2016 – The Year That Was: Quest For Stuff Style

Happy New Year Addicts!!!

Goodbye 2016! Hello 2017! It’s been a crazy year for me, especially on a personal level, lots of ups, downs and everything in between. But despite it all I’m still smiling and having fun, and I hope it’s the same for all of you. But I thought I’d step away from reality for a just little while and take a look back at my 2016 in FGQFS. Want to join me?image

Ok for those of you who are still reading, I’m sure you’ll agree that sometimes as we’re constantly grinding away at the latest event we don’t get any time to reflect on the many events that went before. So I thought I’d have a quick look back at 2016 and everything TinyCo threw at us. And boy was there a lot.

Now I’m not going to do complete reviews of each and every event, I’d be here until 2018 doing that, more a reminder of the events and what I loved or hated about them, then you can tell me in the comments what you thought about 2016. And of course there’s a poll or two where you can vote for your favourite and least favourite events of 2016. I love my polls don’t I, lol. And remember this is just my opinion, it doesn’t reflect the opinions of the Addict site, Bunny or Lotty.


**I’ve not put Multiverse Part 2 in as I saw this as. Continuation of what started inSo let’s turn the calendar back to January 2016 and get this show on the road.

Multiverse L’il Griffins & Future Griffins – January & July 2016 

And suddenly the new year started with TinyCo treating us to a Quahog version of It’s A Small World, argh, that tunes going be in my head for days now. I’m a sucker for anything dinky or minature, my cute gene just goes into overdrive when I see tiny versions of things, so this little event ticked the fun box for me. We saw a fun little event without many issues, and 3 new minature characters were available to us: Li’l Peter, Li’l Lois, Li’l Giant Chicken. The multiverse returned in July to take us to the future where we found grown up versions of the Griffin kids, didn’t enjoy this half as much as the previous multiverse events though, content was ok but bring back the dogs please.

Loved: L’il Giant Chicken. Stu Griffin

Hated: Nothing, all was good in this li’l world but in the future world the multiverse lacked the fun of previous multiverses.

Quahog Football Challenge (Major Event) – January 2016

Peter Football Icon 2016

And then football fever came to town, now I’m not American so I’m going be honest, I don’t understand the rules of American Football and I didn’t have a clue who any of the new football characters were. But I threw myself into this, thinking it would be quite easy as I didn’t mind if I didn’t earn the characters who meant nothing to me. But then came along Touchdown Jesus and I suddenly had a goal in sight. And this turned into a tough event, way harder than it had to be, which is a shame as it was something different gameplay wise. And I admit I had to drop some clams to get to the end and earn the Touchdown Jesus character costume.

Loved: Touchdown Jesus Character Costume – he’s a good source of clams for me. Learning a little about the dynamics of a sport Americans go daft about.

Hated: Felt no matter how much time you put in you couldn’t complete this event without spending clams.

Star Trek Second Contact (Mini Event) – February 2016

Star Trek Peter

Stark Trek beamed back into Quahog and those who missed it first time around were delighted to get a chance at a load of returning characters. This was a quiet event for me as I’d took part in the original event, and you know what it was great to have a break from the full on gameplay. I’m not a massive fan of the Leaderboards but it was all I had to do during the event, so I plodded away to finish as high as I could without spending clams, and was rewarded by finishing in the top-tier. And as an added bonus I wasn’t wrongly banned as had happened previously. So I got myself one of my favourite characters, Bertram. But I’d still prefer a community prize system to leaderboards.

Loved : Earning Bertram. Taking a break from the usual event madness.

Hated: Leaderboard was skewed too much towards those who had played first Star Trek Event, so not a level playing field.

A Grimm Knight In Quahog (Major Event) – February 2016

A Grimm Knight Sir Peter Icon

Prepare to be shocked, ok, are you sitting down, all safe and sound. Ok, then I’ll reveal to you I’ve never seen The Princess Bride.    And during this event I really felt like a Billy No Mates as everyone seemed hyper about the content and I was clueless. But there was an upside, this lack of knowledge made it feel like another event without pressure, I’d be happy with whatever I ended up with. So I sauntered through, until I saw Little Red Riding Hood Stewie then I upped my game. I’m glad I felt relaxed and this wasn’t a popular culture favourite as it was a really tough event, caused mainly be disappearing Dragons and inflated targets. Even with my day and night play I couldn’t get both Cinderella Lois and Princess Buttercup. So I concentrated on the latter and was happy with my lot at the end.

Loved: Full characters not costumes for Peter etc. Little Red Riding Hood Stewie. Getting a castle and Dragon for my Quahog, a Fairytale land was starting to be designed in my head, sadly it’s still only in there and not in my town.

Hated: Knowing long before the end no matter how much I played I couldn’t unlock all the freemium characters/costumes. Previous to this and the Football Event I’d never encountered that issue. Started to worry if this would be the way it would be going forward.

Easter (Mini Event) – March 2016

Easter Bunny Peter Toss It Up

A blink and you’ll miss it filler with a holiday flavour.

Loved: Nothing of great excitement here so nothing to love.

Hated: Only item to earn was yet another costume for Peter. He’s got so many already. I think we should have got Bunny for Easter.

Wrestlemania (Mini Event) – March 2016

Maxi Paddy Pick a Wedgie

And then came an event that saw us screaming for mercy, yes Wrestlemania came to town, with some fun new gameplay and again if I’m honest a heap of characters that really didn’t mean an awful lot to me. But I threw myself in the ring as I wanted Giant Chicken and Heavy Flo. But on the whole this event didn’t cause me too much grief, I plodded through and didn’t find myself on the ropes like in the previous event.

Loved: Giant Chicken at last. Heavy Flo. New gameplay.

Hated: Giant Chicken being so hard to earn for many players. It’s tough when a much-loved character is part of a timed event.

Tan Lines Resort (New District) – March 2016 (Beta) April 2016 (Everyone)

Tan Lines Luxury Resort Island

Well it had been forever since we’d had a new District and this one took us all by surprise. It brought with it two things we’d been asking for, Evil Monkey and something to do with all the characters we’d earned. Suddenly they dealt with both issues in one, we could use all those characters to earn Stewie Bucks to then trade for Evil Monkey. Perfect. I was happy with this, finally earning enough Stewie Bucks to get Evil Monkey in October. But now I’m earning them for nothing, TinyCo need add another few characters, returning and new. We had a poll and we voted to put Mickey McFinnigan in as a new character, as for returning characters, how’s about Giant Chicken, Carl, Bertram. Tan Lines gets a big thumbs up from me but TinyCo nyou need to keep it evolving.

Loved: Long term challenge. Evil Monkey. Daily Quests. Free Clams. New Gameplay. Using water area.

Hated: No trading down of Stewie Bucks. No new content added.

Boomsday (Major Event) – April 2016

Boomsday Event Icon

I was hooked the minute I saw the event area, a desolate wasteland the Toxic Avenger would have felt at home in. It looked fabulous. Full on content wise, this was one busy event that required a lot of play, or pay. But it was an event that brought us some much requested characters such as Neil, although sometimes it makes me a little nervous when they appear in events rather than districts. For me core characters should be there to earn whenever you start to play and not for a limited time. A good event but it was a return to the real grind of drops and exchanges that can be tiring when there’s no break between content. I liked that TinyCo gave players a second shot at Giant Chicken, well until I saw how difficult he would be to get. Thanks god I already had him.

Loved: Looked fantastic. Neil Goldman. Clevemire. Ollie Williams. Commander Jesus.

Hated: Timers! Exchanges! Werewolves! Giant Chicken Requirements.

Return To Jolly Farm (Mini Event) – May 2016

Mary Sunflower Stewie

If Stewie loves it so do I, that’s a rule of life for this Stewie fan. Short but sweet little filler that brought me one my favourite Stewie costumes. He’s very in touch with his feminine side, reminds me of my nephew who has much more fun dressing up as a princess than his little sis does. Lol.

Loved: Mary Sunflower Stewie

Hated: Nothing, how could I hate anything with Mother Maggie in it.

A Greek Life (Major Event)  – May 2016


Minute I saw the teaser I was putty in the hands of the TinyCo Gods. I’m a big fan of classic Greek Mythology and the year before had visited Greece and marvelled at many of the ancient sites. So the event teaser alone tickled my taste buds, and the full content didn’t disappoint, loads of Gods and such, not to mention some fabulous buildings for me to play about with in a design. But there were issues, especially early on with Gods disappearing and not returning to battle and such, it really felt at times like the Gods were against us in this event. And Leaderboards were back, I long decided I’d just play and see where I end up, and in this one I was happy to end up in the top-tier again but I’m still not liking them.

Loved: Gods. Buildings. Beautiful Animation.

Hated: Return of leaderboards. Gameplay issues that plagued event.

Candy Men (Mini Event) – June 2016

Blueberry Peter

Bright and colourful mini event which would have been great fun if it weren’t for the glitches and issues that came with it. Disappointed to see the continuing upward cost of premium character costumes.This is an event I just went through the motions on due to the prizes and the glitches.

Loved: The silliness of it.

Hated: Issue after issue. Timed unlock for Pawtucket Pat costume.

Peter’s Prehistoric Park (Major Event) – June 2016

Peter's Prehistoric Park Icon

TinyCo said dinosaurs and I said count me in. Another of my favourite things made into an event. I’m beginning to think 2016 was the year of the Russian Tigger in Quahog. Loved the dinosaurs, but yes I did think how on earth will they settle into city life? As a theme park that’s how. But to be honest the event seemed a bit of a mash-up, with Jurassic creatures combined with a variety of human characters chosen as they simply had an animal link. Quite simply it didn’t work, I made collecting the dinosaurs my priority and was delighted when Patches was released to purchase. Full set of dinosaurs, and a Jurassic Park on the outskirts of my city still makes me smile.

Loved: Dinosaurs, especially Patches.  Clam rewards.

Hated: Cesar Milan. Poorly linked content. Gameplay issues with training and levelling up dinosaurs. Weekly Challenges.

Truth, Justice and the Quahog Way (Major Event) – July 2016

DC Event Icon Truth Justice and the Quahog Way

Yes July was the month that all sorts of Superheroes and Villans came to town. There was much excitement with Harley Quinn especially. Now I’m not a superhero stalker but I do enjoy the movies and was quite happy to have some serious kick a** types to check into Tan Lines. But this was a tough event with over complicated gameplay or maybe at the start is was just poorly explained, once you know what you were doing it got better. Many players found the event tough going, it took a lot of play or premium purchases to stay on track. Issues saw an extension of the event but by this time I think I was all Superheroed out as Tapped Out also had a similar themed event going. I can’t help but think this would have been better as two events, too much content was crammed in. But I will always remember the final stages of this event as it’s when I joined the team here, expecting it to be for a few weeks. Little did I know then what I’d signed up for and over 4 months later I’m still here, lol.

Loved: Poison Ivy. Wonder Woman. Buildings. Beautiful animation, really top work by the animators.

Hated: Possibly too much going on all at once especially in the early stages. Extending the event but then adding more content.

Peter’s Booty Haul (Major Event) – September 2016


With a hardly a moment to recover from the full on superhero event, another major event landed on our shores. This was a little different from everything we’d seen before as it opened up the sea as an event area, and sadly this of course caused some issues for players whose  devices just couldn’t handle it. It was also my first full event as an Addicts helper and it made me look at the event in a less selfish way, used to only playing for myself, suddenly it felt a little different as I read all your comments. The event itself, well it was soon obvious this was going to repeat the format of Raid to the North Pole, an event I didn’t enjoy at all. But thankfully TinyCo had made some improvements to the gameplay but not enough to make me think it’s a good format, there’s just too much reliance on upgrading and exchanges, and the slightest drop glitch causes a progress gridlock. There were other issues with the mini games and such and as much as I applaud TinyCo for trying to vary things with these mini games, I’m not sure the game can handle these due to the crashing and lagging it causes. Oh and the Leaderboards were back. Again!!! And even although I placed in the top-tier again, I became even more sure I don’t like the way they are set up.

Loved: Daggermouth. Salty. Blackbeard Stewie. Opening up of the water area. .

Hated: Return of leaderboards. Gameplay issues that plagued event.

The Hauntening (Major Event) – October 2016

hauntening-main-iconI love Halloween so always look forward to the Halloween update. This one didn’t go to plan, we were promised one thing but got another. And the start was delayed, and hey I loved that delay, that few days break felt good. Finally cleared my taskbar and such.  I even got so carried away with all the spare time I had I nuked my town and everything. A few days break more often would be very welcome in my opinion. When the event finally arrived I was happy as it was obvious it was heavily based upon a favourite episode, And Then There Were Fewer. But there was another surprise, a new Case format, and as much as it looked good on paper, it started to unravel when too much content was released late on in Case 1. This meant a much coveted character, Carl, left with the timed Case 1 and a LOT of players missed out on him and even although I got him I felt bad reading all the comments from players who missed out. Also some drop issues showed a real downside to the timed Case format, as it became obvious there was no time to fix the issue before the shorter timed Cases ended. I think letting the cases overlap would have helped, let players decide if they wanted to keep working on Case 1 or concentrate on Case 2 for example. We also saw a real rise in issues with memory drain during this, need I mention Buggy Aliens.

Loved: Based on a Family Guy episode. James Woods. Carl.  Ash Williams. Possessed Meg.  Franken Bonnie. Boss Battle.

Hated: Buggy Aliens. Spacemen. Memory Issues. Mystery Boxes. Glitching timers. Weekly Challenges.

Peter’s Presidential Paradise (Mini Event) – November 2016

billionaire-peterJust when all us international players thought we were at a safe enough distance to escape all the American election madness, TinyCo decided to drop it in our games. And I have to say I had fun with this little event, Billionaire Peter just made me smile whenever I looked at him. There was also a little new addition to our gameplay with the Rental Agreement to unlock Barack Obama.

Loved: Billionaire Peter. Rental Agreement. Buildings.

Hated: I actually didn’t dislike anything, well apart from the poor crane wrecking animation.

There’s No Place Like Quahog (Major Event) – November 2016

theres-no-place-like-quahog-iconWell I think you all know by now I’m a massive fan of everything and anything Oz, so when the word spread of an Oz Event, I was ready to follow TinyCo to wherever the clam road led. And I loved the event, I really had a fabulous time and what made it even better was all the addicts seemed to be having fun to. Everythung was blue skies and rainbows for the majority of this event. My only disappoint was I didn’t get the full set of Oz characters as Munchkin Mayor West was in a mystery box and I boycotted them many events ago.  But all in all my favourite event of all time.

Loved: Full characters not costumes. Buildings. Beautiful Animation. Wicked Wishlist. Yellow Brick Road. Thought went into gameplay, ie the tornadoes not tying up essential characters.

Hated: Lack of emeralds. High cost of final decorations. Mystery Boxes.

Quahog’s Not So Silent Night (Major Event) – December 2016

imageOk, so this event is still going but it’s near enough the end for me to know what I think of it, and the concept of retro gaming is great, but the execution has been poor, I so want to love this event, but there’s been many issues, and way too much of  get this, to get that, to then get this if you’re lucky. I just feel completely drained by it all. Add to that insane drops, glitches and it’s not put the Merry into Christmas. It’s felt like hard work at a time when it should all be about fun. Such a shame as the potential was there but I’ve continually felt I ‘m just not in control of my own destiny in this event, even although I made premium purchases. And disappointed with the continuing pricing structure for some premium items such as character costumes.

Loved: Retro Gaming Concept. Q*Bert. PAC-MAN. Black Jesus. 80’s Gamer Brian. Clam Drop Questline. Return of FaceSpace Sets.

Hated: Mystery Boxes. Drop Issues. Crashing Issues. Holiday Blues. Weekly Challenges. Lack of response by TinyCo. The “as intended” standard response from customer support. Progress blocked if didn’t win 80’s Gamer Brian.

So there you have it, a little reminder of everything TinyCo threw at us during 2016. It’s not until I started to write this that I realised just how much content there had been, maybe there’s actually been too much. Who knows maybe we’ll get a week off for good behaviour in 2017.  But since there’s no rest for us wicked Addicts, if you’ve got a few minutes please use them to share your thoughts on 2016 in the comments and to complete the polls below.

All the best for the year ahead, and thanks for the big welcome you gave me to the Addicts Team last year.

~ Russian Tigger

26 responses to “2016 – The Year That Was: Quest For Stuff Style

  1. I’m kinda late to the game. Started playing during Peter’s Prehistoric Park. Yes, I am now officially an addict lol!!! Was wondering if players get the chance to pick up characters that they missed, but need to complete a set and claim the clams? For example, I need Francis Griffin and Diane to complete tortured souls. Spanish Soap Opera Peter, Handsome Peter for costume boxes 1 &2.


  2. Thanks for all the hard work you guys do here! It’s very much appreciated!!

    I joined this game almost a year ago. I started my game during the Grimm Knight event so I didn’t actually get to play through it completely although I did earn Knight Peter. My favorite event of the year was definitely A Greek Life. It was the first game that I actually progressed through without much stress and I ended up with cool characters and skins for buildings that I still use in my normal setup. A close second is the Dinosaur and Hauntening events because it was a lot of fun earning dinosaur characters. Clearing other dinosaurs was fun to watch and their tasks were entertaining as well. Given that you had to transport to the Mansion in The Hauntening, I didn’t experience any delays or glitches. It was also fun having gameplay in the Mansion instead of around town like usual.

    My favorite mini event was definitely the Presidential one because of being able to get Obama.


  3. Loved –
    Star Trek
    Booty Haul
    Maxi Paddi
    Blueberry Peter

    Greek Life
    Dino Park
    Grimm Knight(only because it was super hard, otherwise loved)

    Hauntening(loved the premium stuff though)
    Not so Silent Night
    Not be able to earn Giant Chicken, Tinyco giving me Giant Chicken and after a couple of days taking away Giant Chicken.
    Not storing Candy Man Pawtucket Pat skin


  4. Hi, thanks for the recap. I didn’t start playing until July, looks like I missed some cool events. My favorite one so far was the wizard of oz. I liked the mini election event too.

    I had only been playing a month or so when the pirate event started, I happened to be unlocking the district where peter wants to be a pirate. There were pirates in the water and pirates roaming the streets 😂😂😂

    I’m up to district nine now, sometimes I feel I’d like to skip an event so I can work on the districts and finishing quest lines. I’d love a week or even a few days between events, or every other event, then I could reorganize my town and catch up a bit. 😀


    • I agree a week or so off would be nice. It must be tough trying to unlock districts with so many full on events last 6 months or so. It’s been constant.


  5. My least favorite event was the future griffin’s but it wasnt up there so I chose football. My favorite was candy man. I still have a candy land area set up in my town. The decos were amazing.


  6. I never got my prizes from Star Trek Second Contact after they unfairly banned me from the leaderboard for crafting 1250 pod plants; still kinda annoyed about that, it made the entire event a waste of time!


    • I had same issue with Raid to the North Pole, think it’s just one of the reasons I’m never happy to see Leaderboards, especially ones that have an original Family ?Guy character as main prize. I want everyone to have those characters.


  7. I know that Tiny Co. will never do it, but the game should be able to detect a player’s likelihood of completing an event and if a player can’t complete anymore of an event without spending money, the game should notify the player and give options on how to proceed like to suspend the event personally with a alternate choices for that player to fill time waiting for everyone else who can finish.


  8. This is a great trip down Memory Lane. I went back and reread it a second time and only saw the word “district” one time and that was attached to Tan Lines which isn’t even associated with the story that was started over a year ago. Like many, I am fatigued by the heavy load of events. I hope this is something that will change in 2017. Happy New Year Addicts and everyone!


    • I agree, and that is one of the notes I sent into TinyCo. I told them to bring back the districts, perhaps a multiverse district to finish up the dog family, and then maybe a couple other time periods they went into – like the disney period. Or another water district. I too am tired of the daily grind of events versus the districts.


  9. Hey I was wondering why the game is glitchy because every time I go to place a building the game shuts off on me can you please fix this thank you


  10. It is such a pity for me I started playing in the middle of April and missed all the previous events. Anyways…
    TinyCo, if you want to make me (probably way more people than only me), then make a literature event based on one of the last episodes! I would be soooo happy


  11. I just don’t understand how they could go from doing everything so right in “There’s No Place Like Quahog” to the disaster of “Quahog’s Not So Silent Night” right afterwards. They had so many great characters but it’s so grindy and really quite a depressing event (NOT what you want over Xmas/NYE). I really think TinyCo need to do away with the ‘chance’ aspect of the game – make everything drop ‘always’ and if they really want to slow us down just make the tasks 24 hours or whatever. The single biggest frustration is wasting days on end waiting for no result.


  12. “Quahog’s Not So Silent Night” has definitely had the best decorations (in my opinion) so far. I love that most of it has been based around my childhood with toys / games from the 1980s. I hope that there will be another 1980s themed event in the future. I am a complete sucker for the 1980s (and early 1990s)! 😊

    The decorations based on Frogger, Donkey Kong, Pac Man, Hungry Hungry Hippos, the original Super Mario Bros., Tetris and so on.. have been just awesome. The only thing that has brought it down (as everyone has been mentioning) is the deplorable drop rates.

    My least favourite event was the football one. I also did not know any of the football characters (although I am not American either). I have never been much into sports though (even Australian sports), or at least never been into watching them on TV. So most “sports” related events would not interest me too much.

    I should also give a shout out to “The Wizard Of Oz” event. Obtaining the Wheelers and Tik Tok in game was another highlight of the year. “Return To Oz” was always one of my favourite 1980s movies but as I mentioned, I am a sucker for the 1980s.👍

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Because I used android up until the first week of december last year I couldn’t enjoy this game a lot (constant crashes).
    I started playing in december 2015 and could only do the first 2 weeks of that event. Than I stopped playing and started again during the last 2 days of the return to jolly farm event only to be blocked again during tue greek event, I could play the candy man event but after 2 weeks of the prehistoric event my game started crashing again. But now that I finally have an Iphone I could finally enjoy a full event. I still need 103 robes for jesus and if I manage to get 3 more beach balls today I will be able to unlock him.
    So in conclusion, while I couldn’t enjoy much of this game I could atleast enjoy 1 full event and I’m okay with that. Hoping for some great events in 2017.


  14. Happy New Year RussianTiger!! 🎈
    Really enjoyed this post – especially because you looked at each angle from the two (good and bad – where was the ugly?😁) perspectives and gave a just opinion.


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