It’s A Trailer Party!

Hey there Clammers. Just hopping on by to give you all a quick lil info. Looks like TinyCo has provided us with the infamous Breaking Bad Style Trailer. Complete with bullet holes and all.


Bryan Cranston Breaking Bad Trailer


Quagmire has a small lil dialog that kicks this off. (FYI, you have to had completed Bombs Away Part 1 AND purchased at least one Trailer in order for this to pop up. )




And so the Trailer Party begins. You now have the option to get Bryan’s Trailer for free if you purchase the other four Celebrity Trailers.

Trailer Party

If you have been collecting all the other Celebrity Trailers, this one will be automatically completed and Bryan Cranston’s Trailer will be placed into your Inventory.



So what is so special about this trailer (other than it simulates the one from Breaking Bad)? Well it does generate some extra help for the game.

Bryan Cranston Breaking Bad Trailer

$30, 20XP, and 1 Modern Harpoon (ALWAYS) every 4hrs.

I have to say this one did make me giggle as soon as I saw the bullet holes. I had already purchased the other Trailers for design ideas down the road, so I did get this one right away for free.

So there you have it. Something quick and simple tossed into the game. What do YOU think about the Trailer? Happy that they brought it into the game? Do you already have the other 4? Let us know your thoughts on this one.


80 responses to “It’s A Trailer Party!

  1. I have a question bunny… u know if they are going to offer any of the prizes from robo stewie and brian?? That would be really cool if they did….I would even pay for some of the prizes…


  2. any news on when the AskJeeves store will be coming to android for this event? before the event was released on Android devices i heard that it was available but it just looked like another building backwards (but was eventually fixed), but when we finally got the update there was no AskJeeves store in the market place … and Lois’ costume (up to a couple days ago) required the AskJeeves store for a certain task (now i believe that task requires the fabulous four building) … does this mean that the store won’t be coming to Android devices or just that it’ll be part of a later quest for this event?


  3. I have two questions on the trailer task.

    The first one is. How long is it available for is it for the rest of the event or a couple days deal?

    The second question is. If we haven’t already bought a trailer is it too late to act on this task?


    • This offer is triggered once you buy at least one trailer and should hang round til end of the event. So if you already have one, keep an eye out for it to pop up. If you have not, keep an eye out as soon as you do buy at least one for it to appear.


  4. I don’t see any option to purchase trailers except for Stan Lee’s one. Am I missing something?


  5. Well, I guess if Bryan can’t get an RV then Nathan probably can’t get Serenity, huh? C’est la vie.


  6. I’m seriously tempted but the rewards aren’t worth it. In my humble opinion Bryan Cranston’s trailer should at least give us the equivalent of Bryan Cranston’s pesticide task. Guaranteed 1 of each harpoon every 2 hours. That would of definitely made it worth the clams. Anyone else agree with me?


  7. That’s too awesome to even comment on. Well almost.


  8. I have placed the trailers on the grass on the corner of the ocean front. Celebs would like a ocean view. 🙂 shame George does not help with the tasks especially the harpoons, for us lucky enough to get him, now we have him all he collects is Blam and have 46,000 spare and all the buildings, so hoping something new comes along soon.


  9. As I’ve said previously, personally I think Bryan Cranston should have come with something like this to start with. At 500 clams he should have been bundled with something more substantial than a chair. I own 1 trailer but I have no intention of dropping another 300 clams on them just for this – it’s not even a proper RV it’s just a re-skinned trailer. They should give this away to people that already own Bryan Cranston…

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Is anyone else struggling to get magazines for the multiplier? I have all the calculators and lotion, yet only 8 magazines. Drop rates are very hard for this!


    • Yes it’s really beginning to bug me – I get hardly anything dropping from Minion Stewies, and on the rare occasion I do get something it is always a clam and never a magazine. It doesn’t help that only Quagmire can do a task for them too, I may give in and get the building that drops them if I don’t have it by next week…

      I also think it is weird that Peter has a 6 hour task and an 8 hour task for calculators – is that a mistake by the devs? Why would you do the 8 hour task if there is a 6 hour task from the same character? Should a different character have been given one of these tasks?


      • I let them know already on the double task. Gave them a few suggestions on it. You can too if you’d like.


      • Don’t buy the building that drops them! It’s the same price in clams (100) to buy the building or to get all 20 by buying The Multiplier. So if you have any magazines so far, it will be cheaper to buy the character than the building (assuming you’ve collected the calculators and lotions.)

        I get magazines from minions at the incredibly slow rate of about 1 every 200 minions. Quagmire’s 6 hour task has been much more efficient in getting them.


        • I’m getting about 1 per day. For awhile about 12 hours in to the update I was getting about 1 per 50 minions bombed but that didn’t last long.

          Out of the 12 I have only 1 was dropped by The Q Man.
          I’m sure I’ll unlock him but its probably gonna be close. At least right now I have enough clams to unlock him at the very end if necessary.


    • I do. Probably I’ll buy the last 4 or 5 porn mags with clams (5 clams for one).
      Drop rates from minions are terrible.


  11. Got the new trailer and looks good and the additional harpoon helps, but still think I may be short of the bikk to get the shuttle, 4 days is not enough when so meny harpoons are required to kill Mutent Stewie, I saved up so that I could get the streak to get the movie lot, over 45 of each, but still shows I nead to kill him 5 more times in now 3 1/2 days, unless I spend the next 3 days playing every 3 hours and In cannot as working may miss out have all extras except Brian as at 500 clams he was to much. Anyone know if there is a way tomget extra harpoons as Brian as stated is the only thing I do not have. 😦


    • A good way if you have over 24hrs left (especially if you have a limited supply) is to save up and let the meter reset. At some point when you’re ready with multiple iterations of 5-15 (or 20 for the movie set) then go ahead and fight.

      I have Bryan/Nathan so this itself isn’t an issue, but those with less characters will need to be smarter about allocating harpoons.


  12. Hi, Bunny: I’ve got a great idea for a major blog topic… “Lifestyles of the rich and famous…” Wait, that’s taken?

    How about, “Who is my daddy and what does he do?”… Arnold Schwarzenegger used that in a movie already?

    Well, how about, “What do you do for a living that you can spend hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on a video game that puts mostly non-interactive colorful pixels on a touch screen panel?”

    I’m dying to know! We freemium players owe you all our happiness from this game since it obviously wouldn’t exist without you. However, I’d be elated to know what career path I should have chosen in life to have that much dispensable cash; as well as relieved to know there aren’t more people leaving their infants at home to starve, while they take on the roles of Cap’t Hammered and Red Hot at some all day larping festival.

    It’s scary to do the math at how much clams cost versus how many are required to own all of the trailers, chairs, Blam! droppers, buildings, speed-ups, decorations and more – just for this event – let alone previous events and general game stuff…

    My thanks go out to those who have simply let me friend them on Facebook for the purposes of allowing me to SEE their Quahogs and all of these trinkets in a creative environment. Before we dismiss them as simple candidates for generating a free clam every 40 hours, we should all appreciate the fact that these milieus cost a small fortune to design! I for one am not joking and I love to spend a few minutes looking over some people’s towns to appreciate not only the artful displays, and beautiful synergy, but the thought-provoking cost of it all!!


  13. This is a fantastic update, I have been collecting the trailers as they are my fav item in game and was disappointed that not all the celebs had one, now we have one with bullet holes and it cost no clams wooohooo 😀


  14. Hey guys, I can’t seem to get enough blam. Maybe y’all can help? I’m level 16 and I only have 32000 blam (I’ve been playing from the start).


  15. I wish you could buy the trailers with blam now, I’ve just finished unlocking all the characters so 450 clams is quite steep when you won’t get the benefits of the extra drops. I’ve also noticed Bryan now drops all three harpoons.


  16. Well, saw the update showing Joe will be coming soon for Android players. Everything unlocked except Quagmires costume, but he’s close. I imagine Takei and Fillion will get trailers too, but it would be cool if they have some kind of bonus for players who have gone above and beyond the Blam! total needed, as with all the Demon and Giant slaying I’m near 200k… not saying it has to happen, but it would be nice to be able to see something extra, or a chance to convert this Blam! into something else, whether it be buildings, trailers or even $/clams.


    • Actually it kinda does hafta happen 😉

      The issue is customer perception of the value of event currency.
      If we are all swimming in blam and all we end up getting for it is an army of waving tube heros nobody is going to be that bothered about the event currency next time. Which leads to fewer sales of currency generators.
      (those blam trucks were the stupidest mistake I have made in this game)

      They need to make players feel like it was worth it.

      Then again, those that don’t have 200,000 will rage-table-flip if a special prize is announced, so damned if they do, damned if they don’t…


  17. I have beat the 100 thousand blam challange with 60 thousand still on hand to spend and only have the multiplier to unlock. So far this has been the best event. I cant wait to see the fourth car challenge and the exclusive joe character.


  18. i think i will not be doing the trailer party! I’m just 3 shots from the car and besides that’s alot of clams for those! 🙂


  19. 400 more clams?
    Well 300 cause you already bought one trailer?

    If it sounds like a cash grab, walks like a cash grab, and talks like cash grab, well, it’s a cash grab.

    Love how they call it BC’s RV when its actually a phoned-in skin for the same old trailer.


  20. I’ve been toying with the idea of getting the trailers since I’ve unlocked the celebs the natural way. This just tipped me over the edge. There goes 10 more hard earned dollars 🙂


  21. I would LOVE IT if there was a blam box where we could exchange blam for prizes, I have 95,000 Blam to spend and nothing to spend it on.


    • I was just thinking the same thing. If I remember correctly they had something in the Kingdom of the Full Moon event where you could. I would guess we would see something around the last week if we get something like this. I’m over 210k Blam total with about 70k Blam in cash reserve just in case.


  22. Did any other android players get the Joe teaser tonight?!?! Couldn’t get a screenshot 😦 darn these fingers, they’re getting to be too fast…


  23. Just got a pop up about joes costume coming soon. I was beginning to wonder if we were ever gonna get it


  24. It does at least have bullet holes in the door though, LOL. Going to wait to see what else they drop before I finish off the trailers.


  25. I love that we get this trailer, but I hope I’m not the only one who wants a trailer for George Takei and Nathan Fillion as well.


  26. It’s a trailer and not an RV for the same reason it’s Bryan Cranston not Walter White.


  27. I’m sorry this comment is unrelated to this post, but by any chance do you know when TinyCo is putting district 9 into the game? I’ve finished all the normal quest lines and nothings happening.


  28. I wish TinyCo would provide me with 250 clams or Nathn Fillion I paid for when he first came out. He was “deleted” from my account sometime Friday or Thursday. I’ve written them 2 times.


  29. A Blam to clam conversion option would be nice for those with extra we could get some of the premium items at the end of the event. By the way TinyCo..bombing my Stewie minions still have not dropped any magazines for the Multiplier..I do believe it’s broken. Yes I contacted them.


  30. What design ideas have you came up with for the trailers? I can’t figure anything out. Plus I’m running out of town space unless I plan to not have roads. Which to some buildings I don’t ;(


  31. This isn’t a limited time “quest” like the typical 4 days ones is it? (Other than the end of the event obviously) Just curious since I haven’t had the quest pop for me yet but should be far enough along for it to do so.


  32. Finally!!! Some help with modern harpoons! Lol. I’ve been very low on these and in the 30s on the other two. Thank you TinyCo!!

    On a side note, I’ve got 180k blam score, and 100k blam to spend. Hope they give us some awesome blam purchases before event ends!


  33. When they said it would be an RV instead of “trailer”, I was hoping it might be different. No such luck though *sigh*


  34. I’ve collected all 10 blam prizes. I’ve got 38,000+ blam to spend. I’ve got most all the buildings that blam will purchase. Any advice what to spend my remaining blam on? (I’m still unlocking hero quagmire).


  35. Very angry at this. Not only was Bryan the most expensive character to date at 500 clams, you now have to spend another 400 for his trailer. I would rather have the option to buy it for 100 clams like the other trailers!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  36. I wonder how pissed people are going to be if they are only interested in this trailer, and not the others.


    • Jeez, I went to double check the prices on things. What is it, 400 clams for the trailers, and 500 for Bryan himself? I mean, it’s not so bad if you’ve been buying the trailers anyway, either for the sake of collecting them all, or for the benefit of their dropping items, but if all you want is your Breaking Bad fix, this is steep, especially since if you had no interest in the other trailers beforehand, you’ve probably already collected the items they would have dropped in the first place.


  37. A trailer?!? Anyone familiar with the show knows it was an RV. ROTFLMAO.


  38. This was neat. Any extras added onto Premium content are always gonna be fun. I wonder if we’ll see George Takei and Nathan Fillion trailers further down the line.

    Also, I’m wondering what will structure the last week of the event. Since we’ve now got all the celebrities and costumes available (outside of Joe who I presume is still unique to Android players) will we see some new characters/costumes pop up? I’m hoping for a Mutant Stewie costume personally.


    • I’d be surprised if we got any new costumes that we need to collect for. Might not be fare to give the new players too short a time to earn them.


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