Comic-Con Character Profile: Felicia Day

Hello There Clammers!

It’s nerd city in Quahog these days as the Comic-Con Event is upon us!  Not only have the nerds invaded the streets of Quahog, but celebrities are popping up all over the place!  The third celebrity you’ll find hanging around Comic-Con is Felicia Day!

Personally, I’m a HUGE fan of this aspect of the Comic-Con Event.  I think it’s incredibly awesome to see guest stars make appearances, as playable characters, in TQFS!   It adds a level of excitement to the game, and I’m loving every minute of it!  Can’t wait to see how the others make their grand entrances!

Of course to enjoy all Felicia has to offer in TQFS you’ll have to unlock her, which is sometimes easier said than done!  So let’s take a closer look at the details behind this Red Head….


Felicia arrives in Quahog via the Comic-Con Event.  You’ll find her dangling from the flagpole (as Mutant Stewie’s second victim).  It’ll cost you 200 Blam! and take 8hrs to repair the flagpole & “cut” Felicia down.  Once you’ve freed Felicia from the webs of Mutant Stewie, you’ll have to help Lois gather some of the STUFF she needs to stay in Quahog.

Note: Once the event is over Felicia will stay in your Quahog FOREVER, as long as you fully unlock her.  In other words you have to collect all the stuff required to unlock her.  If you don’t fully unlock her and add her as a playable character BEFORE Comic-Con ends she’ll leave with the event.  Also, you have the rest of the event to unlock her.  So you can take your time collecting the necessary STUFF…you have plenty of time 🙂


As the 3rd celebrity to join Comic-Con Felicia is understandably harder to unlock than Ron and Patrick.  She’ll require 3 different items to unlock, and a whole lotta Blam!  The items are Rare and Extra Rare so the drop rates & time to unlock her will vary.  Let’s take a closer look at what’s required:

15 8-Sided Dice
15 80s Jams
10 Telescopes
10,000 Blam!

-You can earn the 8-Sided Dice by clearing Red Shirt Nerds.  You’ll also earn it from making Captain Hammered Binge Drink.  This will also drop from Sir Lanceawart’s Board Games, a building you win with Blam! collecting.  You can also get it to always drop if you spend clams on Felicia’s trailer.

-You can earn the 80s Jams by sending Bonnie to Ladies Night.  This will also drop from the “Q” Hotel, but only the one in the Comic-Con District…not from the one you win.  Finally, you can get it to always drop if you spend clams on Dead Format Records.

-You can earn the Telescopes by having Bruce be a Good Listener.  You can also get this from the Clamterprise.  And finally, you can get it to always drop if you spend clams on the Quahog Planetarium.

Blam! is earned by completing tasks for Characters from Districts 1 and 2 (Peter, Bonnie, Chris, Quagmire, Jerome & Bruce), it will also fall from the Calmterprise, the “Q”, the Convention Center, zapping nerds & Mutant Stewies & can be earned from completing parts of the questline for Comic-Con.  You’ll need 10,000 Blam! to Unlock Felicia.  Keep in mind once you unlock her, you’ll lose those 10,000 Blam! from your on hand total (top left, next to coins).

So now that we know HOW to unlock Felicia Day, let’s take a look at her tasks once she’s unlocked:

Task Length  Earns Blam!  Level Required
Do Laundry 2hrs $30, 20xp 6 3
Practice Larping 4hrs $50, 30xp 10 1
Battle Axe Produce 12hrs $100, 65xp 20 1
Fight a Video Game Boss 16hrs $117, 75xp 22 3
Post Video Blog 24hrs $150, 100xp 30 1

And for those that like a little preview…she does have 1 outdoor task and it does use the Larping Forest (and one of the best animations in the game!):


As you can see Felicia’s got a few Blam! earning tasks, which is great because once unlocked you’ll have another character to help you earn Blam!  Once unlocked she’ll continue with her own questline (well with Lois), Red Headed Rivalry, which will help you earn even more Blam!

There you have it….the details on this firey red head!

What do YOU think of Felicia Day?  Have you unlocked her yet?  Any thoughts on her quests?  Thoughts on the guest stars appearing in TQFS?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

145 responses to “Comic-Con Character Profile: Felicia Day

  1. I don’t have her, but run into her along multiverse. WTH is she saying? I couldn’t find it here, there or on the web.


  2. Am I the only one that was hoping that at the end of the redhead rivalry quest line that Lois would come on to Felicia only to be rebuffed? ;-D


  3. Where and when do we get the “ Store”??? She needs it for a task


  4. Cruising along now after acquiring Stan Lee and George Takei. Time to relax and enjoy some of the content as opposed to grinding Blam, pesticides, and bombs. Can’t wait for the future updates. Pretty fun having my Quahog fill up with characters and new costumes. Getting as far as I have I could easily see people starting today and still getting 100k Blam if they put the time in even as a freemium player. If you have to spend clams on something buy Bryan Cranston, worth every clam. A big thanks to the Family Guy Addicts crew for great updates, advice, and optimism.


  5. Just noticed that Felicia was larping in the wrong direction. Dummy is next to her and she is attacking the air.


  6. The rarity for the 8-sided Dice for @feliciaday has been changed from Extra Rare to Rare.

    Hope this helps you unlock her faster!


  7. Ok I researched her and she seems ok. Doesn’t break into my favorite geek dream girls list but she seems cool. By the way my top three are
    1) Bunny of course
    2) Lynda Carter
    3) Olivia Munn
    Now let the battle begin lol


  8. She can tank and spank me any time 🙂


  9. sterling archer

    hi I’m a little confused by the fully collecting all items so does that meanif i spend clams to unlock her at the end of the event she’ll be gone


    • You can unlock her at any time (with clams or by collecting items) before the event ends. But if she is not fully unlocked when the event ends, she will vanish. This is true for all the celebrities and Blam prizes. Any character you do unlock, however, is yours to keep.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I don’t care for Felicia Day because guys tend to think she’s God’s gift to nerds/geeks when really she’s an overrated hypocrite (the fact she’s a c list celebrity at best and so far we’ve been introduced only to other a-listers in this game supports this as well). I’ll still unlock her just because it’s another character to put to work for blam/coins.

    Oh and not to mention she has the worst line in the game: “Math is cool.” No, Felicia Day, math is never cool.


    • HAHAHAHAHAHA. I know a few Nerds that think different. That mixed with Bryan’s “Get Hooked on Math, Not Meth” make me giggle. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • Math is way cool, but if you want mind-blowing cool, try math & meth. You just can’t comprehend the intensity of a bunch of speed freaks kicking some calculitic complexities at a million meters a second.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Ok I have no opinion because I don’t know her but while I suck at math it is becoming cool. Just watch Adventure Time. It’s mathematical man.


      • And I don’t watch Adventure Time because of the killer animation or the awesome stories or even the hidden adult humor. I watch it cause my kids like it. Just like I didn’t have every an entire library of cartoons in my barracks room even before my oldest was born.


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