Quahog Christmas Quick Walkthroughs: Miracle on Spooner Street Phase 2

Hello There Clammers!

An all new event has hit our Tiny Quahogs and it’s Christmas in Quahog and Santa has come to Spooner Street!  During this second phase of the event there’s a Hanukkah Mort to create, a Yeti to attack, Snowflakes to earn, Jesus to collect, clams to be won and a whole lot more!

So let’s take a look at the quick walkthrough for Phase 2 of Christmas…and just exactly what you’ll need to do to get through the second part of the holidays….

Medium Christmas Tree

The Great Quahog Blizzard Pt. 1

See how to Defeat the Yeti

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5 Holiday Cheer Ornament

The Great Quahog Blizzard Pt. 2
Lois starts

Have Sexy Santa Lois Battle Mr. Yeti- 4hrs, Earns 15 cookies, 3HC

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5 Holiday Cheer Ornament


A Snowy Slump
Lois starts

Create Hanukkah Mort- Collect STUFF to unlock Hanukkah Mort.  Here’s what you’ll need:

Christmas Cookies1,000 Christmas Cookies

Jeweled Dreidel5 Jeweled Dreidels (Uncommon)- Get By: Make Peter Put Up the Tree OR Make Mort Swallow Jewels OR Make Stan Lee Practice Peter Parkour OR Get From Snowy McBurgertown OR Make John Roll Out OR Get from Hanukkah Mort’s Pharmacy

Star of David Shield8 Star of David Shields (Rare)- Get By: Make Lois Train in Flame Combat OR Make Dr. Hartman Test Experimental Drugs OR Make Jerome Be a Superior Athlete OR Get From Hanukkah Mort’s Pharmacy

Super Menorah10 Super-Menorah (Rare)- Get By: Make Stan Keep America Safe OR Make Chris Get a Job OR Make Mort Jetpack to Safety OR Get From Hanukkah Mort’s Pharmacy
Have Mort Battle the Yeti- 4hrs, Earns 15 Cookies, 3HC

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5 Holiday Cheer Ornament

The Great Quahog Blizzard Pt. 3
Lois starts

Have Peter Tell Bedtime Stories- 2hrs, Earns 10 Cookies, 2HC
Have Chris Hang Out At Home- 
2hrs, Earns $30, 20xp

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5 Holiday Cheer Ornament 

Christmas Challenge: Do You Want A Built Snowman?
Peter starts

Check Out the Prize
Defeat Cowboy Yeti in 4 Days

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5 Holiday Cheer Ornament 1Snowman Rupert

The Great Quahog Blizzard Pt. 4
Lois starts

Open the Snowflake Gift Box

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5 Holiday Cheer Ornament

The Great Quahog Blizzard Pt. 5
Lois starts

Build Qugmire’s Cabin- Costs 500 Cookies, 8hr Build.
Bare it All At Quagmire’s Cabin- 12hrs, Earns 35 Cookies, 6HC

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5 Holiday Cheer Ornament 

The Great Quahog Blizzard Pt. 6
Lois starts

Clear Mr. Yeti to Calm the Blizzard

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5 Holiday Cheer Ornament

The Great Quahog Blizzard Pt. 7
Lois starts

Give a Secret Santa Gift

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5 Holiday Cheer Ornament

The Great Quahog Blizzard Pt. 8
Mort starts

Have Hanukkah Mort Spin the Dreidel- 4hrs, Earns 15 Cookies, 3 HC

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5 Holiday Cheer Ornament

The Great Quahog Blizzard Pt. 9
Mort starts

Have Hanukkah Mort Buy Eight Presents- 8hrs, Earns 25 Cookies, 5HC
Have Chris Enjoy Private Time-8hrs, $65, 45xp

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5 Holiday Cheer Ornament

The Great Quahog Blizzard Pt. 10
Mort starts

Reach Cheer Level 4…
Upgrade Decorations to the Jolly Christmas Tree- this cannot be completed until Thursday 12/18 when the next level opens up…note:  your timer may rundown before it upgrades.  Be patient.  It won’t upgrade until TinyCo releases it..


As a reminder:
The Cheer Level tasks will keep popping up as you run through the Event.  Each Level will earn you that many clams….(so 3 clams for Level 3, 4 for Level 4 etc).  These max out at Level 10.  

Something for Everyone
Peter starts

Complete the Wish List to get Santa– This will be an ongoing task throughout the entire event.  As some prizes are in gift boxes not yet released.

Each Wish List item you complete…you’ll earn 1 Clam

And that completes the main questlines that will popup during phase 2 of Quahog Christmas!  (We’ll cover John in another post)

What do YOU think of the questline so far?  Thoughts on Hanukkah Mort?  Have you unlocked him yet?  How about the Yeti?  Kicking some Yeti butt or are you still working at getting Mort unlocked?  How about the clams awarded for completing tasks?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

80 responses to “Quahog Christmas Quick Walkthroughs: Miracle on Spooner Street Phase 2

  1. Will I have to complete th entire story of this phase to unlock phase 3? I have yet to complete all 3 yetis and wants to move to phase 3


  2. Where is phase 3? How do I “upgrade” my “game”? I checked the play store wassup wit dat


  3. Does anyone else feel like they are never going to get santa pr jesus


  4. I couldn’t visit my friends’ towns for the past few days so I can’t send any gift. What should I do?


  5. I’m still at this point and people have found Jesus? What am I doing wrong??


  6. Regarding different levels you can achieve for the event, the game says level 5 come with Procrastinators! But I’m level 7 and i only have Santa’s and snowmen. Is this an issue with anyone else? Or is this some elaborate joke?


    • I am getting clarification on it as I assume it may be a mix. Similar to the Tree. You have to be on a certain Level, but may also have to upgrade to a certain Tree.


  7. It’s Better to Give Pt 2
    Have chris buy pet 20 hrs/45 cookies/9 HC
    That’s a wrap Pt. 2
    Have Jerome Wrap a Secret Santa Gift.

    Tinsel town Pt. 4
    Have Joe Beer Skeet Shoot
    Have Quagmire Strut.

    Happy Trails Pt 6
    Have John McClane Explore the Elevator shaft.

    Maybe I missed the rest of the quest section.


  8. Anything to this new questline with Jerome. I was lucky & he was just finishing up wrapping a gift & I’ve got about 10 minutes until I can send peter on his 1-hour task. I’m hoping they roll out the joe skin early.


    • I meant to make that a question as in any idea who comes after Chris so I know not send such & such a person on a 12-hour task? Are there any rewards to be had at the end of it? Or am I just being impatient over a few extra cookies ad cheer?


  9. Just unlocked Jesus this morning, he’s writing on face space at the moment. I don’t know if he talks or what he says? like I posted b4 I don’t have any sound affects except Peter Chris and Jasper.


  10. Do you guys have a ‘gift swap’ going on anywhere? I could use someone other than ollie to give these presents too, plus it would be nice to get some back. I’ve looked in the forums but couldn’t find anything current.


  11. Will the candy canes be used for something in the future because I have 147 and nothing to do with it.


  12. I’m at cheer level 6 and I’ve gotten all the presents and and stuff for the sleigh so far and will the dolls be for any use in future. say that tall can make it to were ever doll or snowflake or cookie can be sold or something for like 200 coins each that would be cool cause I’ve got like 16 dolls and 147 of the first thingys


  13. Once you put a character on a task is it possible to take them out of it? Thank you.


  14. I still don’t have mort. I have sent all three characters on the ten hour quest seven times now and only have four rewards. I was going to buy John but I am missing clams and TC hasn’t responded to the ticket I opened on the second. I might call them tomorrow to follow up.


  15. I just unlocked Hanukkah Mort so now I really have a shot at beating Childish Yeti. I managed to drop the last few manorahs and shields today without having to spend any clams! The first 4 shields took forever to drop but the last 4 dropped much quicker. I’m also 9000 cookies in towards Jesus with 9 snowflakes, so getting there!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Has anyone defeated the Childish Yeti with just Lois & Mort yet? If so, did you use any kind of strategy?


    • I did, I beat the cowboy yeti and didn’t click my second character , that way when the yeti came out of hibernation and turned into childish yeti I got a free shot at him, then I sent both my characters to hit him checking every 4 hours ( SET AN ALARM )
      It wasn’t super hard but I did cut it close and only had 1 hr left, if you are pretty close towards the end of the 24hrs you could always speed it up with a few clams if you have any.
      Ofc the damage is random 1-2 and depends on luck, I peronally got a bunch of 1 damage shots but got enough 2’s to make up for them.


    • Just defeated Childish Yeti with only Lois & Mort. Took some effort & luck. It’s important to access the game every 4hrs close to or before the timers are up on Lois & Mort. The jump start tip really helps. The luck comes in getting 2 HP’s for at least 6 or more attempts to defeat the Yeti between Lois & Mort. No clams are needed if you’re diligent & lucky. I did use 2 clams to speed up tasks because once again I made a quick decision when I was tired and didn’t think things through before I tapped those buttons.


  17. I’m confused. Are we upgrading on Thursday to level 3 or 4? My tree and timer is showing the upgrade as 4 and I’m scared it’s a glitch 😦


    • That’s not the upgrade. That’s the requirement. You gotta be to at least cheer level 4 when it hits. If you tap on it it’ll tell you. 😉


      • It is weird tho. It’s not 1-5 like halloween. I’m level 8 and counting I think I’ll be okay.


        • That is probably due to how much easier it is to Level up, so they adjusted the requirements to flow with the game. Kind of pointless to require Level 2 when everyone passes it in the first bit. Lol. It adds a bit more of a “Challenge” aspect to it. Simple enough most can hit it, but still a goal in mind. 😉


  18. wildthornberry88

    I only had Jerome and Chris’ tasks so I gave up and got the skin for the pharmacy XD now I’m halfway there.


  19. HINT – this is a little help (boost) to defeat the Yeti. If you have 2 characters fighting him and he is about to be defeated. Just click on one character that will defeat him and leave the other one attacking him. When the Yeti timer resets, then click on the second character. Yeti would be attacked and you could start your character attacking Yeti at the same time the Yeti timer starts. Good luck all


  20. I don’t know if its been mentioned, but Stan has another X-Mas task to Investigate The Nakatomi Building. Its takes 12 hours and gives 35 cookies and 6 HC.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. I also got a quest from carter


  22. I can´t buy nothing. Game give me error:[RPC:S-7:AEC-0] D: HELP!!


  23. Do we need to be at part 10 to upgrade the tree, or will we still be ok if we are at the right cheer level?


  24. I miss the characters voices. It’s too quiet in my town. I really hope Tinyco will fix the voice bug soon.


    • (i’m on an iphone 5 but if you’re on something other than that i’m sure there is something similar to this that might help you): whenever my game is being glitchy with the voices/sounds/music/etc. i just double click the circle button to switch between recent apps and then use that to reopen the game. all the sounds start working again. i usually have to do this every time i play the game so once it finishes loading i just switch apps and switch right back to get the sound working fully.


  25. Wanted to expose a (kind of) hidden “GOTCHA.” I went to the gift factory and found a “Silver Gift Box” with a 75 clam price and a click box that said “Open It” vs the usual “Get or Buy.” I figured I had gotten one for free as part of the christmas event (that’s what I get for assuming i suppose…so…I clicked on it. Yep. 75 clams deducted from my account, and a christmas shoppe building. Tiny Co really needs to find verbage and stick with it…or else add an “are you sure you want to purchase this item?” kind of double check system. I know “freemium” games need to generate revenue, but still…

    I emailed TinyCo both in game and via their website within minutes of it happening explaining the situation and telling them they can take the building back, but have not received any verification of receipt of my communication, so I don’t know if they received it yet or not.

    I’ve heard TinyCo is extremely customer friendly regarding instances like this….guess I’ll find out.


    • I get what you are saying. The thing you got to look out for is the cost on the pop up right next to “open me”. If it is free, it will say “Free” and no $ or Clam count. If it costs something, the cost is listed right next to “Open Me”.

      FYI…the BEST way to contact them and get right to tech is right from your game (like you did) as it links to your game info. 🙂


    • I accidently bought a fountain with clams I has saved for 6 months. I bought it 2 hours before Halloween event and long after I already had the character the items it dropped were relevent to. I mailed them instantly through the game. Never heard anything. The screen often has after tap delay and you push it twice this is how it happened for me.


  26. Is there a way to get the presents from lower cheer levels once you’ve gotten past them?
    Example: I am at cheer level 4, I can’t get the yellow or the stripped gifts. I can only get the snowflake one and I don’t have enough characters yet to earn the blue stockings. I feel like I’m at a dead end now.


  27. Kicking myself for my stupidity. I sent mort up in his pack & an hour later Stan dropped the last menorah I needed for the costume. Now I’ve got to wait 9 hours to use it. Doh!

    Oh well, he should be in the yeti mix later this evening & hopefully john mcclane can do his 14 hour task overnight without letting the yeti reset. Should be all set for this week’s release by Wednesday at the latest.


  28. Today I realized that you pretty much have to buy John if you want to defeat level 3 yeti and above.. I’m thinking is it worth it to buy him? Or just save the clams for other characters like Buzz Killington..


    • I am waiting to see what the next phase brings.


    • Buzz Killington is pretty low on my list – I’ve bought all extra characters because I’m crazy that way, but Buzz really only has one short regular task – an hour. His mid-range task (8 hours?) involves Peter, who normally has a million better things to do. The next hop is to 12, then 18. I like his visual tasks just fine, but I don’t like that there isn’t a 2,4,6 or 8 hour option for him alone.

      So far I like John, and if his range of tasks change from cookies to dollars, he should be useful in any time window. There’s probably a more thoughtfully done pro and con post on Buzz, but that’s my two cents 🙂


    • Honestly Buzz Killington has been a waste thus far. John has been helpful in fighting the Yeti.


  29. Sometimes I earn 2 clams for the wish list items.
    Also some other info, snowmen can drop clams, one of mine did.


  30. Ummm….when did i miss “Make Lois Train in Flame Combat”??? I totally don’t have that task available and I’ve been killing myself this whole time with Jerome and Dr. Hartman trying to get these shields!….wooosaaa *deep breaths* lol. Not happy


  31. Finding it impossible to collect shields for Mort. I only have Jerome, and he has only dropped 2 since Thursday running his task near constantly. Super-Menorahs aren’t much better running both Stan and Chris only 3 😦


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