Blah Blah Blah Yadda Yadda (Open Thread)

Hello There Clammers!

Having a fun day? Lots of stuff on your mind? Just want to ramble on about anything and everything? WELL TOO BAD!!!

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Errr, I mean… Here is the place where you can do it. Have something cool you want to share with your fellow readers/Addicts? Have something on your mind that you just want to get off it? Have a lovely bunch of coconuts? Lol.

This post is for open conversation. Pretty much anything and everything goes (as long as it still follows the Addicts Site Guidelines). Feel free to chat it up all you want.

If you are not sure of what to talk about, here are a few subjects to get you started.

How was your week? Do anything fun? 

Any cool Movies out you are going to see? Already watched?

I want to make Divinity with my Gramms tonight? Any cool recipes or tips? 

Do you have a unique dessert from your family/ country that you’d like to share?

Wanna send us a cool pic of your country? You know we LOVE to hear from YOU! 

Remember this post is for FUN!! If you wanna gripe or complain or rant or …well, be mad about something…take it to our WHAT THE DEUCE posts and get it out your system there. 🙂

There you go. Get your typing fingers fired up and yap yap yap away.

30 responses to “Blah Blah Blah Yadda Yadda (Open Thread)

  1. Hi there
    So I had this inspiration and sent this idea to Tinyco for a Halloween event. I think is a good one so, if anyone thinks it is too, you may copy the text below and send it through the game, it is the same one I sent to Tinyco. Lets see if we can make it real. Thanks in advance:
    “Hi there Tinyco:   
    I’d like to propose an event, it could be a long Halloween event.
    To honor the late Sr. CHRISTOPHER LEE I present you the “Classic Hammer”s Monsters Halloween Event”
    In this event you could include skins and characters from the Hammer’s movies as: Peter as Count Petecula, Quagmire as Jack the Ripper, Stewie as Dr. Stewinstein and so on. As new characters The Mummy, Black Lagoon’s Creature, Frankenstein and (of course) Dracula (Christopher Lee).
    Another ideas are Sexy vampire Lois, Elvira Bonnie, Nosferatu Meg (bite animation action with) Night Gown Connie, Helsing Joe, Blackula Jerome, Rendfield Bruce, Chris the Vampire Slayer, Blade Cleveland, Werewolf Mort…

    Plot: Dracula wants all Quahog females to become his vampire brides. Along with his minions he recruits Peter and some of his friends to help him get enough blood to break the misticals defenses placed in Quahog by the descendents of Dr. Van Helsing.

    You have to gather blood tapping on Quahog’s sluty Halloween teens and new buildings as the “Bordelo of blood” (from the movie), College girl bedroom, Quahog’s Blood Donation facility and so on…
    Every mistical defense is broken in a week and a female character is being subdued by the vampires, but there’s hope and the forces of good will confront Dracula and his minions to save Quahog and return everyone to their normal status, as if anything at all have ever happened, like in the end of every bad weekly US comedy (wink wink)
    I hope you like the idea and could see it in the game”


  2. I don’t think there are many, but I seem to recall seeing someone mention one previously, so I was wondering, does anyone else use a Tesco Hudl2? Because I have always had problems with mine charging, most aren’t too big and I know they patched a lot of it early on, but I am now finding that if my charger is connected, my wifi connection slows down and often drops out. It picks up almost as soon as I disconnect the charger. I was wondering if anyone else had one, and was also experiencing these problems.


  3. On Tuesday
    August 25, 2015
    3:12am EST

    jwoolman is pleased to announce


    10 lbs 2 oz

    after only

    72 hours

    of labor


    • MAZEL TOV ‼️🎉


    • Woohoo congrats on your first boot jW! 😉 Thankfully, my drops have been a bit easier this time around. Still wanna induce, but better then previous ones. Have four boots so far. Good luck!!!


    • Now we’re up to triplets! Both pregnant fathers Peter (who gave birth to two pairs of boots) and Belgard are resting comfortably in the Punk shop and the hostel, awaiting the birth of the remaining boots.


    • Peter just birthed another pair of boots! So far, 3 for Peter and 2 for Belgard. Only 4 more to go. It does seem that the boot birth rate has come up to a more reasonable number for rare, although it’s hard to tell since items can drop in clumps (that’s happening with Blammies from the dark bees). Peter started early Saturday, Belgard started Sunday morning.


  4. I bought Terraria off the Play Store 2 days ago and its the best game I ever bought for $5. Tons of fun and it gives me something to do between waiting for TGFS notices.


  5. I met Stan Lee at comic con Saturday! I about died from happiness. He even let me get a picture. 😀
    I only need 8 leopard skin boots to unlock Alice Cooper! Unfortunately even with having Peter do it 24/7, no drops in the past two days :/


  6. Got a Groupon for San Francisco’s original It’s It ice cream sandwiches at the factory store. Discovered that there is a pumpkin flavor available which I have never seen. Delicious!

    My cat is a great mouser. I often see the entrail evidence of those she sends to rodentia rapture. This morning, there was a large pile of bowels at the front door, too big for a mouse. Either she is also a competent ratter or I have been cursed by an angry neighborhood Santeria witchdoctor.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Howdy! I am one of those people who have over 300 blammies and I’m sure everyone in my group hates me. Please let me explain…
    I missed out on all the 5 minute secret concerts so when I knew it was time to update the game and it would take days to earn Alice, I tried the 24 hour secret concert with Avril. THEN, the leaderboard popped up. I really ran the secret concert to get guitar picks for Brian…. Of course, when the secret concert ended I only got more blammies. Finally got Brian yesterday with 12 hours to spare. I don’t really need more skins for Peter as I’ve been playing since day 1! I just want the clams. So, I’m sorry everyone; I was just lucky (?) with the timing. There was no malicious intent or cheating or using clams. It was totally an accident.


    • Me too, I saw a chance to get the 4000 glow sticks so I did a one day concert- I didn’t even know I would get blammies until it started. I put in a lot of effort tapping for all that time and my thumb hurts a bit! The leaderboard was just a happy coincidence for once. I would be gutted if they confiscate any of my stuff- how would people know it wasn’t meant to be released? I normally miss all the beneficial glitches. Come to think of it, isn’t anyone coming on here to look for the quest lines kind of cheating a little bit? I think of it as sharing knowledge.

      On a happy note though, I got a cat! Yay. She looks like a Borg kitten without the robot parts.


  8. Is there something good on TV in America, because no one is around

    🐰 🚬 📺


  9. Is it possible to get 57 blamies in 5 min. without cheating? Because someone in my group did and I don’t think that is possible. I stayed up all night and didn’t get that many and I have all buildings and the pond.


    • With a Concert, tapping some Spotted Toads, and Bee Girls… yes. I did that just a bit ago. 53 I believe was the jump total but I would have to look. It all depends on WHAT Concert you are doing and WHAT options you also have in your town.


  10. Why, oh why TinyCo didn’t you take the opportunity to have the Kiss guys help out in the music themed event?

    Liked by 2 people

  11. I used up 200 clams the other day on the mystery boxes. I got the speakers(men) and the Pegacorn, which I wanted. I wanted Tomik, but I could wait until after my birthday to add some more clams to try again. I have had only one pair of boots drop. I don’t have Belgard yet, but I should have everything tonight or tomorrow morning hopefully. I decided to try the boxes again, Cleveland’s Van would have been alright but probably not worth it. I got 6 ticket stubs which aren’t great, as I have all I need for Alice Cooper and I’m earning for his items(I don’t need them for concerts, just extra items to have), so I hope they will be needed at some point later. I then got the Lava Lamp which I liked, I then could only go for one more(I want to leave enough for another musician, I’m hoping there aren’t other premium characters that I want), I opened it and got Tomik! I don’t like that his task for earning the boots is 12 hours long, but at least I’m guaranteed some drops. Hopefully Belgard can help a bit too.


    • Well I now have Belgard, yet again no drops overnight, but I got the last shirt this afternoon. As I feared, his task to earn the boots requires level 2, I sent him on the 12 hour task for his questline. He should be ready to earn tomorrow morning. I still need 7. :/


  12. Since the Peter Palooza event ends September 17th, And the NFL Season officially starts on September 10th, with most teams playing their first game September 13/14
    I would absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE a 1 week mini “NFL Themed” Event
    Three was that Episode where Peter joined the Patriots, only to be kicked off and have to join the “Silly Nannies”
    I would love to see Peter with a Patriots skin, along with “The Silly Nannies”
    And I just think with the start of the NFL season, it would be a perfect time for a 1 week mini event.
    Also who wouldn’t love to see
    Lois,,Bonnie,,Med,,Connie,,Tricia with some “Cheer leading Skins”

    The “Currency” could be to collect footballs, and or Yellow Flags, which you could then use to get things like a
    “Football Field OR Football Stadium” deco or building.
    Sports new desk, with NFL commentators in it.
    NFL Fans wearing team specific NFL Jerseys,
    NFL Mascots
    NFL HOF Characters, who wouldn’t love to have a Joe Montanna, Barry Sanders, Jerry Rice, etc etc, running around in their game, even if they were just “Animated Decos”
    Anyway I would empty the Clam bank on an event like this.
    I doubt we will get an NFL Inspired mini event, due to licensing issues, but I can dream right?

    Liked by 3 people

    • Hell yeah!! I don’t watch football by choice – haha. But it’s an inevitable love story, as all my friends and fam are huge fans. I would LOVE for an event like this!! Someone find TinyMatt!! Bunny do you like football?! Comeon girl, we could get Tiny Co. to issue us some cheerleading uniforms in their name!! Tiny Co. cheerleading uniforms.. If they wanted us to endorse their team of choice we’d have to talk shop though LMAO
      With all the stuff my new friend has listed and more. I’ll go full premium.
      As long as I get to keep my cheerleading uniform and we can go see Tiny Co out in Cali


      • Bwahahahaha… you want me n Preggers Alissa in Cheerleading outfits? We definitely would be the “back woods” cheerleading team. 😛

        I actually prefer to watch Football live in the Stadium. You feed off the crowd and atmosphere. Superbowl live was AWESOME!

        All I can say is keep making the request to them. You never know what comes of it. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

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