Quahog Christmas Quick Walkthroughs: Miracle on Spooner Street Phase 4

Hello There Clammers!

An all new event has hit our Tiny Quahogs and it’s Christmas in Quahog and Santa has come to Spooner Street!  During the Fourth, and final, phase of the event there’s an Angel Bruce to create, a new hat on the Yeti to attack, KISS to purchase, unionized Reindeer on strike,  clams to be won and a whole lot more!

So let’s take a look at the quick walkthrough for Phase 4 of Christmas…and just exactly what you’ll need to do to get through the fourth part of the holidays….

Medium Christmas Tree

In this post we’re just covering Reindeer games.  We’ll have separate posts for the side quests and KISS.  

Reindeer Games Pt. 1

Have Sexy Santa Lois Vent on Twitter- 1hr, Earns 5 Cookies and 1 HC

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5Holiday Cheer Ornament

Reindeer Games Pt. 2
Sexy Santa Lois starts

Clear 2 Mall Santas- 2hrs

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5Holiday Cheer Ornament

Hark the Herald, Angels Mediate
Lois starts

Create Angel Bruce- Collect STUFF to unlock Angel Bruce.  Here’s what you’ll need:

Christmas Cookies1500 Cookies

Halo10 Halos (uncommon)- Earned By: Make Bonnie Twerk it OR Make Francis Play Angel Harp OR Make Connie Bask in Popularity OR Get From Christmas Founding Father OR Get from Sugar Lick

Feathers5 Feathers (rare)- Earned By: Make Bruce Fret About Something OR Make Seamus Visit Siblings OR Make Jesus Play Dodgeball OR Get from Christmas Founding Father

Angelic Vest5 Angelic Vests (rare)- Earned By: Make Puppy Brian Become a Young Reader OR Make Herbert Read to Children OR Make Chris Eat a Large Ham OR Get from Christmas Quagmire’s House OR Get from Christmas Founding Father

Note: Once you unlock Angel Bruce a quest with Peter will popup.  THIS triggers this week’s Challenge.  

Have Angel Bruce Negotiate with Reindeer-

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5Holiday Cheer Ornament

Reindeer Games Pt. 3
Lois starts

Have Peter Hang Out at the Clam- 1hr, Earns $20, 12xp
Have Quagmire Drink at the Clam- 12hrs, Earns $100, 65xp

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5Holiday Cheer Ornament

Reindeer Games Pt. 4
Lois starts

Build Sculpted Sugar Lick- 500 Cookies, 4hr Build. 

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5Holiday Cheer Ornament

Reindeer Games Pt. 5
Lois starts

Clear 2 Reindeer- 2hrs Each

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5Holiday Cheer Ornament

Reindeer Games Pt. 6
Lois starts

Have Angel Bruce Too His Horn- 4hrs, Earns 15 Cookies, 3HC

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5Holiday Cheer Ornament

Reindeer Games Pt. 7
Lois starts

Decorate Town Hall- The Snowy Town Hall can be found in the Sleigh Bells gift box.  

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5Holiday Cheer Ornament

Reindeer Games Pt. 8
Lois starts

Have Peter Ask for Toys- 4hrs, Earns 15 Cookies, 3HC

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5Holiday Cheer Ornament

Reindeer Games Pt. 9
Lois starts

Have Bonnie Sing Carols- 15 Cookies, 3HC

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5Holiday Cheer Ornament

Reindeer Games Pt. 10
Lois starts

Reach Cheer Level 8 and Upgrade the Tree the final time

Completed Task Earns 25 Christmas Cookies 5Holiday Cheer Ornament

As a reminder:

The Cheer Level tasks will keep popping up as you run through the Event.  Each Level will earn you that many clams….(so 3 clams for Level 3, 4 for Level 4 etc).  These max out at Level 10.  

Something for Everyone
Peter starts

Complete the Wish List to get Santa– This will be an ongoing task throughout the entire event.  As some prizes are in gift boxes not yet released.

Each Wish List item you complete…you’ll earn 1 Clam

And that completes the main questlines that will popup during phase 4 of Quahog Christmas!

What do YOU think of the questline so far?  Thoughts on Angel Bruce?  Have you unlocked him yet?  How about KISS joining the game?  Thoughts on clearing the Reindeer?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

149 responses to “Quahog Christmas Quick Walkthroughs: Miracle on Spooner Street Phase 4

  1. Doesn’t KISS have FOUR members? I hope the other two are released in a couple days….seems like the last two events released a mid-final-week surprise, or am I remembering that wonky? Crossing my fingers anyway cause I have everything there is minus a few clam paid items….like ur reply to someone else- guess I’d rather have too much left over at the end than not enuff. I think TinyCo really tried to please people this time around (even tho some r still mad lol). And there was a TON of free clams this time!!


  2. I think tiny co have been really unfair in this event, people who bought the cookie makers at the beginning have been robbed of their money and they have give us two days less in the event because of difficulties, yet at least for me the Halloween event ran smooth and we got a big box at the end. Really hope tiny co read this and do something about it.


  3. I got the wishlist before i got Angel Bruce, And now i don’t have Santa, i have the quest “get santa in 4 days”, but when i click him it does nothing. Is this a known issue? Or should i inform Tiny.Co?


  4. I have gotten everything that I wanted in this event. I still have 144,781 cookies and still collecting. Then the stockings in order(not naming them) I have; 329,158, 261, 31, 37. I can bomb 23 times. And John, Gene and Paul are finishing up there taskes then that bar will be clear. It has been an AWESOME Event!!! Thanks to Bunny and Allisa( hope its spelled correctly) for keeping us informed as we go along in the game. I come here first for the different Events so I know what to do and not start something before I should. I think once again I have beat my SIL to the finish line first. I got everyone done at least a full day ahead of her.(My Bad)
    Have a Great Week Everyone!!!


  5. I dont give a peter

    Hi just a quick question, can Santa attack the Yeti?


  6. Is there any possible way to defeat Top Hat Yeti with juts Louis, Mort, and Joe? Or should I give up my hopes of getting Jesus?


  7. Okay, KISS?! Now I’m angry. Best $ characters yet and im still locked out. Grumpy face.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I may be missing something, but how are the 100k cookies supposed to help with Jesus? I am still 53 blue stockings short. Is there a way to buy them or trade for them?


    • There were many things the cookies could be used on. Buildings to unlock characters. Gift Boxes with possible Clams and stocking inside. The cookie cost for Jesus. You still have to earn some of the other items. Yeti was the main help for stockings.


  9. I got every item from each box but I never got seamus’ yule log 😣😣 is there a reason? Glitch? Am i missing something here?


  10. I think they got the balance horribly wrong this event, normally if you put in enough hours you can get everything with a small clam spend, theres no possible way this time of doing the yeti with only the free or grinded charachters


    • The only thing I spent clams on was john mcclane. Otherwise everything was free. I’ve managed to get everything so far. Only thing left for me is to finish up the quests. Maybe it’s just a matter of luck on my part. I checked my game whenever I could (usually every 2 hours or so). Always made sure to set the characters on long tasks before bed. I thought this event was timed pretty well compared to the others. I had to wait until the last minute to finish the others.


    • The only major problem in the game was collecting Snowflakes to get Jesus. Having just the Yeti for freemium players and only having Lois and Mort on the second week really slowed down progress.

      I used strategy to get all the Snowflakes, which I posted how to do, but it for some reason never got validated. It wasn’t a hack, just a player’s choice of not updating your tree to not release the next level of Yeti, so you stay at the highest level you know you can beat with the limited characters you have. My progress is just 24 hours behind, but I still have more than enough time to still get everything.


  11. Has anyone else have hanukka mort just vanish from their game?


  12. Any idea if there is going to be anything to do with the leftover cookies? I already had Jesus when I got Santa so now I have the 100,000 cookies just sitting there. I already opened the last gift box and got everything. No point in spending it on decorations that I won’t use. I was hoping there would be something similar where you can keep buying boxes in hopes of getting clams.

    Only thing left for me is Bruce and I only need 1 feather, should have that tonight. I guess after I finish the rest of the quests I get a few days off.


  13. I got santa before challenge popped up,doubt I’ll kill king yeti


    • I got Santa first too, but setting a timer for the Yeti quests helped me to keep on track and I defeated him on the first try. You’ll get there, John. Now I’ve just got to weigh the “possible future conversion of Xmas currency into coins (or clams)” with buying a BUNCH of decos (that I don’t really need) with all these excess cookies. I’ve barely made a dent in that 100,000+ cookie count even though I’ve “gone mad” buying up stuff for next year! I wish I’d had this problem last week! Or the week before!

      TinyCo! I desperately want to buy those newfangled horseless carriages, please. Will you kindly exchange my abundance of cookies for a few coins (enough to buy that motorcar)? I’d be eternally grateful. Plus, I spent money in your joint. Quid pro quo, man.


  14. I’m so happy I just finished Santa’s Christmas list and unlocked him & his reindeer & got 99,999 cookies. I was able to buy like 6 items from the Poca dot present before it disappeared. Not sure if I got everything but it’s gone now. And now I’m sitting on almost 100K cookies. What do I do with them now?


  15. Any news on if they are going to be doing a converter like they did with halloween? So those of is that need snowflake stockings for Jesus can exchange other stockings or cookies for them.


  16. I got everyone except for KISS. I got the 100,000 cookies for getting Santa too. Now what do I spend my cookies on? Lol.


  17. What are all the free characters that can battle the Yeti? I can’t seem to get enough stockings to unlock Jesus. 😦


    • Lois, Joe, and Mort are Yeti killers. And once unlocked Jesus can join them. I said it would have been better to let people decide whether to continue up the Yeti tree until they felt ready. I got all my stockings for Jesus on Childish before it upgraded to allow advancement to Tophat. I have had to take down King twice to get King Yeti prize.


  18. too many cookies but nothing to spend on… please bring cookie gift boxes back.

    currently working on angel Bruce; rare drop rate of wings and sparkly vest is not helping.


  19. I’m pretty sure I was actually getting 4 clams per Wishlist item, not just one. Although it may have been my imagination. Also, is Santa going to be voiced? I’m sure he’s been on the show before. Or is he going to be like Mr Weed and never get one?


  20. Hoping that give us another little surprise before the event of over to use up some cookies. Otherwise. Just working on king yeti and santos quest line and that will be it until they release district 10 or stuff for the time blimp.


  21. Kind of lame to have the final challenge locked until you get Bruce. This punishes those who bought clams and got Gene Simmons and Bruce Willis. I will have king Yeti beat in 4 hours, but unless I spend more clams I will not get Bruce done until later tonight, meaning another 4 days of having to log in every 4 hours on the dot to beat king yeti again.


    • Maybe this will help… Make sure you FINISH Reindeer Games part 3…once Quagmire and Peter finish thier tasks in that part THEN the king yeti challenge came up (peter triggers it so look for him with an exclamation)
      And this is all WITHOUT me unlocking angel bruce! So i made sure to get that done and then i clicked the final hit on the king yeti. Got the prize right away.

      I obviously dont know how far you are in the quest line, but i hope this helps and it works out for you 🙂


    • When you defeated the King yeti, after 4 hours you can start over with the viking yeti to collect more snowflakes? Or the yeti’s gone forever?


    • I thought the final challenge was to get Santa, so as soon as you get Angelic Bruce, you should get the rabid reindeer and the final prize. My thing is, what am I going to do with 125,000 clams? I mean I guess I could get 2,000 poinsettias and 1,500 trees plus some other decorations to save for next year. Just seems a waste.


    • This weeks challenge isn’t to beat King Yeti, that comes from another quest, I can’t remember when it triggers. This weeks challenge is to unlock Santa.


    • But the challenge has nothing to do with the Yeti.


    • What the heck are u talking about? U don’t start over after u kill king yeti. U get to kill him again and I don’t see y u have a problem getting angel Bruce if u already bought simmon and willis.


  22. Tyler Chatham (@TChatham529)

    Is anyone else experiencing issues connecting to the game today? I haven’t been able to access it all afternoon.


  23. Hey ^^
    I am sorry if this has been asked/answered before (But I have not seen it as of yet..) but..
    On FaceSpace at the start of the event, I noticed a new profile picture that was silhouetted for Stewie, but I have not seen anything about it or for it; is that something that is going to be coming in the next 3-ish days or is this a mistake?
    Thanks in advance for the help, you girls are great! Thank you for all that you do for us all !


  24. Hi, I love reading your posts, as they are always very helpful for me when playing, recently I have been distracted by a competition which I have entered my niece into as I have been trying to get her votes 😔 how long until the Christmas event ends ? Hopefully I’ll have enough time and hopefully my niece will have enough votes 🙈


  25. Anyone else complete the gift list and not get Santa? The gift list task is gone, but the Rudolph timed task is still there. I have not unlocked Puppy Brian yet, though. He’s the only thing I haven’t gotten up there.


  26. Just spotted something earlier, I went into Facespace and saw John McClane, Santa, Gene Simmions, and Paul have been put into a Frontmen group. Thing is I unlocked all these characters before this group was in Facespace, and it now has a completed tick next to it and I don’t know if I got the Clam payout (if there was one) from getting them all, do you think its worth sending a message to Tiny Co through the in game help?


  27. On reindeer games part 7, do you have to have town hall or just the skin from the gift box?


  28. So if we have all the characters and costumes now, what are we going to do with 100k+ of cookies? They gift box that was 1000 cookies is gone and I can’t buy it anymore. At least that had a chance of winning clams. But now I’ve got a bunch of useless cookies. I’m doing the quest lines. But mostly so I have some goal of somekind. Some of them may have clams at the end so I’m going for that. But will there be some sort of last minute purchase thing like the Halloween event had? I really just don’t want a bunch of decorations in my inventory. My inventory already looks like Halloween hell.


    • Lol…so we are to what us Addicts pushed from the beginning. NO need to rush. Be patient. Help ALWAYS comes. Jesus was meant to be the last item. All those cookies would have helped buy LOTS of things. Lol. Now..well…just as we thought…people say “we have TOO much now”. Lol.

      Happens every event.


  29. Girls, I did a post on FGQFS’ reddit page and I think you should be aware of it and maybe tell TinyCo about it: “Anyone else noticed that this new event was way more generous than all the other events? We have a lot of opportunities to get clams for free this time and I hope it’s not because this is a Christmas event. I used hack to get all premium items and characters and costumes for the old events, but after TinyCo almost banned me I didn’t use it anymore and I think the game is better this way – to have everything so easy makes me lazy and I wasn’t enjoying the game anymore, but this event made me work hard for the characters and costumes and I liked it very much. One more crucial thing: the special sale TinyCo sold (you buy 9.99 of clams and get some cookies and Sleigh Bells Stocking) was GREAT. I had never spent real money before this event, but this sale made me do it and it was very worth it – I could buy both Kiss characters and the shoeless guy. I hope next events we get more of these sales! Anyone else feels the same way?”
    I love your website! 🙂


    • Thanks. 🙂

      It is true…when you have access to EVERYTHING it takes the joy out of the game. It is the main reason I have multiple games. The one I feed $100+ every two weeks in for the sake of info for this site…and my regular one I just play Freemium. The other gets ignored a lot as there is no joy as I got it all. The freemium I can play at my pace, enjoy the challenges it brings, read the dialogs, on n on n on. 😉


  30. I just think its crazy because ive had my girlfriend and my friend write them from theyre game and tinyco replied that day to them but whenever i try to they say nothing…so thats why i was asking bunny or alissa if there was anymore they could do for me. Im goin nuts man..i dont get it like are they not getting MY messages or what?


    • It is a Holiday. Businesses across the country are scarce on employess. NO ONE is working for the Holidays. Those that are….are few and far between. Point is…someone has to be there to help you and it depends on who is there. If it is an issue they can’t help with…they can’t answer. Or if no one is there…they can’t answer.


  31. Is anyone having a problem with getting clams? 😦


  32. I get the feeling im gonna miss out on phase 4 :”( everyday i wake up praying they fix my game but nope nothing…oh well i give up. At least i know next time i play ill never ask for help lol.


  33. Thanks for all the great information!
    Has anyone encounter incorrect timer countdown when fighting the yeti?
    I just encountered an incorrect timer countdown when I was fighting the king yeti. It showed 12 minutes and 2 lives in the meter and I was about to spend clams to speed up both mort and Louis to finish it. The next thing (within 1 minute) the timer stopped and the yeti revered back to its resting state!
    This is so frustrating since I had earlier spent clams to speed up mort, joe, and Louis and set appropriate timers for myself to get to this point and the incorrect timer basically mess up the whole thing. I needed the 50 snowflake stockings to unlock Jesus and wanted to beat the king yeti challenge. I had written to tiny co about what I just experienced, but I’m not sure if they will be able to do anything…


  34. Oh yea, and btw, Bruce has been pretty worthless in collecting anything the last time for joe and even this time for himself, maybe hits 1 out of 10


  35. Can anyone help me. I keep getting error message saying attempting to end event prematurely and it won’t load!!!!


  36. If I get all Santa’s gifts before triggering the weekly challenge, will I still get the item once its triggered?


  37. Rogue That You Made Me

    If we don’t have district 10, does RG pt. 7 jam? Or is having the decal in my inventory enough?


  38. I got Santa and he gave a lot of cookies so I bought the polka gift boxes once and now it’s gone what happened


    • As with all the other boxes this event and other events….once the main prizes are won (buildings and decorations) the box goes away. The other items are just extras.


  39. Merry Christmas, y’all !
    So I am maxed out on hc, used all the gift boxes up, got Santa and thousands of cookies, is there a point to keep collecting cookies and stockings?


  40. after you get santas list done how do you get santa


  41. As soon as I upgraded the tree there was this quest or whatever it can be called to buy clams and I did it gave me 7 things I needed for this last phases present … I got 2 of the wish list and I just needed Jesus’ birthday cake. So I bought Gene & Paul to and got them started on their quests. But then I finally got Jesus’ gift from the Gift Box I had unlocked Santa and gave me 100,000 cookies. I now have nothing else to do with those cookies so I’m slowly gaining over 100,000 cookies. I felt as if I’ve come to an end because I’ve gotten everything and nothing left for me to do in this Christmas Event except blast Procrastonators for no apparent reason cause i have no need for the cookies or the wrapping paper cause there’s no box to get, reindeer clearing has now become useless too cause I got everything in the gift box (though I can still get it and get cookies but I have too much already), I can do the quest to get the furballs but would be no use to me now. I had everything completed in the last phase in just a matter of hours. Now I feel as if I’m just waiting for the event to end. Overall I do love the game.


  42. Any idea if TinyCo is going to offer a way to spend the excess material? That’s a lot of cookies and stockings going to waste.


  43. Part 7 – Decorate Town Hall?

    That’s officially as far as I can get in this week’s update then! No way I’m gonna get District 8 unlocked in 4 days given how much I still need to collect for Stewie 😦


  44. Hello

    I would like to say thank you to each and everyone thar has created this blog. I know that these people are not TinyCo, but I wanted to know what are your thoughts are this. In the face page if Santa it says “Parents gluten-free cookies are not cookies”
    I have enjoyed this game so much, even using an iTunes gift card to get clams on this game. I gluten-free not by choice but because I have to be. I know this show satires/humors politics/religion/shows etc… But for me this crosses a line between funny and serious. I think my Family Guy Quest For Stuff game days have come to an unpleasant end. I would love to hear everyones thoughts.


    • Coming from a family FULL of Gluten issues and other ailments, we actually thought this funny. Going around in a world that is now becoming aware of Gluten, many still don’t fully comprehend it all.

      I do have to say this…in THIS game as well as their TV series…this is … well… nothing. Maybe it is just your personal mindset at the time you read it that it struck home and personal. Just remember this…keep in mind the background of this game. The content of the series. It is the most Mature Rated, Vulgar, abusive, sexist, Racist, and offensive cartoon series out there on a regular TV channels. NO ONE is safe. That is who they are. That is what Seth set out to do.

      If it does bother you, comments such at that…I may suggest you look for another game. I am not saying this to be mean in anyway shape or form…so please don’t take it that way. I am just saying in a game that mirrors the content in the TV series…it that comment is offensive…there will be MANY MANY MANY more you will find offensive too. WAY more offensive.

      This is the #1 reason we can’t post dialog from the game to our site. It will get hit with a mature rating and/or shut down. It is OK for you to not like it. The “humor” of Family Guy is most definitely not for everyone. It was and is still intended to be that way. Push bounds, shock and awe factor, piss people off…so it is just fine to walk away if you do not like it. No one will think any less of you for doing so. 🙂


      • I just think that no matter what people say or write on the Internet nowadays even if that person at that time say something that could be totally innocent and meant nothing by it there’s still a large majority of the people out there would turn it around and make it sound bad even though they them self know that too but they just wanted to be mean or worst be cuz they’re bored. In this case I think Dee knows what kind of show fg is and what they’re about so to say she feels offended is full of bs.


        • Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

          Addicts Guidelines

          She has a right to be offended for sure. That is her choice.Some issues strike others differently. Doesn’t make one person right or wrong. I know this issue myself. Deal with it daily.

          Dee makes a good point for all players. Things WILL happen and WILL be said in this game that make it an MA rated game. So those that are not prepared for it WILL be shocked, offended, hurt, disgusted, and more. So I put the comment through so others are aware.

          If you do not want to see or read anything offensive…walk away from the game while you can…otherwise…BEWARE…it gets really really offensive in the Family Guy world.


    • TBH, if that is where your line gets crossed, I’m not sure how you have been able to watch this show at all. I mean for goodness sake, they recently had an episode where Jesus was going to sleep with Lois. I’m not saying your issue isn’t serious, of course it is…but as lines go this was one of the more benign.


      • To date in this game…incest, sex…LOTS OF VERY SPECIFIC sex acts, bondage, abuse…just to name a few. It is a TV series and a game that is NOT for all. Doesn’t mean a person HAS to like all of this. It means if you don’t like it… the game and the TV show really isn’t for you as it tends to get worse before it gets better.


  45. This must be the most time consuming event so far.. and I love it! 😀

    I didn’t expect to earn 100k cookies after earning Santa.. I was not even trying to get Jesus, but I’ll be able to do that now. 😀

    Oh, and we’ve earned so many free clams! Certainly the Christmas spirit took over the TinyCo team. lol


  46. So, if we killed king yeti, got all the mystery box items, got all characters/skins, and have no quests left on task bar, are we done for the event? I Have 104k cookies so would live at least a 2nd mystery box at some point.


    • We kept saying to wait on Jesus. He was intended for last. The Cookies were meant to help get him and the other prizes. So…not sure if anything else will drop.


  47. The burn that Meg has toward Lacey Chabert in the dialogue for buy something sharp quest 3 was pretty spot on.


  48. What about stewies quest? Does it give anything special? Im still working on unlocking stewie, wont have him by events end


  49. I personally think that the King Yeti deco is a joke. I received it this morning after battling the king yeti tirelessly all while spending clams. It is so small and has NO animation. This is a huge let down in comparison to the stay puft deco we received from the Halloween event. Overall, I have been dissatisfied with this years holiday event.


  50. Edward Tournquist

    I got Santa yesterday and Angel Bruce this morning. I also defeated King Yeti this morning as well.

    Great to also have KISS in the game! The characters are AWESOME and the detail of the stage decoration is incredible.

    I thoroughly enjoyed this event! Bravo to Tinyco for putting together such an awesome Christmas experience! Great job!!!


    • I was already defeating King Yeti when his challenged popped up. His timer was still on. Since I have only 3 characters against him I knew I wouldn’t be able to do it within 24h. For my surprise his now in hibernation and 111 clams are asked (not 80 as usual) if I wanna keep on beating him. I read here that king yeti had no timer .. It’s a bummer. 😦


      • It is NOT the King Yeti you defeat. It is the CHALLENGE to get the King Yeti Decoration that has no timer. You still have to defeat him in the time allotted. That has not changed.


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