “evens” things out somewhat. And I don’t think anyone is looking for perfect groups. Tim had it if things stayed the same — group people as they reached certain game benchmarks. The game is predicated on completing quests to trigger new content. This could be done similarly. But I also like Tim’s last comment — there are so many more issues with the game that we all would like TinyCo to direct their attention other than leaderboards. Thanks and have a good day!


    • Oh, so that is why so many people have already had so many concerts. I was wondering how I ended up with so many people who I thought must have paid to unlock Alice outright. I’ve earned about 20 blammies from the toads and dark bees but am no where near the top and no where near unlocking Alice yet. If they are behind and can earn Blammies from the earlier concerts that makes sense, but really sucks for me that I can’t throw any concerts while I work at unlocking Mr Cooper. 😦


  19. My leader has 184 and I’m only #10 with 18 so I will just continue my gameplay


  20. Here is the thing. Within 2 hours of the leaderboards going live the person in the top spot had 106 blammys, while everyone else had 0-2. I can’t see how anyone can get that many just after the event went live. I am a freemium player and if I am paired with other freemiums, then what happened?


    • They were in a spot with Concerts. Plain and simple. I’ve explained it many times throughout the comments. Just because you may be in Phase 3 does not mean every other player is. Many are still struggling in Phase 1 and 2. It all depends on who hit what point when they went live.


  21. My max reward for concerts with all stars earned is 20 blammys. Is this typical with the group I’m in? I don’t know how I can get the 40-50 per concert listed.


    • I am clarifying with TinyCo, but I believe with the Female Fans being pulled as a drop… it will be based on only the Payout now. Not the extras they provided.


  22. In my group, only 11 out of the 30 have a score above 0. But the two top are really going at it strong. I meant when I had 3, the guy in first had 80…

    So I’m pretty much going to ignore this. I don’t care about the skin in question and there’s no way I’m spending clams to try to fight for it.


  23. I for one am not stressing about the leaderboard. I would at least like to be top 10 so I can get the clams. However it won’t upset me. I am doing fairly well in this event. I am one club shirt away from belgard. Once I get him working on the boots for Alice I’ll be in better shape. Overall I’m pleased with the whole event.


  24. The real problem with the micro-boards is I have no faith that they haven’t been rigged server-side as a reward to the high-clam buyers.

    I made top 10,000 in the mob event without spending a clam and won the exclusive skin and characters. I am sure they want to put a stop to that. And this may be how they are doing it.

    It would be easy as pie to seperate players into spending categories. You assign 1 of the valuable high clam spenders to a group. You assign a 3-5 occasional binge spenders (because the thought of not having Starlight Peter might drive them to binge) , a few moderate spenders and fill the rest with freeloaders.

    That stacks the deck to make sure only high clam spenders get the exclusives, and conditions those players to keep spending. It has the effect of punishing low spending or free players because they literally have zero chance to win anything more than a booby prize. (coins? srsly?)

    Now I can’t say for sure that TinyCo *IS* doing this, but let be honest, I would if I was them. Its not illegal, just kinda sneaky. And to be certain, if I had to choose between this janked micro-board and Tinyco giving up on the game cause they can’t make any money, I’d rather the micro-board.

    Anyway, they’d never admit it. But if we question them on it, and they get the feeling the jig is up, they might ditch it for the next event.

    To that end I hope this post sees the light of day. I don’t want people lighting torches, boiling tar, and ripping up feather pillows over this. Just politely, simply, ask how the leader board groups chosen. even if the continue with the microboards, if there are any shenanigans going on, maybe they’ll just switch to purely random and a few of us dirty mooches (lol!) can get lucky and win once in awhile.


    • Let me offer MY side of things. I have multiple games intentionally. My Premium… I am NOT in first place. Even though I so far have used well over 7000 Clams this Event. I still am not first. In fact I am in the middle. Fluctuate around 10-15. Now in my FREEMIUM Games. All 3 of them actually, I am in either top 5 (with 5 in one, 45 in another) or in first in my 3rd. No clams at all spent in any of those games. I am also seeing MANY comments here of others in groups with low top scores.

      I just think too much focus is brought for something simplistic when someone has that “I want what they have and if I don’t get it I am gonna throw a fit” mentality. That entitlement is what ruins any game you play. Not just this one. Many “friends” I stopped having game night with as they had this mentality and “sore loser” attitude. Even if it was the first time they actually lost after winning a lot. It is sad really. I like the fact their are “options” within the game. I look at leaderboards the exact same as a Mystery Box. Yes, cool stuff inside… but what will YOU have to put into it to get it?

      Just play for the sake of playing. If someone wants to spend and rise or live in their game 24/7 to get there… so be it. If they worked that hard, let them. I will keep trucking on with my Free stuff I know I can get myself and don’t have to compete against others for a 1/30 “chance” it may be mine. 😉


  25. I have now twice completed the tasks for a concert and then moved on the quest line meaning I actually missed out on about 80 blammys, very frustrating!

    Liked by 1 person

  26. But still… It says that only the “Friends” you have on Facebook can see your profile picture on the leaderboard.. and viceversa.
    I never added anyone & I only have Ollieland I can visit in my game.
    But still the number1 in my list has a picture/drawing I could see right away, and he is ahead with more than +150 points compared with me, the current number5.
    Out of nowhere someone else just showed up on my leaderboard, current number2 with almost 150 points & a picture!
    I contacted TinyCo about this already, but this just really doesn’t seem right..
    Just wanted to mention this.. I also made screenshots just in case.
    Thanks for all your work Bunny, it’s really appreciated.


    • It says your Picture will be seen by all on your list in the FAQ. Only your name will not be. Only YOUR friends can see your name. But out of the 30 in your group… you can see the pics of those linked to their Facebook Profile.

      “Can other people see my real name on Leaderboards?
      If you are connected to Facebook, other people connected to Facebook can see your profile photo, but not your name. If you are Facebook Friends with someone, they will see your profile photo and your real name.”


    • Strange I also noticed someone show up out of nowhere with over 100. There were definitely only three people with photos on my board of thirty including myself and now there are four due to that random jumped person. I don’t think it’s worth reporting unless I see another big 100+ jump in a very short amount of time.


  27. I was in a completely wth moment 20 minutes after phase kicked in and someone already had 59 then figured that someone had to buy Cooper right off the bat and had a concert. Not sure if I’m in a high clam spending group or just had about 5 people that do randomly land in my group but the top 5 are spending tons to have concerts…being that the best I can do besides the grand prize costume is 10 clams..I am content concentrating on other aspects of this phase. Think the idea is a good one and pretty much as fair as it can be. Think this event so far is one of the better ones since Halloween. Good amount of strategy and putting time in with a good concept. The free music is genius regardless if you personally like all artists or not (going way off topic and will stop now..Thanks ladies!! #4stillthebestdoctor


  28. I hope Tinyco see that this is just a bad idea and stop it, I never seen so many complain about one thing and we know there are a lot of complaints lol

    I really think 1st prize should be clams and like 3rd or 4th should be skin because most people don’t have Alice yet at all

    Liked by 2 people

    • It is not the idea that I think is bad, I think it is the Players.

      All I keep seeing is a bunch of kids at a table playing a game. One starts winning, so the one not winning or lower down in the game immediately screams “CHEATER” and start to fight about why the top person should NOT be winning. So instead of enjoying a game and just playing it… they are screaming, yelling, and fighting uselessly until someone picks up the board and tosses it across the room before stomping out. What happened to just play, enjoy the game, and have fun? Instead… its judge, jury, executioner… ONE DAY IN. 😛

      Liked by 2 people

      • No point being upset about a costume, I’m missing heaps of skins focus on actual chars more rewarding


      • I don’t think it’s just players yelling cheater. I am very competitive and I love the idea of the leaderboard. However I would like it more if in was not pitted against players that spend a lot on clams. Obviously if you spend you’ll win over us that do not. I’d like to see premium players on separate leaderboards than the freemium players. That way we have a more even playing field. Just my opinion.


        • Thanks the thing though… you are assuming right off they spend Clams. I am telling you flat out NONE NEEDED. I hit #1 on mine in my group of 30 with my Freemium game. Not a Clam spent. Completely by Game Play. So yah, people assume Clams or Cheaters right away when they couldn’t be more wrong.

          In the end the choice is always yours to decide what something is worth to you. You can choose to go to “battle” with the top spots for a “Chance” at an item. Or just play and have fun getting all the OTHER stuff that is all over the Event.

          Liked by 2 people

          • I absolutely understand that the people jumping to the top are doing concerts, but bunny if you didn’t spend clams how did you unlock Alice Cooper so quick? I’ve been working on him since he apeared and am no where near, what’s your secret?


            • Lol. Please read all the OTHER comments I posted. I did NOT unlock Alice. That is the issue. Everyone is so obsessed with Alice Alice Alice that they are overlooking the obvious. Players still on Joe or Avril HAVE to do a concert for them as part of the questline… so… they are still on Phase 1 or 2. It has absolutely nothing to do with Alice. My Freemium game is still in Phase 2.

              Too much focus on what EVERYONE ELSE is doing and how they are playing. Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game. It will be alright. There is a LOT of stuff to do instead of focus on a 1 in 30 “Chance” at a Costume for a Character that has a ton already and that you rarely see due to he is always in use every Event. Just sayin. 😉

              Liked by 1 person

              • How do I have a concert without Alice? When I touch the stage, his concert is the only one available.


                • You will have to wait til you get to that point. Don’t stress it. Everyone is in a ton of different places in the game. Just because one person is moving along now, does not mean they won’t run into a road block later. Then you would be passing them up. Just play. Do what you can. Follow the steps. Have fun. 🙂


          • I am not stressing about the leaderboard personally. I would like top 10 for the clams but will not freak out about it. I’m in better shape than a lot. I am 1 shirt away from belgard. Most people are freaked about the glowsticks for him. I spent it though so he can help me with the boots for Alice. I think maybe my idea about the leaderboards would have been better geared toward the mobster event. In the end it is up to us how we play our games. I get what I can and I am happy about it.


        • I don’t know if there will ever be a way to make it competitive. Sadly, there are always those on top and those on bottom. I generally am in the middle of contests and don’t spend clams unless it is something I have to have, so I presumed I would finish about 4-9. On this event, I have not spent a single clam. When the leaderboards went live, I didn’t even pay attention and I went on about my business. I dropped Peter into a secret concert in order to try and spend the time to raise my glowsticks to 4000 to buy the new guy in order to help to get Alice. Thing is, little did I know while I was tapping away, they kept dropping blammies. I didn’t even know what they were for as I was trying to get glow sticks to buy the house/Belgard. I spent a few hours I guess tapping away until I got the the 4000 glow sticks and headed to bed. As I look now, I’m sitting at 506 and the next guy behind in 2nd has 111.

          I say this as I don’t think it is fair to say it was being abused. I think it is an unintended setting that they fixed over night. I didn’t even know until the next morning that the blammies were for the leaderboard and that I had such a big lead. Just want others to know that may wonder how people got such big leads on the leaderboard. It may be innocent like me.


      • I agree. Mobster event Many complained about not having a chance at the top prizes without spending clams and to a small degree they were correct (no way they were getting a colored griffen house) …but a stewie costume and Dom could of been won by anyone who wanted it enough. I know this because I had 2 friends do this with time and strategy.
        So to make it as fair as possible they put people into random groups of 30, Do they put you with people that have played as long as you? Normally spend as much as you? Don’t spend like you? …Here is the deal…it doesnt matter. If you are a non clam spender and you are in a group of 30 people who have never spent a clam, odds are someone is about to start spending. They may of saved every free clam they ever got or decided to spend real money (why not, a small edge would lock the cistume for you). So basically it is impossible to make it more fair than they currently did without having an event without clam items…which being income is the companies life source. .it isn’t happening
        If you are willing to spend a ton of clams to go after this it but my advice is to look at this side thing for what it is..a chance to win some free stuff that they didn’t have to add. A third of the people collecting grammys will get 10 clams..use a mire intelligent strategy than the other people in your group and it should be easy to win without spending a clam (why spend clams to win 10 clams?)
        My other advice is to start using strategies in these events. Alissa and Bunny constantly have good strategies in all their posts…and people are in such a hurry they skip over them to complain about something/ make a point or to ask a question that is probably answered in the post they miss it. Odds are even if the answer you are looking for isnt in initial post it may be answered below. This site is awesome and it is the ultimate tour guide of a great game and it will enhance your enjoyment of the game if you use it correct.


    • I think we have to remember that those who are ahead in the leaderboards are most likely behind in the game and although they may pick up the free skin or clams they will struggle to complete the event as by the time they reach Phase 3 Alice awaits them. Therefore I think it kind of evens itself out, they may pick up a skin but will probably lose out on event characters as they struggle to catch up. I think TinyCo should maybe have made leaderboard run for a little longer, but they probably didn’t consider those that were up to date would be stuck when it comes to concerts. As it stands by the time many of us unlock Alice the leaderboard will be finishing so we won’t get a run of concerts to rise in the standings, however I’m not fussing over this as I am sure TinyCo will have now realised the anomaly in the leaderboard and may tweek it before next one. Maybe they should made it run to end of event rather than for the week, but I think the groups of 30 look like a good idea but they maybe need extend the prizes, maybe 11-20 gets 5 clams then 21-30 gets 30 glow sticks. As the one thing no one wants or needs is coins. But in this event I’m seeing TinyCo addressing some concerns, yes they may not get everything right but steps in the right direction show me they want to improve the game. I can’t ask for more than that.


  29. If I understand right leaderboard is active for all playing the event and cause I’m stuck at Alice a those behind me have free reign on concerts


    • No… Not “free reign”. They just are at a point they got one. As they progress through questline, which it will kick them into, they will get stuck too… so while they’re stuck next… you will get “free reign” if that’s how you want to look at it. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • Bunny
        I think what people are having either trouble understanding or accepting is that the leader board is live in phase 3, and those not in phase 3 are showing up on it, (That this isn’t “fair” to them )
        Can you clarify one thing, that I think will help, (I hope))
        if you are in phase 2 are you able to work on unlocking the character who’s name I dare not speak??!
        Or do you have to wait to work on that until you get phase 3 where you are locked out before you can start unlocking him?
        it reminds me of the Bertram stuff in Star Trek so I get it, just trying to help, if this is just MORE confusion then don’t post it, but I would like to know if you can work on unlocking you know who (your freemium account) I am just curious, not really concerned with my “status”
        Is your head exploding yet! lol


        • That is something that is a misconception. It is NOT only for Phase 3. It went live at the same time as Phase 3, but ALL Players have access to it. It is a part of the Event. Everyone can access it. It wouldn’t be fair to the other Players to isolate them either from the Leaderboards. Not everyone is in the same groups of 30. Who you are grouped with you have NO idea of knowing if they are Phase 1, 2, or 3… or pay Clams. Regardless… TOO much nitpicking and worries for one Costume for a Character with tons already that you might see once than tuck away again due to he is ALWAYS in use every event.

          The questline depicts where you are and what/who you see in your game. Once you complete one Musician… another comes along as the questline pretty much follows that line. So that is why many were still working on Joe, but as soon as he was done… Alice popped in the VIP place.


          • Don’t mistake me, I was hoping to help you clarify for others about the leader boards and what I saw as a point of possible confusion or being upset for others. I only posted to see if it might help others get it.
            I hope it helped!
            You don’t have to post this just letting you know, I know you are frustrated with all the badgering, and wanted to help you and everyone else understand is all
            Rock ON!


            • Oh I got it. I was adding to the explanation too. I think people are overlooking a lot of key factors in game play. I didn’t take yours as offense, I did take it as helpful and added on to it. 😉

              Liked by 1 person

              • TY, I was mistaken cause I saw the thing about looking over your shoulder and today I saw that was another comment, I was a little tired, and knew you were having a hard time with the Festival Meltdown! on a side note I am loving the Blimp trips, as I get to have something for those characters to do, if I were JUST doing that then it would probably drive me a little nuts with the slow pace, but added to the Palooza its fine, I know it wouldn’t be a big show but kinda sucks that we can’t watch the concerts
                Take it easy, your getting older now 🙂


  30. Ugh, so annoying. I’ve tapped on probably 10 toads today and several girls, and got 1 blammy. The way I have things right now, I wont be able to unlock Alice at the earliest until the middle of next week.

    And yes I get that some people may still be on Phase 2, but they should put people in groups who were on the same Phase. It’s like getting penalized for being on time.

    Liked by 2 people

    • You just don’t know WHO is in your group. Someone could have easily bought out Alice. I go back to my same thoughts… Why all this stress and panic over ONE Costume? ONE. FOR PETER. WHO HAS A MILLION OTHERS. Seriously. So much focus on a “I might get it but not guaranteed, just a chance” instead of looking at all the unique things you CAN get and are in the game with so much better chances of unlocking and owning. Just play, have fun, and stop microanalyzing every other Players way they play. Why does it matter so much? You play. Let them play. I would go nuts if someone stood over my shoulder and questioned my every single solitary move instead of just playing their own game. Honestly. 😉


  31. Maybe I am old. No, I am officially old, but I just don’t give a **** about blammies right now. Sorry venting. :/
    This old lady will apologize in a second and catch up. 😉


  32. I’m not complaining per day. I don’t overly care about the leaderboard. I would just like to say that it isn’t very fair in one respect. Those of us who have plowed forward through everything to get to phase 3 have to unlock Alice first in order to have concerts and collect blammies. Those who are behind and still on Joe Lion or Rapper Brian for example can ha e concerts all over the place before advancing.
    My suggestion would be to have the groups of 30 be all at the same point. I should only be in a group that is at the Alice point that way we would all be equal in trying to unlock him the quickest. Yes I know you can spend clams to unlock him sooner but from what I’ve been reading it would be a safe bet that the people in my group who are over 200 so far after only 2 days either bought Alice which in that case good for you or they are behind phase 3 and using prior characters which doesn’t seem quite fair to me.
    I didn’t put this in WTD because like I said I don’t really care I was more making a suggestion to Tinyco as to how they determine the grouping.


    • I believe from what they are saying that it was part of the groupings… people in similar places as you. Thing is… players change. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out for this one and the 2nd one. I wouldn’t stress too much on it. There is so many other things going on in the game, this one is just a side option.

      Liked by 2 people

      • No stress here. I will sleep just fine tonight!
        And I’ve got lots else to do anyways. On top of unlocking Alice and enjoying Peter Palooza I’m one item away from getting the blimp and soon to be moving into a new district and unlocking Tom Tucker. So much to do!
        And just a word to say what a great job you two are doing here. Your FREE help is amazing!


    • You can’t control people like that. I stayed in Phase 2 until early Saturday because 1) I started 3 days late and 2) I wanted to do at least one encore. I couldn’t wait too long because then I would be very late again starting Phase 3, but that was just my choice. The Blammies started coming while just before a concert for me, so I was boosted to 1st place very easily (more than 100 Blammies ahead of anyone else). Now I’m in phase 3 and collecting for Alice so I’m just adding Blammies one or two at a time. The others will catch up. You also can’t tell somebody they can’t use clams this time because they did it completely freemium before. You also can’t tell someone they can’t check their game more frequently than when they were assigned to your group (which does make a difference). So no matter how well TinyCo tries to match us initially based on past behavior, it’s a lost cause because people change the way they play.

      Just play the game and don’t even look at the leaderboard, sounds as though it just stresses you out. I got to that point in the mobster event, too. I wish they just had us work for prizes as personal goals as in the individual leaderboard prizes in the monster event rather than pitting us against each other this way. I can imagine too many people are reporting people like me (80 Blammies ahead of them) as “cheaters”. Easy way to get the competition suspended from the game, if TinyCo were dumb enough to fall for it.


  33. Lurkingsockpuppet

    I am sad that I used the secret concert once to get more glow sticks and blammies. I did not know it may be considered cheating. Now I am worried that I am going to end up being banned for taking advantage of something they put in the game. I understand now it was never intended to be there. But at the time I had no way of knowing. I just thought it was a cool secret.


  34. I am wondering of there is something wrong with my game as I am only getting 30 Blammys from my first concert and then 20 per Encore, off the stage, I do get them from the Bee Girls and a Frog on occasion too, but (and I wrote to Tiny Co too) is there something I have missed? another Update?!
    I’m not too worried about placing o the leaderboard, but am trying to earn materials lie the tickets that we may need for future characters or Stuff to get to the concerts (like the tickets)
    my fan girls give stars then coins like the old concerts, when you max out no Blammys form them?!
    Hope you had a Great Birthday!


    • It will vary. Every drop is different and it all depends on how many girls spawn and are running around. Top that with the Spotted Toads and other options to gain them.


    • Oh, I’m in phase 3 I missed that part in the comments, or misunderstood it, in phase 3 so far at least you only get the coins after you max out in Stars, The Bears stopped dropping Tickets too, its not even an option when you click them, like I said that is more my concern is trying to get ahead on materials, although they may change I guess, I just thought there might be a quest-line I needed to get done, or some other variable
      I made sure to let Tiny Co know I wasn’t accusing anyone but merely curious as to the change in my drops, not being #1,
      I am in my own mind, LOL! 😉
      I totally missed the last of the Mobster event after the Leaderboard went live and my game wouldn’t load, was glad that didn’t happen this time round, maybe due to the smaller groups of people?!
      Any way Thanks for the help &
      Rock on!


  35. I feel like I am missing something here.

    As far as I can tell, I can’t have a concert until I can unlock Alice cooper. If nothing else, some of the unlocks would take multiple days to do without spending clams.

    So, how are people able to kick off concerts to get blammys without spending clams?


    • They are not to Phase 3. 😉


      • Ok, that makes sense. I just wouldn’t have expected phase 2 folks to have access to blammys. Guess it is a separate path. They (tinyco) route things in ways I would not expect.

        I don’t think people are focusing on Alice so much as just assuming that phase 3 is Alice AND the leaderboard/blammys part. Tinyco puts some interesting things out there but are a bit scant on explaining things.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Yes, I was in phase 2 when the leaderboard and Blammies appeared out of the blue. I got them from concerts and fan girls and dark bee swarms (which also appeared) and maybe toads. So I was up to about 127 Blammies by the time I started Phase 3. Something also appeared in the store, I think, but not everything. Event Central did show the stuff that could be bought that was obviously for phase 3, I think.


  36. You say in the article ‘no clams used’.

    So how are you doing concerts? It’s not possibly to do concerts without Alice and it’s not possible you’ve unlocked Alice at this point without clams…

    The leaderboards say 1 thing “Buy Alice or you’ll never even come close to placing”.

    If you wait to unlock Alice, you sacrifice the leaderboard. Being logic and neutral and all is great but we all know the people who won this skin are either abusing the glitch, hacking, or spending a lot of money.


    • Stop focusing so much on where YOU are in the game. Take a step back and think of the Bigger Picture. MANY players, including my test Freemium game, is still behind… Phase 2… accessing Concerts for Joe Lion.

      That is why I posted what I did at the very top. Too often people assume they know every players mind, method, and game style. You don’t. So step back, take another peek, and understand there is never just ONE option of play in the game. Many Many Many variables. Players are all over. From Phase 1 to Phase 3. Just look at the comments. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • Sooo people on Avril or Joe Lion, much, much easier concerts to unlock, still get to be on the leaderboards? And everyone who’s in phase 3 like you should be gets screwed? How in the world is that balanced in any way??


        • Are you looking at the bigger picture though… they may be a bit of a head start now… but realistically… they are still FAR behind the rest of you. Regardless if they even place on the Leaderboards, who’s to say what happens once they get stuck again. Then YOU are on Concerts while they are not. If they do not progress in the Questlines… Leaderboards won’t even matter. They will be missing out on a LOT more going on in the game that a single “chance” at one Character Costume. Why continue to nitpick and stress on it? End of the day, is it really THAT important to you to have the costume? If so, you are going to have to compete with 30 other people regardless. Why stress? Just play and have fun. Stop overthinking every teeny tiny lil aspect and just play. 😉

          Liked by 2 people

  37. Maybe in future events, the leaderboards can be with just your friends from Facebook. Then people who complain all of the time will have no one to blame but themselves for being friends with the people on their account.

    Liked by 2 people

  38. I don’t understand how anyone has been able to have concerts without using clams, given the leaderboards began at the same time as Alice Cooper arrived and disabled the previous round of concerts. It’s been 2 days, how could anyone have Alice unlocked that quickly without clams? Even with 100% drop rates I think it would take more than 2 days… Am I missing something, other than the game-crashing secret concerts?


    • That is the issue, everyone is so focused on Alice Alice Alice. Don’t forget that Players may still be behind Alice and still on Phase 2 Content with Joe Lion, like my test game which images I used for this post. So some DO have access to the Stage WITHOUT Clams, Alice, etc. As they are just starting a Joe Lion Concert.


      • Hmm. So there may have been a way for me to start using the leaderboard without switching from the Joe Lion stage to Alice stage? They happened at the same time for me so I assumed the leaderboards were activated by Alice’s chair or something. . Oh well… Thanks for clearing that up!

        I’m not too worried about the prizes anyway, though I sure could use the glow sticks :). I certainly can’t remember where that Peter costume comes from.


        • Since I was late already starting phase 2, I delayed going to Phase 3 by deliberately not completing Part 6 of the main questline until I had finished an encore. Had to wait 6 hours for Lois to finish swatting bees, then Part 7 was already checked off (the first concert for Joe Lion) and poof – I was in phase 3. Getting ahead in Blammies was just a lucky accident, I wanted more concert tickets!


  39. I put rapper Brian on a 1 day concert & got a huge amount of blammies….I have 686. Although I put him for 2nd time & they’re not dropping like they were during the 1st concert. Not sure if the playstore update will take away the 24 hr concert. That seems the best way to earn glowsticks. Building the Mascara place took all my glowsticks….doing the concerts yields quite a bit of stuff…


  40. The No.1 in my board has 52, i have 15, im guessing he’s cheated or just spent a hella lot of clams, so i probs wont get that costume


  41. And how do I hold a concert? I don’t seem to have that option anymore.


  42. I just wanted to add that i am a freemium player yet I am still in 2nd place with just over 200 on my leaderboard, I have just played the game a lot whilst I’ve been unwell so had the time to collect more awards.
    I wouldn’t cheat the game as that’s not playing the game.
    I’d like to be No1 but I don’t mind if I’m not.
    I like that it’s 30 random players instead of every player on my leaderboard.
    I really like this event so far. 😀


    • Me, too! Who would have thought that these #%}*# pain flares would turn out to be useful for something? Can’t do much else but tap while waiting for them to die down enough to get back to work. Ow, ow, ow, tap tap tap, ow ow ow. 🙂 If I were healthy, and able to sleep more than one or two hours at a time between flares when the wonky nerve is really hyper, I’d still be working on District 3…


  43. Which concerts are awarding 30 to 50 Blammies? I have gotten 120 stars on Alice’s concert, the short encore after it, and each subsequent encore with all but Snoop Dogg so far… 20 has always been the max reward.. Am I missing something?

    Really glad the Toad Pond is dropping Blammy frogs too. Cool repeat use. 🙂


  44. I like all the prizes except the coins. I just recently passed 7 million so 1000 more isn’t even going to be that great an addition. Too bad they didn’t stick to event currency. Maybe replacing the current glowsticks prizes to a lower count of tickets or picks and the coins replace by an equal number of glowsticks. Maybe the next round will be better.

    Liked by 2 people

  45. I don’t understand how so many people can be doing concerts already when Alice has such a long list of items, especially a rare item with only Peter. I don’t have nearly the 4000 glowsticks to get him help despite playing (freemium) multiple times per day. Didn’t do any “secret” concerts…not cheating put me behind? Or everyone has clams to burn.


    • Nope. It just depends on WHERE in the Event you are. Those stuck behind may already be doing Concerts. Where as those unlocking Alice will be there when they unlock him. It will vary in every single group.


  46. Thanks for this guide Bunny. Professional as always. I understand now that my guess was right. Concerts are the key here. Sadly I am stuck with my teenage idol Alice Cooper. Seems like I will never get him, and the secret concert glitch doesn’t work anymore, so no gig in Quahog for a while. Truly sad…


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