Midnight Madness? New Items & New Tasks

Well not to be out of sync, TinyCo introduced a lil something extra into our games in the WEEEEEE hours of the A.M. Good thing some of us don’t sleep. o.O

Two quick items, the first up…new Battery Packs for Clams options:

New Battery Packs

48 Pack Battery

So for those of you that REALLY want to stock up on Batteries, the 3 pack is no more and instead you have a case of 48 Batteries for 500 Clams. I still find other ways to earn them, but up to you if you want to invest.


Secondly, the Robot Stewie over by the Comic Con area is now coming to life. Blinking, Smoking, all sorts of movement. What does this mean?Could it be another Box Option? Another way to get some MORE goodies?  Well, you will just have to wait and see.

Robo Stewie

Let the speculations begin in the comments below. Lol.

Now for the new tasks…Buy Bomb Supplies Write a Haiku


UPDATE: It seems TinyCo removed the new tasks as soon as they put them in. This may be due to the NEW 3rd incarnation of Stewie Mutants won’t be ready to launch just yet. All I see left now are Quagmire’s tasks. 

New Tasks      
Character Task Time/ Payout Blam!
Chris Buy Bomb Supplies 4hrs/ $50, 30XP 5
Blobulous Buy Bomb Supplies 2hrs/ $30, 20XP 6
Bonnie Buy Bomb Supplies 4hrs/ $50, 30XP 5
Quagmire Buy Bomb Supplies 4hrs/ $50, 30XP 5
Quagmire Write a Haiku 6hrs/ $50, 30XP 10
Captain Hammered Buy Bomb Supplies 2hrs/ $30, 20XP 6
Red Hot Buy Bomb Supplies 2hrs/ $30, 20XP 6


That’s bout it for me…for now. Hang around, still SO much more to come in this event. EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!


129 responses to “Midnight Madness? New Items & New Tasks

  1. Is it safe to install the latest update from the google play store? I’m being rather cautious seeing what happened before. I hope TinyCo is extremely careful with this update!! I WANT MY NEW JOE CHARACTER NOW!!!!!


  2. Stan Lee is Here!!!!


  3. The new update is glitchy. I have started with Stan Lee and all the new buildings look great. But the Bomb feature is messed up. I start the task and read about how bombing works. Then I get the competed task notice and the three bombs. When starting the next task the game crashes. Maybe, it is because there aren’t any Stewies to bomb yet…


  4. Got in-game notification about update and also downloaded from App Store. Upon launching nothing new. Any ideas?


  5. Incidentally, I just got a pesticide drop while Giant Stewie was on his countdown. Previously, pesticides seemed to remove themselves from the drop pool while stewie is on cooldown.


  6. They also changed the rate from always to rare for Patrick Stewart thespian and Ron Perlmans monster task. That really really sucks.


  7. I got a notification saying that Stan Lee is gracing us with his presence, and to play now. Doesn’t look like it’s actually started in-game for me yet though, but you can be sure I’m not sending anyone on long tasks at this point.


  8. New update for Stan Lee


  9. I wonder how many of you have the game center price “collect 500.000 monopoly money” already. I use the event to save money and are i’m just over 300.000 now. 🙂


    • I’m currently at 820,000 but I have had an office farm of over 475 bulidings up for a while once I hit a million I’ll take it down nice to save up for any future mystery boxes that cost coins


    • I just hit 500,000 during the event. I have been farming offices like crazy! Just bought the Stewie dictator statue for 150,000.

      Only 3 achievements left. Peter drinking 50 times, Peter dancing 100 times and the run out of friends 20 times which I’m still not sure how to do.


  10. I’m still working on getting blobulous.. I’m kind of worried because I got captain hammered fairly quickly, any word on how limited the costume is?


  11. Its seems Patrick and Ron no longer drop red and green pesticides. Which sucks because i was using Peter to farm sundaes for Blobulous


    • They had to switch that up a bit ago. Issues when they had them and batteries all combined. So they had to change them out. Now one earns Red and the other Green.


  12. My robot stewie has disappeared


  13. Finally got Felicia but who would’ve thought i’d still be working on Blobulous with 6 ICS’ to go. At this rate i should just spend 60 clams! Sheesh!!! Oh on a side note, just 4000 Blam till Buttosarous!! 😉 So So Glad i bought that Bar, cannot remember how to spell that S word! Hell, never even heard of that word till this game! And Very Happy to have bought Bryan! Man, what a boost just with those two! 🙂


  14. I have a question for the gurus on this site; I recently bought an Android device and have installed the game on that as well (originally an IOS player); Can I still get Joe’s costume, and if so, do you know how?


  15. So, what really grinds my gears: Will the pesticides to defeat Giant Stewie be replaced by the rockets? So if this happens, it would be very wisely to spend them before the update hits the game… Do you know anything about it? THX!


  16. Bryan Craston’s pesticide task has just vanished on my game :/ Are we getting even more glitches?


  17. Are these minion stewies the same as the ones in the description of the second-to-last prize? What if you had the nothing suspicious here lair before the upcoming update, will you be one step ahead? Man, my head is BURNING with questions! 🙂 And how much do you think the Stewie Mystery box would cost, I hope there won’t be any junk in there, 😉 ? (Like the wacky waving superhero and low amounts of blam!) That’s all. 😛


  18. i am blowing thru my pesticides increasing as much blam as i can! interesting battery offer but i will take the slow and steady! have to admit tho the anticipation is murder! LOL


  19. I’m guessing batteries will definitely be needed to make the bombs, and most likely multiple if they are trying to sell that big a battery pack. It doesn’t make sense to get a 48 battery pack when you can only have 4 baby mutties in your town at any given time.

    That being said I finally unlocked Stewie last night and coincidentally Connie only had 1 hour left of taunting the fanboys so I got through that part of the questline super fast. Can’t wait to get all those wizards nerds out of my town!


  20. Has anyone had issues with lay her stewie? It’s been 4hours since I have seen any of my buildings being taken over and my batteries are starting to like up? Has latched stewie been removed before the next update?


    • It is here to stay the event. Please alert them if yours are not spawning properly. Mine are still spawning at the appropriate rate and 4 total at a time max.


  21. I am guessing that “Starscream” Stewie (the robot by the convention center) will be the one bombing the new mutant Stewies.


  22. Any one else’s game being a crash-a-saurus? Mine crashed no less than 8 times so far this morning. I’d message them on the game, but clicking on a menu item is a guaranteed crash for some reason…


  23. I noticed this morning that the celebrities now say “rare” for getting pesticide we it used to say “always”. 😦


  24. If you click find pesticides when you click on the comic con building a pop up appears that says There are no minion stewies in your town


  25. sounds like there will be multiple (3-4) parts needed to build a bomb to get these new stewies. would explain why so many people can buy the parts. i would expect to be able to make/use a bomb once every 6 hours or so. just guessing like everyone else but seems plausable.

    as for the mega battery pack??? maybe the stewie factory will finally kick into gear and you just might NEED them extra batteries. i’m still a long way from it but might be an idea to not claim it until later unless you can get the massive batteries. just guessing but isn’t that half the fun.

    for now i on the edge of my seat like everyone else….


  26. The clock over giant stewie showing the count down time to defeat him should run also after we have collected enough pesticide, I don’t like that the clock is no longer shown afterwards, maybe this can be “improved” thxs


    • Do you mean you want it to also show the 30 second cool down timer after you have vanquished Giant Stewie?


      • I think they are referring to the fact that if you have enough to vanquish but you are holding off to try to gather more for the next level, the timer doesn’t show, you just get a little symbol instead.


        • Yes correct, it would be nice if e.g. the color of the countdown clock would change instead of changing to the biohazard/blast symbol when you have enough pesticides for defeating.


      • No, he means that when you get enought pesticide for the current goal, the timer would remain instead of being replaced by the biohazard symbol.


    • It’s over his head so you can be aware of the time till the next pesticide would be needed if you didn’t collect enough (and the streak will reset). But if you have enough pesticides for the amount needed, it switches to the blast symbol. If you tap the convention Center and look at the pop up it will have the time remaining still counting down. It just isn’t necessary overhead if you have enough to hit him for the current needed amount.


  27. I sent red hot on the buy bomb supplies 2 hours ago she just finishes. Went to send her again and it was gone. Same with quagmire and bonnie and Chris…seems like only captain hammered keor it for me….I guess I’ll wait and see if anything changes.


  28. Still unlocking Chris suite, and there now is a way to get Sundaes through Minion Stewies. Coming soon I guess.


  29. I had a weird glitch in the early hours of the morning, needed to zap Stewie but no latcher on inked out building and game freezes when trying to zap him. Not an issue for me as I’m awaiting the update, just thought others may have had the same issue.
    Also I seem to be winning tonnes of batteries! 70 at last count and wish it were Red pesticides instead. Lol


  30. Is there going to be a grand/final prize for this event? If so, any idea what it’s going to be? King Butt was the final prize at 100k for the Kingdom event but I don’t know if Takei at 100k is the final prize or not for the Comic Con event?


    • He is. TinyCo listened to the complaints made by players after the Full Moon event, who wanted to see the total “event currency” needed so they could make a game plan strategy. So they showed all the prizes and total “Blam” needed in this event. 🙂


      • Is the convention center going to be winnable or purchasable in any way during the event?


        • This is just a guess (my favorite pastime..lol), but if the Full Moon event taught us anything, TinyCo likes to reward it’s players with stuff at the end of big events. So it wouldn’t be too far fetched to think that maybe…..just maybe, the CC would be waiting for us at the end. We already have the Q, and many have won (or could have won) the Clamterprise, so it makes sense. But again…just my humble guess. 😉


  31. An interesting little glitch. All the debris and wild trees are suddenly gone from my un-cleared land plots. It’s just green ground under some smoke. It happened just when I finished The Hot Mama quest line and unlocked District 8 and wizards squatters suddenly invaded. It doesn’t seem to be effecting anything play wise though.


    • Yeah, it’s a funny little graphic glitch that only effects those (well, most of those) that haven’t cleared the land yet. You’re right, it doesn’t effect your game play. 😉


      • I think it was for memory issues. There is so much animation going on, they needed to cut back on the amount of loaded graphics. Much like the gun that zaps the Latcher Stewies no longer makes it’s sound effects. It hasn’t for me (on both my iphone nor my ipad) for over a week.


  32. I have the new battery pack but none of the characters have the new tasks 😦 I already closed the game and even restart my iPad. Is this happening with someone else? Should I delete the game and reinstall?


  33. I’m all set for batteries and pesticides, got 52 batteries saved up, and around 100 of each pesticide colour, looking forward to seeing the minion stewies and what effect they have on our towns. But I’m most looking forward to the arrival of Stan Lee, but I have a feeling that all his items are gonna be extra rare.


  34. Just noticed the fab 4 building new animation when someones inside it…looking good.


  35. So have I been saving up these pesticides for nothing now that there will be bombs?? I hope the f not. I’ve been saving an s-load of pesticides so I can get the car quicker this time and not right at the nick of time.
    They better not be switching to bombs and pesticides are of no use.


    • Just like the batteries were not replaced by the pesticides, the pesticides won’t me replaced by the bombs. You’re fine. 😉


      • Ta! Was about to freak out royal. I’m getting nice and ready for this weekend’s chapter. No being right at the last second this time!


        • The Pesticides will still be useful because Giant Stewie is going to be on top of the the convention center until the end.

          however, its seems to me an almost certain bet that the 3rd car challenge will involve bombs and blowing up the next mutant stewie.

          Your pesticides won’t go to waste but you are still gonna hafta hustle to get the next car. not much of a challenge if you can spend a whole week prepping for it, right?


  36. I noticed that a “Minion Stewie” will drop sundaes now. There are two options now. Latched and Minion Stewies.


  37. In al haringtons when I click on the sundaes (to unlock blobulous) it says get by clearing minion stewie. Could this be the next stewie mutation.


  38. You think we may need batteries for the bombs? 48 is a whole lotta batteries for just blasting latchers!


    • Hard to say, with the tasks reading bomb “supplies” and not just “bombs”, I’m assuming that it will be assembled from parts. Maybe a battery and a pesticide!? Isn’t speculation fun! LOL 😉

      And with Robo Stewie coming alive, wouldn’t it be cool if he was used to drop the bombs from overhead?


      • Thats sir. Would be AWESOME!
        Then the first time I try it, itll glitch and erase my entire quahog, take my clams and pull my hair!
        Ive loved the event and all the new buildings n characters, but its a lil buggy haha.
        Tinyco has really impressed me throughout the event content wise. Theyve most definitely kept us guessing and on our toes! Its been expensive and were outta room, but im loving it despite its flaws 🙂


  39. I hope to god that Nathan Fillion isnt part of robo-stewie. I would be so steamed!


  40. I see the new battery pack but my Stewie robot hasn’t changed and I don’t have any of the new tasks for any one.


  41. Interested to see what this all brings. I just got George Takei. Flash mob is way cute!


  42. More like 4pm madness for me lol.the new tasks sound good.but 500 clams for 48 batteries i think that is way to much.


  43. Tadmire Giggity

    I suspect that the task to buy bomb supplies applies to the forthcoming stewie invasion, since you were kind enough to drop that intel on us, before. Still loving this event… Scrambling to keep up with all the craziness.


  44. You can now send Chris and Bonnie to buy bomb supplies in Goldman’s pharmacy.
    Buy Bomb Supplies – 4hr, 30$, 20XP, 5 Blam! (Bonnie)
    Buy Bomb Supplies – 4hr, 30$, 20XP, 5 Blam! (Chris)

    I need to build “faboulus 4 headquarters”, but i need a block to clear (6hr left)


  45. I just hope Nathan isn’t a prize in the Stewie Mystery Box. Haha!


    • Wonder if somebody from Tinyco is reading this thread and frantically reaching for the phone…

      “uh boss, about the new robo-stewie box? I think we may be about the have a problem….”

      Nah, I’m pretty sure that NT won’t be a random chance. too much risk of rage-quitters. Better to go for the guranteed 500 clams and have him drop bomb supplies (or maybe whole bombs…)


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