Halloween House Decorations! (Updated)

Hey there minions. So in true TinyCo fashion…a late Friday update just hit. We now have decorations for 3 homes to add to the help and collection for Stay Puft Rockets and Ghostbuster Clevelands outfit.

Decorations for Houses


(Psssssst Jason has a voice that makes me giggle. Just sayin. Now if Alien got his “Bruce” voice. 😉 )

So you need a lil helping hand with those Rockets. Want more ways to earn them? Missing items for Cleveland and need help finding more?  Here yah go.

Griffin House Halloween DecorationsGriffin’s House Halloween Decorations: NOTE: It’s possible to craft multiple building skins. DO NOT DO THIS, as you will only receive one but you will lose the additional materials. So do NOT Brew more than one or you will lose items. Silly lil headstones outside, bats & spiders hanging from the house, cardboard ghosts on lawn.

Spirit Vial3000 Spirit Vials

Marshamallow Goop 110 Marshmallow Goop

This will earn you 450 FP.

Blue Graham Cracker RocketPayout is 20 Spirit Vials & 4 FP every 12 hrs. Will also ALWAYS drop ONE Blue Blue Graham Cracker Rocket.

EctoplasmChance at Ectoplasm




Quagmire House Halloween DecorationsQuagmire’s House Halloween Decorations: Typical Glenn…Blowup Doll Witch, Pumpkins, and headstones outside. Bats hanging from the house.

Clams100 Clams Now 25 Clams

Purple Chocolate RocketPayout is 35 Spirit Vials & 6 FP every 24 hrs. Will also ALWAYS drop ONE Purple Chocolate Rocket.

Slimer Juice BoxChance at Slimer’s Juice Box




Swanson House Halloween DecorationsSwanson’s House Halloween Decorations: Jack-O-Lantern in a wheelchair. Pumpkins on the porch. Headstones n ghosts cutouts. Lights and spiders hanging.

Spirit Vial100 Spirit Vials

Red Fire RocketPayout is 20 Spirit Vials & 4 FP every 12 hrs. Will also ALWAYS drop ONE Red Gasoline Rocket.

Clean BootsChance at Clean Boots


Now for how you place the decorations on and take them off. Just tap on the house and you will notice a Green Arrow under the image. This means there is more info below. Tap on the arrow and it will now point down to the hidden menu. There you will see two icons. A Square Pumpkin w/paint brush and Cancel Symbol. Tap the Square Pumpkin to add the Halloween Decorations. Tap the Red Cancel button to take them back off.

Halloween Decorations on and off



So in order to get the new payouts you paid for, make sure the Halloween Decorations are up on any of the 3 Houses you got them for.

There you have it. 3 new items you can pick n choose from to help you gain rockets for Stay Puft. What do YOU think of them? Going to get any? Let us know.



114 responses to “Halloween House Decorations! (Updated)

  1. When will I be able to buy skins? I have tried clicking on buildings and I don’t see any green arrows? Should I already see them.


  2. Even though the Halloween skin for the house is a small update I think it’s awesome. It’s a very cool idea and I wish they would do it for more houses and buildings. It would be great if they do the same for Christmas. Making quahog all snowed up with lights all over the place I can’t wait, this Halloween event is just so awesome. Thank u girls for all your hard work. I think everyone agrees with me on what u guys do here is very nice and much appreciated.


  3. I got all the Ghostbusters , shall I get vampire duck , or save of for the giant marshmallow man is he as big as robo dinosaur from comic con? I put some hours in this game


  4. I’m really hoping that these Halloween skins are just a small sampling of what we can do to our towns at Christmas. Would love some great holiday house skins (and maybe a Chanukkah skin for the pharmacy)!


  5. Cleveland bought me Quagmire’s house


  6. I paid 100 clams for quagmires decorations. It’s unfair that they have now dropped the price to 25 clams. Are they going to give me back the extra 75 clams that I have wasted. I’ve messaged them but still waiting for a reply


  7. We really need a lot more land! I don’t like storing items I’ve bought or earned in the game. I want to be able to display everything year round.


  8. In you opinion, does the Griffen House have a good ROI? Like with the vials it gives and the 2 rockets per day, do you think it will make your 3k back? I am thinking no since 24 rockets would get you 650 vials about and the house would get you another 500. While the FP is nice, I feel the sender 3k could get you more on other cauldron items too. On a side note, does Mr. Weed get rockets or anything else? At 9k now after buying Stewie, so trying to save up for him and not buy anything else unless we have to.


  9. Skins for buildings … loving it !


  10. How many FPs are given with Mr. Weed? My cauldron snapshot of him doesn’t say much.


  11. If you get the house decoration don’t switch back to the regular house or the timer will reset. I know from experience, dude, if you know what I mean.




    • Do me a favor and go through your in game menu, help, and contact them via your game. Let them know you were one of the players that got him BEFORE the discount. See what happens. 🙂


    • I got a refund for the extra clams. Just send in a request through the game…


    • I got it pretty much right away and is was advertised as 100 clams but the game glitched out and said it was 25 clams on the confirmation so I jumped and bought it. I wonder if they marked it down after noticing the glitch early It’s be easier to mark it down for everyone and refund the few that got it in the first couple hours than to figure out the cause and write a patch for glitch and deal with all the complaints later that some got it for super cheap.

      I’m on iOS 8.0.2 on an iPad 3. It may have ben something super specific for this setup or for all apple… who knows? But 25 is way better than 100. Send a ticket and I’m sure they will get you your clams back right away.

      Added bonus. Cleveland should finish out the character set and you get a 25 Clam reward so he ends up being free, or at least that’s how it worked for me.

      Happy hunting!


  13. Not sure if anyone else feels the same but I am in desperate need of more land. My town was looking really good but with all the new buildings I’ve had to just dump them here there and everywhere. Any news on when tiny co will be giving some more land?… Also once they give us the land just a suggestion.. Don’t bring out loads more buildings that’s just gonna make the same happen.


  14. Please HALP! I accidentally double tapped peter on “The Path of the Righteous Man Pt. 5” “Have Peter Spend Time with his Dad- 8hrs ” and skipped the final dialogue. I was wondering if anyone remembered the just of it? Also when you do character profiles/quests in the future do you think you could include screenshots of the opening and closing dialogues? It would be greatly appreciated and a nice way to laugh at the jokes again 🙂


  15. Saw the decorations last night and as I went to bed thought 100 clams is not the right price for a house decoration. As I woke up this morning already corrected the price to 25 clams which is more appropriate for what the item is. I really like how this company does business. Once I have enough marshmallows will have all 3 skins.


  16. So i bought quagmires house skin and as i placed it as i went out of my inventory a bought 9 x 9 birdrassic park flashed onto my screen. I did some reasearch online and some people had hacked into the game and found the picture files for jurassic park themed decorations which gets me extremely excited but they wouldn’t have used them for at least to two events once the American dad event is over which concerns me


  17. Haha good thinking bunny perhaps that’s why lol


  18. Another change I noticed is that they eliminated Stan Lee’s 12-hour task. I’m very curious to know why.


  19. Awesome !!!!!

    Defeated stay puft…got power grid
    Finished Cleveland gb suit…WooHoo
    Up to and finished brew Stewie duck… 🙂

    Mr. Weed at 17500 vials I think is too much. I’m back down to 760 vials. I guess now i can concentrate on mr. Weed and earn tons of vials from stay Puft. Wonder if tiny co will drop me weed to a more reasonable vial count eventually.

    This update is awesome…..

    Who Ya gonna call….na na na na, na na, na na, who Ya gonna call, ghost busters ….

    🙂 🙂 🙂


    • Good Job. I started saving and ignored all the stuff from this weeks update. I just brewed Mr. Weed without spending any extra clams. It is very doable now with Stay Puft if you can get the rockets and get the 25X bonus. I am one pair of boots and 3 ecto plasm away from GB Cleveland without buying the building that drop stuff for him. Now just have to save for Vampire Duck Stewie, the rest of this weeks decorations. Sadly that takes a total of 23450 Vials. But at least can collect a bit and a time and get it all eventually.


  20. Why is quagmires house for clams I think they should have done spirit vials for joes,quagmires and the griffins house and made Clevelands house for 75 clams which could include Cleveland as well and the house could drop all three rockets


  21. 1. Can I brew Vampire Duck Stewie eventhough I haven’t unlocked him yet?
    2. Also I haven’t unlocked Cleaveland. Will TinyCo repeat same event in future? (When I have enough clams to buy him so I can create ghostbuster Cleaveland)
    3. Is there another way to get clams for free execept from visiting neighbours and finishing certain task? How people have tons of clams? Do they buy it? Or is it looooooong way to stock up clams?


    • 1: Looks like he just goes into storage, so I would say yes.

      2: Same event? I doubt it.

      3: Earning them just by playing is great. This event the Fiscal Fright awards you clams per level. So 5 for level 5. 6 for level 6…and so on. You also get a random one here n there from Ghost popping and Kids. It is all in how YOU play the game. 🙂


  22. Can someone tell me what the quest with a gift box on it means plz n thx


    • The one with FP? If that is the one, it is the Fiscal Fright line. You just keep leveling up your FP and you will be awarded clams for each new level of FP you complete for Fiscal Fright. So for Level 5, you get 5 clams. 6 you get 6. 10 is MAX.


    • Quests with gift boxes indicate that you receive some sort of prize (other than coins and experience) for completing the quest.


  23. Hey guys! My first post on here 🙂 May wanna add to your guide that if you click on the house there is a little green arrow that let’s you switch between decorations. (If I dbl post dry had to go threw registration.


  24. Hey guys. My first post 🙂 love this game. But you may wanna add to the guide if you click on the house there is a little green arrow you can change the decorations (I’m assuming we will be seeing more of them).


  25. I wonder why Cleveland’s house doesn’t have a Halloween deco


    • Cuz he keeps breakin the front and fallin outside with his bathtub?

      Cuz Loretta stole them all and donated them to Quagmire?

      Cuz he don’t live there no more?



  26. I’ve also noticed that in the caldron that on elf the ??? Prizes has changed its name to a bunch of bats


  27. If you open the quagmire house under ghostbusters equipment, it shows it’s available for 100 clams, but if you open the buildings section, you can buy it for 25 clams…


  28. terrance willenborg

    I love the voice they gave Jason make him sound like a announcer


  29. Aw man. Not another cool thing for a lot of spirit vials. I calculated and if I want all of the prizes and most of the buildings, I need 37075 vials. I only have 4000. And that doesn’t include the Cleveland buildings (4500) and next weeks stuff. I am in a pickle.


    • Try and get as many bombs as possible and keep Stay Puft at the 25X if possible. I think that is how we are gonna get a lot of the spirit vials. It was very similar with Demon Stewie during Comic Con. I managed to finally collect enough vials today and unlocked Mr. Weed (the hardest by far) so collecting the smaller amounts will be a breeze in comparison (even though there are still some high amounts like 4000 for Stewie and 5000 for the Alien Queen). You can do it. Cheers and good luck.


  30. See..I really wish tinyco would reconsidered on most of the stuff they sell with clams. There was no way in hell I’ll spend 100 clams for quagmire’s house Halloween outfit but I didn’t hesitate to buy it when it went down to 25. They’ll total make more when they sell stuff for cheap. Hopefully they’ll have like a buy one get one free deal on clam, I know most will pay for that. I know I will. And yes bunny, I did let them know. 😉


  31. Is anyone else having problems with the game crashing? I can barely get one or two characters to do a task before it crashes, and if I try to do anything related to the Halloween event, crash. I tried contacting support through the game, but you guessed it, that makes it crash. Major sadface.


    • This is my thoughts on that….

      My personal experience when the game slows…its is due to too much going on and the device just can’t keep up. Right now you got a TON of lil kids, ghosts, banshees, etc runnin round town. Marshminkter (yes that’s what I call them) Guy. So your device is prob pushed too its limits.

      SO this is how I combat it on my devices… Make sure NOTHING else is running on my device. Shut down and kill any other apps that like to run in background (like Facebook). Make sure you have LOTS of free space on the device memory. I give 2GB just to THIS app. Store some items you do not need in your game. MORE drain memory. LESS is good. Store away anything animated that may be adding to the drain. Try to keep all characters on indoor tasks if possible. Those not really needed definitely send them inside somewhere. You can also refresh the game by restarting your device.

      See if this helps.


  32. Do you know if tinyco will reimbursed the people who spent 100 clams on quagmires house? I really hope so seeing as I jumped the gun on that one…. =/


  33. Quagmires house went down to 25 clams.


  34. My Quagmire House skin was only 25 clams, don’t know if it was a glitch or not but I bought it just in case. Thank you again for all you do for us!


  35. I got quagmires house skin for 25 clams… Not 100


  36. I got the Swanson house and the Quagmire house. I can’t find the option to decorate the Griffin house. I’ve searched all the tabs and can’t find it. Is there a way to get the option to get the decorations? Thank you in advance.


  37. Giancarlo Coppola

    So I can’t decorate all three of the houses?


  38. The game crashes continually and now it crashes every single time I zoom out (pinch the screen).

    What can I do?


    • My personal experience when the game slows…its is due to too much going on and the device just can’t keep up. Right now you got a TON of lil kids, ghosts, banshees, etc runnin round town. Marshminkter (yes that’s what I call them) Guy. So your device is prob pushed too its limits.

      SO this is how I combat it on my devices… Make sure NOTHING else is running on my device. Shut down and kill any other apps that like to run in background (like Facebook). Make sure you have LOTS of free space on the device memory. I give 2GB just to THIS app. Store some items you do not need in your game. MORE drain memory. LESS is good. Store away anything animated that may be adding to the drain. Try to keep all characters on indoor tasks if possible. Those not really needed definitely send them inside somewhere. You can also refresh the game by restarting your device.

      See if this helps.


  39. I hit the Quagmire house button, then saw it was a 24h cycle. No thanks! I can speed any of the missions 12 times with those clams, and there’s only 13 days left of the event.

    Swanson house is good (Cheap!), and I expect Griffins will be on par when I get my last ectoplasm.


  40. Griffin House is actually 3,000 vials. You have to brew it, but the other two are in the Building Store.


  41. Lol somebody is on tonight..wuick update 🙂 I think the house skins are pretty cool and Love the fact that each is offered in a different way.Picked up Swansons right away and will do Griffen house pprobably on Sunday. Will pass on Quagmires though. The plus side to Quagmires is it looks good and will be cool in future years (jealousy in the Simpsons game every holiday with people asking where do u get blank) but will pass because the lack of bang for your buck. Pay 200 clams and Jason gives all three rockets every four hours now pay 100 for one a day? Maybe if its increased drop rate I will later but I think the three different ways to get them is very intelligent by Tinyco


  42. The griffin house in my game is listed as 3000 vials and 10 goop


  43. The new house skins are cool.i got the swanson house and will get the griffin house.i think 100 clams for quagmires is crazy especially when it only drops one rocket


  44. Griffin house isn’t in yet. Glitch?


  45. I’m a bit surprised that the Swanson House pays out the S’More Rocket faster than Quagmire’s House, bearing in Ming that Quagmires cost Clams.


  46. Bunny, TinyCo also adjusted the Stink Bomb drops to Uncommon and S’More drops to to Always though I still have yet to receive any blue bombs with 20 tried. What’s the odds for that? 🙂


  47. Houses also drop items for Ghostbuster Cleveland. Each house can drop 1 item, just like the rockets.


  48. So… What would be best to go for first? Stewie costume or griffin house deco? I would think the house…


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