Week 2 Challenge Tips and Tricks: Cowboy Yeti

UPDATE: We were able to verify in our game that if you defeat the Cowboy Yeti and THEN trigger the Challenge, defeating the Childish Yeti will still trigger the Challenge to complete (even though he is a step up and more HP). So it is up to you to reset the time and hit the Viking and Cowboy Yeti again or just continue and hit the Childish Yeti and defeat them to get the Challenge prize. 

Hello There Clammers!

Happy Yeti invading Phase 2 of Miracle on Spooner Street! By now the storm should be blowing in full force in the streets of your Quahog, as the Yeti has invaded the town! (and interrupted Mort’s Christmas shoppers!)

For the week 2 Challenge of Miracle on Spooner Street you’re required to defeat the Cowboy Yeti once in 4 days.  Now I know many of you are freaking out about this..and trying to do the math saying it’s not fair, it’s too hard, they force you to use clams.  Sound about right so far?  Well…i’m here to tell you to STOP FREAKING OUT!  Really…it’s not as hard as you think it is.

Let’s take a look at a strategic approach to beating the Cowboy Yeti and earning the Rupert Snowman!


So you want a built snowman huh?  After all it IS Rupert….I’m sure we all wish we could have his abs…

Snowman Rupert

Well I’m not gonna lie to you.  To get this built snowman it’s going to…well suck.  This week’s challenge will take dedication to the game.  You’ll have to check in to your game OFTEN.  It’s difficult…BUT not impossible.

Again, let me make it clear…it’s going to suck & be massively annoying to do.  But it’s not impossible to do.  Here are some tips/strategies to help you achieve your goal:

Remember: This is going to be a CHALLENGE.  So don’t start this until you’re ready and have time (a solid day) to devote to doing it. 

DO NOT Trigger the Challenge UNTIL You Have Hanukkah Mort.
This challenge is basically impossible if you don’t have Mort helping Lois.  (it’s still not impossible at that point, but it mine as well be).
Note: If you purchased John, you don’t need Mort to start it.  Just John and Lois can achieve this.
Remember, Peter triggers this week’s Challenge around part 2 or 3 of the main questline.  So if you don’t want to see the ! over Peter don’t finish part 2 or Part 3 of the main questline.  If you do finish that…you’ll have a little buffer.  Peter will first trigger the Clam Offer, then he’ll trigger the quest to get Hanukkah Mort (you can still get him with out triggering the quest), finally he’ll trigger the challenge.  So, just don’t tap on Peter…and if you do you’ll have a 2 tap buffer before triggering the challenge.

Hanukkah Mort

Remember it’s the COWBOY Yeti you have to beat, NOT the Childish one.
Seems a lot of you are getting confused and think you have to defeat the top level Yeti to win the challenge.  You don’t.  The Cowboy Yeti is the middle Yeti and he’s got a health of 10.

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After you get Mort, Don’t Trigger the Challenge right away.  First get close to defeating the Viking Yeti.
Here’s what I mean by this.  Don’t start the challenge right away and waste several hrs of your time defeating a Yeti that you don’t have to.  The Challenge says defeat the Cowboy Yeti, it doesn’t say you have to defeat the Viking Yeti and then the Cowboy Yeti.
So, use Lois to get the Viking Yeti to a point where he has 1 health point left.  You’ll see why in a minute.

Start Mort’s Defeat the Yeti Task Just as Lois is about to beat the Viking Yeti.
As the time for Lois’s Defeat the Yeti task nears 0, send Mort to beat the Yeti (or John).  So when Lois defeats the Viking Yeti and he’s in his 4hr “rest” period…Mort is still throwing snowballs at him.  This will give you a head start on the challenge.


Don’t Trigger the Challenge Until AFTER the Cowboy Yeti Appears.
Why waste time when you don’t have to?  Wait until after you see the Cowboy Yeti to start the Challenge.  Once he appears then tap on Peter to trigger the challenge.

After you Trigger the Challenge Send Lois AND Mort Every 4hrs to Defeat him.
Obviously if you have John this will go faster.
Worst case it will take Lois and Mort at 1 heart point hit every 4hrs each, 20hrs to complete this.  BUT you should achieve it faster, as every 2 hits seem to be a 2 point hit.  Set your clock for every 4hrs so you can be sure to reassign the task frequently.

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You have FOUR days to do this.  So if you mess up or don’t get it right…follow the steps above again (especially the part about starting the task BEFORE the Cowboy Yeti appears).  You should get at least 3 shots at this, but if you follow the steps above correctly you should get it done in 1.

Again…I know it sucks BUT it is NOT impossible!  This just takes a lot of planning and time management to get it down just right.  If you use the tips above you should have no issues beating the Yeti.  The important thing is to make sure you check your game frequently & don’t trigger the task until after you have Mort. With out Mort (or John if you already made the purchase) it’s near impossible to do.  So as long as Lois has a Yeti fighting partner you should be fine!

What do YOU think of the challenge (remember our Guidelines)? Have you started to defeat the Yeti?  Did you purchase John?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

282 responses to “Week 2 Challenge Tips and Tricks: Cowboy Yeti

  1. I had originally triggered the Yeti in Week 2 and just recently got Mort so I’m guessing besides the Stockings Attacking the Yeti now is a pretty fruitless endeavor? I breezed through the Attacks with Jingle Joe,Lois & Hanukkah Mort BUT the Yeti went back into hibernation! 😦 Is there any point in me continuing to Attack with so little time left?


  2. I’ve defeated ever yeti level multiple times and still no snowman rupert


  3. I beat him on the first shot bit never got snowman rupert!


  4. I just beat the cowboy yeti in within the time frame (had 2 hits left with both Lois and Mort fighting him with 5 hours left and only takes 4 to fight). But because I didn’t hit the check mark in time it didn’t count and said the yeti fled- that’s not fair!!!!


  5. Defeated the cowboy yeti twice in week two and no Rupert! What the hell did I do wrong? Once using clams and once without. Any ideas, people?


    • Not sure. You will have to contact them if you had time, completed the defeat, and Rupert is no where to be found in your inventory after clearing the task.


      • Good luck having them responed. Same thing happened to me and now almost a week and still no word from tiny co on why i dont have the snowman iny invetory and I emailed them from the game and the Google play store. But this week 3 challenge is easy. Yet week two was such a b*#$! And crashes whole trying to collect the prize and screws you out of it.v

        Liked by 1 person

  6. What if mort or Lois is attacking the yeti and after, say about an hour, the yeti hibernates. Should i wait till he comes back and THEN click on the character to finish the attack, or should i click when they’re done, even though the yeti is hibernating?


  7. Do you know if they’re going to add additional characters to fight the yeti. It’s just about impossible to defeat childish hat yeti with just Mort and Lois, let alone any future hat releases.


  8. Family Guy Peeps, I greet you 🙂 !

    So, am now working on trying to get Jesus, but still haven’t succeeded in upgrading to the next hat. (Though I even set my alarm clock every 4 hours at night).
    My question is: If I use Dear Little Clams to accelerate Mort and Lois’ 4 hour fights, will it actually have an effect on the yeti’s life scale too?

    Thank you :-)! And enjoy this great game! Looking forward to the update!


  9. If you complete a defeat the Yeti task in the allotted time but don’t tap on it to finish, will he reset his time anyway or can you tap at your leisure? Sorry if this has been answered but I didn’t find it.


    • This is basically how it works. His timer goes on until you defeat him. Then he rests 4hrs and his time will start again after the 4hr hibernate whether your ready or not.

      So say you defeat him and leave the game for 6hrs. When you come back, he will be into his next cycle. 22hrs remaining. So 4hrs hibernate and 2 into next.

      The characters, if you don’t tap them…will continue to toss snowballs until you clear their check mark. So you could leave them for days doing it if you wanted.

      Does that help?


  10. Figures NOW I get the cheer stage, the last thing I needed to have gotten jasper. Smsh 1 wk too late


  11. Yea I defeated childish yeti first time with just mort & Lois; got 2 points from each every single time and finished with 2 hours to spare


    • Wow Joey 😀 ! How did you do that? Have been playing every four hours, even set my alarm clock at night, still can’t be the Childish One!


  12. any tricks to defeat childish yeti? I have battled him 3 times and lost each time. I can only get 5 battles in for both lois and mort. But at that rate its 10 instances(lois + mort x 5). It takes 18 points to hit defeat him. Everytime i have mort or lois defeat him from the previous battle it only gives me 1 hit point. So it leaves him at 17. 10 instances and i would say half are only for 1 hp (5 hp) with 5 more instances is 10 more point which always leaves me with missing it by 2 hp. At this rate I’ll never get Jesus which means no santa either. =( Please advise. I brought this up 2x with tinyco with no response.


  13. I’m so glad I didn’t start the timer last week, it took me 5 days just to get Mort’s costume. I didn’t miss any time and sent all the characters as much as possible but those Super-Menorahs would not drop.
    I don’t mind if I fail because I wasn’t playing often enough but this one was down to luck.


  14. I read the post 15 times, finally got mort yesterday, have the day off today, began steps as per above then flamed out because before I began the first attack, yeti had only 6 hours on his clock, once I beat him first time, the clock didn’t reset, so he hibernated before Lois could attack again. Gave me a reason to just go buy john. Hahahahaha


  15. I accidentally triggered the challenge, before I had Mort. It was impossible to achieve in the time left once I got Mort.
    Suggestion to TinyCo: To alleviate the issue, allow players to restart any ‘failed’ challenge again, when they feel they are ready to achieve it. (Otherwise, they cant win the grand prize). You do get to restart the Yeti or the StayPuff man if you dont beat him..so why not restart a timed challenge? You should get to retake the challenge again and again till you figure out how to beat it.
    OR – Allow for winning any 3 out of 4 challenges wins the grand prize.

    I have not suggested yet (can someone, please?) because I had some sort of glitch this morning where I lost over 31 clams for no apparent reason, and have an open email item with them.This is the 4th time this has happened to my game since I started. They have been good about fixing it in the past, but, I don’t want to distract them and have them take their eye off that email! (Anyone else have clams disappear?)


  16. I don’t see how it is possible to beat the childish yeti without a) using clams or b) being very lucky in the hit points. At most, there are 10 chances to hit the yeti (
    2 characters × 5 times/day). This means 8/10 have to be 2 point hits. My own experience has been 3/26 being 2 point hits. Usually, if you put the time in, the goals can be reached. Not this time.


    • I know i am having the same issue. I’m always short by 2 hp. Even when I have mort or lois waiting for the childish yeti to spawn. It’s really frustrating.


  17. Can someone tell me if I am missing something because looking at the childish yeti (difficulty 3 of 5 it looks like) it would appear virtually impossible to do with just Lois and Mort.

    24 hours in which to beat him. With a 4 hour action that is a practical 5 attempts baring the use of clans to speed it up because there will always be at least a few seconds of transition between each action. So a total of 10 actions to inflict 18 damage. With 1-2 damage each that means you can afford 2 results of 1. Out of 10. Given that the damage is random not based on anything player controllable this seems unbalanced.
    I understand that we can buy John but making a premium character all but required to interact with a major event mechanic is kind of a jerk move.
    Again if I am missing something someone please fill me in.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am wondering if it is one of those “more to come” things. Yes John helps. It is pure luck without him. So seeing what the next Tree upgrade brings to add to the mix for the regular characters and the Yeti.

      I would suggest hinting this dilemma to them through your game. 😉


  18. Another challenge you can trigger too early. This is a super annoying aspect of the game; very unsporting. I tried my best to catch up once I realized but, like with Diane Simmons, no luck. Not even close.
    But hey, at least now I don’t have to worry about getting all the other Holiday challenges to get that grand prize. Which means more time to catch up on Doctor Who!


  19. Anyone else beat the cowboy yeti during the active four day challenge and not get him. I sent a note to tinyco and will see what they do. I sent a phot showing time left and childish yeti.


    • I did. I thought I was losing my mind. I still had 2 hrs left and have not seen him yet. I checked inventory because my prizes sometime go there without my knowledge.


  20. i won snowman Rupert!.wasn’t even a close call because i did use a few clams to sped up the last 20 minutes or so on lois and Mort’s attacks. 🙂


  21. Is there any word on when top hat yeti is coming? I have beaten childish yeti 3 times now and it’s getting kind of boring. Also if I stop beating childish yeti, when top hat yeti does finally come out, will I have to start at viking yeti all over again?


    • If you look at the screen, it says the others are coming in other Tree Levels. So got to wait til they pop up in future Phases.

      It wont reset unless you let the 24hrs run out.


  22. Well of course I didn’t read this first and don’t have morts costume yet. I can’t even get the first stage with Lois only. Only got single hits. This challenge is outrageous. Basically to ensure beating it you have to wake up in the middle of the night. Sure you might luck out with double hits but the baseline is 20 hours to complete. Or of course pay clams.

    This is terrible TinyCo. You create a challenge where people would have to set an alarm and get up. I have kids and a job. I play pretty frequently but no way am I getting up and wasting prescious sleep for a game. Thanks but no. Poorly designed challenge. Luckily i won’t complete this one and have to deal with the next crappy things you put your player base through.


  23. If you beat the childish yeti does he revert tobthe beginning, the viking on, or does he goes back to having full health childish yeti?


  24. *****TOP YETI TIP****
    Hi All,
    Not sure if this has been posted before but if your characters defeat a yeti and the others still have time left on their attack task LEAVE THEM do NOT click on the tick when that task completes UNTIL then next yeti wakes up.

    This will count as a hit on the new yeti and give you a much needed head start!

    Liked by 1 person

  25. So i was one bar away from defeating the childish yeti with just mort and lois plus using 40 clams. Had 2 and half hours before they were done and 3hrs left before the yeti timer was up and i fell asleep. AAAAHHHHH so disappointed right now. All just to try to get 10 snowflakes. Seems to be a lot of work just to get such a small reward. Opting now to spend $5 more to get the premium character to defeat the yeti. I really like that clams are being given away like candy during this event and for just a few dollars I can buy more. Well played TinyCo…..


  26. What happens atfer you beat the cowboy yeti can you stay on him


  27. Kind of confused by this guide. It says you can retry and start again before the cowboy yeti. Don’t get that?? Are you saying there is a way to restart the 4 day timer??? Also, so you know when the yeti timers stop. I.E. if it is set to stop in the middle of the night but the lois and mort will be done before the timer but I hit the check mark in the morning after the timer would have stopped what happens??


    • It means if you fail at defeating him, he will go into hibernation and reset to Viking so you can try again from the start within the 4 days depending on when you start the attacks.

      Your timer for the 4 days never stops. It keeps going, so be careful when you let the timer run down on the Yeti


  28. I had 12 clams, 38 mins to go to defeat cowboy hat yeti before it reset, and had 1hr 15 mins till Lois task of attacking hom was donr. Total 1 day 9 hr for weekend event ended. I had just used 5 clams to finish having sexy Santa Lois defeat cowboy hat yeti, and while trying to collect the priz for that weeks challenge the game crashed on me. I force closed and reentered the game and the timer was still going for this challenge, I am missing my five clams I used to complete the task and do not have the built snoman (Rupert snowman). I emailed tiny co with game id and am awaiting a response. Any more suggestions addicts??????????


    • That is really the best suggestion in a case like that.


      • Well four days later and yet to hear anything from tiny co about why my game crashed while trying to collect Rupert snowman and why is not in my inventory anywhere and I’m still missing the 5 clams I used to finish that task. Kind of irritating because I can continue to do the weekly challenges but won’t get the grand prize because it said I didn’t defeat cowboy yeti when I did in the allotted time to do so. Really hope they get back toe soon or give me the prize I earned but didn’t get.


  29. I started the timer without having unlocked Hanukkah Mort. I was concerned I wouldn’t defeat the cowboy yeti within the 4 days so with just over 24 hrs left I used 10 clams to speed up Hanukkah Mort. Sexy Santa Lois and Hanukkah Mort easily defeated the cowboy yeti although I did set my alarm for every 4 hours so no time was wasted.

    Thank you again ladies for all your help, it really does help me enjoy my game more than I would otherwise.


  30. i think i just got VERY lucky because i have the viking yeti down to 1 health bar with ONLY Lois (sped her up using like 5 clams the last time she was attacking and it gave me 2 hits! also, i triggered this weeks challenge cause i was getting impatient lol), okay now 35 minutes left in her attack, yeti has 12 more hours til he goes into hibernation, I only need 2 more star of david shields for mort and just waiting 4 more hours on jerome and dr.hartman to drop those.(i’m also on the cologne factory part so dr.hartman has a chance to drop those bottles from his SAME task for the shields!)
    UGHHH!!! im definitely really nervous cause i feel like all of a sudden i have a HUGE chance to beat this seemingly-impossible challenge and i definitely don’t wanna mess it up! i have 17 clams left to spare too.
    ***Anything you can suggest to me on my situation bunny,alissa or anybody else?! (kinda have a plan right now is to just wait for lois to finish the 30 minute task and hope i get the drops for mort in the next 4 hours)….it would be REALLY REALLY helpful right about now! thanks! 🙂


  31. Well how the heck are we supposed to beat childish yeti now!?!?


  32. Anyone here manage to kill Childish Yeti with Mort and Lois only?
    I’ve been up since the starting of the time and now I’m left with 10hrs and 11 lives.
    Also I think I noticed some glitches. Too. It was supposed to be 10 lives after I end their task but then the live went to 11 from 10. Anyone have this issue?


  33. Can I beat this challenge in just over a day with mort and Lois I messed around and now I have a day and a couple of hours left.,. I’ve never missed a challenge yet and would suck if this is the one,..


  34. If you defeat the cowboy yeti can you still stay on him or will you have to go on to the next one


  35. does anyone know if you can start to defeat the yeti (which takes four hours) when the timer for yeti to go back to childish has less than four hours left?


    • As you can see in this post, it is a matter of what characters it will let you send to attack still while he is hibernating. That is why it is wise to not tap all the checkmarks if possible on the characters attacking him. Just one at a time. That way someone is usually left battling while he is hibernating.


  36. This is purely a con to get people to buy and spend clams – I know you say it is possible without it but I don’t spend 20 hours awake just to play the game. Yes having the other characters helps but again, you need clams to get them or spend days trying to get mort. I am suprised how sneaky the game makers are to get money out of people


  37. Yay, defeated Cowboy Yeti! I got Mort at 10PM and Lois and him work throughout the night with me getting up every 2 hours to beat him when I woke up with both each giving 2 damage.

    One thing that isn’t mentioned to help defeat Yeti is its best to have each character task start a least 15 minutes apart, because when one character gets the final blow you’ll already have other characters still attacking during his rest period without having to worry about trying to quickly get them back to attacking the Yeti. That one character waiting might take a little extra time to get back into the fight, but its worth the delay for the jump in progress.


  38. Well I just spent 11 clams !!! To have Lois finish beating the yeti early and OFCOURSE it only went down 1 so if it doesn’t go down 2 next time I wasted 11 clams for nothing and am completely screwed on the Christmas event.. Fingers crossed, please don’t screw me game!


  39. Have either of you defeated him? The cowboy yeti , it sucks bc if you don’t go on addicts.. You’re pretty much screwed in the game..


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