What The Deuce?!

Happy Weekend Clammers!


All week we field your comments about your frustrations in the game and we wanted to give you (and us) a fun way for you to voice your frustrations and get it all off of your chest.

So welcome to WHAT THE DEUCE?!

What the Deuce

Here’s your place to vent about anything and everything, Family Guy or not. Consider this your weekly bitch fest and get it all out with a good…WHAT THE DEUCE?! And start your weekend fresh! 🙂

REMEMBER: This is the ONLY place all that Venting and Frustration is allowed, so please Respect the Addicts Guidelines and post them ONLY here. They are always open, so you can use them at anytime. 24/7, 365 days a year. Help us by keeping the Vents/Rants off all the other helpful posts. 🙂

Just be respectful of others & be mindful of the language while commenting.  

Here’s mine for this week:

WHAT THE DEUCE… Still holding out for that “Cancel Task” option. REALLY WANT IT NOW!

WHAT THE DEUCE… Airlines… yes again. My entire nightmare trip last month just got more exciting. The “Management” that contacted me obviously works at a Call Center similar to the other Gaming Houses I deal with. I know how it works. The email is scanned for ONE word, that word triggers a “scripted response”, rep then does a copy n paste of “scripted response”, and email returned. After about 6 “scripted responses” I went over their heads. I hate doing that, but when I need to reach out to one of my Contacts I will if a serious issue is being passed off. Now there is ACTUAL “Management” involved. All this due to a Customer Service Rep screwing up and losing my ticket in their systems and not wanting to “bother” to call the ticket desk to fix it because “the phone was at other end of desk”. (No joke, actual convo… recorded by THEIR system.) Not wanting to lift a finger for a total of 10 minutes it took someone else to fix the “lost ticket” issue when I got their help… 2hrs later. Because she just didn’t want anymore “customer issues” today. Even though SHE created the issue. She dealt with enough. Move along. NEXT! If only she had spent 10 minutes, I would not have been stranded overnight on other side of Country, no Hotel, no Cab, next day almost missed my now 4th rescheduled flight, and had a nightmare journey… that now has created a more serious issue for them. Patience and kindness… use it people. It goes a long way. This “Customer Service Rep” did not.

Now it’s YOUR turn…give us your WHAT THE DEUCE?! moments from the past week!  Go on, get it off your chest…you’ll feel a lot better! 🙂

141 responses to “What The Deuce?!

  1. pfft.. what a boring event – uninteresting decorations and buildings (as in they don’t drop any needed items), most of the new stuff is clam-priced, and characters are going to be as useless as the rest of every event character from the past. Also, the same Tuba problem now with Leopard platforms… and the hiring process, what a dull thing to do. At least I learned my lesson and I’m not paying any more clams on this one. Everything goes straight into storage when this is over, even the characters if– IF – I get to unlock Mr. Cooper . and maybe be able to continue the quest. ..
    I don’t know what happened to TinyCo. Events used to be fun, there was a balance between premium and freemium buildings, event currency had better payouts, drops were fair, tasks were doable in a week time frame as intended. I hate how people say that you have until the end of an event to unlock a character, if it’s clear that you need to unlock them every week in order to advance. Once you get behind, it’s impossible to catch up. The worst is that in this case, players get behind because of random results or luck, not because of lack of playing.


  2. WTD….I was finally able to unlock Alice Cooper before phase 4 hit and get 1 concert out of him but of course I didnt have any time to get the encore quests done before next phase dropped. So I kinda got screwed on the blammys and leaderboards but I dnt really pay attention to the leaderboards so whatever I get on those I get. Not too big a deal for me Im more interested in the quests and unlocking characters. Anywhoon phase 4 Im actually kinda glad Carl doesn’t seem like he would take that long to get his items maybe 2 days at most so I can get back to doing concerts and encores. Im trying to get Dj Herbert before phase 5 drops. Lol Hopefully Ill make it we’ll see. Its funny this event ends on my Birthday so if I can get all the characters you dont have to spend clams on (unless Ludacris comes to the event then I most definitely will 🙂 I will be a Happy Camper……Thanks Bunny for all ur help and I love this site I would be totally lost without it.


  3. WTD?
    Finally unlocked Beldar, and his task to earn boots for Alice requires Lvl.2?



  4. I’m what the deuce-ing with everyone else on the boot drops. I only have 4 since last Thursday, and I am religiously sending Peter (nowhere near enough glowsticks for the other character) on the task… I’ve gone 2 days now without ANY boot drops. Quite irritating, as it is holding me up from progression, and will surely impact my ability to catch up on the next phase. Boooooooooooooo…..ts.


    • For me it seems that whenever I need only one is when the item never drops, for example i only need 1 boot and have sent peter on worship alice cooper for 5 times already and get nothing, i think tiny co does it purposely to get you frustrated into spending 20 clams on the last drop. It never fails for me waiting on the last drop. Of course now that I’m posting about it hopefully when i log in it will drop. Hopefully. Good luck.


  5. Sorry about your tough trip Bunny. Inspires to ask, when can I build an airport in my Quaog? Could use one in next district.


  6. WTD with in game messaging. I’m on Android, is there a way I’m missing that I can copy/paste into the TinyCo messenger? I’ve tried to give feedback or ask questions a few times the last couple days and when I click send, it says Oops something went wrong, and my text just disappears! I’d like to type something to them to paste into there instead of pecking it out on my phone only to be lost, or at least copy it out of there before trying to send so it’s not lost.. in the meantime I’m just going to email them I guess.


    • Email is only other route. Please let them know if it in game is not functioning for you, as it is a vital part of communication.


      • Thanks, I emailed them about it earlier. Although I just checked again and I guess my last game message finally went through because I can see it now. Lost a couple of other messages before that I guess but now they’ve got a reworded copy via email of the same thing I already said on the in game message. So maybe they’ll see one or the other at least.


  7. Anyone else still stuck on trying to get Joe Lion and unable to complete Festival Fail Part 3. It will not complete the clear bee swarm


    • Make matters worse I get an error every time I try contacting the company in game


      • Have had same issue last couple days. If it’s been a little while since you last tried to send one, check back in there and see if your message(s) finally went through even though you got the error. That just happened to me. I lost a couple previous messages but one I sent earlier finally popped up in there a couple hours later after I had gotten another error and thought the message was just gone.


  8. Been sending Dr Hartman on side quest for two and half weeks to get 5 flutes to get ghost dog from portal.Have not gotten one in about 30 total tries!
    I got all other items for dog but this is obviously mega-rare. WTD!!!


    • You may have to wait till the game resets after the event ends. I had a similar problem with one of the other ghosts where the drop rate was terrible during the evil event but for me it got better when the game returned to normal.


    • I’m in the same situation. However I did manage to get 2 flutes back to back by sending him on his 2 hour task for honey a couple times then going back to the flute.


  9. still trying to unlock Alice cooper, so far i have gotten everything except the boots and at the moment i only have 2 boots. I have been working peter to get the boots since the beginning of this phase and only gotten 2 in 5 days!!! this is just ridiculous ! I wont be able to unlock him before the next phase hits at this rate WTD! So now im stuck in my quest lines not achieving anything what a waste


  10. When the leaderboards started I couldn’t believe that only the first place person gets the Peter costume. The next morning I woke up and someone was at 199. I had to go out and spend 200$ on clams to get up to 475 which I am at now. I need that costume because I have all 108 characters possible and all 86 costumes also. So wtd my wallet is shrinking big time with this event 😦


  11. New wtd I know I did one this morning but I have to add this. I finally unlocked belgard you’d think I’d be trying to get more boots. The thing is we can’t until he is level 2! That means I now have to waste the night doing another task trying to level up. I only have 3 boots with Peter working constantly don’t know how long this going to take.


  12. What is with the changes to the stack in the top left that have made it less useful not more? In what way is continually bumping a character that you have chosen to skip to the top helpful? Can you not see this is a bonkers idea?


    • I assume you mean the Character locator icon. If so, it annoys me too when I skip a Character intentionally… but if I send someone else down the line on a task… back to the top to that skipped Character I go. Lol. We mentioned this in the Q&A with TinyMatt too. I hope they change it up. 😉


  13. Not really wtd, just wanted to share my specifi. leaderboard. I’m on week 3, just a couple of boots from Alice and ranked 23/30 with 17. The number one spot has 287. The number two spot has 186. All top ten are in 100s. The 20th spot has 47!

    While I do spend clams and have some 100s in my account, I haven’t bought any characters/buildings since Star Trek. I wonder if I got assigned to a high spending group based on the number of clams in my current account as opposed to my spending habits.


    • I myself would like to know what “triggered” us to be placed in the groups we are. I know my Premium Site account definitely got stuck with other Premiums. All going really hard at that prize.


  14. OK, so I shelled out 91 clams to get the last bunch of boots needed for Alice Cooper, do my concert and then find out I need to use the majority of my glowsticks to get stuff from the merchandise kiosk in order to have an encore concert. So much for getting Belgard! WTD???!!!!


  15. Wtd why did they make unlocking Alice cooper necessary to finish the questline I’m going to end up behind. I wish they would let us use someone else for concerts as now not only are we behind but we can’t use the biggest source of event currency which means the strong possibility of being even more behind next week. As long as we put the work in the event should be set up so we don’t end up behind.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. *Looks like I typed a reply to a post that was removed while I typed. Not sure what happened there, but good points made by Billy that I hope were also sent directly to TinyCo*

    I moved to week 3 content as soon as released along with the leaderboard, and have yet to get enough boots to get Cooper. So I have not been able to do a concert since the leaderboard began. Just a couple hours ago two people ahead of me in my group jumped up 70 and 50 blammys sometime in the hour I had previously looked. By the numbers I believe they may both be on week 2 concerts still, which I think I read have larger blammy payouts than the week 3 concerts. If they are indeed currently still in week 2 content, even if they move to week 3 and get stuck with no concerts while getting Cooper unlocked I don’t see being able to make significant gains at this point. I’m now 65 blammys behind the next spot, and 139 behind the spot ahead of them. So even if I can unlock Cooper in the next few days and manage a concert or two, with a payout of 30/20 for concert/encore it’s still unlikely I can do anything to move myself further up the list. Add to that my last 12 tries have resulted in 0 blammys from dark bee swarms today. Anyone else no longer seeing blammys from them?

    I don’t have any problem with the players ahead of me using what’s available to them. Being caught up with the content releases was actually a disadvantage for the leaderboard. The real sticking point for me personally boils down to the fact that you can’t do concerts with other musicians while trying to unlock Alice Cooper. The ability to do the 24 hr concert was removed in my game as soon as I updated the app the day before week 3 content and the leaderboard appeared, so while others were able to do those to get blammys I missed out there as well. So I have not been able to do any regular concerts, no 24hr concerts, and now the blammys from concert fangirls are gone too. I don’t mind losing out to big clam spenders or players with more time to tap, but it’s unfortunate to be in a position where it’s hard to compete due to the design structure of the game and ever-changing elements within it.

    I know those same people who are at an advantage this week from being behind on content releases will likely end up missing out on something in this event unless they lay out a bunch of clams to get caught up, but that still doesn’t really balance things from my own perspective. And sure, it’s easy to say there’s other stuff in the game to enjoy, or the top prize of a costume that will never be used isn’t really a big deal if you miss out on it, and all other things being equal it’s likely that someone that wants it more will drop a bunch of clams to speed tasks etc to pull ahead. That’s all very true, but even without factoring the changes that’ve been made to how blammys can be acquired, it doesn’t diminish the fact that regardless of freemium vs premium, premiums vs premiums with deeper pockets, or differences in available time to play, the event design doesn’t allow all players the same opportunity to compete on the leaderboard. But hey, I get it – not everything is fair. And still a few days to see how it all shakes out for this round. I’ll just keep tappin’ and see what happens.


    • Just to update, I did finally get a blammy from a dark bee swarm again so I guess they’re still dropping. But overnight the 65 and 139 I was behind the two players just ahead of me is now 134 and 173. The player I am 173 behind was the one 65 ahead of me last night, and was only 15 ahead yesterday morning. Same player was 40 behind me the evening before that, so gained 188 on me in about a day and a half. I think I’ll just save the honey, keep trying to get these boots, and try to clear off the taskbar in the next couple days.


      • Another update, mostly leaving this here for Matt/TinyCo if they happen to read this thread sometime. Have also shared my thoughts via email and in game messaging, but I know there’s a lot fewer messages to read here than what they must get in their inbox.

        The players ahead of me never did move on to week 3 and get stuck not being able to do concerts. The last couple days I had thought the player just in front of me might have because they hadn’t added any blammys at all. Meanwhile I unlocked Cooper and did 5 concerts. So this morning I caught up to the next spot and passed them by two whole blammys, but within a couple hours they put up another 72 in one shot and I’m now 70 behind them again. The person just ahead of them slowed down and appeared to have only done two encores the last couple days but still sits 202 ahead. I’ll get one more encore this afternoon before it’s over but the week 3 concert payouts of 20 per encore isn’t going to get me anywhere. I’m not sure I could’ve competed for the top spots, but I know I would’ve had a much better chance if I could have done concerts while unlocking Cooper with the payouts for concerts the same for all. Seems really simple. That would have made it fair for everyone regardless of where they were at in the event. I’ll take competing against someones buckets of clams over poorly planned game mechanics any day,


    • Exactly what I’m saying. Those of us who were on time with the event are the biggest losers, because Alice is so difficult to get (I still don’t have all the boots, despite sending Peter around the clock since the event started), we will never be able to catch up with those who were behind. It might have been a bit more fair if the groups were people at the same level, where premium and freemium could battle it out, not have to battle with people who are are at a different level and thus at an advantage.


  17. Arg…boots! I don’t actually care about alice cooper, but i would like to be able to do concerts so I need boots.. What the deuce, deuce, deuce where are my boots, boots, boots?


  18. #1 I just want to say that the whole competition thing makes me not care about the event. It overly awards those who spend clams. It’s not because I don’t buy the clams either. I spend clams on this game but only on things I really want (mainly unique characters) not just to advance the game. The competition made me not care about the mobster event at all and I was enjoying this event until they introduced the blammy now I just don’t care that much anymore about this one.

    #2 What’s the point of all of these characters I have available if they are never used for items and quests. Especially if they want us to buy premium characters they should make them useful later. That’s why I haven’t bought a premium character in the last few offered.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. I have the same issue as several others. Have been trying since the first day to get alice cooper. I am lucky I guess since I have 3 boots. 1 character to perform an 8 hour task and it’s a rare drop? Especially for something where you can’t advance until you finish. I have over 50 characters in inventory and none of them help with the events. What was the point of spending the time to earn them and/or buy them if they have no useful purpose? I went through the first two stages right on time. I caught up about an hour before stage 3 went live. Now I am just having peter run his task. If I get a drop every time, it will still take 48 hours to unlock. With a rare, it is probably at least triple that time, so by the time I get cooper, I’ll already be a week behind on the 4th stage.

    Also, The leaderboard idea needs to go. It is designed to reward the players who spend money. I’m ok with that, but just give them the items, or let me opt out of it. It annoys me to see someone with 112 awards and I only have 12. It just makes me want to play the game less since I know I have absolutely no chance of being near the top without spending my paycheck on a game.

    I think that is the end of my rant. Thanks for listening.

    Liked by 2 people

  20. My game is constantly freezing. It freezes when loading, right after it loads, or during game play. I wish they would fix these glitches because I have lost out on drops I received before the game froze and not getting the same drops after I have to reload the game.


  21. Just today, out of nowhere, I can hardly do anything without the game crashing. Ugh!!! I can’t get anywhere at this rate.


  22. WTD? I Have Been Trying To Unlock Alice Cooper since he was first available and I don’t have any leopard skin boots!! Can we at least have one more way to collect them or have them drop more often? Other than that I am loving this event! 🙂


  23. Anyone else having a massive problem with the app kicking you into the web browser and asking you to log in via facebook? Every time i try to get into the game this happens? Yesterday it took me 31 attempts before the game loaded up!


  24. Wtd!!! I am sick of having to cancel the Facebook pop up every time I go into the game. But even when you cancel sometimes it comes up with the pop up three times. I know it’s petty but that’s the point of the thread!


  25. What the deuce! I normally don’t find I have any complaints with this game.

    I am not one of those who thinks we need more land. Having played it a long time, of course I have quite a bit of storage but it’s nice to not have too big of a lot. What I do, is that every so often I rearrange my town in a new theme. I don’t understand the need to have exactly every item I have earned/bought out in the town at all times.

    I am not one of those who finds it a problem that I, as many others, have too much money in the game. I don’t even understand why that’s a problem. I have several million but I see it this way. It’s nice to know that I will always be able to afford what I want. One thing I did, for example, was to surround the entire perimeter of my land with Oil Pipeline, when those were available. I also got enough extra that I would be able to keep doing it after land expands 🙂 Looks pretty cool.

    I don’t have any problems with clam-prices and how much specific things cost in clams. If I find a costume to cost too much clams, I won’t get it. If it’s worth it I will get it. It’s as simple as that for me.

    Having that said, I must say the latest leaderboard is really weird. I play this game, a lot. While I am awake, I sign in every or every two hours to play so everything that pops in my game gets cleared and the only time event staff is not training is when I sleep, and even then I wake up some nights and restart them and clear frogs and fans etc. Also, all characters that drop glow sticks or items are constantly on those tasks. Also, I have unlocked the next phase as soon as it has been available and immediately built glow stick and material dropping buildings. During week 2, I had everything unlocked and all the tasks done a couple of days before week 3 started. So Alice Cooper showed up 20 minutes before I had the chance to do another Encore concert so now I am locked out of concerts until I unlock him, which doesn’t look like it will be before leaderboards end with the rate Peter is dropping boots. I have 2 of 9 even though I have Peter on such a schedule that I start his task before I go to bed and restart it a bit after I wake up. I didn’t do the secret concerts as I figured it wasn’t supposed to be a thing so I didn’t want to take the risk so now I almost have 4000 glow sticks (3892) to get Belgard but I don’t know if I will get to do concerts quicker if I unlock him, as I will have to save up bands again to unlock Alice or if it’s better to just stick with Peter for the boots. Concerts are the best way for glow sticks but, I am stuck in the catch 22.

    I understand in the leaderboard that some people will be ahead of me because they did the secret concerts, which I intentionally opted out of. No problem. I also understand that those people using clams will also be ahead of me as they can unlock Alice Cooper much faster than I can. I don’t have a problem with that either. I have not used many clams this event and I have opted out of using them too much. That’s my choice. Here comes the odd part however.

    My wife doesn’t play as much as me. She logs into the game maybe twice a day or so. She often does not get to unlock the freemium characters and skins that are timed, where I unlock every single one. She didn’t unlock makeover Meg for example. So, with me not doing so well on the leaderboards despite my frequent playing I asked her how she was doing with it and it turns out she is in 2nd place on hers 😮 I have 26 glowsticks and she has about 5 times as many. In the event itself she is way behind me, as she does not play as often. She has not used the secret concerts and she has not used clams. So how did it happen then? What we figure happened is that she was still doing concerts and had not unlocked week 3 when the blammies appeared and she got some from getting to do a couple of concerts. Now she is in week so she won’t get to do any more concerts though.

    I will probably not get to do any concerts at all before leaderboards end, and I am in 10th place. As I said. It’s fine that people spending clams and people having done secret concerts are ahead of me, but it’s just weird that some of the people who are ahead of me in the leaderboards may have gotten an advantage simply from not playing as much as I do. That just seems a little bit random to me.

    I am not really all that upset but i just bugs me.


    • Oh, and now I read that they dropped the blammy droprate to 20-30 per concert. So, if I do end up unlocking Alice Cooper before thursday, it will be even tougher for me to catch up to those who were still doing week 2 concerts when the blammys came out but are now stuck with unlocking Alice Cooper.

      That does seem unfair.


  26. HisNameisJames(quagmire's cat)

    I am SUPER DISAPPOINTED about the fact that skins are timed, and that the content for each week keeps skipping me ahead so that I can’t perform encore concerts. I really wanted Rapper Brian and I don’t think it will be possible without the encore concerts. I WASTED all of my clams on the previous event which locked me out of my game and never allowed me to finish. Glitches and being locked out of the game at the start of this event is the reason why I’m behind in the first place. This is so unfair and I’m really getting tired of the game not loading properly. I have now nuked my town, I have plenty of space for the game, close all apps before opening it, and I STILL have to restart my phone about 4 to 5 times before I can get it to work. I really hope that the future events are less glitchy because if not, I’m afraid that I might not be able to play anymore 😦


  27. My WTD comes from my internet provider, wifi stopped working on tuesday, called them and they said we wont get a technician until the next week tuesday WTD!!!! Could they be any more slow and unreliable, now i missed half of this weeks content smh
    Good thing is all i need to do is finish the main quest line starting Tuesday and i can be up to speed for the next phase


  28. WTD….I was very happy when they released the new Graveyard District because we finally got more land. But then they give us all these new buildings and decorations with it. On top of that they give us tons of buildings and decos from the “Evil Quahog” event and this event. I find that I’m out of land again. I am a person who likes to keep my town very organized and it stresses me out when I have to squeeze new buildings and decos in. I feel like I can’t even get excited about a new event because I have to worry about where to put things. There is so many places in the game that new land can be added. TINY CO STOP BEING SELFISH WITH THE LAND WE NEED MORE PLEASE!!!…okay I’m done ranting


    • There is one place where you can fit as many items as you want. Storage. I understand wanting to have your town organized, but why do you have to have everything in your town at the same time? Do a theme with the buildings you have and store those that don’t really fit the theme and then after a month, go with a new theme.

      For example. Buidings and decos from last years Halloween, the Evil week and the new Graveyard district can together make up a theme. Then use some of the more regular non-themed buildings as filler in between. Try that for your first theme and then when you get bored with it, build a new Quahog centered around a different theme of your liking 🙂


  29. WTD….I was very happy when they released the new Graveyard District because we finally got more land. But then they give us all these new buildings and decorations with it. On top of that they give us tons of buildings and decos from the “Evil Quahog” event and this event. I find that I’m out of land again. I am a person who likes to keep my town very organized and it stresses me out when I have to squeeze new buildings and decos in. I feel like I can’t even get excited about a new event because I have to worry about where to put things. There is so many places in the game that new land can be added. TINY CO STOP BEING SELFISH WITH THE LAND WE NEED MORE PLEASE!!!…okay I’m done ranting


  30. WTD?! I have gotten everything I need for Alice Cooper except for Leopard Skin Boots. All this time and I’ve only gotten 1 out of 9. Only one character can collect it and it’s a rare drop. Kinda sucks. Aside from that, I’m having a blast as usual.


  31. WTD? I’ve gotten everything needed to unlock Alice Cooper except for Leopard Skin Boots. I only have one out of 9. 8 hour task on a rare drop with only one character able to get it. Kinda sucks. Aside from that, I’m having a blast as usual.


  32. WTD?!? Not only does it take 4 hours to earn a picnic basket and 2 hours to train the two rangers to clear a bear for a ticket – the second ranger kicks the sweet, innocent, probably stoned hippie bear to clear it!!! How rude. I thought we were done with the mobster event, where they were terrorizing children for their cookies. Why not just kindly offer the bear a picnic basket to enjoy on the journey? Or a honey pot? Or some medical marijuana? It wouldn’t take two rangers to clear a bear if they were just nice to the bears. The bears would be lining up to be cleared.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. WTD?!? So the building that actually looks like a leopard skin boot doesn’t drop the rare leopard skin boots needed for unlocking Alice Cooper…. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  34. The first two weeks of this event were very nicely paced. Then, week three hits, and it all goes to heck. I have three tasks to complete (get Alice, have Alice perform, and get the Hostel), and I’m nowhere close to being able to start those. I have everything except boots for Alice (I have 2 – – TWO!), with one person being able to get them and they’re “rare”. I can’t earn meaningful amounts of glowsticks without completing tasks that I can’t start. And I won’t even start on the leaderboard thing. I have 4,000,000+ coins already, and I’m a VERY distant 11th. What the deuce, TinyCo. You were doing much better until this week.

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  35. I had some of the same frustrations since things were going well the past two weeks and now aren’t. But, eh, I’m over the anger now. But It’s a game you can’t win. So you can’t lose either. The worst that will happen is I don’t get one of the characters I’m caring less and less about that will soon become pointless.

    Tap what you can. Don’t stress it. C’est la vie.


    • Agreed, this is my new outlook on the game. Instead of worrying about what I didn’t get I’m happy for what I do get. It’s a tough journey, but I’m getting there.


  36. What the deuce with having to do concerts for the tickets when you can’t do concerts when a new musican shows up in the game? Im unlocking alice cooper but its tough to do. We need another way to get tickets instead of the concerts when a new star shows up.


  37. Agreed with other posters. WTD with the Greased Up Deaf Guy appearing once per day on a task requiring 15 clearances (just annoying more than anything especially when he was twice per day very recently)


  38. What the deuce, TinyCo? Don’t you know I have a gazillion bazillion coins?

    The $1000 prize makes me so mad that I ignored the clam prize for ranks 2 to 10. Don’t you know that I hate shellfish? I mean, nobody like clams. Nobody cares about winning any for free. They’re disgusting. Yuck!

    Clams are only good for making shau-dere.

    Liked by 1 person

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