MASS GLITCH!! Config empty for id spinnerBuilding in Buildings

Hey there Clammers!

Bouncing by really fast as I am sure many are just now becoming aware of this. A glitch has hit pretty much all the games here and many more I am seeing. TinyCo is seeing the glitch too and working quickly to resolve it.

Just wanted to let you all know you are NOT alone on this and a fix is coming. Hang tight!

In the meantime, what shall we do with our free time?


UPDATE: Some patches pushed, please try to restart your device and let me know if you can get in yet. If not, give it a bit and try again as they will keep pushing patches to assist. 

32 responses to “MASS GLITCH!! Config empty for id spinnerBuilding in Buildings

  1. Anybody having problems still logging into the game…because whatever I do I can’t get back in..can anybody help please…


  2. I don’t know if it’s a different glitch, but I’m playing via Facebook and the game crashed just after I used the Spin & Win, earlier today. I don’t remember the entire error message, but it had the word “skin” (not spin) in it. Since then I can’t load the game anymore. I see the hand-shaped pointer as I move my mouse, but the loading bar doesn’t move. Does anyone has the same problem ?


    • Is the glitch still there? Are you still locked out? Have you messaged them yet?


      • It’s still there. I keep trying to load the game, but there’s nothing there. My player ID isn’t visible, neither is the game version. And the loading screen is strange ! The title image is tiny, while the loading bar has its normal size. I emptied the cache, no change.
        I’ve just contacted TinyCo. We’ll see.
        I’ve also installed the game on Android. It works, but I can’t link my FB TQFS account to this. I’m beginning to fear my game ID has been wiped out. 😦


      • A little update : the game works again ! I had to delete all my cookies in addition to the cache, but it works. Too bad I missed the end of the Guys In Black Event. And the new one hasn’t launched on Facebook yet.


  3. glad this was not an issue 4 long was only worried that might screw up getting quagmire just got him now hopefully ill be able to get ming and beat serlina once to finish this event once again tiny co great event keep em coming


  4. Sorry to use the comments for a different topic, but if you have the clams to check out the mystery box that just dropped, could you provide info on the World Expo Towers in there? It says it always drops 10 clams, but is that forever or is there an expiration date listed, and how often does that happen? If it’s once a day it seems like a no-brainer to clear out the mystery box to get it (900 clams in my case, would replenish in a few months), if it’s once a week, not so much.


  5. I just cleared cashe on phone and it worked straight away


  6. This event has had more glitches than the others. WTF? The term glitch brings to mind in early issues of MAD magazine they did an article about cleaning up dog waste. Instead of the usual pile of stuff, it was replaced by nice, clean link sausages. Glitch is also the sound made when you step in this mess. So no we can associate a computer glitch with a pile of dog poo. Pretty funny. 🙂 🙂 🙂 PS These were MAD magazines in the 1970s. 🙂 PS Squirrel! Quote from Movie UP. 🙂


    • On my end… this is actually the LEAST amount I have seen in an Event, so… overall… it has been the smoothest Event in a while. Lol. 😉

      It is funny because Squirrel is dead. 😉


  7. Anyone who is affected by the glitch is welcome to come over and cut my yard…I pay with beer or wine…


  8. im in again


  9. Awesome this is already dealt with, was having the same issue. Thanks


  10. im having this problem too
    earlier i tried to buy Kool Aid Man’s GF (242 Stewie Bucks) and it said unknown currency and my game reloaded ….


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