Punk Rock Chris Walkthrough

Hello There Clammers!

How are YOU enjoying the Family Guy game?  You working your way through the Districts or are you still playing 6s Leap Frog with Peter & Chris while Bonnie sells her goods?  (see tips for getting started if you’re confused by this reference!) Are you liking the change to more characters with 1minute tasks?

Well one of the cool features of the Quest for Stuff is the ability to unlock additional costumes for some characters.  These costumes are not only hilarious to look at but they provide an entirely different set of tasks for the character, as well as unlocking their own questlines…filled with hilarious dialogue!

One costume you’ll earn on your Quest for Stuff is Goth Chris, a punk rocker costume for Chris.  Somewhere between the School District & Pirate’s Cove the quest to unlock Speedo Quagmire will pop up for you!  So let’s take you through the steps to unlock this rocker costume for Quahog’s “special” one..


Chubby Metal Pt. 1
Chris starts

Eat Sugar- 24hrs, Earns $150, 100xp
Completed Task Earns $100, 65xp

Chubby Metal Pt. 2
Chris Starts

Build Buddy Cianci Jr. High- Costs $3,500, Build time 12hrs
Completed Task Earns $200, 130xp

Chubby Metal Pt. 3
Chris starts

Become Punk Rock Chris
Completed Task Earns $300, 195xp

Chubby Metal Pt. 4
Chris starts

Rock Out- 1hr, Earns $20, 12xp
Completed Task Earns $400, 260xp

Chubby Metal Pt. 5
Chris starts

Chris Rages Against Authority– 10hrs, Earns $225, 150xp
Completed Task Earns $500, 350xp

Well Clammers there you have it, the walkthrough for Chris as he rages against the machine Quagmire!  What do YOU think of the quest for Chris?  What are your thoughts on his only costume?  Have you unlocked it yet?  IF not, what “stuff” are you having trouble with?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

22 responses to “Punk Rock Chris Walkthrough

  1. Sweet game but I seem to be stuck on chubby metal pt 4. since I don’t have kool-aid man nor can I get him. Also got stuck with the endless summer boombox which I tried to place but as I placed it it disappeared.
    Kinda takes the only fun out of it when you can’t complete the quests because of this shit. makes me weary about every move I make.


  2. Cannot complete these quests for Chris. Just started playing a couple weeks ago. Playing on PC and got app through microsoft store. Have run into one problem that is associated with another. I am trying to do the Chubby Metal Pt. 4, but when I hit the rock out button, the game says I have to have the kool-aid man. I don’t have him, and can’t get him because I started playing late in December.

    That lead to another glitch. The option for Kool-Aid Man stays in the left hand side character box. When you click it, it brings up “Endless Summer Pt. 1” Clicking the option to “Tap the Endless Summer Boom Box,” it just puts you back into the city.

    Really blows that I can’t complete the Rock out task without having Kool-aid man. Is this a glitch? If the event is over, why is Kool-aid still in the left side character bar? How can a basic task like “Chubby Metal Pt. 4” depend on a temporary character?

    Likely has something to do with the fact that I’m using windows instead of a tablet for this game.


    • The PC version follows a lil different genre. It seems the PC version has access to some of the older events. If that is the case, look in your Inventory and Menu to see if you can locate the Boom Box Kool Aid came with. Or when it takes you to your town…zoom in on the area where it brings you to. See if you notice a Boom Box there.

      My Endless Summer…Kool Aid Man AND Cleveland Returns!

      If not, reach out to TinyCo to let them know where you are stuck.


      • I have this on Windows Phone and have the same Endless Summer problem: no boom box. I would wager it’s because that was event for the version they’ve released on WP, so don’t worry about missing out; we’re too late. All we can hope is that they start keeping the Windows version up to date with the others, instead of incessantly releasing constant events for iOS and Android.


      • The boom box showed up for a day or two, but is no longer in inventory. Kool-aid man still shows up in quest sidebar, but cannot find boombox. I even rearranged the town to put all “dead space” the box might magically show up in as visible. No place for it to hide. I’m guessing it’s just a glitch that they aren’t addressing at the time.

        What is their contact address. There is no place on the PC version to contact support. As a matter of fact, you can’t even log in to anything for saving/porting purpose, so whenever I replace this computer, I have to start over! PC definitely gets the short end of the stick on this game.

        Bunny, thank you for all the work you’ve put into this site.


        • Alissa and myself are always happy to help. 🙂

          As for email for Windows… help.windows@tinyco.com,

          As for Kool Aid, it is a glitch and they have a patch coming to fix it. Kool Aid should NOT be there. The PC option is new, hopefully save option will com later. It’s almost like BETA testing.


          • Thanks for the info. I’m happy to help with any feedback. Will send them an email in the next couple days. There are a number of problems that need fixing. Most of them are load errors at startup.


  3. Doz beams doe!! As if the makeup wasn’t a rare enough get, only having 2 ways to get the metal beams, and tying up chars for 8-12 hrs to MAYBE get one? Ok, vent over…. 🙂
    I. Must. Have. Punk Rock Chris. Never giving up! #totallyaddicted


  4. how did this quest line start? I unlocked this costume a week ago and have the Jr HS but nothing has been triggered. help!


    • Chris triggers it by eating Sugar. In my game it didn’t trigger until I was out of other quests.


      • chris is free and nothing was prompted. does he need to be at a certain level?


        • What district are you in? What was your last completed task?


        • Hi
          This quest appeared for me after I finished Speedo Quagmire. I had already started Chris eating sugar to see if it would trigger eye-shadow drops as they’d greatly increased when speedo needed them. Needless to say, they have. Took me 9 days (I’ve got flu so have been tapping day spa 7-10 times a day cos I can’t sleep) to get three (was also freshening up Lois and eyeballing Peter in that time) and since the quest kicked in 23 hours to get three (speedo wiped out my previous three and gave me one leftover). As soon as I finish Cop Joe I’ll track the heavy metal.


  5. Hi how or when does stu and the other 3 characters show up I’ve unlocked Brian and Hartman almost done all quest.


  6. Good job…lol……………now you have 3 comments…YOU ROCK!!


  7. Alissa..I just had to leave a comment (hate to see an empty comment box after all the hard work you and your team put into this blog). Soooo……um……nice weather huh?……ummm……GO (insert random sports team)!!…….ummmm…did I mention the weather?….I did..oh
    Ok….um….oh here’s something…..edit your opening paragraph…we are way pass the 1 week mark…..TADA! I knew I had a comment…lol. Oh, nice post by the way😉


    • lol thanks!
      Forgot to fix that. Wrote this a WHILE ago, as you can tell. But noticed an issue with the last task being incorrect, and glitching. So I held off on posting it until those fun TC folks were able to get the fix done. Of course now I’m the one with the incorrect post lol. All fixed 🙂


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