BLAM! Calendar Android & Kindle

Hey there Clammers. Figured you all would be wanting this information sooner or later, so here you go… the Ultimate Quahog Comic-Con & the Fabulous Four Blam! Calendar for players on Android & Kindle.

2014-07-24 09.17.22

Now before you see the numbers and panic…grab a towel. There is no need to panic. You have over 38 days to collect the Blam! needed to unlock all the prizes. Also don’t forget that in the past events, TinyCo launched changes each week to the event. Changes like doubling and tripling the prize collections. There is still plenty of time to play and enjoy the game. The Blam! Calendar will be here to help guide you to where you want to be by certain days or weeks of the event to keep on target for 100,000 Blam!

Blam Calendar Android Kindle


(Click on the image to see a larger size.)

I started the collection the day after launch and stopped it a day before the end, to play it on the safe side as I usual do. Better to be ahead of the game. Lol. So there you go. Something to help you along and keep you on track. Do you like the Blam! Calendar? Helpful? Let us know if you have any questions on it. We are always happy to answer questions.

Til Next Time…



103 responses to “BLAM! Calendar Android & Kindle

  1. does anybody know what happend to joe?


  2. Wow!!!! I’m 29000 ahead of the game. Loving this…might finish before school starts. Good info here. You guys here rock.


  3. I get 5000 every 2 days from giant stewie. And some more blam from other stuff.

    20,000 blam ahead of schedule. Currently almost have 60,000.
    The only thing I need to work on now is the quest for blob, unlocking Stan and reaching 100,000.
    All buildings placed so I can focus on buildings that cost coins and on clearing some land.


  4. Totally addicted to this game! Spend hours on it daily and try for every single task. I have brought about 200 clams myself for the mansion (Sir Buzzkill).
    Im smashed the Blam task aswell,currently 12 days in (uk here) and im upto 52k blams. Got Felicity & Jon and nearly have Stan 😀
    I have Stewie aswell finally.


  5. I was behind schedule, but now I’m about 2000 ahead, 46,734 Blam. I might actually make it this time!


  6. I was way behind schedule but thanks to all the blam earning stuff I now have 43000 getting closer to 100000


  7. I know I’m late to the party, but thank you for posting this! I had just kind of grudgingly accepted that there was no way I’d get George Takei (I’m on Android and I don’t buy clams), but I decided to check the BLAM! calendar again today and it turns out that thanks to the various mutant Stewies, I am caught up and even a tiny bit ahead as of this afternoon. I would have quit playing in frustration after the Full Moon event if not for this site. Thanks again!


  8. I'm Ahead By 3 Days

    Read my name


  9. I’m 10,000 behind, and with school starting back a week ago, this whole event just got a lot more difficult.


  10. I am a freemium? player, I have no money for clams to get things like the sommelier bar or Bryan cranston, but I am on regularly. Say every 30 mins or so. I’m trying to get the car for vanquishing Stewie but I don’t think I’ll get enough pesticides, but my main concern is I only have a little over 15000 blam! total at the moment, and that is WAY behind the calendar! I want to get George Takei! Any advice? Thanks.


    • It may be tough. Just get as much as you can. Get the streak up as high as you can on the Giant Stewie mini game, but when you collect on the 25X, let the timer reset to zero and start it again. The 29 pesticides are not worth the trouble.


      • That’s great, thanks for the tip. I collected a lot of pesticides last night to try and get the bonus , but I missed it. However, I opened the captain hammered quest to vanquish him twice, was able to do so within a couple of minutes due to lots of pesticide, and now I’m hoping peter will drop a yellow when he finishes his task, because that means I’ll be at 15x with lots of spares yaaaaaay lol


  11. OK I have a ? On the mutant stewie do I get blam when the time resets and is it 4x=400 and so on to a max 2500 or am I way off on this are do I have to get 25 to get any blam?


    • You get a payout of 100 Blam! each time you defeat him. The multiplier will determine how much MORE than that you get. So 1X=100 total, 3X=300 total, 8X= 800 total…and so on. Each defeat is a payout, so it helps you really add up that Blam! fast.


  12. Connor Kennedy

    I have 21000 blam as of today.


  13. Ok say I have 15,950 blam but I don’t know how to get 3,000 blam in one day today to stay on schedule with the calendar lol.


  14. I am having “trouble” getting the required amount of blam haha! According to your calander I should have 10k by the midnight that just passed. And 13k Today! Not happening, as Far as Collected Blam my score is 5,239. I have Peter well Captain Hammered! ALL Outfits you can unlock atm.

    Peter, Quag, Joe, Cleve, Chris, Bonnie, Meg, Jerome, Morte, Brian, Bruce, Trisha, Mr. Herbert, Carter, Dr. Hartman,

    Tweaked out, Hooker, Long John, Mermaid, Anime, Falcon, Rollerblading Bikini, Adventure Peter. Goth Chris. Speedo, Bathrobe and Navy Quagmire. S and M, Rambo, and Midlife Crisis Lois. Cop Joe. PB & J Brian. 80’s Pop Star Cleavland.

    Quest Progression
    I am on
    Creature from the Goo Lagoon Pt.3 (Need to unlock PS to pick out zappers)
    Tea, Earl Grey, Hot Pt.1(need to convince PS to stay)
    Fabulous Challenge 1: Trigger Happy(Need to zap stewie 9 more times)
    Perls of Wisdom Pt.2(need to convince RP to stay)
    Blam! Prizes Pt. 4 (need more blam)
    Freaks and Geeks Pt. 4 (need to unlock stewie)
    Bri-Fri Pt.1(need stewie to do target practice)
    No Candy for Old Men Pt.3 (He is taking his old man pill atm)
    Stu es Machina Pt.1 (Need to Get Stewie Stuff)

    As far as not Unlocked toons I have
    Stewie 16/30 Blueprints, 3/10 Plutonium
    Patrick Stewart 13/15 Pizza
    Ron Peralman 1/10 B&W Movies, 2/20 Puppies, 1/10 Jazz Records, 739/5000 Blam

    Any hints on how to speed things up?


    • First, don’t get to concerned about the calender. We just divided 100,000 by the number of days in the event for both iOS and android users. You’ll get more and more Blam quicker as you unlock more characters and complete quests and tasks. You’re doing quite well with all you have accomplished thus far. When watching TV, do the Surf the Bird 1 minute Peter task. This will get you 60 Blam per hour. The best return per task ratio. Just have fun….that’s the best return on your investment of time. 😉


      • Ah ok thanks! Also I do not so much care about the calander, but with TSTO they had the number of NEEDED event items to get all of the freemium items. Does this hold true with FGTQFS? I am mainly interested in the characters! ^^


        • It’s harder to make a calendar like that one in TSTO with this game because there are so many moving parts and changes are made in the game constantly. You should be able to get most the characters in the game except,maybe, George Takei. But, you never know, TinyCo increases event “currency” earned as the event progresses. So just keep at it. I hope you get everything. 🙂


      • I understand the rationale for saying that Peter’s Surf the Bird earns 60/hour, but it’s impossible. For starters, it takes the character a few seconds to reset each time you earn and clear out the old task and then initiate the new one. But even beyond that, other characters get in the way, making it difficult to tap on Peter when you need. Besides, if you’re doing this while watching television, there’s no way you’re going to be on top of each task right when it ends to start a new one. I think 50 is a fairly realistic expectation if you’re really paying attention.


        • Lol, my friend, I was more focused on the “heart” of my reply to Adam, not the exact math. But you’re right, it’s technically impossible to get exactly 60 Blam per hour from Surfing the Bird. 😉


      • How can I have Peter surf the bird when I am having Captain Hammered flying under the influence to get films to unlock Ron Perlman?


  15. I have questions regarding joe for the android. It said it was coming but I haven’t seen anything. Am I missing something?


  16. You freakin’ rock!!!! Thank you, the calendar helps a lot!


  17. I was doing okay keeping up with the Blam (I caved and bought a sommelier station) but it’s been ruined by the Stuff drops. To have any hope of getting anything without just outright buying them for clams, you need to optimise Blam tasks. But all the things you need to unlock characters seem to be attached to the Blam-inefficient longer tasks. 8 hours for Bruce to MAYBE get puppies (but probably not). Either that, or they’re mostly attached to Peter so you’re constantly sending him on those tasks instead of being able to Surf The Bird.
    They need to either (a) attach the Stuff to shorter tasks, (b) increase the drop rates of the stuff, or (c) require less Stuff to unlock the characters. As it stands you cannot keep up collecting Blam at a sufficient rate as well as unlocking people (unless you pay hundreds of dollars for the privilege, which is of course what they want).
    All this without even mentioning the Mutant Stewies who can effectively shut down major item-gaining tasks for a whole 4 hours (previously even longer!) unless of course you pay for more batteries, and I’m not sure these guys know where the line is between “adding fun extras for people who pay money” and just outright frustrating everybody else by withholding so much of the content behind paywalls.
    If I can’t get Stan Lee or Nathan Fillion, I’m going to quit the game entirely.


  18. I typically play on iOS, but I do also load up on Android from time to time, so I’m curious: In terms of the Android exclusive character, what happens if I fulfill requirements to unlock him on Android and then play again on iOS? Will he just not exist there? (That’s what I assume, just wanted to ask and check though)


  19. Hey is the blam bar enough if I have to have peter be captain hammered and fly under the influence or will I have to have him surf the bird constantly? Do I need to invest in the super truck as well?


  20. colinpatrickashley

    Thanks so much for the calendar! So helpful. I’m a bit behind but I am hoping that I’ll catch up as things speed up as the event progresses. You all rock!


  21. You guys are the best! Thanks for all the hard work, and help. I fills you all for tapped out too. My only problem with the game is they REALLY push buying clams. I almost have unlocked super Peter 🙂


    • Aw well thank you! And thanks for being a part of both awesome communities!

      Instant gratification= buy clams. Patience=no clams 🙂

      Sweet on Captain Peter! He’ll definitely help you earn more blam! 🙂


  22. ExarDarkkiller

    How can you collect that much blam ? In last event I collected 40k golden butts. I think I am not gonna unlock George Takei 😦 its too hard. Can anyone help ?


    • Get what you can and just focus on the next task at hand. More Blam will be coming over time. 😉


      • I do my best but this is not enough. I play since update released and my score just 2100. Do you guys buy premium items ? without them it’s hard to unlock everything


        • I’m a premium player, so I bought some items. Just get what you can get. It’s slower at first, then, as more characters and quests are unlocked, the Blam comes quicker. Do a lot of Surf’n the Bird with Peter while watching TV (60 Blam an hour).


        • I’m up to a bit over 4000. I think 1000/day is realistic for a free player as things stand now. Hopefully they do one of those multiplier dealies like they did with the jellies. And hopefully they start it with a lot more time to go.


  23. I found out another way to kind of save spending blam on characters. For example with the peter costume if you get it right up to 500 blam and then hit finish now(using clams) but if its right before the 500 it should only be one or two clams it won’t take the 500 blam so you could use that towards rebuilding something or building one of the quest line buildings. I’m going to try it with patrick stewart in the morning and see if it works there too. Horray possible loophole lol


  24. Watching Family Guy while playing Family Guy, as i’m determined to raise my blam! and keep up with this calendar (thank you for laying it out).
    During the episode, Stewie talks about his $3,000.00 Tom Brown sweater. Then, my blam! lands evenly on 3,000, and I think “Oh wouldn’t it be silly if Stewie won his over priced sweater for landing on 3,000”
    Haha haha. Ah.
    God I’m tired.

    PS: great work on the site.


  25. Do you think we can expect to see the android exclusive yet this weekend


    • This is the question on every Android users mind right now (ok…maybe not “EVERY”…LOL). TinyCo says “coming soon” and what it is…???? There, how’s that for a concrete answer? 😉


    • Just saw a notice on my game, it looks like Android players are getting an exclusive superhero costume for Joe! When is another matter entirely.


  26. Just chiming in yet again, in case anyone doesn’t already know android users are getting screwed over… 2600 a day is basically impossible unless you’re spending 40+ bucks on the trucks or playing every minute of every day for 40 days straight. Not that they’re giving much room to apple users either, this is another thinly veiled big cash grab. After spending most of two days checking in every half hour or hour, i’m at 3700 and not really planning to bother with this anymore than my usual few taps a day, it can’t be done anyway just bought


  27. Did anyone else randomly get 20 Clams? I did…. I didnt notice when or how but I recieved 20 clams for free. Without a pop up or anything.


  28. Will some one tell me how to get in the thousands with blam I only manage to get a couple of hundred everyday


    • Just a matter of time investment. Peters 1 min task gives you 60 an hour. Completing tasks and questlines gives you some. The Convention buildings payout some. It is just a collection on how each individual character plays the game.


    • The way I do it is to check in every 45mins to an hour. You should have atleast 6 blue shirt nerds that drop 2blams. Every 2-3 hours you get red and yellow shirts. I do this and im up to 3, 000 blam in 3 days


  29. ok so I am iOS player and miles behind on that calendar but way ahead of the Android calendar just bought my first clam pack and spent on batteries to clear mutant stepwise hoping the zapper gun could become a big thing for big blam


  30. thank you for the calendar. I am 1600 ahead of where I need to be at the end of today so I feel good. Nice little buffer in case I have a bad day. And once I unlock Patrick he should add to the blam (I assume he gives you blam). I just might do it… But if I can get to 85000 and get the minion stewie item I am good…. George would be a bonus.


    • You are most welcome. 😉


      • Just wanna add that all of you on have made playing the game so much more enjoyable. With the articles, tips,polls, answering questions….I don’t know who you are but to me you are like angels…..thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


        • Awwww well thank you. We are just addicted players enjoying our own games and trying to help others out there to do the same. Glad to have you hear! 😉


  31. Holy crap I’m actually ahead on something HOLY CRAP!!!!! YAY!!!!!!:-) 🙂 🙂


  32. Sweet. Thanks Bunny. Printed that out 10×12. It’s hanging over my ‘game station’ (not the toilet….but maybe the toilet).


  33. The event is fun and I’ll have the convention Centre built in few hours so will get free shuttle but after that will not get anywhere near 100k without some sort of glitch or super spawn of nerds. Surely all the characters could give out 1 or 2 blam per hour instead of just the usual earners… is that too much to ask of tinyco?? 🙂 1 more rod to go for stewie, hopefully today is the day I can finally get rid of geeks as well as nerds 😉


  34. How are you getting so many Blam? I’ve been playing since the 2nd day (iOS player) and only have 5802 Blam. Also octostewie keeps settling on the Q and Lois has been Kicking Ass for over a week and I still need 2 Headbands to even get Anime Peter so I can get these wizards out of my town. Big Sigh…. But seriously… the Blam. What am I doing wrong (sorry for the rant)!


  35. I think the thing that makes me most mad is that they’ve only let certain characters drop items you need to unlock. I can’t worry about unlocking Ron now bc I’m still using those characters to unlock stewie! (Bruce and Quagmire) There’s so much going on I can’t finish one task because of the other.


    • Stewie is here to stay as a regular character. My suggestion is focus on the limited time stuff if that is what you want. If not, then go back to Stewie.


  36. I have 2700 blam 😀


  37. This is great im already ahead of the calendar and im a freemium player. I need 7 more pizzas then im done with patrick and im working on peters costume as well. Btw i got stewie this morning! Thanks for posting this calendar 😊


  38. Thanks for the Android version. This is really helpful. I’m almost done with Patrick Stewart and am only 100 blam behind for today so I think I’m right on track. I hate spending clams on non premium characters so this is looking way better than the last event. Can’t wait to see what the android prize is.


  39. This ish is almost impossible. I did the iOS Android Glitch a week ago so I could start early on Android. A WEEK. And in that week I didn’t even earn enough BLAM! for Saturday.

    BTW. To unlock all costumes, celebs, prizes and store items you need friggin much BLAM! and the most frustrating thing is. The BLAM! buildings do not earn BLAM! themselves. TinyCo. did it again. I’m gonna miss everything just like Clown Peter, Rupert and Seven Flags. 😥 I only earned King Butt because of the shot glitch. I’m a freemium completionist so this is so frustrating.


    • I know it seems daunting. Keep in mind still 6 weeks to go and much like the Kingdom event…they have a tendency to add those double and triple drops to help. Too early to stress. 😉


    • I whole-heartedly agree. The degree to which TinyCo has done this with the Family Guy game make it basically “pay to play.” It’s very disappointing.


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